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2556 1/4 Getno    95  Hungary  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: Salamon András  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Filmplus, Golden light és Apex film

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Miről álmodik Jancsi és felesége egy lakótelepi másfélszobásban? Arról, hogy boldogok, sikeresek, gazdagok lesznek. Álmodoznak az amerikai álomról. És mert a férfi apja már vagy harminc éve amerikai állampolgár, végre összeszedik a bátorságukat és minden pénzüket, hogy nekivágjanak a nagy kalandnak. Átrepülik az óceánt, hogy lázadó kamaszlányuk társaságában kezdjenek új életet az ígéret földjén. Igaz, csupán néhány angol szót ismernek. Tény, hogy Amerikáról csak annyit tudnak, amennyi a filmekből és a tévéből kiderül. De nagyon bíznak Jenő papában, mert Jenő tudja, hogy "miről szól az élet". A nagypapa ugyanis egyszerre testesíti meg a tipikus Las Vegas-i kisnyugdíjast és a büszke magyart, aki egy igazi roncstelep tulajdonosa. Jenő igazi túlélőművész és sivatagi filozófus, akinek hatalmas banalitásai közé olykor igazi bölcsességek is becsúsznak. Fura, de szerethető ember. És bár tényleg van háza Vegasban, az nem egy palota, csupán egy műfűvel körülvett sufni a sivatag szélén. Jancsiéknak tehát egyedül kell megtalálniuk a boldogságot. Lesz vigasz?
zene: Balázs Elemér
Fényképezte: Tóth Zsolt
Írta: Salamon András 
Cast: Gesztesí Károly
Király Levente
Szalontai Tünde
Péter Kata
Bánfalvi Ágnes
David Douglas
Robert Gyori
Jeremy Radin 
50146 2/4 Gógyi felügyelő    70  United States  Animation  Hungarian    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 


ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

1. rész: Örökzöldek őrültködnek

Tutyimutyinak és Hárpia néninek Bogarassal, az idegesítő felettesükkel való civakodás után egy olyan varázsitalt kell kotyvasztaniuk, ami átalakítja a városka növényzetét hatalmas gonosz gazzá, palántákká, fákká és fűvé. Óriási zűrzavar alakul ki, amikor a növényzet veszi át a hatalmat Megalopolis városkájában. Az Állatok Tanácsának két fontos tagja, Jákob a bölcs holló, és Maurizió a kövér cica, hatástalanítja a varázsitalt, mellyel segítenek megmenteni a várost.

2. rész: Tükörkép átok

Hárpia néni és Tutyimutyi égnek a vágytól, hogy boldoggá tegyék felettesüket. Ennek érdekében szétszórnak Megalopolis városára egy olyan varázsitalt, ami minden tükörbe néző személyt megdupláz. Megbénul a városka, amikor a varázslat hatására a túlburjánzott népesség az utcára nyomul. Jákobnak és Mauriziónak a saját másodpéldányaik segítségével kell megoldaniuk, hogy hogyan vessenek véget a varázslatnak még mielőtt túl késő lenne.

3. rész: Rettenetes karácsony

Hárpia néni és Tutyimutyi újabb komisz varázslattal állnak elő, mégpedig karácsonyi üdvözletként a város lakóit azzal lepik meg, hogy a varázslatukkal az összes karácsonyi játékot életre keltik. Varázslóink boldogan szemlélik, ahogy a játékok furcsa egyénekké változnak és megtámadják a gyanútlan népet.
5411 1/4 Gyilkossá  .com for Murder  91  United States  Thriller  Hungarian    Director: Nico Mastorakis  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Sondra Brummelt törött lába tolószékbe kényszeríti. Barátja, Ben elutazik a hétvégére, ő pedig romantikára vágyva Ben fejlett számítógépe, Hal segítségével bejelentkezik egy népszerű internetes társalgóba. Kiderül, hogy Ben álneve mögé rejtőzve a szexi Lynnel, vagyis Creme Brulée-vel flörtöl a hálón. Nevében Sondra összekap a szintén Lynn kegyeire áhitozó Wertherrel, aki mérgében a képernyőn vércseppekként szétfolyó fenyegetéssel válaszol.
Megérkezik a házba Sondra húga, Misty. A két nő hecceli Werthert, aki szörnyű választ ad: "Mindketten meghaltok..." A megrettent Sondra és Misty Werther web-kamerás közvetítése által egyenesben nézi az interneten, ahogy a fiú hidegvérrel megöli a lányt...

Written and directed by Nico Mastorakis, .com for Murder centers around Sondra Brummel (Nastassja Kinski), who bedridden after a skiing accident, unwittingly chats it up online with a potential murderer. Along with Misty (Nicollette Sheridan), her sister, Sondra is determined to thwart her would-be killer's efforts. Guest stars include rockers Huey Lewis and Roger Daltrey, who play an FBI agent and Sondra's boyfriend, respectively.
Nico Mastorakis - Director
Cast: Nastassja Kinski
Nicoletta Sheridan
Roger Daltrey
Huey Lewis 
50442 2/4 Goofy  A Goofy movie  74  United States  Animation  Hungarian    Director: Kevin Lima   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Nem könnyű, ha Goofy az apád!
Végre Goofy is mozisztár lett! Már nagyon kijárt neki a dicsőség, hiszen ő nem afféle kutyaütő, kóbor akárki, hanem Walt Disney legkedvesebb, legvidámabb, legbohókásabb kutyája, aki győzhetetlen, ha viccről van szó!

Goofy fia, Max lassacskán a kamaszkorba lép. A lobogó fülű család hatalmas autókirándulásra indul, keresztül Amerikán: a cél Goofy apuka kedvenc pici pecázó helye. Csakhogy a Max fiú szemei előtt nem pityergő potykák vagy süldő süllők lebegnek, hanem valami egészen más - a szerelem! És még egy nagy titok, amit sehogyan sem mer bevallani a tisztességben megőszült nagyobbik kutyának...

Lélegzetelállító kalandok, száz veszély és pompás zenei betétek: ha eddig még nem volt, Goofy most biztosan az egész család kedvence lesz!

3230 3/4 Garni zóna  An Officer And A Gentleman  126  United States  Romance  English  Hungarian  Director: Taylor Hackford  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3   

Lorimar Productions / Paramount

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Néha, nagyritkán felbukkan egy film, mely valóban megragadja és felemeli közönségét. Ilyen film a Garni-zóna, ez az időtlen mese szerelemről, barátságról és fejlődésről.
A magának való Zack Mayo (Richard Gere) jelentkezik a tiszti iskolába, hogy a haditengerészet tisztje legyen, és tizenhárom gyötrelmes hét alatt megtanulja a fegyelem, a szerelem és a barátság fontosságát. Louis Gossett Jr. nagyszerűen játssza a kemény kiképzőtisztet, aki megtanítja Zacket arra, hogy senki sem boldogulhat egyedül. Annak ellenére, hogy Gossett óvja újoncait a helyi lányoktól, akik teherbe ejtetik magukat, hogy tiszt férjet fogjanak, Zacknak végül sikerül beleszeretnie egyikükbe (Debra Winger). David Keith emlékezetes alakítást nyújt Zack egyik újonctársa szerepében.

Richard Gere plays Zack Mayo, an aloof, taciturn man who aspires to be a navy pilot. Once he's arrived at training camp for his 13-week officer's course, Mayo runs afoul of abrasive, no-nonsense drill sergeant Emil Foley (Louis Gossett Jr.). Mayo —or "Mayonnaise," as he is dubbed by the irascible Foley — is an excellent cadet, but a little cold around the heart. Foley rides Mayo mercilessly, sensing that the young man would be prime officer material if he weren't so self-involved. Zack's affair with working girl Paula Pokrifi (Debra Winger) is likewise compromised by his unwillingness to give of himself. Only after Mayo's best friend Sid Worsley (David Keith) commits suicide over an unhappy romance does Zack come out of his shell and mature into a real human being. Take away the R-rated dialogue and the sex scenes, and Officer and a Gentleman could have been a 1937 MGM flick, maybe with Robert Taylor as Zack, Wallace Beery as Foley, and Jimmy Stewart as Sid. An Officer and a Gentleman was nominated for 7 Oscars, with wins to Gossett and to the hit song "Up Where We Belong." The closing scene has surely become a classic of movie romance.
Taylor Hackford - Director
Martin Elfand - Producer
Lee Rich - Producer
Douglas Day Stewart - Screenwriter / Associate Producer
Donald Thorin - Cinematographer
Jack Nitzsche - Composer (Music Score)
Buffy Sainte-Marie - Composer (Music Score)
Peter Zinner - Editor
Philip M. Jefferies - Production Designer
Bob Schneider - Production Designer
John V. Cartwright - Art Director
James I. Berkey - Set Designer
Rita Riggs - Costume Designer
Jeff Wexler - Sound/Sound Designer
Gerald O'Dell - Makeup
Joseph P. Mercurio - Special Effects
David McGiffert - First Assistant Director

Best Actress (nom) Debra Winger 1982 Academy
Best Editing (nom) Peter Zinner 1982 Academy
Best Original Score (nom) Jack Nitzsche 1982 Academy
Best Original Screenplay (nom) Douglas Day Stewart 1982 Academy
Best Song (win) Buffy Sainte-Marie 1982 Academy
Best Song (win) Jack Nitzsche 1982 Academy
Best Song (win) Will Jennings 1982 Academy
Best Supporting Actor (win) Louis Gossett, Jr. 1982 Academy
Best Director (nom) Taylor Hackford 1982 Directors Guild of America
Best Actor - Drama (nom) Richard Gere 1982 Golden Globe
Best Actress - Drama (nom) Debra Winger 1982 Golden Globe
Best Original Song (win) Will Jennings 1982 Golden Globe
Best Original Song (win) Jack Nitzsche 1982 Golden Globe
Best Original Song (win) Buffy Sainte-Marie 1982 Golden Globe
Best Picture - Drama (nom) 1982 Golden Globe
Best Supporting Actor (nom) David Keith 1982 Golden Globe
Best Supporting Actor (win) Louis Gossett, Jr. 1982 Golden Globe
New Star of the Year - Female (nom) Lisa Blount 1982 Golden Globe
New Star of the Year - Male (nom) David Keith 1982 Golden Globe
Best Picture (nom) 1982 National Board of Review
Best Original Song Written for a Film (win) Buffy Sainte-Marie 1983 British Academy Awards
Best Original Song Written for a Film (win) Jack Nitzsche 1983 British Academy Awards
Best Original Song Written for a Film (win) Will Jennings 1983 British Academy Awards
Cast: Richard Gere - Zack Mayo
Debra Winger - Paula Pokrifki
Louis Gossett, Jr. - Sgt. Emil Foley
David Keith - Sid Worley
Lisa Blount - Lynette Pomeroy
Lisa Eilbacher - Casey Seeger
Robert Loggia - Byron Mayo
Harold Sylvester - Perryman
David Caruso - Topper Daniels
Grace Zabriskie - Esther Pokrifki
Vern Taylor - Tom Worley
Tee Dennard - Dilbert Dunker Instructor
Mara Scott Wood - Bunny
Nancy Klopper
Jane Wilbur - Nellie Rufferwell
David Greenfield - Schneider
John Laughlin - Troy
Victor French - Joe Pokrif ki
Ed Begley, Jr. - Altitude Chamber Instructor [Voice]
Lynn Stalmaster
Dennis Rucker - Donny
Tommy Petersen - Young Zack
Elizabeth Rogers - Betty Worley
Tony Plana - Emiliano Della Serra
2640 2/4 Gagyi mami  Big Momma's House  98  United States  Comedy  English  Hungarian  Director: Raja Gosnell  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox / Regency Enterprises / Runteldat Entertainment / Taurus Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Malcolm Turner nemrég számolt le a távol-keleti maffiával, és máris újabb bevetésre indul: de ilyen meleg helyzetben még ő sem volt soha. Azt, hogy ellenfele brutális bankrabló, fel sem veszi. Hogy a cél érdekében egy fedél alá kell költöznie a keresett bűnöző menyasszonyával, azt egyenesen élvezi. Ha mindehhez álruhát kell öltenie, még azt is vállalja. De hogy egy kétszáz kilós nagymamának adja ki magát, akinek a testénél csak a szája nagyobb, az azért még neki is megfekszi a gyomrát.

In this comedy, a cop assumes a new identity in his valiant battle against crime: an elderly grandmother! Malcolm Turner (Martin Lawrence) is an FBI agent who is a master of disguise and will stop at nothing to get his man. When a bank robber escapes from prison and goes on a violent crime spree, Malcolm is assigned to bring him in. The thief's girlfriend Sherry (Nia Long), who is also the mother of his child, lives in a small Southern town, and Malcolm plans to set up a stake-out in the house across the street from Sherry's. However, the house is owned by Big Momma (Ella Mitchell), an older woman with a sharp tongue and no patience for back talk, and when Big Momma has to leave town, it leaves her house suspiciously empty. Determined to maintain his cover, Malcolm disguises himself as Big Momma, and now has to convince Sherry (and everyone else in the neighborhood) that Big Momma's still in town. Big Momma's House gained considerable pre-production publicity when Lawrence fell into a coma while jogging in a heat wave before the film's start date; Lawrence claimed that he was trying to lose weight to fit more comfortably into his character's "fat suit." 
Raja Gosnell - Director
David T. Friendly - Producer
Michael Green - Producer
Darryl Quarles - Screenwriter / Screen Story
Don Rhymer - Screenwriter
Michael D. O'Shea - Cinematographer
Spring Aspers - Musical Direction/Supervision
Jermaine Dupri - Composer (Music Score)
Richard Gibbs - Composer (Music Score)
Kent Beyda - Editor
Bruce Green - Editor
Craig Stearns - Production Designer
Randy Moore - Art Director
Peaches Davis - Co-producer
David W. Higgins - Co-producer
Aaron Ray - Co-producer
Jeffrey Kwatinetz - Executive Producer
Martin Lawrence - Executive Producer
Rodney Liber - Executive Producer / Second Unit Director
Arnon Milchan - Executive Producer
Mariko Braswell - Set Designer
Charisse Cardenas - Set Designer
Francine Jamison-Tanchuck - Costume Designer
Ellen Totleben - Set Decorator
Thomas D. Causey - Sound/Sound Designer
Richard Graves - First Assistant Director
Nancy Klopper - Casting
Greg Cannom - Makeup Special Effects
Captive Audience Prods. - Makeup Special Effects
CIS Hollywood - Visual Effects
Yann Delpuech - Supervising Sound Editor
Digiscope - Visual Effects
Digital Filmworks - Visual Effects
Robert Grieve - Supervising Sound Editor
Don McCuaig - Second Unit Director Of Photography
Ernie Orsatti - Stunts Coordinator
Pacific Title Digital - Visual Effects
Pixel Magic - Visual Effects
Cast: Martin Lawrence - Malcolm Turner
Nia Long - Sherry
Paul Giamatti - John
Terrence Howard - Lester
Anthony Anderson - Nolan
Ella Mitchell - Big Momma
Jascha Washington - Trent
Carl Wright - Ben
Phyllis Applegate - Sadie
Starletta DuPois - Miss Patterson
Octavia L. Spencer - Twila
797 2/4 Gagyi mami  Big Momma's House  98  United States  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: Raja Gosnell  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox / Regency Enterprises / Runteldat Entertainment / Taurus Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Malcolm Turner nemrég számolt le a távol-keleti maffiával, és máris újabb bevetésre indul: de ilyen meleg helyzetben még ő sem volt soha. Azt, hogy ellenfele brutális bankrabló, fel sem veszi. Hogy a cél érdekében egy fedél alá kell költöznie a keresett bűnöző menyasszonyával, azt egyenesen élvezi. Ha mindehhez álruhát kell öltenie, még azt is vállalja. De hogy egy kétszáz kilós nagymamának adja ki magát, akinek a testénél csak a szája nagyobb, az azért még neki is megfekszi a gyomrát.

In this comedy, a cop assumes a new identity in his valiant battle against crime: an elderly grandmother! Malcolm Turner (Martin Lawrence) is an FBI agent who is a master of disguise and will stop at nothing to get his man. When a bank robber escapes from prison and goes on a violent crime spree, Malcolm is assigned to bring him in. The thief's girlfriend Sherry (Nia Long), who is also the mother of his child, lives in a small Southern town, and Malcolm plans to set up a stake-out in the house across the street from Sherry's. However, the house is owned by Big Momma (Ella Mitchell), an older woman with a sharp tongue and no patience for back talk, and when Big Momma has to leave town, it leaves her house suspiciously empty. Determined to maintain his cover, Malcolm disguises himself as Big Momma, and now has to convince Sherry (and everyone else in the neighborhood) that Big Momma's still in town. Big Momma's House gained considerable pre-production publicity when Lawrence fell into a coma while jogging in a heat wave before the film's start date; Lawrence claimed that he was trying to lose weight to fit more comfortably into his character's "fat suit." 
Raja Gosnell - Director
David T. Friendly - Producer
Michael Green - Producer
Darryl Quarles - Screenwriter / Screen Story
Don Rhymer - Screenwriter
Michael D. O'Shea - Cinematographer
Spring Aspers - Musical Direction/Supervision
Jermaine Dupri - Composer (Music Score)
Richard Gibbs - Composer (Music Score)
Kent Beyda - Editor
Bruce Green - Editor
Craig Stearns - Production Designer
Randy Moore - Art Director
Peaches Davis - Co-producer
David W. Higgins - Co-producer
Aaron Ray - Co-producer
Jeffrey Kwatinetz - Executive Producer
Martin Lawrence - Executive Producer
Rodney Liber - Executive Producer / Second Unit Director
Arnon Milchan - Executive Producer
Mariko Braswell - Set Designer
Charisse Cardenas - Set Designer
Francine Jamison-Tanchuck - Costume Designer
Ellen Totleben - Set Decorator
Thomas D. Causey - Sound/Sound Designer
Richard Graves - First Assistant Director
Nancy Klopper - Casting
Greg Cannom - Makeup Special Effects
Captive Audience Prods. - Makeup Special Effects
CIS Hollywood - Visual Effects
Yann Delpuech - Supervising Sound Editor
Digiscope - Visual Effects
Digital Filmworks - Visual Effects
Robert Grieve - Supervising Sound Editor
Don McCuaig - Second Unit Director Of Photography
Ernie Orsatti - Stunts Coordinator
Pacific Title Digital - Visual Effects
Pixel Magic - Visual Effects  
Cast: Martin Lawrence - Malcolm Turner
Nia Long - Sherry
Paul Giamatti - John
Terrence Howard - Lester
Anthony Anderson - Nolan
Ella Mitchell - Big Momma
Jascha Washington - Trent
Carl Wright - Ben
Phyllis Applegate - Sadie
Starletta DuPois - Miss Patterson
Octavia L. Spencer - Twila  
618 1/4 Gagyi mami 2  Big Momma's House 2    United States  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: John Whitesell  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox / Deep River / Firm Films / Regency Films / Runteldat Entertainment

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Az FBI ügynök Malcolmnak (Martin Lawrence) le kell lepleznie egy veszélyes számítógépes féreg megalkotóját - a program segítségével ugyanis külső erők is be tudnának hatolni szupertitkos adatbázisokba. Egyetlen módon férkőzhet Tom Fuller (Mark Moses), a féreg kitalálója közelébe: ha házhoz megy, és ő lesz a gyerekek nevelője. Ez azt jelenti, hogy újra át kell vedlenie az XXL-es Hattie Mae Pierce-szé, vagyis "gagyi mamivá”, hogy levadássza a rosszfiúkat, és bebizonyítsa, hogy nem is olyan könnyű a nők helyzete, ha munka mellett még háztartást is kell vezetniük.
Gagyi mami nemzetbiztonságot védelmező feladata kiegészül tehát azzal is, hogy valahogy elvezényelje a három Fuller-gyerkőcöt, megakadályozza, hogy komolyabb kárt tegyenek magukban és a környezetükben, és közben még a háztartás apró-cseprő dolgait is kézben kell tartania. Nem téveszti szem elől legfőbb feladatát sem: igyekszik minél több információt összegyűjteni Tom komputervírusáról. De a legnehezebb - és a legmulatságosabb - mégis az, hogy bármi is történik, Malcolm egy pillanatra sem zökkenhet ki a nagyi szerepből.
Hol flancos női fürdőben találja magát, hol tini pompomlány-versenyt kell levezetnie, de az sem lehet akadály, ha nyaktörő jetski-üldözésben kell részt vennie - úgy, hogy a parókája nem moccanhat, a szoknyája nem gyűrődhet. Időközben Gagyi mami segítségével újra összekovácsolódik a széthulló félben lévő Fuller család, és Malcolm is egyre jobban becsüli a saját családját...

An FBI agent finds himself crossing the gender line again in the name of national security in this sequel to the comedy hit Big Momma's House. Tom Fuller (Mark Moses) is a computer whiz who is under investigation by the FBI, who suspect he may be the man behind a dangerous piece of underground software that would allow terrorists and criminals to access secured intelligence files online. The Bureau is looking for a way to get inside Fuller's home to find out what he's doing when a golden opportunity presents itself — Fuller and his wife, Leah (Emily Proctor), are in the market for a nanny to help look after their three children. The FBI sends in Malcolm Turner (Martin Lawrence), who will once again impersonate feisty septuagenarian Hattie Mae Pierce, better known as "Big Momma." "Big Momma" gets the job, but while trying to dig up the truth about Fuller's possible criminal connections, Malcolm also finds himself developing a close relationship with the suspect's wife and kids. Malcolm also finds himself offering unlikely romantic advice to his new partner, Kevin (Zachary Levi), and developing a new appreciation of the day-to-day travails of his wife, Sherrie (Nia Long).  
John Whitesell - Director
David T. Friendly - Producer
Michael Green - Producer
Don Rhymer - Screenwriter
Mark Irwin - Cinematographer
Keith Peterman - Cinematographer
George S. Clinton - Composer (Music Score) / Conductor
Jennifer Hawks - Musical Direction/Supervision
Gregg London - Editor
Priscilla Nedd - Editor
Craig Stearns - Production Designer
Charles Daboub, Jr. - Supervising Art Director
James Tocci - Art Director
Robin Fisichella - Supervising Producer
David W. Higgins - Co-producer
Mark Jacyszyn - Supervising Producer
Jeremiah Samuels - Co-producer / Unit Production Manager
Darice Rollins - Associate Producer
Jeffrey Kwatinetz - Executive Producer
Martin Lawrence - Executive Producer
Arnon Milchan - Executive Producer
Patty Klawonn - Set Designer
Andrew Menzies - Set Designer
Patrick M. Sullivan, Jr. - Set Designer
Debrae Little - Costume Designer
Ellen Totleben - Set Decorator
Char Coats - Makeup
Debra Denson - Makeup / Department Head Makeup
Allison Gordin - Makeup
Roy K. Cancino - Special Effects
Michael Dueńas - Special Effects
William Lee - Special Effects
Steve Lupont - Special Effects
Tom Templeman - Special Effects
William Paul Clark - First Assistant Director
Matt Rebenkoff - First Assistant Director
Michael R. Delahoussaye - Camera Operator
John "Buzz" Moyer - Camera Operator / Steadicam Operator
Gregory W. Smith - Camera Operator / Steadicam Operator
Joey Anaya - Stunts
Matt Baker - Stunts
Terry Bartlett - Stunts
Dale Bernhardt - Stunts
Jake Brake - Stunts
Craig Branham - Stunts
Callie Croughwell - Stunts
Cameron Croughwell - Stunts
Joshua Croughwell - Stunts
Michelle Croughwell - Stunts
Peter Claven Cullen, Jr. - Stunts
Corey Michael Eubanks - Stunts
Sally Eubanks - Stunts
Jeff Evans - Stunts
Dane Farwell - Stunts
Clay Frontenot - Stunts
Mickey Giacomazzi - Stunts
Al Goto - Stunts
Reef Graham - Stunts
Sean Graham - Stunts
Tabby Hanson Graham - Stunts
John Hateley - Stunts
Hollis Hills - Stunts
John Koyama - Stunts
Paul Lacavara - Stunts
Clint E. Lilley - Stunts
Jake Lombard - Stunts
Travis McKenna - Stunts
Chris Monberg - Stunts
Kori Murray - Stunts
Marty Murray - Stunts
Mark Norby - Stunts
Carrick O'Quinn - Stunts
Holly O'Quinn - Stunts
Denny Pierce - Stunts
Chad Randall - Stunts
Stan Rice - Stunts / Personal Assistant
Randolph Roi - Stunts
Chad Rose - Stunts
David S. Rowden - Stunts
Mika Saito - Stunts
Myke Schwartz - Stunts
Jackson Seidel - Stunts
Scott Sproule - Stunts
Vladimir Tevlovski - Stunts
Shane Trittler - Stunts
Mark Vanselow - Stunts
Gary Wayton - Stunts
Dane Webb - Stunts
Boni L. Yanigasawa - Stunts
Tony Gonzalez - Choreography
Mark Fincannon - Casting
Nancy Foy - Casting
Paul Albert - Properties Maker
Paul Anthony-Morris - Hair Styles
Shaun Aprahamian - Assistant Editor
Steve Barnett - Post Production Supervisor
Derrick L. Beans - Set Production Assistant
Benjamin Beardwood - Dialogue Editor
Thad Beier - Visual Effects Supervisor
Salim Benshir - Electrician
Greg Berry - Assistant Art Director
David Betancourt - Foley Mixer
Ilya Beynenson - Second Assistant Camera
Scott Billiot - Properties Maker
Scott Bivona - Greensman
Adam Blantz - Cable Person
Bobbie Blyle - Set Production Assistant
Michele Boissiere - Assistant Production Coordinator
Ron Bolanowski - Special Effects Coordinator
Cedric Bonier - Electrician
Nathan Borck - Electrician
Christopher Branan - Properties Maker
Danny Brazen - Best Boy Grip
Benita Brazier - Script Supervisor
Sidney Briscodan - Electrician
Jim Brookshire - ADR Supervisor
Darwin Browne - Key Grip
Robert Brulet - Properties Maker
Raymond Bulinski - Craft Service/Catering
Jane Bulmer - Personal Assistant
Gary Burritt - Negative Cutter
Nancy Butts-Martin - Assistant Costumer Designer
Rick Canelli - ADR Recordist
Greg Cannom - Makeup Special Effects
Chris Carpenter - Re-Recording Mixer
Cassie Catalanotto - Assistant Properties
Christopher Catanese - Properties Maker
Kristen Catena - Set Dresser
Mark Coble - Properties Maker
Darin Collins - Set Production Assistant
Michael Bradley Combs - Personal Assistant
Gus Coto - Set Dresser
Patrick Cox - Properties Maker
Sean Creel - Properties Maker
Charlie Croughwell - Stunts Coordinator / Second Unit Director
Nicholas "Iggy" Davidoff - Second Assistant Camera
Paul Davis - Personal Assistant
Michael D. De Santis - Production Accountant
Bob Deschaine - ADR Mixer
Leesa DeVay - Set Medic/First Aid
David Dietch - Costume/Wardrobe
Daniel A. Dobson - Video Playback
Dave Dragan - Properties Maker Gang Boss
Wendy L. Drapanas - Graphic Design
Paul Duchemin - Set Dresser
Matt Egan - Properties Maker Gang Boss
Darrell Eik - Properties Maker
Justin Etienne - Assistant Location Manager
Antonio Evans - Set Medic/First Aid
Damon Everett - Properties Maker Gang Boss
Tracy Farrington - Properties Master
Anita Ferry - Personal Assistant
Christopher Fielding - Leadman
Lisa Fincannon - Casting Associate
Dawn Fintor - Foley Artist
Juana Marie Franklin - Second Unit Assistant Director
Meghan Fraser - Animal Trainer/Wrangler
Matt Friedman - Music Editor
Jeff Garbacz - Properties Maker
Giacomo G. Ghiazza - Storyboard Artist
M. Terry Gill - Costume/Wardrobe
Donald Golman - Properties Maker
Angela Barnes Gomes - Second Assistant Director
Rob Gomes - Set Production Assistant
Mario Gonzales - Craft Service/Catering
Wade Good - Properties Maker
R. Scott Goodrich - Second Assistant Camera
Valerie Green - Personal Assistant
Jesse A. Greenberg - Art Department Coordinator
Richard J. Guillot - Properties Maker
Robert Guillot - Properties Maker
Matt Guiza - Second Assistant Camera
Jeffrey Halvorsen - Leadman
Dana Hanby - Location Manager
Tom Hartig - Boom Operator
Todd Havern - Set Production Assistant
T. Henry - Assistant Location Manager
Blake Hill - Electrician
Solomon Hinton - Personal Assistant
Nancy C. Honeycutt - Production Coordinator
Sabine Huber - Costume/Wardrobe
Diana Jackson - Production Secretary
John W. Jackson - Properties Maker
Renaldo Jackson - Electrician
John P. Johnson - Still Photographer
Ian Kelly - Video Assist
Michael J. Kelly - Assistant Location Manager
Robbie Kemp - Properties Maker
Matthew Kennedy - Second Assistant Camera
Benny S. Kenny - Buyer
Timothy Kern - Properties Maker
Andy Koyama - Re-Recording Mixer
David Kronenwetter - Properties Maker
Kubicek - Electrician
David Kulczycki - Sound Effects Editor
Sean Lampkin - Personal Assistant
Cherlyn Lanning - Costume/Wardrobe
John A. Larsen - Supervising Sound Editor
Tim Lauber - Recording
John Lavis - Set Medic/First Aid
Stephen Leblanc - Assistant Location Manager
Jim Leidholdt - Dolly Grip
Lisa R. Lengyel - Camera Loader
Felipe Linz - Personal Assistant
James Loftis - Properties Maker
Skip Longfellow - First Assistant Sound Editor
Robert Louden - Greensman
David Lucarelli - ADR Recordist
Dave Lujan - Electrician
Amy Lynch - Costume/Wardrobe
Daniel Maes - Set Dresser
Alexandra Malbin - Set Dresser
James Malley - Set Dresser
Byron Marigny - Electrician
Salvatorie Marino - Properties Maker
Laurance Mayeaux - Properties Maker
Caitlin McKenna - Voice Casting
William J. McLaughlin - Assistant Properties
Gregory McNamara - Assistant Location Manager
Bill Meadows - Recording
Gregory Miller - Properties Maker
Matthew D. Miller - Set Production Assistant
Robert Miller - Properties Maker
John Morris - Foley Editor
Daniel Mortenson - Transportation Captain
John Murray - Foley Supervisor
Charles Newhard - Electrician
Gregg Newton - Properties Maker Gang Boss
Courtney Nolan-Macnaught - Assistant Location Manager
Thomas J. O'Connell - ADR Mixer
Patrick O'Connor - Set Dresser
Sherri O'Hara - Set Medic/First Aid
Jorin Ostroska - Assistant Properties
Brian Paccassi - Recording
Cory Parker - Set Dresser
Allen Parks - Electrician
John Patterson - Properties Maker
Brad Pero - Set Production Assistant
Paul Perret - ADR Mixer
Scott Peterson - Script Supervisor
Pixel Magic - Visual Effects
Drue Powell - Set Production Assistant
Joe Powers - ADR Recordist
Charles Proctor - Personal Assistant
Ira Proctor - Properties Maker Gang Boss
Beverly Jo Pryor - Key Make-up
Katelyn A. Rader - Personal Assistant
Brian Rebstock - Properties Maker
Charleen Richards-Steeves - ADR Mixer
Bryon Rickerson - Assistant Music Editor
Brian Riley - Casting Associate
Renata Rinyu - Set Production Assistant
Charles W. Ritter - Dialogue Editor
Miguel Rivera - Foley Editor
Davida Roberts - Costume/Wardrobe
Jonathan Robertson - Properties Maker Gang Boss
Mark Sakamoto - Set Dresser
John 'Chalino' Sanchez - Assistant Production Coordinator
Johnny Sanchez - Set Dresser
John "Dusty" Saunders - Transportation Coordinator
Trace Schneider - Electrician
Blake Scripps - Second Assistant Camera
C. Alexander Sears - Video Playback
Faye Sevilla-Smith - Costumes Supervisor
Victor Shelehov - Key Grip
Jeffrey G. Sheller - Production Secretary
Michael Shugru - Video Playback
Peter J. Silbermann - Unit Publicist
Brett Smith - Properties Maker
Christian Smith - Properties Maker
Kennith Smith - Dolly Grip
Rachel Spurlock - Art Department Coordinator
Roddy Stayton - Department Head Hair
Greg Steele - ADR Mixer
Michelle Stevens - First Assistant Accountant
Alicia Stevenson - Foley Artist
George Stockstill - Properties Maker
Steven Strong - Best Boy Electric
John Sullivan - Properties Maker Gang Boss
John A. Sweeney - Assistant Properties
Hirotatsu Taniguchi - Set Production Assistant
Michael Tevten - Properties Maker
Michele A. Thomas - Personal Assistant
Lisa Thompson - Assistant Choreographer
David Thornsberry - Location Manager
Christopher Tiffany - Cable Person
Tami Treadwell - ADR Recordist
Mark Ulano - Production Sound Mixer
Juan Urrea - Properties Maker
Elaine Varnes - Costume/Wardrobe
Randolph Vinet - Properties Maker
Don Violett - Transportation Captain
Steve Voll - Construction Foreman
Lauren P. Vosbien - Set Production Assistant
Chris Wagganer - Video Assist
Rachel A. Walker - Costume/Wardrobe
Joseph Walsh, Jr. - Properties Maker
Bill Walters - Set Dresser
Barry Weinstein - Properties Maker
Karen Weinstock - Buyer
Larry Whack - Personal Assistant
Gina White - Research
Jay Wilkinson - Sound Effects Editor
Richard Wolf - Properties Maker
Eric Wolfe - Properties Maker
Ursula Woodland - Personal Assistant
Katherine Wright - Key Costumer
Andrea Young - Key Hairstylist
Kelly E. Young - Personal Assistant
Jay W. Yowler - Gaffer
Greg Zimmerman - ADR Recordist
Cast: Martin Lawrence - Malcolm / Big Momma
Nia Long - Sherri
Emily Procter - Leah Fuller
Zachary Levi - Kevin
Mark Moses - Tom Fuller
Kat Dennings - Molly
Chloë Grace Moretz - Carrie
Marisol Nichols - Liliana Morales
Josh Flitter - Stewart
Dan Lauria - Crawford
Christopher Tavarez - Ryan
Rhonda Griffis - Mrs. Gallagher
Bryan James Kitto - Trent's Friend
Regal T. Riser - Angry Bingo Man
Ramsey Luke - FBI Agent #1
Donna Duplantier - Bingo Woman #2
John Gipson - Old Bingo Man
Trevor Shores - Andrew
Samantha Beaulieu - Bingo Woman #1
Deena Dill - Spa Crystal
Preston Shores - Andrew
Tim Soergel - Speedo Guy
Michelle Parylak - Spa Joanne
Amy Morris - Spa Susan
Arthur Simone - Mall Artist
Lucy Wolvert - Background Model #3
Jeanene Fox - Background Model #4
Lonnie Lamont - FBI Agent #2
Mehera Blum - Fuller's Secretary, Lucy
Yvonne Landry - Isabella
Kelly Dowdle - Surf Shop Girl
Emil Beheshti - Mr. Nybo
Ann Mahoney - Coach Lisa
Deneen Tyler - Tassie
Trixie Friendly - Tan and White Dog
Roland "Bob" Harris - Old Guy
Cameron Daddo - Casal
Victor Talmadge - Dog Owner
Danny - Poncho
Andy Stahl - Principal
Vincent Berry - Nybo 16 yr. Old
Stocker Fontelieu - Mall Old Man
Lisa Anderson - Danielle
Roxanne Reese - Nolinda
William Ragsdale - Bob
Mark Joy - Brian
Yuji Okumoto - Parsons
Sarah Joy Brown - Constance
Marcus Brown - Erskine
Clifford Johnson - Bingo Caller
Sean Lampkin - Cabbie
Christopher Jones - Bishop
Paige Butcher - Background Model #1
Max Van Ville - Chad
Brian Gross - "Zone" Luke
Kevin Durand - Oshima
Wendy Braun - Coach Bonnie
Jessica White - Bra Model
Kirk B.R. Woller - Doug Hudson
Shanna Moakler - Petra
Jascha Washington - Trent
5919 1/4 Gyilkosok szövetsége  Brotherhood of Murder  90  United States  Crime / Drama  Hungarian    Director: Martin Bell  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A film megtörtént eseményeket dolgoz fel. Martinez fiatal apaként már nem tudja eltartani a családját. Belekeveredik egy fehér felsőbbrendűséget hirdető csoportba, akik anyagi biztonságot ígérnek neki. Eleinte még ő sem sejti, hogy a csoportosulás hogyan szerez pénzt, és milyen bűncselekményeket követ el.

This drama is based on the true story of Thomas Martinez (William Baldwin), a poor and uneducated Army veteran living in Philadelphia in 1983. Frustrated by his inability to find a job, especially as his wife (Kelly Lynch) is expecting their first child, Thomas thinks he's found a sympathetic ear when he meets Bob Matthews (Peter Gallagher), the leader of a white supremacist group called "The Order." Urging Thomas to "take an oath of allegiance and protect your family," Bob initiates him into the Order, and Thomas soon rises to a position of importance in the organization (and becomes privy to one of their key fund-raising operations — counterfeiting). However, Thomas discovers that the group's racist views are not just a matter of talk when the Order engineers the assassination of radio talk show host Alan Berg, and in time Thomas approaches the FBI, risking his life to act as an informant against the racist group.
Martin Bell - Director
Cast: William Baldwin
Peter Gallagher
Kelly Lynch
3742 1/4 Golyó balett  Bullet Ballet  98  Japan  Thriller  Japan  Hungarian  Director: Shinya Tsukamoto  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Kaijyu Theatre Company

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Shinya Tsukamoto wrote, produced, directed, edited and stars in this Japanese thriller. Goda (Tsukamoto) grieves over the suicide of his lover (Kyoka Suzuki), wondering if he might bear some responsibility. Failing to acquire a gun, he wanders Tokyo streets, meets Chisato (Kirina Mano), and is beaten by her street-gang associates. He sets out for revenge — only to receive more beatings from the gang. Made in black and white, Bullet Ballet was shown at the 1998 Venice Film Festival and the 1998 Toronto Film Festival. 
Shinya Tsukamoto - Director / Producer / Screenwriter / Cinematographer / Editor / Production Designer
Chu Ishikawa - Composer (Music Score)
Hiroko Iwasaki - Costume Designer
Cast: Shinya Tsukamoto
Kirina Mano
Tatsuya Nakamura
Takahiro Murase
Kyoka Suzuki
Hisashi Igawa
1742  Golyó a fejbe  Bullet in the head  136  Hong Kong  Action  Hungarian    Director: John Woo  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Milestone Film & Video

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Following up on his 1989 masterpiece The Killer, superstar action director John Woo directs this emotionally wrenching look at three friends waylaid in war-torn Vietnam. Set in 1967, when clashes between leftists protesting British rule and the police were tearing the colony apart, the film opens with Frank (Jacky Cheung Hok-yau) offering the deed to his parents' home as collateral to a loan shark, so that he can pay for his buddy Ben's (Tony Leung Chiu-wai) wedding party. Unfortunately, Frank is ambushed by a thug named Ringo and his associates who make off with the money. Ben and Frank vow revenge and end up accidentally killing the guy. Wanted by both the law and the triads, Frank, Ben, and their pal Paul (Waise Lee Chi-hung) head for Vietnam with a case of fake Rolexes and dreams of making a quick buck. Immediately upon arrival, those dreams are dashed — their wares are blown up in a tin-can military coup, they are almost shot by the South Vietnamese army, and their passports are seized. Though tempted to throw in the towel, Frank and Ben are convinced by Paul into joining forces with shady hit man named Luke (Simon Yam Tat-wah) to shake down club owner Leong (Lam Chung). The scheme goes horribly wrong, ending with the death of a beautiful drug-addled singer named Sally (Yolinda Yan Chi-sin) and our three heroes accused of being CIA agents in a North Vietnamese POW camp. Later, though, Frank saves Paul's live and get injured in the process, Paul can only think of financial gain and saving his own neck. He shoots Frank in the head when he fears his friend's cries of agony will tip off the Vietcong. Unfortunately, the bullet doesn't kill Frank, leaving him brain damaged, drug-addled, and in chronic pain. After Ben learns of Frank's condition, he confronts Paul who has since returned to Hong Kong to become a prominent businessman. John Woo was originally planning to make this film under the name A Better Tomorrow 3 until Tsui Hark took the franchise away from him, fashioning his own version.  
David Wu - Editor
John Woo - Director / Editor
Cast: Jacky Cheung - Frank
Waise Lee - Paul
Simon Yam - Luke
Fennie Yuen - Jane
Tony Leung Chiu-Wai - Ben
1559  Golyóálló szerzetes  Bulletprof Monk  104  United States  Action  English  Hungarian  Director: Paul Hunter  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures / MGM
Flypaper Press / Lake Shore Entertainment / Lion Rock Productions / Mosaic Media Group

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Egy névtelen tibeti szerzetes évtizedek óta járja a világot a legnagyobb titokban. Feladata, hogy akár élete árán is megvédjen egy ősi tekercset, egy tekercset, amely a határtalan hatalom titkát rejti, s mint ilyen, félelmetes veszélyt jelent a világra, ha rossz kezekbe kerül.
A szerzetesnek hat évtized elteltével meg kell találnia utódját, akire rábízhatja a veszélyes kincset. A sors ki is jelöli az utódot, aki nem más, mint egy piti kis zsebtolvaj, akit eleinte egyáltalán nem érdekel a világ sorsa, csupán a saját boldogulása. A körülmények azonban mindkettejüket arra kényszerítik, hogy egymásnak segítve védelmezzék a tekercset, amelyre egy halálos orosz maffia-hercegnő is szemet vetett!

Látványos és fantasztikus akciók és trükkök teszik még izgalmasabbá a nagyszerű sztorit! Egy kultikus képregénysorozat, egy producerré előlépett kult rendező, John Woo és egy távolkeleti akciósztár, Chow Yun-Fat neve lehet a garancia arra, hogy ez az akciódús és látványos film hamar utat talál a magyar közönséghez is.

A monk and a pickpocket become unlikely allies in this action adventure story. Sixty years ago, a nameless monk (Chow Yun-Fat) was appointed the guardian of a mysterious scroll that grants remarkable powers to those who possess it. After six decades of traveling the world to protect the scroll, the monk must find someone new to assume the responsibility, but as fate would have it, the new caretaker turns out to be Kar (Seann William Scott), a scruffy and distinctly non-enlightened petty thief living in San Francisco. As the monk attempts to educate Kar in the powers and responsibilities of the scroll and the ways of a monk's life, they discover they have a rival for the possession of the valuable scroll. As Kar and the monk fend off their mysterious adversary, they are aided by Bad Girl (James King), a beautiful Russian mob affiliate with amazing martial arts skills and a vested interest in keeping the scroll in virtuous hands. Bulletproof Monk was based a comic book series published in 1999; Chow Yun-Fat's frequent collaborators John Woo and Terence Chang produced 
Paul Hunter - Director
Terence Chang - Producer
Charles Roven - Producer
Douglas Segal - Producer / Executive Producer
John Woo - Producer
Ethan Reiff - Screenwriter
Cyrus Voris - Screenwriter
Stefan Czapsky - Cinematographer
David Herrington - Cinematographer / Additional Photography
Anita Camarata - Musical Direction/Supervision
Eric Serra - Composer (Music Score) / Musical Performer / Music Producer
Robert Lambert - Editor / Associate Producer
Deborah Evans - Production Designer
Nick Gazda - Art Director
T. Arv Grewal - Art Director
Eric Norlin - Art Director
Alan Glazer - Co-producer
Brent O'Connor - Co-producer / Personal Assistant / Unit Production Manager
Mark Paniccia - Co-producer
Gotham Chopra - Executive Producer
Caroline Macaulay - Executive Producer
Claude Serra - Executive Producer
Kelley Smith-Wait - Executive Producer
Michael Yanover - Executive Producer
Rob Ballantyne - Set Designer
William Cheng - Set Designer
Vladislav Fedorov - Set Designer
Elis Lam - Set Designer
Clive Thomasson - Set Designer
Delphine White - Costume Designer
Soundstorm - Sound/Sound Designer
Emmy Leung - Makeup
Walter Gasparovic - First Assistant Director
Howard Rothschild - First Assistant Director
Colin Chilvers - Consultant/advisor
Shakya Dorje - Consultant/advisor
David Harcourt - Consultant/advisor
Stephen Tung Wai - Consultant/advisor / Fights Choreographer
Trevor Ward - Consultant/advisor
Kim Chow - Supervisor/Manager
Stephanie Dudley - Animator
Jean Marc Rodrigue - Animator
Wendy Whaley - Animator
Michael Fylyshtan - Camera Operator
Michael Hall - Camera Operator
Perry Hoffman - Camera Operator
David Sheridan - Camera Operator / Steadicam Operator  
Cast: Chow Yun-Fat - The Bulletproof Monk
Seann William Scott - Kar
Karel Roden - Strucker
James King - Jade / Bad Girl
Victoria Smurfit - Nina
Marcus Jean Pirae - Mr. Funktastic
Mako - Mr. Kojima
Roger Yuan - Master Onk
Feng Jun Wei - Wu Shu Monk
Kishaya Dudley - DV
Neil Davison - Kommando
Paul Fauteux - Subway Cop
Karis Han - Boy Monk
Chad Camileri - Merc
Sean Bell - Diesel
Murray R. Croft - Transit Cop
Mike Chow - Temple Monk
Phil Chiu - Monastery Monk
Fabian Choe - Temple Monk
Christopher D. Amos - Transit Cop
Isys McKoy - Little Girl
John MacDonald - Merc
Lin Yi-Sheng - Wu Shu Monk
Peter Snider - Three Piece Suit
Mauricio Rodas - Wicho
Angela Seto - Old Sho Girl
Blair Johannes - Merc
Allen Keng - Monastery Monk
Suresh John - Cabbie
Danny Lima - Merc
Nathan Lam - Wu Shu Monk
James Kim - Temple Monk
Henry Korhonen - Kommando
Peter Wong - Wu Shu Monk
Albert Chung - Young Monk
Steve Lucescu - Merc
Kevin Rushton - Merc
Raven Dauda - Young Mother
Patrick Mark - Kommando
Lloyd Adams - Transit Cop
Michael Gow - Monastery Monk
Matt Birman - Merc
James Acheson - Merc
Russell Yuen - Brother Tenzin
Bill Oliver - Kommando
Alan Tang Kwong-Wing - Wu Shu Monk
Joel Harris - Kommando
Tommy Chang - Temple Monk
Bayo Akinfemi - Shade
Robert Archer - Buzz
Chris Collins - Sax
Michael Yanover - Hotdog Vendor
Brian Jagersky - Merc
Bryan Thomas - Kommando
Robert Racki - Merc
Regan Moore - Kommando
Hadley Sandiford - Merc
Geoff Williams - Breathless Cop
Christopher McGuire - Kommando  
90286 1/4 Golyóálló szerzetes  Bulletprof Monk  104  United States  Action  English  Hungarian  Director: Paul Hunter  XviD  MPEG Layer 3 (MP3)  640*272 
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures / MGM
Flypaper Press / Lake Shore Entertainment / Lion Rock Productions / Mosaic Media Group

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Egy névtelen tibeti szerzetes évtizedek óta járja a világot a legnagyobb titokban. Feladata, hogy akár élete árán is megvédjen egy ősi tekercset, egy tekercset, amely a határtalan hatalom titkát rejti, s mint ilyen, félelmetes veszélyt jelent a világra, ha rossz kezekbe kerül.
A szerzetesnek hat évtized elteltével meg kell találnia utódját, akire rábízhatja a veszélyes kincset. A sors ki is jelöli az utódot, aki nem más, mint egy piti kis zsebtolvaj, akit eleinte egyáltalán nem érdekel a világ sorsa, csupán a saját boldogulása. A körülmények azonban mindkettejüket arra kényszerítik, hogy egymásnak segítve védelmezzék a tekercset, amelyre egy halálos orosz maffia-hercegnő is szemet vetett!

Látványos és fantasztikus akciók és trükkök teszik még izgalmasabbá a nagyszerű sztorit! Egy kultikus képregénysorozat, egy producerré előlépett kult rendező, John Woo és egy távolkeleti akciósztár, Chow Yun-Fat neve lehet a garancia arra, hogy ez az akciódús és látványos film hamar utat talál a magyar közönséghez is.

A monk and a pickpocket become unlikely allies in this action adventure story. Sixty years ago, a nameless monk (Chow Yun-Fat) was appointed the guardian of a mysterious scroll that grants remarkable powers to those who possess it. After six decades of traveling the world to protect the scroll, the monk must find someone new to assume the responsibility, but as fate would have it, the new caretaker turns out to be Kar (Seann William Scott), a scruffy and distinctly non-enlightened petty thief living in San Francisco. As the monk attempts to educate Kar in the powers and responsibilities of the scroll and the ways of a monk's life, they discover they have a rival for the possession of the valuable scroll. As Kar and the monk fend off their mysterious adversary, they are aided by Bad Girl (James King), a beautiful Russian mob affiliate with amazing martial arts skills and a vested interest in keeping the scroll in virtuous hands. Bulletproof Monk was based a comic book series published in 1999; Chow Yun-Fat's frequent collaborators John Woo and Terence Chang produced 
Paul Hunter - Director
Terence Chang - Producer
Charles Roven - Producer
Douglas Segal - Producer / Executive Producer
John Woo - Producer
Ethan Reiff - Screenwriter
Cyrus Voris - Screenwriter
Stefan Czapsky - Cinematographer
David Herrington - Cinematographer / Additional Photography
Anita Camarata - Musical Direction/Supervision
Eric Serra - Composer (Music Score) / Musical Performer / Music Producer
Robert Lambert - Editor / Associate Producer
Deborah Evans - Production Designer
Nick Gazda - Art Director
T. Arv Grewal - Art Director
Eric Norlin - Art Director
Alan Glazer - Co-producer
Brent O'Connor - Co-producer / Personal Assistant / Unit Production Manager
Mark Paniccia - Co-producer
Gotham Chopra - Executive Producer
Caroline Macaulay - Executive Producer
Claude Serra - Executive Producer
Kelley Smith-Wait - Executive Producer
Michael Yanover - Executive Producer
Rob Ballantyne - Set Designer
William Cheng - Set Designer
Vladislav Fedorov - Set Designer
Elis Lam - Set Designer
Clive Thomasson - Set Designer
Delphine White - Costume Designer
Soundstorm - Sound/Sound Designer
Emmy Leung - Makeup
Walter Gasparovic - First Assistant Director
Howard Rothschild - First Assistant Director
Colin Chilvers - Consultant/advisor
Shakya Dorje - Consultant/advisor
David Harcourt - Consultant/advisor
Stephen Tung Wai - Consultant/advisor / Fights Choreographer
Trevor Ward - Consultant/advisor
Kim Chow - Supervisor/Manager
Stephanie Dudley - Animator
Jean Marc Rodrigue - Animator
Wendy Whaley - Animator
Michael Fylyshtan - Camera Operator
Michael Hall - Camera Operator
Perry Hoffman - Camera Operator
David Sheridan - Camera Operator / Steadicam Operator
Cast: Chow Yun-Fat - The Bulletproof Monk
Seann William Scott - Kar
Karel Roden - Strucker
James King - Jade / Bad Girl
Victoria Smurfit - Nina
Marcus Jean Pirae - Mr. Funktastic
Mako - Mr. Kojima
Roger Yuan - Master Onk
Feng Jun Wei - Wu Shu Monk
Kishaya Dudley - DV
Neil Davison - Kommando
Paul Fauteux - Subway Cop
Karis Han - Boy Monk
Chad Camileri - Merc
Sean Bell - Diesel
Murray R. Croft - Transit Cop
Mike Chow - Temple Monk
Phil Chiu - Monastery Monk
Fabian Choe - Temple Monk
Christopher D. Amos - Transit Cop
Isys McKoy - Little Girl
John MacDonald - Merc
Lin Yi-Sheng - Wu Shu Monk
Peter Snider - Three Piece Suit
Mauricio Rodas - Wicho
Angela Seto - Old Sho Girl
Blair Johannes - Merc
Allen Keng - Monastery Monk
Suresh John - Cabbie
Danny Lima - Merc
Nathan Lam - Wu Shu Monk
James Kim - Temple Monk
Henry Korhonen - Kommando
Peter Wong - Wu Shu Monk
Albert Chung - Young Monk
Steve Lucescu - Merc
Kevin Rushton - Merc
Raven Dauda - Young Mother
Patrick Mark - Kommando
Lloyd Adams - Transit Cop
Michael Gow - Monastery Monk
Matt Birman - Merc
James Acheson - Merc
Russell Yuen - Brother Tenzin
Bill Oliver - Kommando
Alan Tang Kwong-Wing - Wu Shu Monk
Joel Harris - Kommando
Tommy Chang - Temple Monk
Bayo Akinfemi - Shade
Robert Archer - Buzz
Chris Collins - Sax
Michael Yanover - Hotdog Vendor
Brian Jagersky - Merc
Bryan Thomas - Kommando
Robert Racki - Merc
Regan Moore - Kommando
Hadley Sandiford - Merc
Geoff Williams - Breathless Cop
Christopher McGuire - Kommando
4441 2/4 Golyóálló  Bulletproof  84  United States  Comedy  English  Hungarian  Director: Ernest R. Dickerson  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 


ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Egy apró bibi azért akad: Rock (Damon Wayans - Az utolsó cserkész) igazi neve Jack, rendes polgári foglalkozása pedig rendőr. Jack már egy éve adja a téglát a bűnözők között, hogy elkapjon egy drogbárót, Frank Coltont (James Caan - Végképp eltörölni). Becserkésző akciója azonban vakvágányra fut, az álcájának annyi és egy golyót is kap a fejébe. Pár hónap alatt ugyan felépül, de Frank meglép, a haver meg eltűnik, legalábbis amíg el nem kapják Arizónában. Archie (Adam Sandler - Vizesnyolcas) hajlandó tanúskodni Frank ellen, de van egy feltétele: Jacknek kell őt bevinni. A "barátok" újra egymás mellett, előttük a hosszú út sok veszekedéssel, utánuk meg a drogbáró emberei nagy puskákkal. A zsaru és a bűnöző kéz a kézben menekülnek, és kis szerencsével talán megússzák élve. Hacsak előbb ki nem nyírják egymást...

This post-modern comic variation on The Defiant Ones concerns Keats (Damon Wayans), an undercover police detective trying to get the goods on crime kingpin Frank Colton (James Caan). Keats poses as a crook to make friends with one of Colton's underlings, a drug dealer and car thief named Archie Moses (Adam Sandler). Keats is using Archie as part of a sting operation to put Colton away; however, Archie doesn't care for this, and when he finds out Keats's true plan and actual identity, it leads to an altercation that ends with Archie shooting Keats in the head. Several months later, Keats emerges from the hospital with a metal plate in his skull, and he has to bring Archie in. However, now Archie and Keats are both on Colton's enemies list, and the two find themselves on the run in Arizona, trying to outwit Colton's team of assassins, but having Archie on hand doesn't do much good in the outwitting department. Bulletproof was directed by Ernest Dickerson, who got his start as a cinematographer for Spike Lee.
Ernest R. Dickerson - Director
Robert Simonds - Producer
Lewis Colick - Screenwriter
Joe Gayton - Screenwriter
Steven Bernstein - Cinematographer
Elmer Bernstein - Composer (Music Score) / Songwriter
George Folsey, Jr. - Editor
Perry Andelin Blake - Art Director
William Matthews - Art Director
Jack Giarraputo - Co-producer
Ira Shuman - Co-producer
Bernie Brillstein - Executive Producer
Eric L. Gold - Executive Producer
Brad Grey - Executive Producer
Sandy Wernick - Executive Producer
Marie France - Costume Designer
Jim Stuebe - Sound/Sound Designer
Jono Oliver - First Assistant Director
Joanna Colbert - Casting
Cast: Damon Wayans - Keats/Jack Carter
Adam Sandler - Archie Moses
Kristen Wilson - Traci Flynn
James Caan - Frank Colton
Mark Roberts - Charles
Jeep Swenson - Bledsoe
Allen Covert - Detective Jones
Garret Sato - Bad Guy
Xander R. Berkeley - Daryll Gentry
Bill Nunn - Finch
James Farentino - Capt. Will Jensen
Larry McCoy - Detective Sulliman
2236 1/4 Genya  Bully  111  United States  Drama  Hungarian    Director: Larry Clark  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Lions Gate Films
Blacklist / FilmFour Distributors / Gravity Entertainment / Muse

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A megtörtént eseményeken alapuló film főszereplője Marty és Bobby, akik már évek óta együtt lógnak, bár Bobby szép lassan irányítása alá vonta a másik fiút. Egy duplarandin ismerkednek meg Lisával ás Alival, és hamarosan kölcsönös szerelem alakul ki közöttük. Ám hiába a látszólagos vonzalom, Bobby egy nap megerőszakolja Alit. A fiatalok ekkor úgy döntenek, megölik barátjukat.

A Geny - amellett, hogy ismét mellbevágóan kemény képsorokat használ, és újfent szembesít minket mindazzal a reménytelenséggel, kilátástalansággal és érzelmi nihillel, mely a kamaszokat ma jellemzi - felveti a szülők felelősségének problémáját is, azt, hogy vajon ők mennyire felelősek azért a helyzetért, melybe gyerekeik kerültek.
A film szereplő fiatal színészek azóta igen sikeres karriert futottak be.
A filmzene előadói között pedig megtalálhatjuk Alanis Morissette, a Fatboy Slim, Eminem és Tricky nevét is.

A Genya a 2002-es Titanic Filmfesztivál kedvence volt, a fesztivál egyik legsikeresebb filmjeként igen kedvező fogadtatásra talált mind a nézők, mind a kritikusok körében

Photographer and filmmaker Larry Clark, who made a controversial feature debut with the disturbing drama Kids, returns with another disquieting look at amoral and sexually precocious youth. Bobby (Nick Stahl) is a high school student growing up in southern Florida in the early '90s. Bobby is also a borderline psychotic; he frequently lashes out with brutal violence against those around him and especially enjoys humiliating his best friend Marty (Brad Renfro). While Bobby professes to hate and fear homosexuals, he goads Marty into performing phone sex with men, makes Marty and his friends watch hardcore gay porn films with him, and may have sexually abused Marty. But Marty is hardly the only victim of Bobby's abuse; Bobby has sexually assaulted Marty's girlfriend Lisa (Rachel Miner) and more than once has barged in on the couple while they were making love. Lisa's best friend Ali (Bijou Phillips) has also been raped by Bobby, and he has mistreated nearly everyone in their circle of friends. One night, Marty, Lisa, Ali, and several others decide Bobby's cycle of abuse must stop. But their solution is as ugly as the problem — the teens stab Bobby, slit his throat, crush his head with a baseball bat, and throw his body into the bay, where the remains will be eaten by alligators. Bully is based on a book by journalist Jim Schutze, which recounted the facts of the 1993 murder of Bobby Kent, who after years of abusing his friends and classmates, was killed by seven of his acquaintances in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. As with Kids, Larry Clark's startlingly graphic depiction of sex, violence, and drug use among teenagers crossed the boundaries of what the MPAA could permit in an R-rated film, and the picture's distributors chose to release the film without a rating.  
Larry Clark - Director
Chris Hanley - Producer
Don Murphy - Producer
Fernando Sulichin - Producer
Zachary Long - Screenwriter
Roger Pullis - Screenwriter
Jim Schutze - Book Author / Associate Producer
Steve Gainer - Cinematographer
Andrew Hafitz - Editor
Linda Burton - Production Designer
Laura Harper - Art Director
Peter Block - Co-producer
Jacky Morgan - Co-producer / Line Producer
Robert Pfeffer - Co-producer
Guy Stodel - Co-producer / Associate Producer
Thierry Klemeniuk - Associate Producer
Clark McCutchen - Associate Producer
Brad Renfro - Associate Producer
Manuel Chiche - Executive Producer / Supervising Sound Editor
Arnaud Dutell - Executive Producer
Jordan Gertner - Executive Producer
Vincent Maraval - Executive Producer
Mark Mower - Executive Producer
Carleen Ileana Rosado - Costume Designer
Rob Freeman - Sound/Sound Designer / Sound Recordist
Sholto Roeg - First Assistant Director
Carmen Cuba - Casting
Jason George - Supervising Sound Editor
Cast: Brad Renfro - Marty Puccio
Rachel Miner - Lisa Connelly
Nick Stahl - Bobby Kent
Bijou Phillips - Ali Willis
Michael Pitt - Donny Semenec
Kelli Garner - Heather Swaller
Daniel Franzese - Derek Dzvirko
Leo Fitzpatrick - Hitman
608 3/4 Golförültek  Caddyshack  99  United States  Comedy  English  Hungarian  Director: Harold Ramis  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Orin Pictures / Orion / Warner Brothers

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

The smash success Caddyshack became a prototype for countless other wacky T&A-tinged teen comedies of the early 1980s. At an exclusive country club for WASPish snobs, an ambitious young caddy (Michael O'Keefe) from an overpopulated home eagerly pursues a caddy scholarship in hopes of attending college and, in turn, avoiding a job at the lumber yard. In order to succeed, he must first win the favor of the elitist Judge Smails (Ted Knight), then the caddy golf tournament which the good judge sponsors. Of course, there are love interests as well — one good, one naughty — not to mention several foes he must vanquish along the way. The story itself serves to string along a series of slapstick scenes involving an obnoxious nouveau riche land developer (Rodney Dangerfield) who wants to turn the site into a condominium community; an oddball, Zen-quoting, millionaire slacker/golf ace (Chevy Chase); and a psychotic groundskeeper (Bill Murray) with a gopher-fixation. Caddyshack was a bona fide hit; throughout the '80s and '90s, director Harold Ramis would continue to create such hits as Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day, and Analyze This 
Harold Ramis - Director / Screenwriter
Stan Jolly - Producer
Douglas Kenney - Producer / Screenwriter
Brian Doyle - Screenwriter
Brian Doyle-Murray - Screenwriter
Bill Murray - Screenwriter
Dave Thomas - Screenwriter
Steven Larner - Cinematographer
Kenny Loggins - Songwriter
Johnny Mandel - Composer (Music Score)
David Bretherton - Editor
William Carruth - Editor
Stan Jolley - Production Designer
George Szeptycki - Art Director
Jon Peters - Executive Producer
Wallis Nicita - Casting
Cast: Chevy Chase - Ty Webb
Rodney Dangerfield - Al Czervik
Bill Murray - Carl Spackler
Michael O'Keefe - Danny Noonan
Ted Knight - Judge Smails
Cindy Morgan - Lacey Underall
Sarah Holcomb - Maggie O'Hooligan
Scott Colomby - Tony D'Annunzio
Dan Resin - Dr. Beeper
Henry Wilcoxon - Bishop
Elaine Aiken - Mrs. Noonan
Albert Salmi - Noonan
Brian Doyle-Murray - Lou Loomis
Bruce McLaughlin - Old Crony
Mel Pape - Butler
Jackie Davis - Smoke
Allison Caine - [Voice]
Thomas A. Carlin - Sandy MacReedy (sp?)
Cordis Heard - Wally
Fred Buch - Angry Husband
Frank Schuller - Charlie the Cook
Ann Ryerson - Grace
Brian McConnachie - Scott
Hamilton Mitchell - Motormouth
50419 2/4 Gondos Bocsok - Utazás mókavárosba  Care Bears - Journey to joke a lot  84  United States  Animation  Hungarian    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Miután egyik tréfája balul sül el, Mókamaci nekiindul az Óvómacik falujából olyan vidéket keresni, ahol örömmel fogadnák a vicceit. Mókavárosba vetődve megteszik a hóbortos birodalom királyává, ahol a tréfa az úr! Még a királyi jogart is kezére bízzák, amely a varázshatalmú koronaékszereket őrzi, Mókaváros mágikus titkának nyitját.
Mivel aggódnak barátjukért, Jószívű Maci, Vígmaci és a többi Óvómaci Mókamaci nyomába ered, hogy hazahívják. Vajon Mókamaci a fenséges tréfálkozást vagy a szívet melengető baráti társaságot választja inkább? Ott marad a kacagtató vidéken, ahol a ?komoly? szót még csak kimondani sem szabad, vagy hazatér az Óvómacik szivárványos falucskájába? Te is megtudhatod, ha megnézed ezt a szép dalokkal ékes, csupa gondoskodás, csupa móka, csupa szeretet mesét!

A joke gone awry finds Funshine Bear looking for a home better suited to his sense of humor — much to his friend Tenderheart's dismay — in this latest installment of the popular Care Bears series. Dismayed that his friends cannot appreciate his sense of humor, Funshine Bear leaves Care-a-lot to travel to Joke-a-lot so he can share his jokes with some new friends. Saddened at his friend's departure, Tenderheart launches a search for Funshine Bear that will find the merry jokester forced to choose between a land where fun is elemental or a comfortable home with friends who care.
90480 2/4 Gyerekjáték  Child's Play  95  United States  Horror  English  Hungarian  Director: Tom Holland  DivX 3  MPEG Layer 3 (MP3)  512*384 
UA Communications
MGM / United Artists

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Amikor a sorozatgyilkos Charles Lee Ray halálos sebet kap egy rendőrségi tűzharc során, a lelke fekete mágia hatására átvándorol a játékbaba, Chucky-ba. Egy kisfiúnak, Andy-nek nagyon megtetszik a játékbolt kirakatában Chucky, amit szülei meg is vesznek neki. A kedves arcú születésnapi ajándékban azonban hamarosan feléled a gyilkos ösztön, s a környezetében élő emberek halálos veszélybe kerülnek...

Child's Play seems to have been concocted by a parent who went berserk after standing in line for hours on end to purchase a Cabbage Patch doll in the early 1980s. The film opens with serial killer Brad Dourif taking refuge in a doll factory. Dourif is killed by the cops, but not before he has invoked a voodoo curse which transfers his soul into one of the dolls. That particular doll, nicknamed Chuckie, is unwittingly purchased by Catherine Hicks for her son Alex Vincent. Several murders occur shortly thereafter; all evidence points to Alex, who insists that his cherub-faced doll is responsible. Detective Chris Sarandon, the man responsible for Dourif's death, doesn't swallow Alex's story, but he agrees to investigate because he's sweet on Alex's mom. The slasher-flick ending of Child's Play would seem to have settled Chuckie's hash for good and all, but guess again—the film spawned numerous sequels. 
Tom Holland - Director / Screenwriter
Elliott Geisinger - Producer
David Kirschner - Producer
Hank Moonjean - Producer
John J. Lafia - Screenwriter
Don Mancini - Screenwriter / Screen Story
Astral Bellevue Pathe Color - Cinematographer
Bill Butler - Cinematographer
Joe Renzetti - Composer (Music Score)
Roy E. Peterson - Editor
Scott James Wallace - Editor
Edward Warschilka - Editor
John Loggia - Production Designer
Daniel Lomino - Production Designer
Laura Moskowitz - Associate Producer
Barrie M. Osborne - Executive Producer
Cloudia - Set Designer
April Ferry - Costume Designer
James E. Webb, Jr. - Sound/Sound Designer
Apogee, Inc. - Special Effects
Richard Helmer - Special Effects / Special Effects Supervisor
Michael Green - First Assistant Director
Jane Alderman - Casting
Shelley Andreas - Casting
Sharon Bialy - Casting
Robert Latham Brown - Production Manager
Richard Pagano - Casting
Peter Donen - Special Effects Supervisor
Cast: Catherine Hicks - Karen Barclay
Chris Sarandon - Det. Mike Norris
Alex Vincent - Andy Barclay
Brad Dourif - Charles Lee Ray
Dinah Manoff - Maggie Peterson
Tommy Swerdlow - Jack Santos
Jack Colvin - Dr. Ardmore
Aaron Osborne - Orderly
Alan Wilder - Mr. Criswell
Michael Chavez - Bellevue Patient
Michael Patrick Carter - Kid in Animated Commercial
Raymond Oliver - Dr. Death
John Franklin - Walkabout Chucky
Ed Gale - Chucky
Roslyn Alexander - Lucy
Juan Ramirez - Peddler
Ted Liss - George
Neil Giuntoli - Eddie Caputo
Edan Gross - Friendly Chucky
4409 2/4 Gyerekjáték  Child's Play  95  United States  Horror  Hungarian    Director: Tom Holland  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
UA Communications
MGM / United Artists

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Amikor a sorozatgyilkos Charles Lee Ray halálos sebet kap egy rendőrségi tűzharc során, a lelke fekete mágia hatására átvándorol a játékbaba, Chucky-ba. Egy kisfiúnak, Andy-nek nagyon megtetszik a játékbolt kirakatában Chucky, amit szülei meg is vesznek neki. A kedves arcú születésnapi ajándékban azonban hamarosan feléled a gyilkos ösztön, s a környezetében élő emberek halálos veszélybe kerülnek...

Child's Play seems to have been concocted by a parent who went berserk after standing in line for hours on end to purchase a Cabbage Patch doll in the early 1980s. The film opens with serial killer Brad Dourif taking refuge in a doll factory. Dourif is killed by the cops, but not before he has invoked a voodoo curse which transfers his soul into one of the dolls. That particular doll, nicknamed Chuckie, is unwittingly purchased by Catherine Hicks for her son Alex Vincent. Several murders occur shortly thereafter; all evidence points to Alex, who insists that his cherub-faced doll is responsible. Detective Chris Sarandon, the man responsible for Dourif's death, doesn't swallow Alex's story, but he agrees to investigate because he's sweet on Alex's mom. The slasher-flick ending of Child's Play would seem to have settled Chuckie's hash for good and all, but guess again—the film spawned numerous sequels. 
Tom Holland - Director / Screenwriter
Elliott Geisinger - Producer
David Kirschner - Producer
Hank Moonjean - Producer
John J. Lafia - Screenwriter
Don Mancini - Screenwriter / Screen Story
Astral Bellevue Pathe Color - Cinematographer
Bill Butler - Cinematographer
Joe Renzetti - Composer (Music Score)
Roy E. Peterson - Editor
Scott James Wallace - Editor
Edward Warschilka - Editor
John Loggia - Production Designer
Daniel Lomino - Production Designer
Laura Moskowitz - Associate Producer
Barrie M. Osborne - Executive Producer
Cloudia - Set Designer
April Ferry - Costume Designer
James E. Webb, Jr. - Sound/Sound Designer
Apogee, Inc. - Special Effects
Richard Helmer - Special Effects / Special Effects Supervisor
Michael Green - First Assistant Director
Jane Alderman - Casting
Shelley Andreas - Casting
Sharon Bialy - Casting
Robert Latham Brown - Production Manager
Richard Pagano - Casting
Peter Donen - Special Effects Supervisor
Cast: Catherine Hicks - Karen Barclay
Chris Sarandon - Det. Mike Norris
Alex Vincent - Andy Barclay
Brad Dourif - Charles Lee Ray
Dinah Manoff - Maggie Peterson
Tommy Swerdlow - Jack Santos
Jack Colvin - Dr. Ardmore
Aaron Osborne - Orderly
Alan Wilder - Mr. Criswell
Michael Chavez - Bellevue Patient
Michael Patrick Carter - Kid in Animated Commercial
Raymond Oliver - Dr. Death
John Franklin - Walkabout Chucky
Ed Gale - Chucky
Roslyn Alexander - Lucy
Juan Ramirez - Peddler
Ted Liss - George
Neil Giuntoli - Eddie Caputo
Edan Gross - Friendly Chucky
90479 1/4 Gyerekjáték 2  Child's Play 2  84  United States  Horror  English  Hungarian  Director: John J. Lafia  DivX 3  MPEG Layer 3 (MP3)  640*336 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Chucky visszatért! A sátáni mosolyú gyilkos baba életre kel az új fejezetben, amely elmeséli azt az ádáz küzdelmet, amit a kis Andy Barclay folytat a démoni babával szemben. Chucky az árvaházban áldozata nyomára bukkan, s a kisfiú lelkét akarja megszerezni magának...

derivative rehashing of its predecessor (which itself owes a heavy debt to Trilogy of Terror), this sequel details the plight of young Andy (Alex Vincent), who in the previous film narrowly escaped losing his soul to make room for devil-doll Chucky (voice of Brad Dourif). Possessed by the spirit of serial killer Charles Lee Ray, Chucky had coveted Andy's body as a replacement for his own plastic shell... which ended up beaten and burned beyond recognition. At this film's outset, Andy's mom has suffered a nervous breakdown as a result of the prior human-vs.-doll battle, and Andy has been taken to a foster home. In the meantime, the makers of Good Guys dolls decide to reconstruct the scrappy little toy, hoping to prove the doll's harmlessness and sway public opinion. Alas, this is a major horror-movie no-no, and Chucky staggers obnoxiously back to life, with a renewed interest in body-swapping with Andy. Not awful as horror sequels go, this follows the standard horror-franchise formula (such as upping the gore quotient with each sequel) but manages to throw in a few appreciable scares, particularly at the climax (which echoes that of Stanley Kubrick's The Shining).  
John J. Lafia - Director
Robert Latham Brown - Producer
David Kirschner - Producer
Don Mancini - Screenwriter
Stefan Czapsky - Cinematographer
Graeme Revell - Composer (Music Score)
Shirley Walker - Musical Direction/Supervision
Edward Warschilka - Editor
Ivo Cristante - Production Designer
Donald Maskovich - Art Director
Laura Moskowitz - Co-producer
Rance Barela - Set Designer
Pamela Skaist - Costume Designer
Deborah Larsen - Makeup
Apogee Productions - Special Effects
Image Engineering - Special Effects
Kevin Yagher - Special Effects
Harry Moreau - Animator
Richard Warlock - Stunts
Cast: Alex Vincent - Andy Barclay
Jenny Agutter - Joanne Simpson
Gerritt Graham - Phil Simpson
Christine Elise - Kyle
Brad Dourif - Chucky [Voice]
Grace Zabriskie - Grace Poole
Peter Haskell - Sullivan
Beth Grant - Miss Kettlewell
Greg Germann
Raymond Singer - Social Worker
Charles Meshack - Van Driver
Stuart Mabray - Homicide Investigator
Adam Ryen - Rick Spires
Bill Stevenson - Adam
Adam Wylie - Sammy
Don Pugsley
Ed Gale - Chucky
Herb Braha - Liquor Store Clerk
Matt Roe - Policeman in Car
Vince Melocchi - Technician
Edan Gross - Tommy Doll [Voice]
Ed Krieger
90478 0/4 Gyerekjáték 3  Child's Play 3: Look Who's Stalking  89  United States  Horror  English  Hungarian  Director: Jack Bender  DivX 3  MPEG Layer 3 (MP3)  576*304 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Several years have passed since the events of the previous film, and yet again the makers of Good Guys dolls — a line which included the homicidal Chucky — decide to reinstate their product line. Unfortunately, some of the materials used are still imbued with the evil spirit of serial killer Charles Lee Ray (voice of Brad Dourif), whose soul once inhabited the Chucky doll... and who returns to action in a spanking new Good Guy body. Determined at first to finish the job he started by swapping bodies with young Andy (Justin Whalin) — who is now a teenager in military school — Chucky decides to change tactics, setting his sights on a much younger boy. When Andy becomes aware of the situation, he is compelled to put a stop to Chucky's Satanic antics once and for all. The signs of a creatively-depleted horror franchise are evident (they had already shown themselves in the previous installment), but there is still enough juice left for the spooky climax, which borrows a riff from Tobe Hooper's The Funhouse. 
Jack Bender - Director
Robert Latham Brown - Producer
David Kirschner - Producer / Special Effects
Don Mancini - Screenwriter
John R. Leonetti - Cinematographer
John D'Andrea - Composer (Music Score)
Cory Lerios - Composer (Music Score)
Scott James Wallace - Editor
Edward Warschilka - Editor
Richard Sawyer - Production Designer
David O. Sosna - Production Designer
Laura Moskowitz - Co-producer
Ethel Robins Richards - Set Designer
Kevin Yagher - Special Effects
Cast: Justin Whalin - Andy Barclay
Perrey Reeves - De Silva
Jeremy Sylvers - Tyler
Travis Fine - Shelton
Dean Jacobson - Whitehurst
Brad Dourif - Chucky [Voice]
Peter Haskell - Sullivan
Dakin Matthews - Colonal Cochrane
Andrew Robinson - Sgt.Botnick
Burke Byrnes - Sgt.Clark
Michael Renna - Cadet
Henry Sanders - Major
Richard A. Pack - Nelson
Kent Winfry - Cadet
David Sosna - Trash Picker
Aimee Joy Slutske - Carnival Teenager
Kim Stockdale - Mother
Terry Wills - Garbage Man
Matthew Walker - Ellis
Glenn Daniels
David Ellzey - Ghoul
Donna Eskra - Ivers
Ron Fassler - Petzold
Ryan Austine - Cadet
Matt Daniels - Cadet
Michael Chieffo - Security Guard
Sophie Owens-Bender - Carnival Kid
Laura Owens - Lady Executive
Richard Marion - Patterson
Hannah Owens-Bender - Carnival Kid
Lois Foraker - Sgt.Frazier
Edan Gross - Good Guy Doll [Voice]
Mark Christopher Lawrence - Cop
Alexis Kirschner - Carnival Kid
1094 2/4 Gyerekjáték 4 - Chucky menyasszonya  Child's Play 4 - Bride of Chucky  89  United States  Horror  English  Hungarian  Director: Ronny Yu  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

This horror film, directed by Ronnie Yu, marked a return (after an eight-year lapse) of Chucky and the Child's Play series that began in 1988. At the moment of his death, the spirit of former serial killer Charles Lee Ray was mystically relocated in the doll Chucky (voice of Brad Dourif). After being salvaged from the evidence morgue by his ex-girlfriend Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly) and a corrupt cop, Chucky is put back in action when Tiffany sews his pieces back together and works a voodoo spell to revive his sinister self. Tiffany sees her dreams of marriage aren't working out, so she keeps Chucky locked away. After an escape, Chucky electrocutes Tiffany by pushing a radio into the bathtub, delivering a chant that puts the spirit of Tiffany into a bridal figurine. Chucky's amulet can switch them back into their original human forms, so they head for New Jersey where the amulet is buried — putting cops in motion, along with car-crash carnage 
Ronny Yu - Director
David Gilroy - Producer
David Kirschner - Producer
Don Mancini - Screenwriter / Executive Producer
Peter Pau - Cinematographer
Rob Halford - Composer (Music Score)
Graeme Revell - Composer (Music Score)
Randolph K. Bricker - Editor
David Wu - Editor
Alicia Keywan - Production Designer
James McAteer - Art Director
Laura Moskowitz - Co-producer
Corey Sienega - Executive Producer
Mike Harris - Set Decorator
Lynne Mackay - Costume Designer
Owen Langevin - Sound/Sound Designer
Myron Hoffert - First Assistant Director
Ross Clydesdale - Casting
Joanna Colbert - Casting
Cast: Jennifer Tilly - Tiffany / Tiffany Doll
Katherine Heigl - Jade
Nick Stabile - Jesse
John Ritter - Chief Warren Kincaid
Alexis Arquette - Damien Baylock
Gordon Michael Woolvett - David
Lawrence Z. Dane - Lt. Preston
Michael Johnson - Norton
James Gallanders - Russ
Janet Kidder - Diane
Kathy Najimy - Motel Maid
Brad Dourif - Chucky [Voice]
5846 1/4 Gyilkos Donor  Desperate Measures  100  United States  Thriller  Hungarian    Director: Barbet Schroeder  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Eagle Point/ Mandalay Pictures/ TriStar

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A Gyilkos donor két ellentétes világból származó férfi élet-halál küzdelmét beszéli el. Frank Connor (Andy Garcia) San Franciscó-i rendőrtiszt, akinek a törvény védelme a feladata, de kétségbeesett lépésre kényszerül, mivel megfelelő csontvelőt kell találnia súlyosan beteg fia, Matt számára. Létezik is ilyen donor, Peter McCabe (Michael Keaton), a gyilkos hajlamokkal megvert pszichopata személyében, aki életfogytig szóló büntetését tölti maximális őrizet alatt.

Mikor Connor ráveszi feletteseit, hogy abba a kórházba szállítsák McCabe-et, ahol végrehajtják Matt csontvelő átültetését, a gyilkos megragadja az alkalmat, és kereket old, sebesülteket és holtakat hagyva maga után. A rendőrség erősítést kér, és a kórház hamarosan csatatérré változik. Connor egyébként elszántan üldözné a veszedelmes szökevényt, és habozás nélkül lepuffantaná, most azonban éppen ellenkező a célja: mindent elkövet, hogy McCabe életben maradjon. Ha ugyanis a gyilkos meghal, az életmentő csontvelő használhatatlanná válik, és Matt is vele hal. Ez az érdekes, noha némiképpen hihetetlen alapszituáció vérfagyasztóan izgalmas thrillert eredményez. A két férfi macska-egér harcába mások is bekapcsolódnak: Jeremiah Cassidy kapitány (Cox), Connor közvetlen felettese, aki eredetileg Connor pártját fogja, azonban McCabe véres szökése után már bánja nagylelkűségét; Dr. Samantha Hawkins (Harden), Matt orvosa, akinek szintén nem kevés lelki küzdelmébe kerül, hogy fiatal betege életéért ilyen rettenetes árat kell fizetniük; végül pedig maga Matt Connor (az újonc Joseph Cross alakításában). A kétségbeesett szökevény mindenki másnak a halált jelenti, egyedül az ő számára képviseli a továbbélés lehetőségét. Ez a furán koraérett gyerek, akinek szembe kell néznie az elmúlás lehetőségével, áll a drámai összeütközés középpontjában, mely az életét kezében tartó két férfi között zajlik.

Miközben McCabe továbbra is túljár üldözői eszén, a Gyilkos donor sokkal többet ad, mint egy egyszerű akciófilmtől várható. Ahogyan Connor fokozatosan elszakad társaitól és megtagadja korábbi elveit, egyre közelebb és közelebb kerül McCabe-hez; hiszen, ha másként is, mindkét férfit egyetlen cél éltet: túlélni mindenáron. Voltaképpen a film minden szereplője ugyanazzal a végső kérdéssel szembesül: mindegyikük azt teszi, amit helyzete megkövetel tőle, eközben azonban fokozatosan ráébrednek, hogy tetteikben legalább annyi a rossz, mint a jó.

Michael Keaton lejátssza Andy Garciat a vászonról. Ez meglepetés volt számomra, hiszen Keaton előző munkái nem a kiváló színészi teljesítményről tanúskodtak. Most talán végre elérte célját, nem csak a Batmanről fognak rá emlékezni. A Gyilkos donor szórakoztató popcorn mozi, mely a jótól elég messze van - mégis, amíg a moziban ülünk, jól szórakozhatunk. A baj csak az, hogy mikor kijövünk róla, már nem is nagyon emlékszünk, hogy mit láttunk.

Although he enjoyed great critical success with crime dramas and slice-of-life pictures, director Barbet Schroeder continued dabbling in the thriller genre with this action-oriented film. Andy Garcia stars as Frank Conner, a widowed San Francisco police officer whose young son Matt (Joseph Cross) is suffering from leukemia. Without a bone marrow transplant, Matt will die, but Frank isn't a donor. In fact, the only potential match is prison inmate Peter McCabe (Michael Keaton), a psychotic but charming serial killer. At first, McCabe refused to participate despite Conner's pleas, but eventually, the convict relents and agrees to the procedure. It is all a ruse, however, as McCabe has discovered a clever way to escape the confines of the operating room where Matt's oncologist, Dr. Hawkins (Marcia Gay Harden) is scheduled to perform the transplant. Faced with the dual nightmare of his son's deteriorating condition and a mass murderer on the loose in a major metropolitan hospital, the frantic Conner finds himself bending and even breaking the law to bring McCabe down and save Matt's life.
Barbet Schroeder - Producer / Director
Gary Foster - Producer
Susan Hoffman - Producer
Lee Rich - Producer
David Klass - Screenwriter
Luciano Tovoli - Cinematographer
Trevor Jones - Composer (Music Score)
Lee Percy - Editor
Geoffrey Kirkland - Production Designer
Sandy Getzler - Art Director
Josie Rosen - Co-producer
Jeffrey Chernov - Executive Producer
Jennifer Williams - Set Designer
Gary Jones - Costume Designer
Steve Nelson - Sound/Sound Designer
Geoffrey Hansen - First Assistant Director
James M. Halty - Stunts
Howard Feuer - Casting
Cast: Michael Keaton - Peter McCabe
Andy Garcia - Frank Conner
Brian Cox - Jeremiah Cassidy
Marcia Gay Harden - Samantha Hawkins
Erik King - Nate Oliver
Efrain Figueroa - Vargus
Joseph Cross - Matthew Conner
Janel Maloney - Sarah Davis
Richard Riehle - Ed Fayne
5574 3/4 Gyönyörű mocsokságok  Dirty Pretty Things  94  United States  Thriller  Hungarian    Director: Stephen Frears  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
BBC Films / Blue Films / Celador Films / Jonescompany Productions

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Az illegális bevándorló Okwe nappal taxizik, éjszaka portás egy hotelben. Ugyanitt szobalány a török Senay, akinek lakásában Okwe napi néhány órára menedékre lel. A férfi és a nő alig ismerik egymást, mígnem egy éjszaka Okwe döbbenetes dologra bukkan az egyik hotelszobában. Magánnyomozásba kezd, csakhogy ebben a világban egy kiszolgáltatott bevándorlónak megszólalni sem ajánlatos, nemhogy kérdezni... Stephen Frears, az Oscar-jelölt rendező különös és lebilincselő thrillerében Londonnak azt az oldalát mutatja meg, amit a turisták nem ismernek. Hátborzongató krimi, érzékeny szerelmi történet, kedves humor és keserű társadalomkritika ötvöződik bravúrosan ebben a különleges hangulatú, nagyszerű színészi alakításokat felvonultató filmben.

Director Stephen Frears returns to the grittier themes of his earlier films for the urban thriller Dirty Pretty Things. Residing in London, the medically trained Okwe (Chiwetel Ejiofor) is a Nigerian immigrant working as a taxi driver and a hotel concierge, but he still lives on the edge of poverty. He shares a room with Senay (Amélie's Audrey Tautou making her English-language debut), a Turkish refugee who works as a maid at the hotel. As illegal immigrants, Okwe and Senay live in fear of being deported. One night, working at the front desk, Okwe receives a call from prostitute Juliette (Sophie Okonedo) to check a broken toilet, where he makes a horrifying discovery. He reports it to the manager Sneaky (Sergi Lopez), who blackmails Okwe into staying quiet about it. Okwe soon discovers the presence of a shady business operation that sends him into the seedy London underworld. Senay becomes lured in with hopes of being able to fund her escape to America. Dirty Pretty Things marks the screenwriting debut of Steve Knight, co-creator of the game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire 
Stephen Frears - Director
Robert Jones - Producer
Tracey Seaward - Producer
Steve Knight - Screenwriter
Chris Menges - Cinematographer
Nathan Larson - Composer (Music Score)
Mick Audsley - Editor
Hugo Luczyc-Wyhowski - Production Designer
Rebecca Holmes - Art Director
Julie Goldstein - Executive Producer
Teresa Moneo - Executive Producer
Allon Reich - Executive Producer
Tracey Scoffield - Executive Producer
Paul Smith - Executive Producer
David M. Thompson - Executive Producer
Odile Dicks-Mireaux - Costume Designer
Peter Lindsay - Sound/Sound Designer
Stuart Renfrew - First Assistant Director
Leo Davis - Casting
Cast: Audrey Tautou - Senay
Chiwetel Ejiofor - Okwe
Sergi López - Sneaky
Benedict Wong - Guo Yi
Sophie Okonedo - Juliette
90499 3/4 Gyönyörű Mocsokságok  Dirty Pretty Things  94  United States  Thriller  Hungarian    Director: Stephen Frears  XviD  MPEG Layer 3 (MP3)  624*336 
BBC Films / Blue Films / Celador Films / Jonescompany Productions

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Az illegális bevándorló Okwe nappal taxizik, éjszaka portás egy hotelben. Ugyanitt szobalány a török Senay, akinek lakásában Okwe napi néhány órára menedékre lel. A férfi és a nő alig ismerik egymást, mígnem egy éjszaka Okwe döbbenetes dologra bukkan az egyik hotelszobában. Magánnyomozásba kezd, csakhogy ebben a világban egy kiszolgáltatott bevándorlónak megszólalni sem ajánlatos, nemhogy kérdezni... Stephen Frears, az Oscar-jelölt rendező különös és lebilincselő thrillerében Londonnak azt az oldalát mutatja meg, amit a turisták nem ismernek. Hátborzongató krimi, érzékeny szerelmi történet, kedves humor és keserű társadalomkritika ötvöződik bravúrosan ebben a különleges hangulatú, nagyszerű színészi alakításokat felvonultató filmben.

Director Stephen Frears returns to the grittier themes of his earlier films for the urban thriller Dirty Pretty Things. Residing in London, the medically trained Okwe (Chiwetel Ejiofor) is a Nigerian immigrant working as a taxi driver and a hotel concierge, but he still lives on the edge of poverty. He shares a room with Senay (Amélie's Audrey Tautou making her English-language debut), a Turkish refugee who works as a maid at the hotel. As illegal immigrants, Okwe and Senay live in fear of being deported. One night, working at the front desk, Okwe receives a call from prostitute Juliette (Sophie Okonedo) to check a broken toilet, where he makes a horrifying discovery. He reports it to the manager Sneaky (Sergi Lopez), who blackmails Okwe into staying quiet about it. Okwe soon discovers the presence of a shady business operation that sends him into the seedy London underworld. Senay becomes lured in with hopes of being able to fund her escape to America. Dirty Pretty Things marks the screenwriting debut of Steve Knight, co-creator of the game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire 
Stephen Frears - Director
Robert Jones - Producer
Tracey Seaward - Producer
Steve Knight - Screenwriter
Chris Menges - Cinematographer
Nathan Larson - Composer (Music Score)
Mick Audsley - Editor
Hugo Luczyc-Wyhowski - Production Designer
Rebecca Holmes - Art Director
Julie Goldstein - Executive Producer
Teresa Moneo - Executive Producer
Allon Reich - Executive Producer
Tracey Scoffield - Executive Producer
Paul Smith - Executive Producer
David M. Thompson - Executive Producer
Odile Dicks-Mireaux - Costume Designer
Peter Lindsay - Sound/Sound Designer
Stuart Renfrew - First Assistant Director
Leo Davis - Casting
Cast: Audrey Tautou - Senay
Chiwetel Ejiofor - Okwe
Sergi López - Sneaky
Benedict Wong - Guo Yi
Sophie Okonedo - Juliette
3411 1/4 Gyilkos felvonó  Down  110  United States  Horror  Hungarian    Director: Dick Maas   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Valami baj van a toronyház liftjével. Sorra követik egymást a szörnyuséges dolgok. Az emberek sosem a kívánt emeletre érkeznek ? hanem a másvilágra. A kíváncsi szerelő felfedezi, hogy nem a gépezet meghibásodása miatt vált a lift halálos csapdává, hanem valamilyen sötét, torz erő irányítja a szerkezetet gonosz, ördögi célokkal...
Cast: Dan Hedaya,
Edward Herrmann,
Eric Thal,
James Marshall,
Michael Ironside,
Naomi Watts  
2345 4/4 Gimiboszi  Election  103  United States  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: Alexander Payne  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Bona Fide Productions / MTV Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Tracy a legokosabb diák a Carver High-ban, s az egyetlen akinek tanárral van viszonya. Másik tanárának felesége legjobb barátnőjével van kapcsolata. Jönnek a választások, mindenki lázban ég. Vajon ki nyeri meg idén?
Tracy Flick az egyik legértelmesebb diák a Carver High-ban, s az egyetlen, akinek tanárával van viszonya. A másik tanár, McAllister úr, felesége legjobb barátnőjével találkozgat titokban. A suliválasztások hamarosan elkezdődnek és Tracy a legesélyesebb erre a címre, hiszen Ő mindig mindehol nyerő pozícióban van. McAllister ráveszi Paul-t, hogy induljon Tracy ellen, s versenyezzenek fej-fej mellett. Tammy, Paul leszbikus húga is eltökélten ringbe száll, hogy revansot vegyen. Vajon ki nyeri meg a választást idén?

In this satirical comedy, a hotly contested high school election becomes a metaphor for the current state of American politics. Jim McAllister (Matthew Broderick) is a popular and well-respected instructor at George Washington Carver High School in Omaha, Nebraska, but lately he's been unhappy in both his personal and professional life, and his anxieties finally come to a head with the school's student elections. Tracy Flick (Reese Witherspoon) is running for student body president, and she certainly seems like the sort of girl who would win a high school election — she's pretty, popular and takes part in all the right extra-curricular activities. In fact, she seems so perfect she's running unopposed, which offends McAllister's sense of democracy (not to mention the fact he doesn't like her very much). So Jim intervenes and persuades Paul Metzler (Chris Klein) to run against Tracy. Paul is not terribly bright and is entirely unqualified to be student president, but as a star of the school's football team (before a leg injury sidelined him), he's popular enough to at least give Tracy a run for her money. Just as the race begins to heat up, a spanner is truly thrown into the works when Paul's sister, Tammy (Jessica Campbell) announces she's also running for office. Publicly, Tammy's platform is that the student elections are ultimately pointless and if she's elected, she'll eliminate them altogether. Privately, Tammy is out for revenge against her brother; it seems Tammy is experimenting with her sexuality, and a recent fling with a bisexual classmate named Lisa (Frankie Ingrassia) ended when Lisa dumped her to start going out with Paul. Based on the novel by Tom Perrotta, Election was directed by Alexander Payne, who won enthusiastic reviews for his debut feature, Citizen Ruth; Payne also co-wrote the screenplay with Jim Taylor 
Alexander Payne - Director / Screenwriter
Albert Berger - Producer
David Gale - Producer
Keith Samples - Producer
Ron Yerxa - Producer
Tom Perrotta - Book Author
Jim Taylor - Screenwriter
James Glennon - Cinematographer
Dondi Bastone - Musical Direction/Supervision
Rolfe Kent - Composer (Music Score)
Kevin Tent - Editor
Jane Ann Stewart - Production Designer
T.K. Kirkpatrick - Art Director
Jim Burke - Co-producer
Jacobus Rose - Co-producer
Van Toffler - Executive Producer
Renee Davenport - Set Designer
Wendy Chuck - Costume Designer
Jon Ailetcher - Sound/Sound Designer
George Parra - First Assistant Director / Second Unit Director
Lisa Beach - Casting
Casey Hotchkiss - Second Unit Director Of Photography
Radan Popovic - Second Unit Director Of Photography

Best Adapted Screenplay (nom) Alexander Payne 1999 Academy
Best Adapted Screenplay (nom) Jim Taylor 1999 Academy
Best Actress (Comedy/Musical) (nom) Reese Witherspoon 1999 Golden Globe
Best Actress (nom) Reese Witherspoon 1999 Independent Spirit Award
Best Debut Performance (nom) Jessica Campbell 1999 Independent Spirit Award
Best Director (win) Alexander Payne 1999 Independent Spirit Award
Best Picture (win) 1999 Independent Spirit Award
Best Screenplay (win) Alexander Payne 1999 Independent Spirit Award
Best Screenplay (win) Jim Taylor 1999 Independent Spirit Award
New Generation Award (win) Jim Taylor 1999 L.A. Film Critics Association
New Generation Award (win) Alexander Payne 1999 L.A. Film Critics Association
Outstanding Indies (win) 1999 National Board of Review
Best Actress (win) Reese Witherspoon 1999 National Society of Film Critics
Best Screenplay (Runner-up) (win) Alexander Payne 1999 National Society of Film Critics
Best Screenplay (Runner-up) (win) Jim Taylor 1999 National Society of Film Critics
Best Screenplay (win) Alexander Payne 1999 New York Film Critics Circle
Best Screenplay (win) Jim Taylor 1999 New York Film Critics Circle
Best Adapted Screenplay (win) Alexander Payne 1999 Writers Guild of America
Best Adapted Screenplay (win) Jim Taylor 1999 Writers Guild of America
Cast: Matthew Broderick - Jim McAllister
Reese Witherspoon - Tracy Flick
Chris Klein - Paul Metzler
Jessica Campbell - Tammy Metzler
Mark Harelik - Dave Novotny
Phil Reeves - Walt Hendricks
Molly Hagan - Diane McAllister
Delaney Driscoll - Linda Novotny
Colleen Camp - Barbara Flick
Frankie Igrassia - Lisa Flanagan
Matt Malloy - Vice Principal Ron Bell
Jeanine Jackson - Jo Metzler
Holmes Osborne - Dick Metzler
Marilyn Tipp - Carver Office Lady
Jeannie Brayman - Faculty Ballot-Giver
Larry Kaiser - Chemistry Teacher
Joel Parks - Jerry Slavin
David Wenzel - Tracy's Friend Eric
Heather Koenig - Kid in Georgetown Hall
Nick D'Agosto - Larry Fouch
Matt Golden - Kid in Georgetown Hall
L. Carmen Novoa - Spanish Teacher
Jillian Crane - Jillian
Loren Nelson - Custodian
Emily Martin - Girl in Crisis
Jason Paige - Kid in Georgetown Hall
James Devney - Motel Clerk
Christa Young - Adult Video Actress
Nick Kenny - "Eat Me" Boy's Buddy
Brian Tobin - Adult Video Actor
Jonathan Marion - Classroom Student
Matt Justesen - "Eat Me" Boy
Amy Falcone - Classroom Student
5536 4/4 Gimiboszi  Election  103  United States  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: Alexander Payne  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Bona Fide Productions / MTV Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Tracy a legokosabb diák a Carver High-ban, s az egyetlen akinek tanárral van viszonya. Másik tanárának felesége legjobb barátnőjével van kapcsolata. Jönnek a választások, mindenki lázban ég. Vajon ki nyeri meg idén?
Tracy Flick az egyik legértelmesebb diák a Carver High-ban, s az egyetlen, akinek tanárával van viszonya. A másik tanár, McAllister úr, felesége legjobb barátnőjével találkozgat titokban. A suliválasztások hamarosan elkezdődnek és Tracy a legesélyesebb erre a címre, hiszen Ő mindig mindehol nyerő pozícióban van. McAllister ráveszi Paul-t, hogy induljon Tracy ellen, s versenyezzenek fej-fej mellett. Tammy, Paul leszbikus húga is eltökélten ringbe száll, hogy revansot vegyen. Vajon ki nyeri meg a választást idén?

In this satirical comedy, a hotly contested high school election becomes a metaphor for the current state of American politics. Jim McAllister (Matthew Broderick) is a popular and well-respected instructor at George Washington Carver High School in Omaha, Nebraska, but lately he's been unhappy in both his personal and professional life, and his anxieties finally come to a head with the school's student elections. Tracy Flick (Reese Witherspoon) is running for student body president, and she certainly seems like the sort of girl who would win a high school election — she's pretty, popular and takes part in all the right extra-curricular activities. In fact, she seems so perfect she's running unopposed, which offends McAllister's sense of democracy (not to mention the fact he doesn't like her very much). So Jim intervenes and persuades Paul Metzler (Chris Klein) to run against Tracy. Paul is not terribly bright and is entirely unqualified to be student president, but as a star of the school's football team (before a leg injury sidelined him), he's popular enough to at least give Tracy a run for her money. Just as the race begins to heat up, a spanner is truly thrown into the works when Paul's sister, Tammy (Jessica Campbell) announces she's also running for office. Publicly, Tammy's platform is that the student elections are ultimately pointless and if she's elected, she'll eliminate them altogether. Privately, Tammy is out for revenge against her brother; it seems Tammy is experimenting with her sexuality, and a recent fling with a bisexual classmate named Lisa (Frankie Ingrassia) ended when Lisa dumped her to start going out with Paul. Based on the novel by Tom Perrotta, Election was directed by Alexander Payne, who won enthusiastic reviews for his debut feature, Citizen Ruth; Payne also co-wrote the screenplay with Jim Taylor 
Alexander Payne - Director / Screenwriter
Albert Berger - Producer
David Gale - Producer
Keith Samples - Producer
Ron Yerxa - Producer
Tom Perrotta - Book Author
Jim Taylor - Screenwriter
James Glennon - Cinematographer
Dondi Bastone - Musical Direction/Supervision
Rolfe Kent - Composer (Music Score)
Kevin Tent - Editor
Jane Ann Stewart - Production Designer
T.K. Kirkpatrick - Art Director
Jim Burke - Co-producer
Jacobus Rose - Co-producer
Van Toffler - Executive Producer
Renee Davenport - Set Designer
Wendy Chuck - Costume Designer
Jon Ailetcher - Sound/Sound Designer
George Parra - First Assistant Director / Second Unit Director
Lisa Beach - Casting
Casey Hotchkiss - Second Unit Director Of Photography
Radan Popovic - Second Unit Director Of Photography

Best Adapted Screenplay (nom) Alexander Payne 1999 Academy
Best Adapted Screenplay (nom) Jim Taylor 1999 Academy
Best Actress (Comedy/Musical) (nom) Reese Witherspoon 1999 Golden Globe
Best Actress (nom) Reese Witherspoon 1999 Independent Spirit Award
Best Debut Performance (nom) Jessica Campbell 1999 Independent Spirit Award
Best Director (win) Alexander Payne 1999 Independent Spirit Award
Best Picture (win) 1999 Independent Spirit Award
Best Screenplay (win) Alexander Payne 1999 Independent Spirit Award
Best Screenplay (win) Jim Taylor 1999 Independent Spirit Award
New Generation Award (win) Jim Taylor 1999 L.A. Film Critics Association
New Generation Award (win) Alexander Payne 1999 L.A. Film Critics Association
Outstanding Indies (win) 1999 National Board of Review
Best Actress (win) Reese Witherspoon 1999 National Society of Film Critics
Best Screenplay (Runner-up) (win) Alexander Payne 1999 National Society of Film Critics
Best Screenplay (Runner-up) (win) Jim Taylor 1999 National Society of Film Critics
Best Screenplay (win) Alexander Payne 1999 New York Film Critics Circle
Best Screenplay (win) Jim Taylor 1999 New York Film Critics Circle
Best Adapted Screenplay (win) Alexander Payne 1999 Writers Guild of America
Best Adapted Screenplay (win) Jim Taylor 1999 Writers Guild of America
Cast: Matthew Broderick - Jim McAllister
Reese Witherspoon - Tracy Flick
Chris Klein - Paul Metzler
Jessica Campbell - Tammy Metzler
Mark Harelik - Dave Novotny
Phil Reeves - Walt Hendricks
Molly Hagan - Diane McAllister
Delaney Driscoll - Linda Novotny
Colleen Camp - Barbara Flick
Frankie Igrassia - Lisa Flanagan
Matt Malloy - Vice Principal Ron Bell
Jeanine Jackson - Jo Metzler
Holmes Osborne - Dick Metzler
Marilyn Tipp - Carver Office Lady
Jeannie Brayman - Faculty Ballot-Giver
Larry Kaiser - Chemistry Teacher
Joel Parks - Jerry Slavin
David Wenzel - Tracy's Friend Eric
Heather Koenig - Kid in Georgetown Hall
Nick D'Agosto - Larry Fouch
Matt Golden - Kid in Georgetown Hall
L. Carmen Novoa - Spanish Teacher
Jillian Crane - Jillian
Loren Nelson - Custodian
Emily Martin - Girl in Crisis
Jason Paige - Kid in Georgetown Hall
James Devney - Motel Clerk
Christa Young - Adult Video Actress
Nick Kenny - "Eat Me" Boy's Buddy
Brian Tobin - Adult Video Actor
Jonathan Marion - Classroom Student
Matt Justesen - "Eat Me" Boy
Amy Falcone - Classroom Student
825 2/4 Gyilkos nyugalom  Equilibrium  107  United States  Science-Fiction  Hungarian    Director: Kurt Wimmer  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Dimension Films / Momentum Pictures
Blue Tulip Production / Dimension Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Valamikor a közeli jövőben lezajlott a 3. világháború is. A túlélők, hogy az emberek közötti népírtás többé ne ismétlődhessen meg, olyan életforma felvételére kötelezik egymást, amelyben az érzelmek száműzve vannak. Hiszen ha nincsenek érzelmek, nincs többé düh, harag, bosszúvágy. Béke honol, s hogy ez így is maradjon, az emberek már gyermekkoruk óta "vallási", érzelmeket nélkülöző nevelésben részesülnek. A "rend" felett intuitív Tisztelendők (és katonai szervezetük) őrködnek, akik megérzik, ha valamely emberegyed a kötelezően szedett "gyógyszer" ellenére érez, s tűzzel-vassal pusztítják az emberiség még nyomon érhető művészi produktumait, hiszen azok érzelmek kiváltására képesek.

John Preston (Christian Bale) a legképzettebb Tisztelendő, akinek egykor felesége is meg kellett, hogy haljon, mivel megszegte az érzelemmentesség szabályát. Sorra számolja fel az ellenállók csoportjait, mígnem egy nap társával is végeznie kell érzelemvétség bűne miatt. Ettől kezdve valami megváltozik benne. "Felnyílik a szeme", s gyógyszerét elhagyván egyre inkább kezd azonosulni az ellenállók eszméjével. Lassan ráébred saját érző voltára, s érlelődik benne a gondolat, hogy ez a világ, amelyben felnőtt, csak egy vékony elitnek, s nem az emberiségnek az érdekeit szolgálja. Elkerülhetetlennek látszik lebukása, miközben érzelmei egyre meggyőzőbben sürgetik, hogy szálljon szembe a hatalommal. De vajon elég ereje lesz-e hozzá?

A man who dares to feel finds his life in danger in this cautionary science fiction drama. In the future, after a Third World War has decimated much of the Earth's population, a new nation known as Libria rises up under the unquestioned leadership of The Father (Angus MacFadyen). Believing human emotions and their expression were to blame for the failings of past societies, The Father has decreed that all citizens must take a daily dose of Prozia II, a drug which levels out the emotional landscape, and that all forms of creative expression are against the law; violating either regulation can be punished by death. Clerick John Preston (Christian Bale) is a Grammaton, an elite law enforcement officer who tracks down and punishes "sense offenders." One day, Preston accidentally fails to take his Prozia II, and for the first time begins experiencing emotions himself. Preston becomes aware of an underground of rebels who refuse to take their medication and have embraced art and literature, and he finds himself becoming infatuated with one of their number, Mary O'Brian (Emily Watson). Equilibrium is the second feature-length directorial effort from Kurt Wimmer, whose screenwriting credits include The Thomas Crown Affair and Sphere 
Jan de Bont - Producer
Lucas Foster - Producer
Dion Beebe - Cinematographer
Harvey Harrison - Cinematographer / Second Unit Director
Klaus Badelt - Composer (Music Score)
Joe Rangel - Musical Direction/Supervision
Tom Rolf - Editor
Tom Rolfe - Editor
William Yeh - Editor
Wolf Kroeger - Production Designer
Stefano M. Ortolani - Production Designer
Eric Olson - Supervising Art Director
Justin Warburton-Brown - Art Director
Sue Baden-Powell - Co-producer
Ninon Tantet - Associate Producer
Andrew Rona - Executive Producer
Bob Weinstein - Executive Producer
Harvey Weinstein - Executive Producer
Anne Kuljian - Set Designer
Costanza Bastanti - Costume Designer
Joseph Porro - Costume Designer
Byron Miller - Sound/Sound Designer / Sound Effects Director
Tanja Drewitz - Makeup
Luigi Rocchetti - Makeup
Caroline Spill - Makeup
Pacific Title & Art Studio - Special Effects
Post Logic Studios - Special Effects
RIOT Pictures - Special Effects
Inti Carboni - First Assistant Director
Brian W. Cook - First Assistant Director
Paul Goldsmith - First Assistant Director
Luca Lachin - First Assistant Director
Andrew Robinson - First Assistant Director
Tonja Schürmann - First Assistant Director
Mark Taylor - First Assistant Director
Gian Maria Majorana - Camera Operator
Daniele Massaccesi - Camera Operator
Sebastian Meuschel - Camera Operator / Steadicam Operator
Nick Milner - Camera Operator
Cast: Christian Bale - John Preston
Emily Watson - Mary O'Brian
Taye Diggs - Brandt
Angus MacFadyen - Dupont
Sean Bean - Partridge
Matthew Harbour - Robbie Preston
William Fichtner - Jurgen
John Keogh - Chemist
Brian Connelly - Reading Room Proprietor
Christian Kahrmann - Officer in Charge
Dirk Martens - Gate Guard
Emily Siewert - Lisa Preston
Anatole Taubman - Crematory Technician
Oliver Brandl - Polygraph Technician
Daniel Lee - Lead Sweeper
Francesco Calabras - Rebel Leader
Alexa Summer - Viviana Preston
Brian Cook - Dupont's Secretary
David Hemmings - Proctor
Mike Smith - Enforcer Commander
Klaus Schindler - Interrogator
Sean Pertwee - Father
David Barrass - Evidentiary Storage Officer
Mehmet Kurtulus - Search Coordinator
Maria Pia Calzone - Preston's Wife
Kurt Wimmer - Rebel Victim
Dominic Purcell - Seamus
Florian Fitz - Gate Guard
50164 1/4 Goofy a kedvenc  Everybody Loves Goofy  52  United States  Animation  Hungarian    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Goofynál nincs viccesebb, játékosabb, kedvesebb kutya az egész rajzfilm-birodalomban. A család minden tagja élvezni fogja, ahogy Goofy az egyik kalamajkából a másikba csöppen Disney animációs klasszikusainak e válogatásában. Nézzük együtt Goofy bukdácsolását a természetben, ahol bemutatja "atletikus képességeit" A síelés művészete és az Így kell horgászni? című részekben. Ezután kísérjük el Goofyt és Wilburt, a talpraesett tücsköt egy fergeteges horgásztúrára, ahol végül a vízbe esettek is megússzák szárazon. Goofy a Poggyászkaland című fejezetben igyekszik kordában tartani egy bűvészládát, amelyből nyuszik, madarak és egyéb egzotikus állatok hada próbál kibújni, de olyan klasszius epizódokon is könnyesre nevethetjük magunkat, mint a Fekszik! vagy A nagy mosás. A legszebb Disney-hagyományok elevenednek fel a Goofy-kollekcióban, amelynek szellemessége és bája biztosítja, hogy Goofy mindenki kedvence maradjon.
90262 3/4 Gonosz Halottak  Evil Dead  85  United States  Horror  English  Hungarian  Director: Sam Raimi  DivX 5  Ogg Vorbis  512*384 

New Line Cinema / Renaissance Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

This auspicious feature debut from Sam Raimi — shot on 16mm in the woods of Tennesse for around $350,000 — secured the young director's cult status as a creative force to be reckoned with. The nominal plot involves five vacationing college kids — Ash (Bruce Campbell), his girlfriend Linda (Betsy Baker), and their classmates Cheryl (Ellen Sandweiss), Scott (Hal Delrich) and Shelly (Sarah York) — making an unplanned stopover in an abandoned mountain cabin surrounded by impenetrable woods. Before settling in for the night, they come across an ancient-looking occult tome filled with dense hieroglyphics and macabre illustrations, a dagger fashioned from human bones, and a reel-to-reel tape recorder. The taped message, dictated by a professor of archaeology, describes the contents of the Sumerian "Book of the Dead," filled with incantations used to bring otherworldly demons to life, giving them license to possess the living. The message goes on to explain that those possessed by these demons can only be stopped by total bodily dismemberment. When played among the group later that evening, the professor's recorded translations of the ritual chants traumatize the strangely prescient Shelly ... and simultaneously release an ominous presence from the depths of the forest. The evil spirits take to their dirty work with gusto, first assuming control of Shelly and transforming her into a cackling, murderous hag with superhuman strength; the others imprison her in the fruit cellar and chain the trapdoor shut. The spirits then begin to possess the other women, including Linda — who immediately turns on Ash with a barrage of punches and sadistic taunts. Unable to bring himself to chop up his lover's corpse, Ash gives her a more customary burial in the woods — which proves to be a big mistake. As the others succumb to demonic influence, Ash's horrific predicament becomes increasingly grim until, when all hope seems lost, he stumbles upon a final, desperate solution to the ghoulish onslaught ... well, maybe not. Despite the shoestring production values, Raimi has fashioned a tight, lightning-paced fever dream of a movie, filled with operatic overacting and outrageously gory effects that give the project a comic-book feel. Based on an earlier 8mm short titled Within the Woods, this feature version was fraught with distribution difficulties before finding its first audience overseas. After considerable word of mouth (and a glowing endorsement from horror author Stephen King), the film became a hit on home video, where it achieved further notoriety thanks to its highly-publicized banning in Britain amid the notorious "Video Nasties" censorship campaign. Raimi, along with producer Robert Tapert, writer Scott Spiegel and much of the same crew, cranked up the story's comic aspects several dozen notches for the rollicking semi-remake, Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn 
Sam Raimi - Director / Screenwriter / Executive Producer
Gary Holt - Producer
Robert Tapert - Producer / Executive Producer
Tim Philo - Cinematographer
Joseph Lo Duca - Composer (Music Score)
Edna Ruth Paul - Editor
Bruce Campbell - Executive Producer
Bar Pierce - Special Effects
Joshua M. Becker - Lighting
Joel Coen - First Assistant Editor
Tom Sullivan - Makeup Special Effects
Cast: Bruce Campbell - Ashley J. "Ash" Williams
Ellen Sandweiss - Cheryl
Betsy Baker - Linda
Hal Delrich - Scott
Sarah York - Shelly
Sam Raimi - Fisherman on side of road
Scott Spiegel - Fake Shemp
John Cameron - Fake Shemp
Ivan Raimi - Fake Shemp
Theodore Raimi - Fake Shemp
3042 3/4 Gonosz halottak  Evil Dead  85  United States  Horror  Hungarian    Director: Sam Raimi  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3   

New Line Cinema / Renaissance Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

This auspicious feature debut from Sam Raimi — shot on 16mm in the woods of Tennesse for around $350,000 — secured the young director's cult status as a creative force to be reckoned with. The nominal plot involves five vacationing college kids — Ash (Bruce Campbell), his girlfriend Linda (Betsy Baker), and their classmates Cheryl (Ellen Sandweiss), Scott (Hal Delrich) and Shelly (Sarah York) — making an unplanned stopover in an abandoned mountain cabin surrounded by impenetrable woods. Before settling in for the night, they come across an ancient-looking occult tome filled with dense hieroglyphics and macabre illustrations, a dagger fashioned from human bones, and a reel-to-reel tape recorder. The taped message, dictated by a professor of archaeology, describes the contents of the Sumerian "Book of the Dead," filled with incantations used to bring otherworldly demons to life, giving them license to possess the living. The message goes on to explain that those possessed by these demons can only be stopped by total bodily dismemberment. When played among the group later that evening, the professor's recorded translations of the ritual chants traumatize the strangely prescient Shelly ... and simultaneously release an ominous presence from the depths of the forest. The evil spirits take to their dirty work with gusto, first assuming control of Shelly and transforming her into a cackling, murderous hag with superhuman strength; the others imprison her in the fruit cellar and chain the trapdoor shut. The spirits then begin to possess the other women, including Linda — who immediately turns on Ash with a barrage of punches and sadistic taunts. Unable to bring himself to chop up his lover's corpse, Ash gives her a more customary burial in the woods — which proves to be a big mistake. As the others succumb to demonic influence, Ash's horrific predicament becomes increasingly grim until, when all hope seems lost, he stumbles upon a final, desperate solution to the ghoulish onslaught ... well, maybe not. Despite the shoestring production values, Raimi has fashioned a tight, lightning-paced fever dream of a movie, filled with operatic overacting and outrageously gory effects that give the project a comic-book feel. Based on an earlier 8mm short titled Within the Woods, this feature version was fraught with distribution difficulties before finding its first audience overseas. After considerable word of mouth (and a glowing endorsement from horror author Stephen King), the film became a hit on home video, where it achieved further notoriety thanks to its highly-publicized banning in Britain amid the notorious "Video Nasties" censorship campaign. Raimi, along with producer Robert Tapert, writer Scott Spiegel and much of the same crew, cranked up the story's comic aspects several dozen notches for the rollicking semi-remake, Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn 
Sam Raimi - Director / Screenwriter / Executive Producer
Gary Holt - Producer
Robert Tapert - Producer / Executive Producer
Tim Philo - Cinematographer
Joseph Lo Duca - Composer (Music Score)
Edna Ruth Paul - Editor
Bruce Campbell - Executive Producer
Bar Pierce - Special Effects
Joshua M. Becker - Lighting
Joel Coen - First Assistant Editor
Tom Sullivan - Makeup Special Effects  
Cast: Bruce Campbell - Ashley J. "Ash" Williams
Ellen Sandweiss - Cheryl
Betsy Baker - Linda
Hal Delrich - Scott
Sarah York - Shelly
Sam Raimi - Fisherman on side of road
Scott Spiegel - Fake Shemp
John Cameron - Fake Shemp
Ivan Raimi - Fake Shemp
Theodore Raimi - Fake Shemp  
3729  Gonosz halott 2  Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn  84  United States  Horror  Hungarian    Director: Sam Raimi  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Rosebud Releasing
De Laurentiis Entertainment Group / Renaissance Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

This high-octane semi-sequel to Sam Raimi's cult hit The Evil Dead has nearly eclipsed its predecessor's reputation thanks to an endless barrage of hyperkinetic camera acrobatics, rapid-fire editing and "splatstick" gore effects ... not to mention a truly goofy performance by Bruce Campbell. Nearly the entire storyline of the previous film has been re-shot and presented in a drastically condensed form within the first few minutes: rock-jawed but clueless "hero" Ash (Campbell) now visits the mountain cabin only with girlfriend Linda (played here by Denise Bixler). Upon arrival at the cabin, Ash discovers the Sumerian Book of the Dead, the ritual dagger and a reel-to-reel tape containing the professor's translations of the book's hieroglyphics. The incantations summon an unseen, growling spirit from within the woods, which bursts into the cabin and takes possession of Linda's soul. Ash is forced to decapitate her with a shovel, after which he buries her in the forest. At first dawn, Ash tries to make his escape, but is promptly set upon by the spirits, given a solid thrashing and nearly possessed himself, saved only by the arrival of sunlight. Cut off from the outside world, Ash is forced to hole up in the cabin and wait for the next demonic onslaught — which arrives sooner than expected, led by Linda's rotting corpse. After being bitten by Linda's chatty decapitated head, Ash's hand becomes independent of his body and begins pummeling him repeatedly. The story then jumps to a local airport, where the professor's daughter Annie (Sarah Berry) and her partner Ed Getley (Richard Domeier) have just arrived with the missing pages to the Necronomicon. They employ a cranky pair of local rednecks, Jake (Dan Hicks) and Bobbie Joe (Kassie Wesley), as guides to lead them through the dense woods to the cabin ... where, at that very moment, Ash is removing his belligerent hand with a chainsaw, creating yet another ambulatory foe. Driven to the brink of insanity, Ash fires blindly at a noise outside, unaware that the new arrivals are Ash és barátnője, Linda egy elhagyatott erdei kunyhóba érnek, ahol Ash felfedez egy a sumér-korból fennmaradt titokzatos könyvet: a halál könyvét, valamint egy felvételt, amelyen egy professzor felolvassa a könyv ősi írásait. Hamarosan életre kel az erdő szelleme, megszállja Linda testét, aki rátámad Ashre. Ash már tapasztalt szellem-ügyben, úgyhogy egy jól irányzott mozdulattal egy ásó segítségével lefejezi, majd elássa barátnőjét. A halottak szellemei azonban nem hagyják szabadulni az erdőből. Hamarosan Linda rothadó teste is felbukkan, az önálló életre kelt levágott fej pedig beleharap Ash kezébe, mire a kéz függetleníti magát tulajdonosa akaratától és Ashre támad... Hihetetlen tempójú kameramozgás, ötletes trükkök, vér és humor egészséges keveréke jellemzi ezt a horror-klasszikust, amely olyan, mint egy szédítő menet a világ legőrültebb hullámvasútján!

Annie and company. Bobbie Joe is injured by the gunshot, which incurs the wrath of Jake, who knocks Ash senseless and locks him in the fruit cellar. Believing her father was murdered by Ash, Annie plays the rest of the professor's recording to learn the truth, and discovers her possessed mother was buried in the same cellar — and not exactly resting in peace. This touches off a string of unbelievably gruesome (and hysterically funny) events, including Henrietta's transformation into a stop-motion creature (reminiscent of a Ray Harryhausen creation), Ed's sudden metamorphosis into a toothy, levitating ghoul, and Ash's climactic confrontation with the forest demon itself. The obvious glee with which Raimi and company present this cavalcade of slime-drenched monstrosities and Three Stooges pratfalls makes it impossible to take seriously as a horror film, but Evil Dead 2 is nevertheless essential viewing among connoisseurs of truly demented cinema. The film's sardonic coda opened the way for a slightly less successful sequel, Army of Darkness. 
Sam Raimi - Director / Screenwriter
Robert Tapert - Producer
Scott Spiegel - Screenwriter
Peter Deming - Cinematographer
Eugene Shlugleit - Cinematographer
Joseph Lo Duca - Composer (Music Score)
Kaye Davis - Editor
Randy Bennett - Art Director
Philip J.C. Duffin - Art Director
Bruce Campbell - Co-producer
Elizabeth Moore - Set Designer
Wendy Bell - Makeup
Doug Beswick - Special Effects
Rick Catizone - Special Effects
Vern Hyde - Special Effects
Tom Sullivan - Special Effects
Joseph Winogradoff - First Assistant Director
Andrea Brown - Choreography
Tam G. Warner - Choreography
Susan Labatt - Fights Choreographer
Mark Shostrom - Makeup Special Effects
Cast: Bruce Campbell - Ash, Ashley J. Williams
Sarah Berry - Annie Knowby
Dan Hicks - Jake
Kassie Wesley - Bobby Joe
Theodore Raimi - Possessed Henrietta
Denise Bixler - Linda
Richard Domeier - Ed Getley
John Peaks - Prof. Raymond Knowby
Lou Hancock - Henrietta Knowby
Sam Raimi - Knight
Scott Spiegel - Fake Shemp
Snowy Winters - Dancer (Dance sequence)
Josh Becker - Fake Shemp
William Preston Robertson - The Hand [Voice]
90263 3/4 Gonosz Halottak 2  Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn  84  United States  Horror  English  Hungarian  Director: Sam Raimi  DivX 5  Ogg Vorbis  640*336 
Rosebud Releasing
De Laurentiis Entertainment Group / Renaissance Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Vitathatatlanul a legnépszerűbb kulthorrorok közé tartozik az Evil Dead, vagyis a "Gonosz halottak" (a videó kalózkorszaka idején még Az erdő szelleme) első része, amelyet az elsőfilmes Sam Raimi rendezett (és mellesleg a 3 évvel korábban készített Within the Woods című kisfilmjéből finanszírozott), és két, ha lehet még nagyobb sikerű folytatást is kiérdemelt. Raimi sajnos azóta jó ideje elhagyta az effajta vérengzős műfajt, és már inkább a nyolclábúak iránt érdeklődik, amit ugyan jobban zabál a nép, és neki is kifizetődőbb pénzügyileg, de lényegében csak vesztegeti a tehetségét.

Míg az első rész minimalista volt, és inkább amolyan hitchcocki suspense-zel érte el a kellő hatást, addig a második rész nem totojázik, egyből belecsap a lecsóba, és mindent megmutat. A történet lényegében ugyanaz, mint az első részben, ugyanúgy láthatjuk ahogy Ash elutazik az erdő közepén álló elhagyatott kabinba barátnőjével, Lindával (amire tulajdonképpen azért volt szükség, mert nem tudták megszerezni a stúdiótól a jogokat az első részbeli jelenetekhez), Ash rátalál a bizonyos magnószalagra, amit le is játszik, ezzel elszabadítva a démont. Mindez maximum tíz perc, innen elszabadul a pokol, és a hátralevő időben egy percnyi nyugalmunk nem marad, annyira pörögnek az események. Lindát megszállja démonunk, Ash kénytelen megölni szerelmét (konkrétan lecsapja fejét egy ásóval). Na bumm, de ezzel még közel sincs vége, nem lőnék le poénokat, mindenki nézze meg, aki még nem látta ezt a mesterművet, és meglátja, hogy lehet hatása alá kerülni.

Sam Raimi bravúros képi és hangi megvalósításai remek összhangban vannak. A Romero-féle zombifilmek hangulatát keverte chaplini burleszk elemekkel. Félelmetes minden jelenet, félreértés ne essék, de mindig hozzátevődik valami csipetnyi humor, ami oldja a hangulatot. Egy olyan film ez, ahol nem csak a mellékszereplők, a főhős maga is ostoba baklövéseket követ el folyamatosan, ám mégis valahogy (legtöbbször valamilyen poénos úton-módon) mindig nyertesen kerül ki a helyzetekből, mialatt laza, később társaságban majd állandóan idézhető beszólásokat hint el. Nem hiába született hatalmas rajongótábora a filmekkel együtt Ashnek is, aki persze Bruce Campbell nélkül félkarú óriás lenne. Ennek ellenére, sokezer fan nagy szomorúságára, nagyon keveset foglalkoztatott színész maradt, főleg mellékszerepekben, és TV-sorozatokban tűnik fel azóta is (például a Herkules, illetve Xena sorozatokban láthattuk Autolycusként).

Az Evil Dead II tehát olyan horrorfilm, ami hiánycikk manapság. A sötétség seregével pedig egy olyan trilógia része, amely minden porcikájában tökéletes. És ez még ritkább, hogy nem szúrnak el egy folytatást sem, főleg horror esetében(!).

This high-octane semi-sequel to Sam Raimi's cult hit The Evil Dead has nearly eclipsed its predecessor's reputation thanks to an endless barrage of hyperkinetic camera acrobatics, rapid-fire editing and "splatstick" gore effects ... not to mention a truly goofy performance by Bruce Campbell. Nearly the entire storyline of the previous film has been re-shot and presented in a drastically condensed form within the first few minutes: rock-jawed but clueless "hero" Ash (Campbell) now visits the mountain cabin only with girlfriend Linda (played here by Denise Bixler). Upon arrival at the cabin, Ash discovers the Sumerian Book of the Dead, the ritual dagger and a reel-to-reel tape containing the professor's translations of the book's hieroglyphics. The incantations summon an unseen, growling spirit from within the woods, which bursts into the cabin and takes possession of Linda's soul. Ash is forced to decapitate her with a shovel, after which he buries her in the forest. At first dawn, Ash tries to make his escape, but is promptly set upon by the spirits, given a solid thrashing and nearly possessed himself, saved only by the arrival of sunlight. Cut off from the outside world, Ash is forced to hole up in the cabin and wait for the next demonic onslaught — which arrives sooner than expected, led by Linda's rotting corpse. After being bitten by Linda's chatty decapitated head, Ash's hand becomes independent of his body and begins pummeling him repeatedly. The story then jumps to a local airport, where the professor's daughter Annie (Sarah Berry) and her partner Ed Getley (Richard Domeier) have just arrived with the missing pages to the Necronomicon. They employ a cranky pair of local rednecks, Jake (Dan Hicks) and Bobbie Joe (Kassie Wesley), as guides to lead them through the dense woods to the cabin ... where, at that very moment, Ash is removing his belligerent hand with a chainsaw, creating yet another ambulatory foe. Driven to the brink of insanity, Ash fires blindly at a noise outside, unaware that the new arrivals are Annie and company. Bobbie Joe is injured by the gunshot, which incurs the wrath of Jake, who knocks Ash senseless and locks him in the fruit cellar. Believing her father was murdered by Ash, Annie plays the rest of the professor's recording to learn the truth, and discovers her possessed mother was buried in the same cellar — and not exactly resting in peace. This touches off a string of unbelievably gruesome (and hysterically funny) events, including Henrietta's transformation into a stop-motion creature (reminiscent of a Ray Harryhausen creation), Ed's sudden metamorphosis into a toothy, levitating ghoul, and Ash's climactic confrontation with the forest demon itself. The obvious glee with which Raimi and company present this cavalcade of slime-drenched monstrosities and Three Stooges pratfalls makes it impossible to take seriously as a horror film, but Evil Dead 2 is nevertheless essential viewing among connoisseurs of truly demented cinema. The film's sardonic coda opened the way for a slightly less successful sequel, Army of Darkness 
Sam Raimi - Director / Screenwriter
Robert Tapert - Producer
Scott Spiegel - Screenwriter
Peter Deming - Cinematographer
Eugene Shlugleit - Cinematographer
Joseph Lo Duca - Composer (Music Score)
Kaye Davis - Editor
Randy Bennett - Art Director
Philip J.C. Duffin - Art Director
Bruce Campbell - Co-producer
Elizabeth Moore - Set Designer
Wendy Bell - Makeup
Doug Beswick - Special Effects
Rick Catizone - Special Effects
Vern Hyde - Special Effects
Tom Sullivan - Special Effects
Joseph Winogradoff - First Assistant Director
Andrea Brown - Choreography
Tam G. Warner - Choreography
Susan Labatt - Fights Choreographer
Mark Shostrom - Makeup Special Effects
Cast: Bruce Campbell - Ash, Ashley J. Williams
Sarah Berry - Annie Knowby
Dan Hicks - Jake
Kassie Wesley - Bobby Joe
Theodore Raimi - Possessed Henrietta
Denise Bixler - Linda
Richard Domeier - Ed Getley
John Peaks - Prof. Raymond Knowby
Lou Hancock - Henrietta Knowby
Sam Raimi - Knight
Scott Spiegel - Fake Shemp
Snowy Winters - Dancer (Dance sequence)
Josh Becker - Fake Shemp
William Preston Robertson - The Hand [Voice]
90264 2/4 Gonosz Halottak 3. - A sötétség serege  Evil Dead 3 Army of Darkness  77  United States  Horror  English  Hungarian  Director: Sam Raimi  DivX 3  MPEG Layer 3 (MP3)  624*368 
De Laurentiis Entertainment Group / Renaissance Pictures / Universal

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Ash az elátkozott erdőben végigszenvedett napok után - amelynek során saját maga ellen fordult jobbkezét kénytelen volt saját maga levágni - semmi másra nem vágyik, csak egy kis nyugalomra. Egy titokzatos könyv mágikus ereje azonban kocsijával és kézfeje helyére szerelt láncfűrészével együtt visszarepíti a középkorba. Nem marad túl sok ideje, hogy összeszedje magát, mivel egy századnyi lovas fogságába esik, egy várba hurcolják és másodpercek alatt halálra ítélik, majd egy kútba vetik. A sötét, nyirkos veremben azonban nincs egyedül - a kút rút, nyirkos, nedvedző, nyálkás szörnyetege már kinyújtotta felé a csápját. Most jön csak igazán jól a láncfűrész! Miután végzett a szörnyeteggel, szabadon távozhatna, ha tudná az időutazás módját. A vár varázslója szerint csak egy módon juthat vissza a saját korába: ha megszerzi a varázskönyvet, amelyet csontvázak sötét serege véd...

Egyéb címek: Gonosz halott 3. - A sötétség serege, Army of Darkness, the Ultimate Experience in Medieval Horror, Army of Darkness: Evil Dead 3, Bruce Campbell vs. Army of Darkness, Captain Supermarket, Evil Dead 3, The Medieval Dead

The third in director Sam Raimi's stylish, comic book-like horror trilogy that began with The Evil Dead (1982), this tongue-in-cheek sequel offers equal parts sword-and-sorcery-style action, gore, and comedy. Bruce Campbell returns as the one-armed Ash, now a supermarket employee ("Shop Smart...Shop S-Mart") who is transported by the powers of a mysterious book back in time with his Oldsmobile '88 to the 14th century medieval era. Armed only with a shotgun, his high school chemistry textbook, and a chainsaw that mounts where his missing appendage once resided, the square-jawed, brutally competent Ash quickly establishes himself as a besieged kingdom's best hope against an "army of darkness" currently plaguing the land. Since the skeleton warriors have been resurrected with the aid of the Necronomicon (the same tome that can send Ash back to his own time) he agrees to face the enemy in battle. Ash also finds romance of a sort along the way with a beautiful damsel in distress, Sheila (Embeth Davidtz), and contends with his own doppelganger after mangling an important incantation 
Sam Raimi - Director / Screenwriter
Robert Tapert - Producer
Ivan Raimi - Screenwriter
Bill Pope - Cinematographer
Danny Elfman - Composer (Music Score)
Joseph Lo Duca - Composer (Music Score)
Bob Murawski - Editor
John Travers - Editor
Tony Tremblay - Production Designer
Bruce Campbell - Co-producer
Michele Poulik - Set Designer
Ida Gearon - Costume Designer
William Mesa - Special Effects
Ira Belgrade - Casting
Cast: Bruce Campbell - Ash (Ashley J. Williams)
Embeth Davidtz - Sheila/Evil Sheila
Marcus Gilbert - Arthur
Ian Abercrombie - Wiseman
Richard Grove - Duke Henry
Michael Earl Reid - Gold Tooth
Timothy Patrick Quill - Blacksmith
Bridget Fonda - Linda
Patricia Tallman - Possessed Witch
Theodore Raimi - Cowardly Warrior
Deke Anderson - 1st Tiny Ash
Bernard Rose - Fake Shemp
Ivan Raimi - Fake Shemp
Ron Zwang - Fake Shemp
Don Campbell - Fake Shemp
Andy Bale - 1st Lieutenant
Josh Becker - Fake Shemp
Bill Moseley - Deadite Captain
David O'Malley - Fake Shemp
Ira Belgrade
William Lustig - Fake Shemp
5615 2/4 Gonosz Halottak 3. - A sötétség serege  Evil Dead 3 Army of Darkness  77  United States  Horror  Hungarian    Director: Sam Raimi  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
De Laurentiis Entertainment Group / Renaissance Pictures / Universal

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Ash az elátkozott erdőben végigszenvedett napok után - amelynek során saját maga ellen fordult jobbkezét kénytelen volt saját maga levágni - semmi másra nem vágyik, csak egy kis nyugalomra. Egy titokzatos könyv mágikus ereje azonban kocsijával és kézfeje helyére szerelt láncfűrészével együtt visszarepíti a középkorba. Nem marad túl sok ideje, hogy összeszedje magát, mivel egy századnyi lovas fogságába esik, egy várba hurcolják és másodpercek alatt halálra ítélik, majd egy kútba vetik. A sötét, nyirkos veremben azonban nincs egyedül - a kút rút, nyirkos, nedvedző, nyálkás szörnyetege már kinyújtotta felé a csápját. Most jön csak igazán jól a láncfűrész! Miután végzett a szörnyeteggel, szabadon távozhatna, ha tudná az időutazás módját. A vár varázslója szerint csak egy módon juthat vissza a saját korába: ha megszerzi a varázskönyvet, amelyet csontvázak sötét serege véd...

Egyéb címek: Gonosz halott 3. - A sötétség serege, Army of Darkness, the Ultimate Experience in Medieval Horror, Army of Darkness: Evil Dead 3, Bruce Campbell vs. Army of Darkness, Captain Supermarket, Evil Dead 3, The Medieval Dead

The third in director Sam Raimi's stylish, comic book-like horror trilogy that began with The Evil Dead (1982), this tongue-in-cheek sequel offers equal parts sword-and-sorcery-style action, gore, and comedy. Bruce Campbell returns as the one-armed Ash, now a supermarket employee ("Shop Smart...Shop S-Mart") who is transported by the powers of a mysterious book back in time with his Oldsmobile '88 to the 14th century medieval era. Armed only with a shotgun, his high school chemistry textbook, and a chainsaw that mounts where his missing appendage once resided, the square-jawed, brutally competent Ash quickly establishes himself as a besieged kingdom's best hope against an "army of darkness" currently plaguing the land. Since the skeleton warriors have been resurrected with the aid of the Necronomicon (the same tome that can send Ash back to his own time) he agrees to face the enemy in battle. Ash also finds romance of a sort along the way with a beautiful damsel in distress, Sheila (Embeth Davidtz), and contends with his own doppelganger after mangling an important incantation 
Sam Raimi - Director / Screenwriter
Robert Tapert - Producer
Ivan Raimi - Screenwriter
Bill Pope - Cinematographer
Danny Elfman - Composer (Music Score)
Joseph Lo Duca - Composer (Music Score)
Bob Murawski - Editor
John Travers - Editor
Tony Tremblay - Production Designer
Bruce Campbell - Co-producer
Michele Poulik - Set Designer
Ida Gearon - Costume Designer
William Mesa - Special Effects
Ira Belgrade - Casting
Cast: Bruce Campbell - Ash (Ashley J. Williams)
Embeth Davidtz - Sheila/Evil Sheila
Marcus Gilbert - Arthur
Ian Abercrombie - Wiseman
Richard Grove - Duke Henry
Michael Earl Reid - Gold Tooth
Timothy Patrick Quill - Blacksmith
Bridget Fonda - Linda
Patricia Tallman - Possessed Witch
Theodore Raimi - Cowardly Warrior
Deke Anderson - 1st Tiny Ash
Bernard Rose - Fake Shemp
Ivan Raimi - Fake Shemp
Ron Zwang - Fake Shemp
Don Campbell - Fake Shemp
Andy Bale - 1st Lieutenant
Josh Becker - Fake Shemp
Bill Moseley - Deadite Captain
David O'Malley - Fake Shemp
Ira Belgrade
William Lustig - Fake Shemp
2240 1/4 Gonosz halottak csapdája  Evil Dead Trap    Japan  Horror  Japan  Hungarian  Director: Toshiharu Ikeda  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Toshiharu Ikeda directed this provocative horror film which spawned two sequels. Miyuki Ono stars as Nami, a talk-show hostess who receives a grotesque snuff video in the mail. She is outraged as she sees a young woman horribly murdered on the tape, complete with a truly foul sequence in which a blade is graphically plunged into the victim's eyeball. With her crew, Nami decides to track down the killer, leading her to an abandoned factory where her crew is repulsively slaughtered one by one. The outlandish ending depicts a man giving birth to his own split personality. Fumi Katsuragi, Hitomi Kobayashi, and Eriko Nakagawa co-star in this sickening but riveting slasher, which closely imitates Italian thrillers by Dario Argento and Lamberto Bava in style. The unrelated Shiryo No Wana 2: Hideki (1991) followed. All three films in the series were written by Takashi Ishii.  
Toshiharu Ikeda - Director
Takashi Ishii - Screenwriter
Cast: Miyuki Ono - Nami
Hitomi Kobayashi
Eriko Nakagawa
Fumi Katsuragi
4725 1/4 Gyilkos kor - Madárinfluenza Amerikában  Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America   120  United States  Thriller  Hungarian    Director: Richard Pearce   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Sony Pictures Television

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Nem lehet gyógyítani. Nem lehet megállítani. A H5N1, más néven a madárinfluenza az egész világot fenyegeti.

Mikor egy hongkongi piacon felbukkan a vírus mutáns változata, Dr. Iris Varnack, az amerikai Járványügyi Központ munkatársa azonnal a helyszínre siet. Rádöbben, hogy elkésett: egy amerikai üzletember már áldozatul esett a járványnak, amely emberről emberre is terjed. A fertőzöttek száma rohamosan növekszik, Collin Reed egészségügyi miniszter pedig kétségbeesetten próbál úrrá lenni a káoszon. Mindeközben az első áldozat felesége, Denise Connelly mindent megtesz, hogy segítsen a betegeken. Senki sem hitte, hogy ez megtörténhet - most mégis bekövetkezett.

Forget about Hitchcock's Birds, because in this made-for-television disaster film an outbreak of the dreaded Avian Flu mutates to cause a worldwide pandemic that will shake the very foundations of modern society. The worst case scenario has finally become a reality. Born in Hong Kong and gradually adapting the traits which allow it to transfer from human to human, the Avian Flu causes mass panic as tens of millions of men, women, and children rapidly succumb to the its ravaging effects. As panic sweeps through the streets and entire cities are quarantined, humankind will discover that the dreaded Black Death of the 14th century was merely a minor precursor to the virus that would decimate the entire planet as it threatens the very existence of the human race.
Richard Pearce - Director
Ron McGee - Screenwriter
Diana Kerew - Executive Producer
Judith Verno - Executive Producer
Cast: Joely Richardson - Dr. Iris Varnack
Stacy Keach - Collin Reed
Ann Cusack - Denise Connelly
Justina Machado - Alma Ansen
Scott Cohen - Gov. Mike Newsome
David Ramsey - Curtis Ansen
2106 1/4 Gyorsbüfék, gyors nők  Fats food fast woman  95  France/USA  Comedy drama  Hungarian    Director: Amos Kollek  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Ocean Film
BiM Distribution / Lumen Films / Orly Films / Pandora Films / Paradis Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Bellának, egy New York-i gyorsétterem harmincas pincérnőjének magánélete maga a katasztrófa. Férj, gyerek nincs, ellenben van egy üres kapcsolata egy Broadway-rendezővel. A gyorsbüfében Bella a hely lelke, nemcsak főnöke, de vendégei szerint is. Mamája nem bízik életrevalóságában, ezért több száz kilométer távolságról szervezi lánya randevúját. A kiszemelt: Bruno, az öntörvényű és önjelölt drámaíró, aki taxisofőrként keresi a kenyerét. Volt felesége váratlanul átpasszolja közös gyermekeiket, nem könnyítve meg ezzel kapcsolatuk alakulását. A boldogság keresésében nincsenek egyedül ebben a metropolisban. A közvetlen kollégák, barátok is a boldog szerelmet hajszolják kortól függetlenül...

Amos Kollek directs this quiet, understated comedy about lonely hearts and empty pockets in New York. Pushing 40, Bella (Anna Thomson) works as a waitress at small downtown diner in Manhattan. Her elderly regulars include Paul (Robert Modica), a lovelorn retiree who scours the personal ads and his ill-tempered buddies Seymour (Victor Argo) and Graham (Mark Margolis), who are more than a little disparaging toward Paul's attempts at finding love. Involved in a 12-year relationship with married Broadway theater director George (Austin Pendleton), Bella craves marriage and children. On a blind date set up by her mother, Bella meets Bruno, a divorced cabbie and fledgling novelist with two young children. Meanwhile, Paul meets ready-and-willing widow Emily (Louise Lasser), while Seymour shacks up with Wanda (Valerie Geffner), a stripper with a master's degree. This film was shown in competition at the 2000 Cannes Film Festival. 
Amos Kollek - Director / Screenwriter
Hengameh Panahi - Producer
Jean-Marc Fabre - Cinematographer
Sheri Bylander - Editor
Stacey Tanner - Production Designer
Avram Ludwig - Co-producer
Chen Harpaz - Sound/Sound Designer
Roger Bobb - First Assistant Director
Caroline Sinclair - Casting

Cast: Anna Thomson - Bella
Jamie Harris - Bruno
Louise Lasser - Emily
Robert Modica - Paul
Lonette McKee - Sherry-Lynn
Victor Argo - Seymour
Angelica Torn - Vikta
Austin Pendleton - George
Mark Margolis - Graham
Judith Roberts - Bella's Mother
Salem Ludwig
Irma St. Paule
1536 3/4 Gyagyás Család  Flirting with disaster  92  United States  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: David O. Russell  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 


ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Mel Coplin (Ben Stiller) számára igazán nagy örömöt jelentettek az elmúlt hónapok: imádott felesége, Nancy (Patricia Arquette) kisfiút szült neki. A családi gyermekáldás egy másik, kevésbé kellemes fajtája azonban csaknem a kétségbeesésbe taszítja hosünket: kiderül ugyanis, hogy szülei (Mary Tyler Moore, George Segal) valójában nem is a szülei: kisbabakorában adoptálták. Mel számára ez azonban csak rövid ideig jelent katasztrófát, hiszen elhatározza, hogy bármibe is kerül, megtalálja valódi, vér szerinti famíliáját. Sikerrel is jár, hiszen az örökbeadási hivatalon keresztül felkutatja apját és anyját, majd kis családját kocsiba ültetve Kaliforniából elindulnak Új-Mexikóba – csatlakozik még hozzájuk Tina, a pszichológusno (Téa Leoni), aki tanulmányt szeretne írni az esetrol. A kellemes és izgalmas viszontlátásig azonban Meléknek számtalan problémával kell megküzdeniük: személycserék, komoly félreértések, a szexuális libidó túltengése nehezíti a sorsukat, Nancy egykori középiskolás szerelmérol már nem is beszélve.

A sorozatos gondok végül elgondolkoztatják hosünket: vajon tényleg annyira akarja azt az örömkönnyes viszontlátást…?

In this satirical comedy, Mel Coplin (Ben Stiller) has a beautiful wife, Nancy (Patricia Arquette), and a four-month old son, and on the surface his life is good. But something's been troubling him: Mel knows he was adopted, and he can't resolve his issues with the mother who gave him away years ago, much to the annoyance of his adoptive parents (George Segal and Mary Tyler Moore). Mel decides it's time he met his birth parents and resolved his feelings once and for all, and Tina (Tea Leoni), a psychology student, has offered to tag along to capture the event on video for a research project. But after a few minutes with Mel's "real" mother, they discover that a mistake has been made and they've been directed to the wrong person. A second meeting, this time with Mel's supposed dad, also turns out to be a mistake, and it's quite some time before Mel, Nancy, and Tina are finally face to face with Mel's biological parents — a pair of burned-out hippies (played by Alan Alda and Lily Tomlin) who support themselves by dealing blotter acid daubed onto pictures of Ronald Reagan. It doesn't help that Mel finds himself attracted to the very leggy Tina, or that Nancy's head is turned by a bisexual ATF agent (Josh Brolin). Writer/director David O. Russell previously made a splash with his independent debut feature, 1994's Spanking the Monkey. 
David O. Russell - Director / Screenwriter
Dean Silvers - Producer
Eric Alan Edwards - Cinematographer
Stephen Endelman - Songwriter / Composer (Music Score)
Bonnie Greenberg - Musical Direction/Supervision
Christopher Tellefsen - Editor
Kevin Thompson - Production Designer
Judy Rhee - Art Director
Kerry Orent - Co-producer
Christopher Goode - Associate Producer
Trea Hoving - Executive Producer
Bob Weinstein - Executive Producer
Harvey Weinstein - Executive Producer
Ford Wheeler - Set Designer
Susan Block - Set Decorator
Ellen Lutter - Costume Designer
Wendy Hedin - Sound/Sound Designer
Rolf Pardula - Sound/Sound Designer
Lori Hicks - Makeup
Scott K. Coder - First Assistant Director
Jolyon Handler - First Assistant Director
Kent Johnson - First Assistant Director
Marco Londoner - First Assistant Director
Todd Pfeiffer - First Assistant Director
Jeremy Slutskin - First Assistant Director
Alan Steinman - First Assistant Director
Sheila Waldron - First Assistant Director
David Wechsler - First Assistant Director
Eric Brown - Stunts
Joyce R. Korbin - Stunts
Risa Bramon Garcia - Casting
Ellen Parks - Casting
Alexis Arnold - Production Coordinator
Jeanne Brennan - Production Coordinator
Eddy Collyns - Location Manager
David Diamond - Boom Operator
Julie Duvic - Unit Production Manager
Stuart Emanuel - Sound Editor
Amanda Gill - Location Manager
Jude Gorjanc - Second Assistant Director
William Grant - Leadman
Christine M. Guararra - Assistant Hair
James Hammer - Assistant Costumer Designer
Rob Harris - Unit Publicist
Pedro Hernández - Best Boy Grip
Wayne Herndon - Hair Styles
Lou Iocca - Additional Editing
Lowell Jacobs - Boom Operator
George A. Lara - Foley Artist
George Larkin - Post Production Coordinator
Andy Lassman - Properties Master
Jana Ludwigova - Second Second Assistant Director
Gary Martone - Key Grip
Kenny Mason - Transportation Coordinator
Victoria McGarry - Unit Production Manager
Eric M. Metzger - Set Dresser
Tim Metzger - Leadman
William D. Moran - Grip
Keith Mosca - Leadman
Margo Myers - Production Accountant
Yvette Nabel - Foley Artist
Sarah Nicholson - Post Production Assistant
Julie Oppenheimer - Script Supervisor
Scott Ramsey - Gaffer
Jeffrey Rollins - Set Dresser
Richard Rutkowski - First Assistant Camera
Andrew Saxe - Assistant Location Manager
Arthur Schlenger - First Assistant Editor
Mark Schwentner - Best Boy Electric
Ivor Shier - Pilot
Misako Shimizu - First Assistant Editor
Michael Shore - Dialogue Editor
Amanda Slater - Production Assistant
Brian Vancho - Foley Artist
Barry Wetcher - Still Photographer
Cast: Ben Stiller - Mel Coplin
Patricia Arquette - Nancy Coplin
Téa Leoni - Tina Kalb
Mary Tyler Moore - Mrs. Coplin
George Segal - Mr. Coplin
Alan Alda - Richard Schlicting
Lily Tomlin - Mary Schlicting
Josh Brolin - Tony
Richard Jenkins - Paul
Clarke Bittner - Cop #2
Don Creech - Cop #1
Charlet Oberly - B&B Lady
Steve Moreno - Deputy
Jonathan Teague Cook - Sheriff
Beth Ostrosky - Jane
Cynthia Lamontagne - Sandra
Tori Davis - Flight Attendant
Tony Kruk - Detective
John Ford Noonan - Mitch
David Patrick Kelly - Fritz Boudreau
Shawn Michael Howard - Roger
Nadia Dajani - Jill
Suzanne Snyder - Alternative Wife
Glenn Fitzgerald - Lonnie Schlicting
Celia Weston - Valerie Swaney
5204 3/4 Gettosztorik  Freedom writers  123  United States  Drama  Hungarian    Director: Richard LaGravenese  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Paramount Pictures
Double Feature Films / Jersey Films / Paramount Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Erin Gruwell (Hilary Swank) 23 éves, ambíciózus kezdő tanárnő. Első munkája az egyik leghírhedtebb kaliforniai középiskolába szólítja, ahol egy "taníthatatlannak" bélyegzett osztályt bíznak rá. Ennek ellenére ő bízik benne, hogy ki tudja hozni a legjobbat tanítványaiból.

Törekvéseit, nem meglepő módon, értetlenség és ellenséges érzelmek fogadják; de félelmet nem ismerő eltökéltsége segít neki abban, hogy megtalálja a közös hangot az osztállyal.

Mikor a Holocaust irodalmáról beszél a srácoknak, megdöbbenve veszi tudomásul, hogy a többség még csak nem is hallott a több mind fél évszázaddal ezelőtti tragikus eseményekről. Előadásai a történelemnek erről a borzalmas időszakáról végre felnyitják tanulói szemét. Az erőszakról, igazságtalanságról és intoleranciáról szóló történetei segítenek nekik meglátni a párhuzamokat saját életükkel, és arra ösztönzik őket, hogy megpróbáljanak kiutat találni nyomorúságos környezetükből.

Erin bíztatja a srácokat, hogy kezdjék el papírra vetni a saját élményeiket. Az osztály tagjai félelmetes vallomásaik segítségével addig elképzelhetetlen mértékű önbecsülésre tesznek szert. A fiatal tanárnő áldozatos munkája végül meghozza gyümölcsét: Mind a százötvenen elhatározzák, hogy a suli elvégzése után egyetemen vagy főiskolán folytatják tovább tanulmányaikat.

A film megtörtént eseményeket dolgoz fel.

Assigned the thankless task of teaching freshman English at a gang-infested Long Beach, CA high school, a 23-year-old teacher resorts to unconventional means of breaking through to her hardened students in director Richard LaGravenese's adaptation of Erin Gruwell's best-seller The Freedom Writer's Diaries: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them. Her students had been written off, and her chances of succeeding scoffed at, but Erin Gruwell (Hilary Swank) wasn't about to go down without a fight. Long Beach is a place where a new war is waged with each passing day, and when the hardened students who walk those dangerous hallways sense an outsider attempting to understand their plight, their cynical resentment threatens to keep a deadly cycle in motion. Despite the initially hostile reaction she receives in the classroom, Gruwell uses the writings of Anne Frank and Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Sarajevo to teach her students not only the basis of the English language, but compassion and tolerance as well. Later, when the time comes to tell their own tales in a project specially designed to explore the daily violence that the majority of students have grown numb to, the barriers that had once stood so strong gradually begin to crumble. When the only chance for survival is to befriend the person who was once your mortal enemy, the world is opened to a whole new realm of possibilities.
Richard LaGravenese - Director / Screenwriter
Danny DeVito - Producer
Michael Shamberg - Producer
Stacey Sher - Producer
Freedom Writers - Book Author
Erin Gruwell - Book Author
Jim Denault - Cinematographer
Mark Isham - Composer (Music Score)
Mary Ramos - Musical Direction/Supervision
RZA - Composer (Music Score) - Composer (Music Score)
David Moritz - Editor
Laurence Bennett - Production Designer
Peter Borck - Art Director
Jordana Glick-Franzheim - Associate Producer
Tracy Durning - Executive Producer
Dan Levine - Executive Producer
Nan Morales - Executive Producer
Hilary Swank - Executive Producer
Thomas Betts - Set Designer
Cindy Evans - Costume Designer
Linda Sutton - Set Decorator
David Parker - Sound/Sound Designer
Debra Denson - Makeup
Donald Sparks - First Assistant Director
Margery Simkin - Casting
Karen Baker Landers - Supervising Sound Editor
Engine Room - Visual Effects
Per Hallberg - Supervising Sound Editor
Lola Visual Effects - Visual Effects
William Morts - Stunts Coordinator
Dan Schmitt - Visual Effects Supervisor
Edson Williams - Visual Effects Supervisor
Cast: Hilary Swank - Erin Gruwell
Patrick Dempsey - Scott Casey
Scott Glenn - Steve Gruwell
Imelda Staunton - Margaret Campbell
April Lee Hernandez - Eva
Deance Wyatt - Jamal
Mario - Andre
Kristin Herrera - Gloria
Vanetta Smith - Brandy
Jaclyn Ngan - Sindy
Sergio Montalvo - Alejandro
John Benjamin Hickey - Brian Gelford
Pat Carroll - Miep Gies
Jason Finn - Marcus
Gabriel Chavarria - Tito
Hunter Parrish - Ben
Antonio Garcia - Miguel
Giovonnie Samuels - Victoria
Robert Wisdom - Dr. Carl Cohn
Will Morales - Paco
Armand Jones - Grant Rice
Ricardo Molina - Eva's Father
Angela Alvarado - Eva's Mother
Anh Nguyen - Sindy's Boyfriend
Liisa Cohen - Brandy's Mother
Brian Bennett - Brandy's Father
Mr. Horace Hall - Himself
Tim Halligan - Principal Banning
Lisa Banes - Karin Polachek
Giselle Bonilla - Young Eva
Earl Williams - Young Marcus
Blake Hightower - Clive
Angela Sargeant - Marcus' Mother
Robin Skye - PTA Mom
Chil Kong - Store Owner
Larry Cahn - Prosecutor
Juan Garcia - Defense Attorney
Sharaud Moore - Hall Monitor
Abel Soto - Gang Member
Dan Warner - Cop #1
Randy Hall - Cop #2
Carl Paoli - Cop #3
Dominic Daniel - Drug Dealer
Cody Chappel - Bookstore Clerk
Renee Firestone - Herself (Holocaust Survivor)
Eddie Ilam - Himself (Holocaust Survivor)
Elisabeth Mann - Herself (Holocaust Survivor)
Gloria Ungar - Herself (Holocaust Survivor)
60078 3/4 G3 in Concert - Satriani,Johnsonn,Vai  G3 in Concert - Satriani,Johnsonn,Vai    United States  Live concert  English    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD Dolby Digital 5.1  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

4149 2/4 Gacy  Gacy  89  United States  Crime   Hungarian    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

For those who don't know the name and legacy of John Wayne Gacy, the movie is based on the true story of one of the nation's most prolific serial killers (33 murder convictions). Gacy depicts the methods upstanding citizen and neighborhood party clown Gacy (Mark Holton) used to seduce young men, slaughter them and then hide their bodies in the crawl space under the house he shared with his wife (Joleen Lutz) and children 
3522 2/4 Galla szépségem titkai  Galla szépségem titkai  95  Hungary  Comedy  Hungarian    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Galla Miklós Merlin Színházban felvett önálló estje. Külföldön stand up comedynek nevezik ezt a műfajt, de Galla jobban szereti az általa kitalált "egyedülálló humor" kifejezést. Az előadáson szóba kerül a szemöldök, a konfetti, a következetesség, meg a tapéta. Elhangoznak Galla saját szavai: nigflot, bloomi, kvaakka, bron. Később kiderül, miért nehéz a molylepkék élete. Hogy hány poénbomba hangzik el a darab során, arra nem mernék megesküdni. A műsort néhány dal is színesíti, de nem a prózai komikum rovására, hanem vica verza.
Cast: Galla Miklós 
870 1/4 Gamera az univerzum kapuőre  Gamera Guardian og the universe  92  Japan  Science-Fiction  Japan  Hungarian  Director: Shusuke Kaneko  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 


ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Prehistoric and Intergalactic megamonsters beware! Japan's jet-propelled, flying giant turtle returns, after a 14-year absence in this deliberately retro Japanese sci-fi fantasy, to defeat his giant nemesis Gyaos and to keep the world safe for children everywhere. The trouble begins when a plutonium transport is botched; somehow this disturbs an atoll, causes the disappearance of a professor and an entire village, and reawakens three Gyaos, gigantic flying lizard things with enormous wing-spans who fly about Japan making a lot of noise and causing infinite destruction. The clever scientists observing the birds decide that there is only one structure in Japan big enough to cage the pesky supercreatures: the Fukuoka Dome baseball stadium which has a roof that can open and close. All of the ensuing hullabaloo manages to awaken Gamera, the monster turtle, from his long slumber. He promptly destroys the stadium and releases two of the Gyaos. Disaster ensues as he and the scientists endeavor to stop the avian invaders from destroying the entire world. The film's exciting, climactic battle between Gamera and Gyaos takes place in the smoldering ruins of Tokyo 
Shusuke Kaneko - Director
Shigeru Ohno - Producer
Kazunori Ito - Screenwriter
Kenji Takama - Cinematographer
Cast: Tsuyoshi Ihara - Yoshinari Yonemori
Akira Onodera - Naoya Kusanagi
Ayako Fujitani
Shinobu Nakayama - Matumi Nagamine
Akira Kubo
363 4/4 Gandhi  Gandhi  195  UK / India  historical epic  Hungarian    Director: Richard Attenborough  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Columbia Pictures / Goldcrest Films International / Indo-British Films / International Film Investors / National Film Development Corporation of India

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Ez a nyolc Oscar-díjjal jutalmazott, látványos filmeposz 56 évet ölel fel a 79 évesen merénylet áldozatává lett, legendás indiai vezető életéből. Fiatal ügyvéd Dél-Afrikában, amikor kiutasítják az elsőosztályról, noha érvényes jegye van. Ettől a megaláztatástól feldühödve kezd el tiltakozni és küzdeni az indiaiak és más színes bőrűek jogaiért. Sikerei hallatán hazahívják: megdöbbenti a nyomor és a britek zsarnoksága... A film címszerepében Ben Kingsley India huszadik századi történelmének legjelentősebb alakját formálta meg. A szerepre történt gondos előkészületei, melyek nyomán a politikus szinte egész életművét áttanulmányozta, végül sikerre vezettek: alakításáért Oscar-díjjal jutalmazták.

It was Richard Attenborough's lifelong dream to bring the life story of Indian political and spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi to the screen. When it finally reached fruition in 1982, the 188-minute, Oscar-winning Gandhi was one of the most exhaustively thorough biopics ever made. The film begins in the early part of the 20th century, when Mohandas K. Gandhi (Ben Kingsley), a British-trained lawyer, forsakes all worldly possessions to take up the cause of Indian independence. Faced with armed resistance from the British government, Gandhi adopts a policy of "passive resistance," endeavoring to win freedom for his people without resorting to bloodshed. In the horrendous "slaughter" sequence, more extras appear on screen than in any previous historical epic. The supporting cast includes Candice Bergen as photographer Margaret Bourke-White, Athol Fugard as General Smuts, John Gielgud as Lord Irwin, John Mills as the viceroy, Martin Sheen as Walker, Trevor Howard as Judge Broomfield, and, in a tiny part as a street bully, star-to-be Daniel Day-Lewis. Gandhi won eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Director. 
Richard Attenborough - Director / Producer
Terence A. Clegg - Producer
Michael Stanley-Evans - Producer
Robert Bolt - Screenwriter
John Briley - Screenwriter
Ronnie Taylor - Cinematographer
Billy Williams - Cinematographer
George Fenton - Composer (Music Score)
Ravi Shankar - Composer (Music Score)
John Bloom - Editor
Stuart Craig - Production Designer
Robert Laing - Production Designer
Norman Dorme - Art Director
Bob Laing - Art Director
Ram Yedekar - Art Director
Michael Seirton - Set Designer
Bhanu Athaiya - Costume Designer
John Mollo - Costume Designer
Simon Kaye - Sound/Sound Designer
David Hathaway - Special Effects
David Tomblin - First Assistant Director
Govind Nihalani - Camera Operator / Second Unit Director
Jonathan Bates - Sound Editor
A.K. Bir - First Assistant Camera

Best Actor (win) Ben Kingsley 1982 Academy
Best Art Direction (win) Bob Laing 1982 Academy
Best Art Direction (win) Michael Seirton 1982 Academy
Best Art Direction (win) Stuart Craig 1982 Academy
Best Cinematography (nom) Ronnie Taylor 1982 Academy
Best Cinematography (win) Billy Williams 1982 Academy
Best Costume Design (win) Bhanu Athaiya 1982 Academy
Best Costume Design (win) John Mollo 1982 Academy
Best Director (win) Richard Attenborough 1982 Academy
Best Editing (win) John Bloom 1982 Academy
Best Makeup (nom) Tom Smith 1982 Academy
Best Original Score (nom) George Fenton 1982 Academy
Best Original Score (nom) Ravi Shankar 1982 Academy
Best Original Screenplay (win) John Briley 1982 Academy
Best Picture (win) 1982 Academy
Best Sound (nom) Jonathan Bates 1982 Academy
Best Sound (nom) Simon Kaye 1982 Academy
Best Sound (nom) Gerry Humphreys 1982 Academy
Best Sound (nom) O'Donoughue, Robin 1982 Academy
Best Actor (win) Ben Kingsley 1982 British Academy Awards
Best Direction (win) Richard Attenborough 1982 British Academy Awards
Best Film (win) Richard Attenborough 1982 British Academy Awards
Best Supporting Actress (win) Rohini Hattangady 1982 British Academy Awards
Best Director (win) Richard Attenborough 1982 Directors Guild of America
Best Actor - Drama (win) Ben Kingsley 1982 Golden Globe
Best Director (win) Richard Attenborough 1982 Golden Globe
Best Foreign Film (win) 1982 Golden Globe
Best Screenplay (win) John Briley 1982 Golden Globe
New Star of the Year - Male (win) Ben Kingsley 1982 Golden Globe
Best Actor (win) Ben Kingsley 1982 L.A. Film Critics Association
Best Actor (win) Ben Kingsley 1982 National Board of Review
Best Picture (win) 1982 National Board of Review
Best Actor (win) Ben Kingsley 1982 New York Film Critics Circle
Best Film (win) Richard Attenborough 1982 New York Film Critics Circle
Cast: Ben Kingsley - Mahatma Gandhi
Candice Bergen - Margaret Bourke-White
Edward Fox - Gen. Dyer
John Gielgud - Lord Irwin
Trevor Howard - Judge Broomfield
John Mills - Lord Chelmsford
Martin Sheen - Walker
Rohini Hattangady - Kasturba Gandhi
Ian Charleson - Charlie Andrews
Athol Fugard - Gen. Smuts
Saeed Jaffrey - Sardar Patel
Geraldine James - Mirabehn
Alyque Padamsee - Mohamed Ali Jinnah
Amrish Puri - Khan
Roshan Seth - Pandit Nehru
Ian Bannen - Senior Police Officer
Michael Bryant - Principal Secretary
John Clements - Advocate General
Richard Griffiths - Collins
Nigel Hawthorne - Kinnoch
Bernard Hepton - G.O.C.
Michael Hordern - Sir George Hodge
Peter Harlowe - Lord Mountbatten
Jane Myerson - Lady Mountbatten
Gerald Sim - Magistrate
John Savident - Manager of the Mine
Marius Weyers - Conductor
John Vine - A.D.C.
Shane Rimmer - Commentator
Ray Burdis - Youth
Jalal Agha - Traveller on Train Roof
John Boxer - Court Reporter
John Ratzenberger - American Lieutenant
James Snell - Court Reporter
David Sibley - Subaltern
Graham Seed - Wicket-Keeper
Jack McKenzie - Major at Aga Khan Palace
Dalip Tahil - Zia
Jon Croft - Colonel
Peter Cartwright - European Passenger
Richard Vernon - Sir Edward Gait
Ernest Clark - Lord Hunter
Supriya Pathak - Manu
Stanley Lebor - Police Officer
Neena Gupta - Abha
Barry John - Police Superintendant
Colin Farrell - Clerk
Christopher Good - Young Englishman
David Gant - Daniels
Rupert Frazer - Cavalry Troop Leader
Terence Hardiman - Ramsey MacDonald
Dominic Guard - Subaltern
Gunther Maria Halmer - Herman Kallenbach
Stewart Harwood - Prison Officer
Norman Chancer - Reporter
Geoffrey Chater - Government Advocate
Avis Bunnage - Colin's Mother
Gareth Forwood - Secretary
Daniel Day-Lewis - Colin
Charu Bala Chokshi - Ayah
James Cossins - Brigadier
John Quentin - Batsman
Brian Oulton - Clerk of Court
Winston Ntshona - Porter
Harsh Nayyar - Nathuran Vinayak Godse
Om Puri - Nahari
Nana Palsikar - Villager
Daniel Peacock - Youth
Bernard Hill - Sergeant Putnam
William Hoyland - Adjutant
Ken Hutchison - Police Sergeant
Bernard Horsfall - Gen. Edgar
Stanley McGeagh - Prison Guard
Richard Mayes - Baker
Richard Leech - Brigadier
David Markham - Older Englishman
1346 2/4 Gengszterek gengsztere  Gangster No.1  103  UK/Germany  Gangster film  English  Hungarian  Director: Paul McGuigan  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Film Four International / IFC Films
British Screen / BSkyB / Filmboard Berlin-Brandenburg / Little Bird Productions / NFH Productions / Pagoda Films / Road Movies Filmproduktion

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A londoni alvilág egyik oszlopos tagja - nevezzük csak egyszerűen gengszternek - megtudja, hogy harminc év börtön után végre szabadon engedték egykori társát, Freddie Mays-t. A három évtizeddel korábbi események emlékei hirtelen újra visszatérnek. 1968-ban a gengszter még kezdő volt a szakmában, Mays azonban már komoly befolyással bírt az alvilágban. Amikor a gengszter leszámolt egy rivális banda néhány tagjával - Mays ádáz ellenségeivel - végre elnyerhette a főnök teljes bizalmát és barátságát.Kettejük kapcsolata azonban megromlik, amikor Mays beleszeret egy kissé együgyű táncosnőbe, Karenbe. Emberünk megtudja, hogy Lennie, egy rivális banda vezetője egy éjszaka lecsapni készül Mays-re és Karenre. Ezúttal azonban úgy dönt a gengszer, hogy nem akadályozza meg a vérfürdőt, mi több, megpróbálja egymásnak ugrasztani a rivális bandákat, hogy a zűrzavarból az 1-es számú gengszerként kerülhessen ki?

A portrait of a cold-blooded young gangster living and loathing in 1960s London, this drama features Malcolm McDowell in a major role in his first British picture in years. McDowell opens the film as the present day Gangster 55, who learns that an old associate, gangster Freddie Mays (David Thewlis), has just been released from prison after serving a 30-year sentence. The story then flashes back to 1968, when the young Gangster 55 (Paul Bettany) makes Mays' acquaintance and subsequently wins his trust by dealing with his enemies from a rival gang. The relationship between the two men is threatened when Mays falls for Karen (Saffron Burrows), a no-nonsense dancer. When 55 learns that Lennie (Jamie Foreman), a rival gang leader, plans to ambush Mays and Karen one night, he pits the two gangs against one another so that he can emerge as Gangster No. 1. The film was directed by Paul McGuigan, who previously examined the crusty underbelly of British society with his screen adaptation of Irvine Welsh's The Acid House (1998). 
Paul McGuigan - Director
Jonathan Cavendish - Producer
Norma Heyman - Producer
Louis Mellis - Play Author
David Scinto - Play Author
Peter Sova - Cinematographer
Johnny Dankworth - Composer (Music Score)
Andrew Hulme - Editor
Richard Bridgland - Production Designer
Philip Elton - Art Director
Nicky Kentish Barnes - Co-producer
Ulrich Felsberg - Co-producer
Peter Bowles - Executive Producer
Jany Temime - Costume Designer
John C. Taylor - Sound/Sound Designer
Simon Fisher Turner - Sound/Sound Designer
Chris Carreras - First Assistant Director
Jina Jay - Casting
Adrian Biddle - Additional Photography
Jim Dowdall - Stunts Coordinator
Cast: Malcolm McDowell - Gangster No 1
David Thewlis - Freddie Mays
Paul Bettany - Young Gangster
Saffron Burrows - Karen
Kenneth Cranham - Tommy
Razaaq Adoti - Roland
Johnny Harris - Derek
David Kennedy - Fat Charlie
Andrew Lincoln - Maxie King
Jamie Forman - Lennie Taylor
Caroline Pegg - Flo
Jo McInnes - Lesley
Cavan Clerkin - Billy
Martyn Read - Rough Diamond
Eddie Marsan - Eddie Miller
Jamie Foreman
Tony Denham - Club Manager
Sean Chapman - Bent Cop
Gary McCormack - Giggler Bennett
Emma Griffiths-Malin - Julie
Arthur Nightingale - Toilet Attendant
Don McCorkindale - Smashing Bloke
733 2/4 Gengszterek  Gangsters  86  France / Belgium  Action      Director: Olivier Marchal       

UIP Films
Ajoz Films / Canal Plus / Cineteve / France 3 Cinema / LGM Cinema / Radio Television Belge Francofone / Saga Film / Wallimage

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A párizsi alvilági körökben csak Frankie néven ismert Simon Messena (Richard Anconina), és a feltűnő erotikájú Marie Segal (Anne Parillaud) - aki mint Nina, a prostituált fut Frankie oldalán -, különleges kiképzésű rendőrnyomozók. Őket csak a legkeményebb helyzetekben vetik be.
Egy 80 millió frankos gyémánt-ügylet kapcsán a cél a rettegett Kid Claude (Jean-Louis Tribes) és két rejtélyes társának lebuktatása lenne. Kid Claude az elrabolt gyémántok továbbrablása kapcsán kialakult tűzpárbajban hamar elvérzik, de hová illant a két titokzatos bűnrészes?

Hét ember meggyilkolásának vádjával Frankie és Nina sittre kerül, a gyémántok viszont sehol! Az igazi feladat csak most kezdődik: szó szerint belülről lebuktatni az alvilággal paktáló rendőröket. Frankie-nek 48 órája van, hogy rájöjjön, ki a cinkes, s mindeközben, a sorozatos rendőri erőszak ellenére, mellesleg életben maradjon.
Rendőrnek hitt bűnözők és bűnözőnek hitt rendőrök róka-fogta-csuka szorításban küzdenek egymás ellen, az alvilággal való összefonódás szálai pedig egyre messzebbre..., egyre feljebb..., nyúlnak!

Ebben a brutálisan korrupt világban azok, aki egyenes úton járnak, nagy árat fizetnek. A társadalom szélére sodródva, emberileg, morálisan egyaránt megtépázva csak saját lelki erejükre számíthatnak. Mégis, talán hihetjük: ők az erősebbek!

Gangsters is the directorial debut of veteran writer and actor Olivier Marchal, who spent ten years as a police detective in France. Frank (Richard Anconina) is captured and interrogated by the police, who want him to reveal the location of a vaulable briefcase. Flashbacks tell the story of the missing briefcase, in which Frank and Little Claude (Jean-Louis Tribes) are present during a violent burglary in a nightclub. Anne Parillaud (from La Femme Nikita) plays the fearless prostitute Nina. 
Olivier Marchal - Director / Screenwriter
Cyrile Colbeau-Justin - Producer
Paul Fonteyn - Producer
Ariel Zeitoun - Producer
Mathieu Poirot-Delpech - Cinematographer
Axelle Renoir - Composer (Music Score)
Hugues Darmois - Editor
Bernard L'Herminier - Production Designer
Jean-Baptiste Dupont - Associate Producer
Fabienne Servan-Schreiber - Associate Producer
Arlette Zyllberberg - Associate Producer
Pascale Arrou - Costume Designer
Frederic Attal - Sound/Sound Designer
Sylvain Lasseur - Sound/Sound Designer
Pierre Mertens - Sound/Sound Designer
Joel Rangon - Sound/Sound Designer
Cast: Richard Anconina
Anne Parillaud
Gérald Laroche
Francois Levantal
Francois Renaud
Jean-Louis Tribes
Alexandra Van Der Noot
Jean-Jacques Le Vessier
Guy Lecluyse
Pierre Laplace
Francois-Regis Marchasson
Catherine Marchal
60163 3/4 Ganxsta Zolee és a Kartel - Greatest Hits  Ganxsta Zolee és a Kartel - Greatest Hits    Hungary  videoclips  Hungarian    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD Dolby Digital 5.1  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Boom a fejba
Keleti oldal - Nyugati oldal
Rossz vér
A szerb határ felé
A jó, a rossz és a Kartel
A való világ
Blow-feld vs O.J.Bond
Néhány Jó dolog
Vato Loco
Döglégy for prezident
Mi vagyunk AZok
Gerilla Funk
Vannak Percek
A legnagyobb Pofon (Greatest Hit)
Fehér Hó (koncert felvétel)
New York Útifilm 
135 2/4 Garfield a mozifilm  Garfield  80  United States  Cildren's/Family film  Hungarian    Director: Peter Hewitt   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  704*576 
20th Century Fox
Davis Entertainment

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Garfield jelleme tökéletes: lusta, cinikus, elkényeztetett és nagyszájú. Egy macskától igazán nem várható el több, de Garfield mindent elkövet, hogy a jók között is a legjobb legyen. A nap legnagyobb részében csak az alvás vagy az evés foglalkoztatja. Ha ennél is többre vágyik, szerencsére csak nem túl ravasz gazdája, Jon Arbuckle (Breckin Meyer) eszén kell túljárnia. Ám a szerelem még a legbiztosabbnak látszó életeket is képes felforgatni. Jon ugyanis szemet vet macskája állatgyógyászára, Lizre (Jennifer Love Hewitt), így aztán képtelen nemet mondani neki, amikor az megkéri, fogadjon be egy kiskutyát, Odie-t. Garfield persze féltékeny, és fáradtságot nem kímélve igyekszik csúf csínyeivel megkeseríteni az édes kutyus életét. Csakhogy egy televíziós cicaműsor macskaszőr-allergiás sztárja elrabolja Odie-t, és ő egy új érzéssel kénytelen megismerkedni: a lelkiismeret furdalással. Olyan dolgokba kezd tehát, amelyekre korábban sosem vetemedett volna: kalandok, izgalmak és sok gyaloglás vár rá az Odie megmentésére szervezett mentőexpedíció során.

Jim Davis' famous cartoon cat finally makes his way to the big screen in this adaptation of the popular comic strip Garfield, which combines live action with CGI animation. Jon Arbuckle (Breckin Meyer) is a sweet, if somewhat clueless, man who shares his home with his pet cat, Garfield (voice of Bill Murray). Garfield is not your ordinary tabby — he's fat, he's smart-mouthed, he's arrogant, he won't do anything he doesn't have to, and would rather stuff himself with lasagna than do something Jon asks of him. Despite this, Jon loves his cat, but when he decides to expand his animal family, Garfield is less than enthusiastic about the presence of Odie, a lovably enthusiastic dog whose only flaw is his extreme stupidity. While Jon is crazy for Odie, and especially likes having two pets that necessitate periodic visits to Dr. Liz Wilson (Jennifer Love Hewitt), a veterinarian he has a crush on, Garfield decides to remove Odie from the picture. Garfield arranges for Odie to become the property of Happy Chapman (Stephen Tobolowsky), a television host who acts like an animal lover on the round-cornered screen but doesn't much like pets on his own time. While Garfield at first enjoys ruling the roost again, he soon realizes the error of his ways, and in a rare example of selfless and ambitious behavior, hatches a plan to rescue Odie from Chapman. Garfield also features the voice talents of Debra Messing, Brad Garrett, Jimmy Kimmel, and Alan Cumming.  
John Davis - Producer
Joel Cohen - Screenwriter
Alec Sokolow - Screenwriter
Dean Cundey - Cinematographer
Christophe Beck - Composer (Music Score)
Peter E. Berger - Editor
Peter Burger - Editor
Alec Hammond - Production Designer
Suttirat Anne Larlarb - Art Director
Michele Imperato - Co-producer / Production Manager
Brian Manis - Co-producer
Michele Imperato Stabile - Co-producer
Neil Machlis - Executive Producer
Gary Fettis - Set Decorator
Marie France - Costume Designer
David MacMillan - Sound/Sound Designer
Michele Panelli-Venetis - First Assistant Director
Brennan du Fresne - Casting
Risa Bramon Garcia - Casting
Chris Bailey - Supervising Animator
Cast: Bill Murray - Garfield [Voice]
Breckin Meyer - Jon Arbuckle
Jennifer Love Hewitt - Dr. Liz Wilson
Stephen Tobolowsky - Happy Chapman [Voice]
Debra Messing - Arlene [Voice]
Evan Arnold - Wendell
Mark Christopher-Lawrence - Christopher Mello
Nick Cannon - Louis the Mouse
Alan Cumming - Persnikitty the Cat [Voice]
David Eigenberg - Nermal the Cat [Voice]
Brad Garrett - Luca the Doberman Pinscher [Voice]
Jimmy Kimmel - Spanky [Voice]
Eve Brent - Mrs. Baker
Mo'nique - The Rat [Voice]
4308 3/4 Garfield 2  Garfield 2 - Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties  77  United States  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: Tim Hill  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
20th Century Fox
Davis Entertainment Company / Dune Entertainment / Ingenious Film Partners / Major Studio Partners

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A világ legismertebb macskája. És a legkövérebb. Legjobb barátja: a tükre. Második legjobb barátja: Odie, a kutya („a kutya az a mód, amivel a természet üzen nekünk: rosszabbul is járhattunk volna”). Kedvenc étele: a lasagna. Kedvenc búvóhelye: a sütisdoboz. Kedvenc szövege: „jobban szeretném a reggeleket, ha később kezdődnének”. Kedvenc tornagyakorlata: a lefekvést jobban szereti a felülésnél.

A neve: Garfield.
A szupermacska nyughatatlan gazdája nyomában ezúttal kénytelen Angliába utazni, ahol a bamba britek egy egészen másik macskával tévesztik össze, így Garfield hamarosan egy kastély urává válik. De a sors nem engedi, hogy bölcs lustálkodással töltse az idejét. Garfield várúri minőségében kénytelen megküzdeni egy áskálódó kotorékebbel.

The laziest cat in America swaps places with the richest feline in England in director Tim Hill's lasagna-laden sequel to the 2004 theatrical hit Garfield. Jon Arbuckle (Breckin Meyer) is on his way to London to propose to his veterinarian girlfriend, Liz Wilson (Jennifer Love Hewitt), and his unflappable cat, Garfield, is determined to be there when Jon pops the big question. Of course, Garfield wouldn't go anywhere without his old pal Odie, and soon after arriving in the land of Big Ben, the clueless tomcat inadvertently changes places with royal look-a-like Prince. It seems that Prince's owner, Lady Eleanor, has recently passed away, leaving the care of her sprawling estate Castle Carlyle in the capable paws of her devoted kitty companion. The trouble is, Prince has decided it's due time for a vacation, and with Garfield in charge there's no telling what kind of trouble will befall Castle Carlyle. Despite having a devoted butler named Smithee (Ian Abercrombie) to cater to his every whim and a whole host of fun-loving critters with whom to pass the lazy days spent lounging in the sun, this crowned head begins to feel the sting of deceit as the envious Lord Dargis (Billy Connolly) hatches a dastardly plan to do away with the whiskered heir and claim Castle Carlyle all to himself. Meanwhile, as Garfield attempts to hold his ground against his greedy would-be nemesis, the fun-loving Prince is living it up with Jon and Odie by taking a trip to some of London's most popular pubs.
Tim Hill - Director
John Davis - Producer
Joel Cohen - Screenwriter
Alec Sokolow - Screenwriter
Peter Lyons Collister - Cinematographer
Christophe Beck - Composer (Music Score)
Dave Jordan - Musical Direction/Supervision
Kent Beyda - Editor
Peter Elliot - Editor
Peter S. Elliott - Editor
Tony Burrough - Production Designer
Louis Mann - Art Director
Brian Manis - Co-producer / Executive Producer
Matthew Jon Beck - Executive Producer / Casting
Michele Imperato - Executive Producer
Mick Cukurs - Set Designer
Dennis H. Kraft - Set Designer
Francine Jamison-Tanchuck - Costume Designer
Anne McCulley - Set Decorator
David MacMillan - Sound/Sound Designer
Cheri Minns - Makeup / Hair Styles
Michele Panelli-Venetis - First Assistant Director
Rainmaker - Animator
Rhythm & Hues Studios - Animator
Alan Brownstein - Camera Operator
Peter Mercurio - Camera Operator
Gary Gegan - Sound Mixer
Steve Harding - Production Manager
Matthew Iadarola - Sound Mixer
Monica Swann - Casting
Chris Bailey - Supervising Animator
Ellis Barbacoff - Properties Master
John Berri - Visual Effects Editor
Colleen Callaghan - Hair Styles
Hugh Conlon - Construction Coordinator
Dean Cundey - Second Unit Director
Larry D. Davis - Second Unit Camera
Steve Dubin - Visual Effects Producer
Helen Gregory - Production Coordinator
Casey Hotchkiss - Second Unit Camera
Robert "RJ" Hume - Production Coordinator
Jake Jacobson - Unit Production Manager
Shane D. Kelly - Chief Lighting Technician
Alan E. Lorimer - Special Effects Coordinator
Rusty Mahmood - Second Unit Assistant Director
David Mendoza - Second Assistant Director
Don Miller - Production Accountant
John Moio - Stunts Coordinator
Pacific Title - Title Design
Rebecca Robertson-Szwaja - Script Supervisor
Donald Sylvester - Supervising Sound Editor
Bruce Szeles - Post Production Supervisor
Craig Van Gundy - Location Manager
Claudia Wick - Costumes Supervisor
Cast: Breckin Meyer - Jon Arbuckle
Jennifer Love Hewitt - Liz Wilson
Billy Connolly - Lord Dargis
Ian Abercrombie - Smithee
Lucy Davis - Abby
Roger Rees - Mr Hobbs
Bill Murray - Garfield [Voice]
Jane Carr - Mrs Whitney
Oliver Muirhead - Mr Greene
Lena Cardwell - Teenage Tourist
Veronica Alicino - Veterinary Assistant
JB Blanc - Hotel Porter
Vernée Watson Johnson - Tourist 2
Russell Milton - Bobby
Ben Falcone - American Tourist
Bryce Lenon - Police Sergeant
Judi Shekoni - Tour Guide
Melanie Tolbert - Waitress
David Kallaway - Darts Guy
Brian Manis - Contractor
Roscoe Lee Browne - Narrator [Voice]
Greg Ellis - Nigel [Voice]
Bob Hoskins - Winston [Voice]
Sharon Osbourne - Christophe [Voice]
Tim Curry - Prince [Voice]
Joe Pasquale - Claudius [Voice]
Jane Leeves - Eenie [Voice]
Jane Horrocks - Meenie [Voice]
Richard E. Grant - Preston [Voice]
Vinnie Jones - Rommel [Voice]
Rhys Ifans - McBunny [Voice]
Jim Piddock - Bolero [Voice]
Martin Taylor - Announcer [Voice]
Kenneth Danziger - [Voice]
Neil Dickson - [Voice]
Robin Atkin Downes - [Voice]
John Gidcomb - [Voice]
Jean Gilpin - [Voice]
Andy Kreiss - [Voice]
Peter Lavin - [Voice]
Susan Leslie - [Voice]
Hope Levy - [Voice]
Paula Jane Newman - [Voice]
Justin Moran Shenkarow - [Voice]
Mark Sussman - [Voice]
Diz White - [Voice]
5314 2/4 Gator  Gator  115  United States  Action  Hungarian    Director: Burt Reynolds  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

United Artists

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Having created the character of Gator McKlusky in 1973's White Lightning, Burt Reynolds reprises the role in the appropriately titled Gator. Once again, ex-convict McKluskey is strong-armed into helping the feds nab a dangerous criminal, who turns out to be an old high-school chum (Jerry Reed). He is aided and abetted by TV reporter Aggie Maybank (Lauren Hutton) and comedy-relief FBI agent Irving Greenfield (Jack Weston). Talk-show host Mike Douglas makes his film debut as a Jimmy Carter-style governor.
Burt Reynolds - Director
Arthur Gardner - Producer
Ava Gardner - Producer
Jules Levy - Producer
William W. Norton - Screenwriter
William A. Fraker - Cinematographer
Charles Bernstein - Composer (Music Score)
Bobby Goldsboro - Composer (Music Score)
Jerry Reed - Composer (Music Score)
Carl Kress - Editor
Harold Kress - Editor
Kirk Axtell - Art Director
Norman Salling - Costume Designer
William Randall - Sound/Sound Designer
Theodore Soderberg - Sound/Sound Designer
Guy del Russo - Makeup
Tom Ellingwood - Makeup
Cliff Wenger - Special Effects
Edward Teets - First Assistant Director
Ross Brown - Casting
Mel Dellar - Production Manager
Hal Needham - Second Unit Director
Cast: Burt Reynolds - Gator McKlusky
Jack Weston - Irving Greenfield
Lauren Hutton - Aggie Maybank
Jerry Reed - Bama McCall
Alice Ghostley - Emmeline Cavanaugh
Dub Taylor - Mayor Caffrey
Mike Douglas - Governor
Burton Gilliam - Smiley
William Engesser - Bones
John Steadman - Ned McKlusky
Lori Futch - Suzie McKlusky
Bob Yeager - Man In Hospital
Dick Ziker - Deputy
Robert Smith - 4th Policeman
Patrick Moody - Young Policeman
Norman Evans - Helicopter Co-pilot
Alex Hawkins - Police Chief
John Nicholson - Bridger
Jim Burk - Sheriff
J. Don Ferguson - Bartender
Stephanie Burchfield - Young Girl
Robert Urquhart - Agent#3
Charles Tamburro - Helicopter Pilot
Paul Hansen - 2nd Policeman
Sonny Shroyer - Agent#4
Dudley Remus - Pogie
831 3/4 Gattaca  Gattaca  112  United States  Science-Fiction  Hungarian    Director: Andrew Niccol  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Columbia Pictures / Jersey Films / Sony Pictures Entertainment

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Nagyon élvezetes film szerintem. A klónozás korában játszódik - egy közeli utópisztikus jövőben - , ahol akik meg tudják fizetni, olyan gyerekeket kapnak, akik "tökéletesek", nem betegednek meg. Csak van ezzel némi probléma - most vallási témát mellőzve - :

1. vannak akik nem tudják megengedni maguknak
2. vannak olyanok, akik még abban az időben születtek, amikor nem volt még meg a technika, azaz az átállás előtti időszakban

A főszereplő nem "tökéletes", a bátyja viszont igen. A főhősünk azonban nem adja fel álmát, miszerint űrhajós szeretne lenni, bár senki nem támogatja ebben az álmában, ő nem hajlandó meghajolni a gének diadala előtt. De korántsem olyan egyszerű a feladat, mert számtalan kihívás elé állítják a delikvienseket, közben egy szerelmi szál is kialakul a filmben, kielégítve a romantikusabb lelkületűek igényeit is. A film nagyon jó példa arra, hogy az emberi akarat és hit nem helyettesíthető semmi mással.

New Zealand screenwriter Andrew Niccol (The Truman Show) made his feature directorial debut with this science fiction drama, set in a future when one's life is determined by genetic engineering rather than education or experience. The wealthy can choose the genetic makeup of their descendants. People are designed to fit into whatever role is decided before birth. But what happens when someone desires another way of life? Citizens in this impersonal future-world are fashioned as perfect specimens, so those in the natural-born minority are viewed as inferior to the pre-planned perfect specimens (aka "Valids") who dominate. One of the natural-borns (aka "In-Valids"), Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke), has several defects (poor vision, emotional problems, and short 30-year life expectancy), but he also develops a different outlook on his pre-ordained fate. He yearns to break free from society's constraints, and he dreams of a journey into space as a Gattaca Corp. navigator. To accomplish his goal, he enlists the aid of DNA broker German (Tony Shalhoub) and makes contact with Jerome Morrow (Jude Law), who was paralyzed in an accident and is willing to sell his superior genetic materials. Vincent assumes Jerome's identity and is scheduled for a flying mission. However, a week before his flight, a Gattaca mission director is murdered, and all members of the program are the suspects. Meanwhile, he develops a romantic interest in a beautiful Valid, Irene (Uma Thurman), prevented from going into space because of her heart defect. Tracked by a relentless investigator who is methodically jigsawing all the pieces together, Jerome finds his aspirations dissolving into stardust 
Danny DeVito - Producer
Michael Shamberg - Producer
Stacey Sher - Producer
Slawomir Idziak - Cinematographer
Michael Nyman - Composer (Music Score)
Lisa Churgin - Editor
Jan Roelfs - Production Designer
Sarah Knowles - Art Director
Gail Lyon - Co-producer
Joshua Levinson - Associate Producer
Nancy Nye - Set Designer
Colleen Atwood - Costume Designer
Stephan Von Hase-Mihalik - Sound/Sound Designer
Gary P. D'Amico - Special Effects
John R. Woodward - First Assistant Director
Francine Maisler - Casting
Cast: Ethan Hawke - Vincent
Uma Thurman - Irene
Jude Law - Jerome Morrow
Gore Vidal - Director Joseph
Alan Arkin - Detective Hugo
Loren Dean - Anton
Jayne Brook - Marie
Elias Koteas - Antonio
Chad Christ - Young Vincent
William Lee Scott - Young Anton
Tony Shalhoub - German
Ernest Borgnine - Caesar
Xander R. Berkeley - Dr. Lamar
Gabrielle Reece - Gattaca Trainer
70061 3/4 Genezis  Genesis  81  France / Italy  ismeretterjesztő film  Hungarian    Director: Claude Nuridsany , Marie Pérennou   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Bac Films
Alain Sarde / Canal Plus / Les Films / Les Films de Veranda / R.T.I.

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Humort és komolyságot, ártatlan naivságot és bölcsességet ötvözve, a mítoszok és a mesék hangján szól hozzánk a Genezis című film narrátora, az afrikai griot törzs egy tagja. A világmindenség és a csillagok születéséről, bolygónk létezésének tűzben fogant kezdeteiről, és a földi élet megjelenéséről beszél, miközben a nézők lélegzetelállítóan szép felvételekben gyönyörködhetnek.
A történetmondó az időről, az anyagról, a születésről, a szeretetről és a halálról mesél nekünk. Tudatosítja bennünk, hogy ugyanaz az anyag alkot bennünket, mint a csillagokat, a felhőket, a hegyeket, az egész univerzumot, s hogy egyéni életünkben mindannyian újraéljük a Genezist. Megszületünk, pontosan úgy, ahogy egykor az Élet megszületett. Fejlődünk és meghalunk, hasonlóan a fajok evolúciójához, amely évezredek óta zajlik.

A Föld teremtményei, és folyók, tengerek, növények, és állatok a főszereplői ennek a színpompás, modern, mégis időtlen Genezisnek. Miközben a film segítségével újra rácsodálkozunk a Világ szépségére, s átérezzük, hogy mi magunk is a részei vagyunk, rádöbbenünk, hogy mi teremtői is vagyunk ennek a világnak, következésképpen felelősséggel is tartozunk érte. A griot férfi ezt így fogalmazza meg: "Egy napon visszaadom a világnak azt az anyagot, amiből az az élőlény áll, aki én vagyok."

Hat év alkotómunka után elkészült a Microcosmos író-rendező párosának második filmje. Ez a lebilincselően szép igaz történet, mindannyiunk története.

The cycle of life of a handful of different animals is captured on film in a whole new way in this documentary. Using special motion-control photography equipment, Genesis allows filmgoers to view animal behaviors which are too small, too slow, or too difficult to normally be seen with the naked eye, including a chick hatching its way out from inside an egg, jellyfish drying into nothing under the heat of the sun, or a snake slowly swallowing prey bigger than itself. This footage is accompanied by narration from Sotigui Kouyaté, who uses simple props and easily understandable analogies to explain the science behind what its shown on screen. Genesis was directed by Claude Nuridsany and Marie Perennou, who previously created another acclaimed scientific documentary, Microcosmos.
Claude Nuridsany - Director / Screenwriter / Cinematographer
Marie Perennou - Director / Screenwriter / Cinematographer
Alain Sarde - Producer
Patrice Aubertel - Cinematographer
William Lubtchansky - Cinematographer
Cyril Tricot - Cinematographer
Bruno Coulais - Composer (Music Score)
Pauline Casalis - Editor
Marie-Josephe Yoyotte - Editor
Jean-Baptiste Poirot - Production Designer
Christine Gozlan - Executive Producer
Bruno Charier - Sound/Sound Designer
Gerard Lamps - Sound/Sound Designer
Laurent Quaglio - Sound/Sound Designer
Cast: Sotigui Kouyaté - [Performer]
60324 2/4 Genesis - In their own words 2007  Genesis - In their own words 2007    United Kingdom  Videoclips + road movie  English    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 


ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

nursery crime
elling England by the pound
The lamb lies down on Broadway
A trick of the tail
Wind and wuthering
And then there were three

This program offers unparalleled insight into Genesis's long-running and influential career through behind-the-scenes archival footage, rare live-performance clips, interviews with rock critics and former band members, and a full-color booklet offering track-by-track analyses of every Genesis recording.
60182 2/4 Genesis Live 73-74  Genesis Live 73-74  100  United Kingdom  Live concert  Hungarian    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

1973. 10. 30.
Shepperton Studios, Borehamwood, U.K.

Watcher of the Skies
Dancing with the Moonlight Knight
I Know What I Like
The Musical Box
Supper's Ready
1973. 12. 20.
Midnight Special
NBC Studios, Burbank, California. U.S.A

Watcher of the Skies
The Musical Box
1974. 04. 20.
The Black Show
University Sports Arena, Montreal, Canada

Watcher of the Skies
I Know What I Like
Firth of Fifth
Fragments of Supper's Ready

Cast: Mike Rutherford,
Peter Gabriel,
Phil Collins,
Tony Banks
60178 2/4 Genesis Live at Wembley Stadion  Genesis Live at Wembley Stadion  131  United Kingdom  Live concert  Hungarian    Director: James Yukich   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Domino (Part 1: In the Glow of the Night)
Domino (Part 2: The Last Domino)
That's All
Land Of Confusion
Tonight, Tonight, Tonight
Throwing It All Away
Home By The Sea
Invisible Touch
Drum Duet
Los Endos
131 perc 
Cast: Daryl Stuermer,
Michael Rutherford,
Phil Collins,Tony Banks

60128 4/4 George Michael - Ladies & Gentlemen  George Michael - Ladies & Gentlemen    United States  videoclips  English    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Spinning the wheel
Freedom 90
Killer/Papa was a Rollin' Stone
Too Funky
I want your sex
Jesus to child
Waltz away dreaming (with Toby Bourke)
Father Figure
Don't let the sun go down me (with Elton John)
Somebody to love (with Queen)
One more try
Star People 97
I can't make you love me
A different corner
You have been loved
Careless whisper
500 3/4 Georgia  Georgia  117  USA/France  Drama  Hungarian    Director: Ulu Grosbard  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

CiBy 2000

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Jennifer Jason Leigh édesanyjától, Barbara Turnertől rendelte meg a forgatókönyvet. Két álmát szerette volna megvalósítani. Eljátszani egy énekesnő szerepét, s olyan filmet csinálni, mely két testvérről szól. A nővérek egyetlen közös vonása, hogy rajonganak a zenéért. Georgia tehetséges, kiegyensúlyozott, családja van. Sadie ambiciózus, éppenhogy tehetséges és elveszett. A két ellentétes világ konfrontációba kerül - miközben sötéten lüktet a drámai erejű zene...

An unflinching drama of frustrated ambition and troubled siblings, Georgia examines the relationship between a self-destructive, would-be rock singer and her sister, a successful folk musician. Sadie (Jennifer Jason Leigh) is the younger, more troubled sister, a wild child with a taste for reckless behavior, from her dangerous romances to her attachments to drugs and alcohol. Hopping between low-rent clubs, Sadie struggles to make it from gig to gig, delivering rawly emotional performances that lack technical skill. Her repeated career failures drive her further into addiction, sending her life into a downward spiral. Ultimately, she is forced to seek help from her sister Georgia (Mare Winningham), who is everything Sadie is not: married, financially secure, and blessed with a smooth voice that has won her popular success. A clash of seemingly opposite personalities follows, as Georgia attempts to help Sadie without becoming damaged herself 
Ulu Grosbard - Director / Producer
Jennifer Jason Leigh - Producer
Barbara Turner - Producer / Screenwriter
Jan Kiesser - Cinematographer
Norman Gimbel - Composer (Music Score)
Steven Soles - Songwriter / Composer (Music Score) / Music Producer
Mark Weingarten - Musical Direction/Supervision / Production Sound Mixer
Elizabeth Kling - Editor
Lester Cohen - Production Designer
Rondi Tucker - Art Director
Ben Barenholtz - Executive Producer
Crista Schneider - Set Designer
Carol Oditz - Costume Designer
Micheline Trepanier - Makeup
Don Dumas - Special Effects
Craig Huston - First Assistant Director
Peter K. Anderson - Camera Operator
Ed Ewing - Camera Operator
David Frederick - Camera Operator
Lulu Gargiulio - Camera Operator
Jodi Rothfield - Casting
Renee Rousselot - Casting
Katie Ryan - Casting
George M. Abeyta - Set Dresser
Mark Botvinick - Production Assistant
Lee Dichter - Re-Recording Mixer
Amanda DiGuilio - Unit Production Manager / Line Producer
Steven E. Eyrse - Scenic Artist
Kirk R. Gardner - Steadicam Operator
Lori Guidroz - Hair Styles
Tina Kerr - Extra Casting
Skip Lievsay - Supervising Sound Editor
Melissa Matthies - Properties Master
Meg McHutchison - Location Manager
Robert A. Neer - Set Dresser
Lou Ann Quast - Script Supervisor
Fred Rosenberg - Dialogue Editor
Elisa Sansalone - Second Second Assistant Director
Mary Seibert - Set Dresser
Kira Smith - Boom Operator
Lemore Syvan - Post Production Supervisor
Alun Vick - Construction Coordinator
Lynn Wegenka - Second Assistant Director

Best Supporting Actress (nom) Mare Winningham 1995 Academy
Best Actress (nom) Jennifer Jason Leigh 1995 Independent Spirit Award
Best Director (nom) Ulu Grosbard 1995 Independent Spirit Award
Best Supporting Actor (nom) Max Perlich 1995 Independent Spirit Award
Best Supporting Actress (win) Mare Winningham 1995 Independent Spirit Award
Best Actress (Runner-up) (win) Jennifer Jason Leigh 1995 National Society of Film Critics
Best Supporting Actress (nom) Mare Winningham 1995 Screen Actors Guild
Cast: Jennifer Jason Leigh - Sadie
Mare Winningham - Georgia
Ted Levine - Jake
Max Perlich - Axel
John Doe
John C. Reilly - Herman
Jimmy Witherspoon - Trucker
Jason Carter - Chasman
2202 3/4 Germinal  Germinal  158  France  Drama  Hungarian    Director: Claude Berri  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Alternative Films / DD Productions / France 2 Cinema / La Région Nord Pas de Calais / Nuova Artisti Associati / Renn Productions

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Étienne Lantier életerős fiatalember, boldog, mert állást kapott a Voreux-bányában. Ott azonban ráébred, hogy az emberek szinte állati sorban tengenek. Szállásadói, a Maheu család is nagy nyomorban él, s a tragédiák mindennaposak. Catherine iránti tiszta szerelme ad értelmet végső döntésének, hogy az elkeseredett bányászok élére állva lázadást tervezzen. Étienne gyújtó szavai forrongásba hozzák az egész bányatelepet, s a sztrájk óriási erővel robban ki. A megnyomorított tömeg magára találásának felemelő pillanatait monumentális képek festik meg... Az észak-franciaországi bányavidéken játszódó film alapjául Zola nagyszabású regénye szolgált. A "magas tragédia sűrített levegőjében", az "állandó robbanásokkal előrehaladó" mű, ahogyan Szerb Antal fogalmazott, nagy kihívás a filmes megjelenítésre vállalkozó rendező számára. Egy korábbi 1963-ban Magyarországon forgatott változatát a filmtörténészek nem fogadták egyhangú elismeréssel. A jelenlegi film alkotója, Claude Berri három évtizeddel később vállalkozott újra a remekmű megfilmesítésére, s az alkotás bemutatása óta számtalan díjat nyert. Depardieu karizmatikus alakítása és az eddig főként vonzó, pikáns szerepkörben megismert Miou-Miou drámai őszinteségű alakformálása teszik számunkra ma is átélhetővé és élményszerűvé a 19. századi alkotást.

Claude Berri's angry, ambitious epic, based on the 19th-century novel by Emile Zola, re-creates, as does the novel, the gut-wrenching poverty and the intense day-by-day struggles of striking French coal-miners in 1884 at the Voreux mines of France. The film centers upon the bitter toils of Maheu (Gerard Depardieu) and his family — consisting of his iron-willed wife (Miou-Miou) and their daughter Catherine (Judith Henry), who also works in the mines. When a new miner, Etienne Lantier (Renaud), comes to Voreux to seek work, he is befriended by Maheu, who takes him on his mining crew and allows him to stay at his home. Etienne is also an organizer for a new miner's union and, as conditions in the Voreux mines worsen, Etienne convinces Maheu to organize a miner's strike. Meanwhile, Etienne is attracted to Catherine, and Catherine to him, but she doesn't act upon her feelings, taking up, instead, with Chaval (Jean-Roger Milo), a local ne'er do well. As conditions in the mines become more desperate and unsafe, and the owners propose to cut wages, Maheu at last stages a massive strike of the miners. When that happens, the owners send in armed soldiers to defend the mines. 
Claude Berri - Director / Producer / Screenwriter
Arlette Langmann - Screenwriter
Bruce Robinson - Screenwriter
Emile Zola - Book Author
Yves Angelo - Cinematographer
Hervé de Luze - Editor
Christian Marti - Production Designer
Thanh At Hoang - Production Designer
Bodo Scriba - Associate Producer
Pierre Grunstein - Executive Producer
Caroline de Vivaise - Costume Designer
Sylvie Gautrelet - Costume Designer
Pierre Gamet - Sound/Sound Designer
Joel Lavau - Makeup
Cast: Gérard Depardieu - Maheu
Miou-Miou - Maheude
Jean Carmet - Bonnemort
Judith Henry - Catherine Maheu
Jean-Roger Milo - Chaval
Laurent Terzieff - Souvarine
Jean-Pierre Bisson - Rasseneur
Bernard Fresson - Deneulin
Jacques Dacqmine - M Hennebeau
Anny Duperey - Mme Hennebeau
Annick Alane - Madame Gregoire
Gerard Croce - Maigrat
Georges Staquet - Levaque
Frederique Ruchaud - Honorine
Jenny Cleve - Rose
André Chaumeau - Company Cashier
André Julien - Mouque
Fred Personne - Pluchart
Yolande Moreau - La Levaque
Delphine Quentin - Lucie Deneulin
Yvette Petit - Veuve Desir
Anne Marie Pisani - La Mouquette
3050 1/4 Geronimo egy amerikai legenda  Geronimo  115  United States  Western  English  Hungarian  Director: Walter Hill  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Columbia TriStar

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

1886. szeptember 5-én futótűzként terjedt a hír az egész országban: Geronimo, az apacs vezér az arizónai Csontvázkanyonnál, a mexikói határ közelében végül megadta magát. Geronimóhoz tartozott még harmincnégy férfi, valamint asszonyok és gyerekek. A Hadsereg 5000 főnyi hivatásos katonáját - teljes állományának egy negyedét - vezényelte erre a területre, Geronimo bekerítésére és elfogására.

Walter Hill directs John Milius's script (co-written by Larry Gross) depicting a revisionist perspective on the "Geronimo Campaign" and how Geronimo, with 34 men, managed to elude 5000 U.S. cavalry men between 1885 and 1886 before his surrender at the Canyon of the Skeletons in September 1886. The film centers upon Charles Gatewood (Jason Patric), the U.S. Cavalry lieutenant who is charged with capturing the elusive Apache leader. Gatewood is torn by a grudging respect for Geronimo and his people and his duty to his country. But then all the white men in the film have a respect for Geronimo, even as they are trying to hunt him down and kill him. General Charles Crook (Gene Hackman), charged with overseeing the forced settlement of the Apaches on reservations, has nothing but admiration for Geronimo 
Cast: Gene Hackman,
Jason Patric,
Robert Duvall,
Wes Studi
869 2/4 Gerry  Gerry  103  United States  Drama  English  Hungarian  Director: Gus Van Sant  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Miramax Home Entertainment / My Cactus / THINKFilm

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Gus Van Sant returned to his roots in experimental filmmaking with this offbeat feature, whose dialogue was entirely improvised by its two person cast. Two men named Gerry (played by Matt Damon and Casey Affleck) are driving through the desert regions of Death Valley, traveling towards an unknown destination. They pull over and set out on foot, presuming they're getting close to what they've come to find. Before long, Gerry and Gerry are both lost in an unforgiving desert without food, water, or other provisions, and the harder they try to find their way back to their car, they only dig themselves deeper and deeper into the desert. Gus Van Sant originally began shooting Gerry in Argentina, but was soon dissatisfied with the weather and the terrain, opting to start over in California and Utah; the film premiered at the 2002 Sundance Film Festival.  
Gus Van Sant - Director / Screenwriter
Dany Wolf - Producer / First Assistant Director
Casey Affleck - Screenwriter
Matt Damon - Screenwriter
Harris Savides - Cinematographer
Arvo Pärt - Composer (Music Score)
Jay Hernandez - Associate Producer
Felix Andrew - Sound/Sound Designer
Leslie Shatz - Supervising Sound Editor

Best Cinematography (nom) 2002 Independent Spirit Award
Best Director (nom) Gus Van Sant 2002 Independent Spirit Award
In Competition 2002 Sundance Film Festival
Best Cinematography (win) Harris Savides 2003 New York Film Critics Circle

Cast: Casey Affleck - Gerry
Matt Damon - Gerry
90422 1/4 Getno  Getno  95  Hungary  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: Salamon András  XviD  MPEG Layer 3 (MP3)  608*320 

Filmplus, Golden light és Apex film

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Miről álmodik Jancsi (Gesztesi Károly) és felesége (Szalontay Tünde) egy lakótelepi másfélszobásban? Arról, hogy boldogok, sikeresek, gazdagok lesznek. Álmodoznak az amerikai álomról. És mert a férfi apja (Király Levente) már vagy harminc éve amerikai állampolgár, ők végre összeszedik a bátorságukat és minden pénzüket, hogy nekivágjanak a nagy kalandnak. Átrepülik az óceánt, hogy lázadó kamaszlányuk (Péter Kata) társaságában kezdjenek új életet az ígéret földjén. Igaz, csupán néhány angol szót ismernek. Tény, hogy Amerikáról csak annyit tudnak, amennyi a filmekből és a tévéből kiderül. De nagyon bíznak Jenő papában, mert Jenő tudja, hogy "miről szól az élet". A nagypapa ugyanis egyszerre testesíti meg a tipikus Las Vegas-i kisnyugdíjast és a büszke magyart, aki egy igazi roncstelep tulajdonosa. Jenő igazi túlélőművész és sivatagi filozófus, akinek hatalmas banalitásai közé olykor igazi bölcsességek is becsúsznak. Fura, de szerethető ember. És bár tényleg van háza Vegasban, az nem egy palota, csupán egy műfűvel körülvett sufni a sivatag szélén. Jancsiéknak tehát egyedül kell megtalálniuk a boldogságot. "Lesz vigasz?"
zene: Balázs Elemér
Fényképezte: Tóth Zsolt
Írta: Salamon András 
Cast: Gesztesí Károly
Király Levente
Szalontai Tünde
Péter Kata
Bánfalvi Ágnes
David Douglas
Robert Gyori
Jeremy Radin 
1128 3/4 Ghost  Ghost  127  United States  Romance  English  Hungarian  Director: Jerry Zucker  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Howard W. Koch Productions / Paramount

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Gondoljon a legmeghatóbb szerelmi történetre, amit valaha látott. Gondoljon a legokosabb vígjátékra, a legdöbbenetesebb természetfeletti mesére, és egy elsőrangú krimire is. Négy különböző filmet kapott? Vagy a rajongók és kritikusok azon milliói között van, akik felfedezték a Ghostot, 1990 legsikeresebb filmjét?
Patrick Swayze egy szellemet alakít, aki társul egy médiummal (az Oscar-díjas Whoopi Goldberg), hogy feltárja saját meggyilkolásának igaz történetét - és hogy megmentse kedvesét (Demi Moore) a hasonló végzettől...

An interesting hybrid of popular film genres, Ghost showcases the talents of its entire cast. While out on the town one evening, New York couple Sam (Patrick Swayze) and Molly (Demi Moore) are confronted by a mugger. After submitting to his demands, Sam is murdered anyway. He then finds himself a disembodied spirit, invisible to the living world, wandering without hope until he finds a spiteful spirit aboard the subway (Vincent Schiavelli) who gives him some helpful pointers on how to co-exist. Soon Sam comes back into contact with those he knew in life, and he begins to learn piece-by-piece of his close friend and co-worker Carl's (Tony Goldwyn) embezzling plot which caused his death; the apparent mugging was, in fact, a premeditated murder. In the meantime, Carl has designs on Molly, and Sam is determined to extract revenge. He contacts a psychic (Whoopi Goldberg), and together, the two set out to serve justice and stop the maniacal Carl from getting to Molly. Blending comedy, romance, action, and horror, Ghost was a box-office smash and managed to garner five Academy Award nominations, including "Best Picture," "Best Supporting Actress" (Goldberg), "Best Original Screenplay," "Best Editing," and "Best Score"; Goldberg won her first Oscar 
Jerry Zucker - Director
Howard W. Koch, Jr. - Producer
Lisa Weinstein - Producer
Peter Barsocchini - Screenwriter
Bruce Joel Rubin - Screenwriter / Associate Producer
Adam Greenberg - Cinematographer
Maurice Jarre - Composer (Music Score)
Jeff Wexler - Musical Direction/Supervision
Walter Murch - Editor
Jane Musky - Production Designer
Dirk Petersmann - Production Designer
Mark Mansbridge - Art Director
Steven Charles Jaffe - Executive Producer
Eric Harrison - Costume Designer
Dawn Jackson - Costume Designer
Ruth Morley - Costume Designer
Steve Maslow - Sound/Sound Designer
Ben Nye, Jr. - Makeup
Richard Edlund - Special Effects
Industrial Light & Magic - Special Effects
Donald Myers - Special Effects
Janet Hirshenson - Casting
Jane Jenkins - Casting
Charlie Picerni - Stunts Coordinator
Cast: Patrick Swayze - Sam Wheat
Demi Moore - Molly Jensen
Whoopi Goldberg - Oda Mae Brown
Tony Goldwyn - Carl Brunner
Rick Aviles - Willie Lopez
Vincent Schiavelli - Subway Ghost
Gail Boggs - Oda Mae's Sister
Armelia McQueen - Oda Mae's Sister
Faye Brenner - Nun
Alma Beltran - Woman Ghost
Mike Jittlov - Dark Spirits
Janet Hirshenson
Jane Jenkins
William Cort - Bank Co-Worker
Thom Curley - Workman in Loft
Laura Drake - Policewoman
Minnie Lindsay - Apartment Woman
Stanley Lawrence - Elevator Man
John Hugh - Surgeon
Said Faraj - Cab Driver
Tom Finnegan - Bank Guard
Macka Foley - Mover
Vivian Bonnell - Ortisha
Angelina Estrada - Rosa Santiago
Susan Breslau - Susan
Charlotte Zucker - Bank Officer
J. Christopher Sullivan - Man Ghost
Derek Thompson - Ortisha's Friend
Bruce Jarchow - Lyle Furgeson
Christopher Keene - Elevator Man
Stephen Root - Police Sgt.
Phil Leeds - Emergency Room Ghost
60032 2/4 Ghymes Live 2002  Ghymes Live 2002    Hungary  Live concert  Hungarian    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

90492 1/4 Gengszter Románc  Gigli  121  United States  Crime   English  Hungarian  Director: Martin Brest  XviD  AC3 DVM  608*256 
Columbia Pictures / Revolution Studios
Casey Silver Production / City Light Films / Gone Fishin' Productions / Revolution Studios

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A Gengszter románc egy szórakoztató és izgalmas romantikus vígjáték az Egy asszony illata rendezőjétől, Ben Affleck és Jennifer Lopez főszereplésével!

Gigli kisstílű bűnöző, akit leginkább folytonos ballépéseiről ismernek, Ricki viszont nő létére nagymenő gengszter hírében áll. Mikor szövetkeznek egy kockázatos akció kedvéért, hamarosan egy véreskezű maffiózóval kerülnek szembe, és egy szeretnivaló túsz elejtésével csak rontanak helyzetükön.

A kölcsönös vonzalom ellenére Gigli és Ricki közt a hangulat egyre inkább elmérgesedik, akadályozva az együttműködést

Larry Gigli (Ben Affleck) is a low-level Los Angeles mob enforcer. His volatile boss, Louis (Lenny Venito), hires Gigli to kidnap Brian (newcomer Justin Bartha), the mentally handicapped younger brother of a federal prosecutor who's about to bring Louis' boss to trial in New York. Gigli gets the kid home without a hitch. Then a beautiful woman (Jennifer Lopez) shows up at his door. She says her name is Ricki, and Gigli soon learns that the nervous Louis has hired her to keep an eye on him. "In every relationship," Gigli soon finds himself expounding to his unwanted partner, "there's a bull and a cow." His efforts to maintain control of the situation are further hampered by the brief appearance of the insane Detective Stanley Jacobellis (Christopher Walken) and a forced visit to his overbearing mother's (Lainie Kazan) house. To make matters worse, when Gigli expresses his attraction to Ricki, he learns that she's a lesbian. She, meanwhile, proves herself considerably more capable than the lunkheaded Gigli, winning their war of words and even scaring off a rowdy group of high school kids. As Gigli and Ricky continue to look after the young, innocent Brian, they find themselves increasingly attracted to one another. But their potential budding romance is put on hold when Starkman (Al Pacino) arrives from New York, angry about how his affairs are being handled. Director Martin Brest, in his first film since 1998's Meet Joe Black, returns to the crime comedy genre that made his reputation. Brest also wrote the script for Gigli, his first since 1979's Going in Style. Stars Affleck and Lopez began a well-publicized romantic relationship on the set of the film. 
Martin Brest - Director / Producer / Screenwriter
Casey Silver - Producer
Robert Elswit - Cinematographer
John Powell - Composer (Music Score)
Julie Monroe - Editor
Billy Weber - Editor
Gary Frutkoff - Production Designer
Sue Chan - Art Director
Frederic W. Brost - Associate Producer
Amy Sayres - Associate Producer / First Assistant Director
John Hardy - Executive Producer
Maggie Martin - Set Designer
Theodore H. Sharps - Set Designer
Michael Kaplan - Costume Designer
Jeff Wexler - Sound/Sound Designer
Ellen Lewis - Casting
Kevin Hannigan - Special Effects Coordinator
Cast: Ben Affleck - Larry Gigli
Jennifer Lopez - Ricki
Justin Bartha - Brian
Lainie Kazan - Mother
Missy Crider - Robin
Lenny Venito - Louis
Christopher Walken - Det. Stanley Jacobellis
Al Pacino - Starkman
Brandi Oglesby - Beach Dancer
Jenni Oborne - Beach Dancer
Mark Meismer - Beach Dancer
Ross Mulholland - Beach Dancer
Dondraico L. Johnson - Beach Dancer
Melanie Lewis - Beach Dancer
Dwight P. Ketchum - High School Kid #6
Scott Hislop - Beach Dancer
Kim McSwain - Beach Dancer
Brooke Long - Beach Dancer
Luis Alberto Martinez - Adult Care Resident
Zach Hensler - Beach Dancer
Salvatore Vassallo - Beach Dancer
Nikki Tuazon - Beach Dancer
Lisa Thompson - Beach Dancer
Robert Vinson - Beach Dancer
Kevin Wilson - Beach Dancer
Zeke Ruelas - Beach Dancer
Jenny Seeger - Beach Dancer
Robert Schultz - Beach Dancer
Giggi Thesman - Beach Dancer
Jenny Lynn Suckling - Beach Dancer
Jeri Slaughter - Beach Dancer
Megan Stephens - Beach Dancer
Tovaris Wilson - Beach Dancer
Brian Sites - High School Kid #2
Todd Giebenhain - High School Kid #1
Peter van Norden - Morgue Attendant
Shelby Fenner - Australian Dancer
Tara Wilson - Beach Dancer
Brandon Henschel - Beach Dancer
Robert Hoffman - Beach Dancer
Terry Camilleri - Man in Dryer
Robert Silver - Man in Debt
Matt Sergott - Beach Dancer
Elaine Klimaszewski - Beach Dancer
David Pressman - Assistant Director
Samuel Harper - Beach Dancer
Alex Fatovich - Packing Store Clerk
Shaun Earl - Beach Dancer
RJ Durell - Beach Dancer
Samuel Luis Givens - Beach Dancer
Hunter Hamilton - Beach Dancer
David Backus - Laundry Customer
Nadine Ellis - Beach Dancer
David Bonfadini - High School Kid #5
Kelly Cooper - Beach Dancer
Brian Casey - High School Kid #3
Theresa Barbosa-Adams - Beach Dancer
Les Bradford - High School Kid #4
1631 1/4 Gengszter Románc  Gigli  121  United States  Crime   Hungarian    Director: Martin Brest  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Columbia Pictures / Revolution Studios
Casey Silver Production / City Light Films / Gone Fishin' Productions / Revolution Studios

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A Gengszter románc egy szórakoztató és izgalmas romantikus vígjáték az Egy asszony illata rendezőjétől, Ben Affleck és Jennifer Lopez főszereplésével!

Gigli kisstílű bűnöző, akit leginkább folytonos ballépéseiről ismernek, Ricki viszont nő létére nagymenő gengszter hírében áll. Mikor szövetkeznek egy kockázatos akció kedvéért, hamarosan egy véreskezű maffiózóval kerülnek szembe, és egy szeretnivaló túsz elejtésével csak rontanak helyzetükön.

A kölcsönös vonzalom ellenére Gigli és Ricki közt a hangulat egyre inkább elmérgesedik, akadályozva az együttműködést

Larry Gigli (Ben Affleck) is a low-level Los Angeles mob enforcer. His volatile boss, Louis (Lenny Venito), hires Gigli to kidnap Brian (newcomer Justin Bartha), the mentally handicapped younger brother of a federal prosecutor who's about to bring Louis' boss to trial in New York. Gigli gets the kid home without a hitch. Then a beautiful woman (Jennifer Lopez) shows up at his door. She says her name is Ricki, and Gigli soon learns that the nervous Louis has hired her to keep an eye on him. "In every relationship," Gigli soon finds himself expounding to his unwanted partner, "there's a bull and a cow." His efforts to maintain control of the situation are further hampered by the brief appearance of the insane Detective Stanley Jacobellis (Christopher Walken) and a forced visit to his overbearing mother's (Lainie Kazan) house. To make matters worse, when Gigli expresses his attraction to Ricki, he learns that she's a lesbian. She, meanwhile, proves herself considerably more capable than the lunkheaded Gigli, winning their war of words and even scaring off a rowdy group of high school kids. As Gigli and Ricky continue to look after the young, innocent Brian, they find themselves increasingly attracted to one another. But their potential budding romance is put on hold when Starkman (Al Pacino) arrives from New York, angry about how his affairs are being handled. Director Martin Brest, in his first film since 1998's Meet Joe Black, returns to the crime comedy genre that made his reputation. Brest also wrote the script for Gigli, his first since 1979's Going in Style. Stars Affleck and Lopez began a well-publicized romantic relationship on the set of the film. 
Martin Brest - Director / Producer / Screenwriter
Casey Silver - Producer
Robert Elswit - Cinematographer
John Powell - Composer (Music Score)
Julie Monroe - Editor
Billy Weber - Editor
Gary Frutkoff - Production Designer
Sue Chan - Art Director
Frederic W. Brost - Associate Producer
Amy Sayres - Associate Producer / First Assistant Director
John Hardy - Executive Producer
Maggie Martin - Set Designer
Theodore H. Sharps - Set Designer
Michael Kaplan - Costume Designer
Jeff Wexler - Sound/Sound Designer
Ellen Lewis - Casting
Kevin Hannigan - Special Effects Coordinator  
Cast: Ben Affleck - Larry Gigli
Jennifer Lopez - Ricki
Justin Bartha - Brian
Lainie Kazan - Mother
Missy Crider - Robin
Lenny Venito - Louis
Christopher Walken - Det. Stanley Jacobellis
Al Pacino - Starkman
Brandi Oglesby - Beach Dancer
Jenni Oborne - Beach Dancer
Mark Meismer - Beach Dancer
Ross Mulholland - Beach Dancer
Dondraico L. Johnson - Beach Dancer
Melanie Lewis - Beach Dancer
Dwight P. Ketchum - High School Kid #6
Scott Hislop - Beach Dancer
Kim McSwain - Beach Dancer
Brooke Long - Beach Dancer
Luis Alberto Martinez - Adult Care Resident
Zach Hensler - Beach Dancer
Salvatore Vassallo - Beach Dancer
Nikki Tuazon - Beach Dancer
Lisa Thompson - Beach Dancer
Robert Vinson - Beach Dancer
Kevin Wilson - Beach Dancer
Zeke Ruelas - Beach Dancer
Jenny Seeger - Beach Dancer
Robert Schultz - Beach Dancer
Giggi Thesman - Beach Dancer
Jenny Lynn Suckling - Beach Dancer
Jeri Slaughter - Beach Dancer
Megan Stephens - Beach Dancer
Tovaris Wilson - Beach Dancer
Brian Sites - High School Kid #2
Todd Giebenhain - High School Kid #1
Peter van Norden - Morgue Attendant
Shelby Fenner - Australian Dancer
Tara Wilson - Beach Dancer
Brandon Henschel - Beach Dancer
Robert Hoffman - Beach Dancer
Terry Camilleri - Man in Dryer
Robert Silver - Man in Debt
Matt Sergott - Beach Dancer
Elaine Klimaszewski - Beach Dancer
David Pressman - Assistant Director
Samuel Harper - Beach Dancer
Alex Fatovich - Packing Store Clerk
Shaun Earl - Beach Dancer
RJ Durell - Beach Dancer
Samuel Luis Givens - Beach Dancer
Hunter Hamilton - Beach Dancer
David Backus - Laundry Customer
Nadine Ellis - Beach Dancer
David Bonfadini - High School Kid #5
Kelly Cooper - Beach Dancer
Brian Casey - High School Kid #3
Theresa Barbosa-Adams - Beach Dancer
Les Bradford - High School Kid #4  
2264 1/4 Ginostra  Ginostra  138  France  Crime   Hungarian    Director: Manuel Pradal  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Emotion Pictures / France 2 Cinema / StudioCanal

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Vulkán az ablak előtt, vulkán a lelkekben... Matt Benson (Harvey Keitel) FBI ügynököt családjával több éves titkos küldetésre költöztetik egy Szicília melletti szigetre, Panareára. Festői környezetben laknak, előttük a Ginostra vulkán ormai. Felesége, Jessie (Andie MacDowell) és ötéves kislánya is vele élnek. Egy napon az ügynök kihallgat egy árván maradt kisfiút, akinek családja bombamerénylet áldozata lett. Biztonsági okokból magához veszi Ettorét (Mattia De Martino). A kényszerű és lassú örökbefogadás nem várt feszültségeket gerjeszt, idővel felesége is felfedi Matt titkát, amely szoros kötelékkel fűzi hozzá a fiú családját. Kívül a veszély, belül a félelem...
Matt Bensont, (Harvey Keitel) az FBI nyomozóját egy olasz-amerikai megegyezés értelmében Panareára, a Lipari szigetcsoport egyikére küldik. Itt feleségével, Jessicával,
(Andie MacDowell) és lányával, az 5 éves Tinával egy védett, kényelmes, a Ginostra tűzhányóra néző házban kap elhelyezést. Néhány nappal később egy 11 éves kisfiút, Ettore Grecot kell kihallgatnia, aki a maffia bombamerényletében vesztette el a szüleit. Biztonsági okokból Matt úgy dönt, Ettorét magukhoz veszik. A döntés következményeképpen lassan lelepleződik a tragikus titok, ami Matt Bensont Ettoréhoz köti, a titok, amiről Jessica semmit nem tud... és a Bensonék háza, - az idilli mediterrán villa - lassan inkább a pokol tornácához válik hasonlatossá...
Kint a veszély, bent a félelem...
És a kettő közt egy árva...

Manuel Pradal - Director / Screenwriter
Jean-Francois Fonlupt - Producer
Maurizio Calvesi - Cinematographer
Carlo Crivelli - Composer (Music Score)
Valerie Deseine - Editor
Hugues Tissandier - Production Designer
Conchita Airoldi - Executive Producer
Pascal Judelewicz - Executive Producer
Claire Fraisse - Costume Designer
Cast: Asia Argento
Stefano Dionisi
Harvey Keitel
Andie MacDowell
Francesca Neri
Harry Dean Stanton
Mattia de Martino
3422 1/4 Gladiátor  Gladiator  101  United States  Sport film/drama  English  Hungarian  Director: Rowdy Herrington  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Columbia Pictures
Columbia Pictures / Price Entertainment

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Tom hamarosan összebarátkozik Lincolnnal (Cuba Gooding, Jr., Lesz ez még így se), a fekete bőrű bokszolóval, akit szintén a pénz és a nyomorból való kitörés lehetősége vonz ide, és a két barát még nem is sejti, hogy velejéig romlott menedzserük utasítására előbb-utóbb egymással kell megmérkőzniük!

Gladiator is the kind of boxing movie that goes that extra mile — a self-loathing boxing saga that relishes in bare-knuckled sucker punches, illegal eye-rubs, and gentlemen boxers who obey the Marquis of Queensbury rules by drop-kicking opponents when the are not only down but unconscious. James Marshall plays Tommy Riley, a college student from the suburbs who is conned into participating in the illegal underground boxing arenas of the South Side of Chicago. In high school, Tommy was a prize boxer, and this skill comes in handy when his Father (John Heard) runs up a large gambling debt. When a sleazy boxing manager (Robert Loggia) spots Tommy defending himself during recess, he offers him quick money to box. Tommy, although he hates the sport, readily agrees, thinking his winnings will help his father pay off his debts. He quickly comes under the thumb of unscrupulous boxing promoter Horn (Brian Dennehy), who is involved in fight-fixing and dirty fighting. Manipulating the odds and exploiting his boxers make Horn rich and more venal. In the rancid environment, Tommy befriends another fighter, Lincoln (Cuba Gooding Jr.), a black fighter who sees fighting as his way out of poverty. Inevitably, Horn arranges for the two friends to duke it out in the ring together.
Rowdy Herrington - Director
Frank Price - Producer
Stephen J. Roth - Producer
Robert Mark Kamen - Screenwriter
Nicholas Kazan - Screenwriter
Lyle Kessler - Screenwriter
Djordje Milicevic - Screenwriter
Tak Fujimoto - Cinematographer
Brad Fiedel - Composer (Music Score)
Jerry Goldsmith - Composer (Music Score)
Glenn Williams - Musical Direction/Supervision
Harry B. Miller III - Editor
Peter Zinner - Editor
Gregg Fonseca - Production Designer
Bruce A. Miller - Production Designer
Kenneth Utt - Production Designer
Jay R. Hart - Set Designer
Donfeld - Costume Designer
Don Feld - Costume Designer
Jim Nickerson - Stunts
Cast: Cuba Gooding, Jr. - Lincoln
James Marshall - Tommy Riley
Robert Loggia - Pappy Jack
Ossie Davis - Noah
Brian Dennehy - Jimmy Horn
Cara Buono - Dawn
John Heard - John Riley
Lance Slaughter - Shortcut
T.E. Russell - Spits
Francesca Roberts - Miss Higgins
Debra Sandlund - Charlene
Mik Scriba - 1st Referee
Jon Seda - Romano
Dwain A. Perry - Storm Trooper
Antoine Roshell - Scarface
Mark Phillip Raff - Teen in Diner
Joan Schwenk - Secretary
Raul Salinas - Teen in Classroom
David Spence Perkins - Fight Fan
Jena Wynn - Laura Lee
John Wilson - 3rd Referee
John Louis Williams - School Guard
David Burton - Bettor
Tak Fujimoto
Amanda Mackey-Johnson
Chilton Shellito - Bettor
Desi Singh - Bookie
Thomas Charles Simmons - Leo
Laura Whyte - Millie
Vonte Sweet - Tidbits
Debra Stipe
Virgil Strauss - 2nd Referee
John M. Watson, Sr. - Hospital Patient
James "Ike" Eichling - Cop on Take
Blake Dollard - Heavyweight Fighter
Kenneth Scott Coopwood - Bookie
Tony Gios - Bookie
Anthony Fitzpatrick - Collector
Mary Flynn - Teen in Diner
Michael Glienna - Black Death Corner Man
Tab Baker - Storm Trooper
Derek Anunciation - Teen in Classroom
Kevin M. Casey - Collector
Julian S. Campo - Bodyguard
Johnny Bellino - Dawn's Father
Mike A. Burgos - Odds Board Man
Hector Pena - Tommy's Opponent
Marctwaine Nettles-Bey - Teen in Classroom
Theorn "Touche" Lykes - Bodyguard
Johnny Lira - Bookie
Patrick Outlaw - Lincoln's Opponent
Mike Nussbaum - Doctor
Brian O'Shea - 4th Referee
Jean-Paul Griffin - Black Death
Franklin Jones - Ring Manager
Emily Marie Hooper - Belinda
Richard Lexsee - Father in Park
Anthony "Primo" LaCassa - Romano's Cornerman
Jill Kiblinger - Teen in Diner
Harve Kolzow - Timekeeper
90126 2/4 Gladiátor  Gladiator  154  United States  Historical Film  English  Hungarian  Director: Ridley Scott  DivX 3  MPEG Layer 3 (MP3)  640*272 
DreamWorks / Universal (Foreign)
DreamWorks / Scott Free Productions / Universal

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Időszámításunk kezdete után 180-ban Marcus Aurelius császár halálával az egykor oly dicső Római Birodalomban a káosz lesz az út. Marcus őrült, hatalomvágyó és kegyetlen fia, Commodus kerül hatalomra, és első dolga, hogy megszabaduljon ellenfeleitől. Apja bizalmasát, a népszerű, legyőzhetetlennek hitt hadvezért, Maximust árulónak kiáltja ki, miután az nem hajlandó behódolni neki. Az új császár kivégezteti Maximus családját, és őt is halálra ítéli. A rangjától megfosztott egykori hadvezér súlyosan megsérül, de életben marad. Nincstelen földönfutóvá lesz, rabszolgakereskedők kezére kerül, és gladiátorként kell megküzdenie nap mint nap az életéért. Csak egyvalami tartja benne a lelket, csak egyetlen cél lebeg a szeme előtt, megnyerni minden csatát és eljutni Rómába, hogy a Colosseumban végre szemtől szembe kerüljön azzal, aki tönkretette az életét.

A man robbed of his name and his dignity strives to win them back, and gain the freedom of his people, in this epic historical drama from director Ridley Scott. In the year 180, the death of emperor Marcus Aurelius (Richard Harris) throws the Roman Empire into chaos. Maximus (Russell Crowe) is one of the Roman army's most capable and trusted generals and a key advisor to the emperor. As Marcus' devious son Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix) ascends to the throne, Maximus is set to be executed. He escapes, but is captured by slave traders. Renamed Spaniard and forced to become a gladiator, Maximus must battle to the death with other men for the amusement of paying audiences. His battle skills serve him well, and he becomes one of the most famous and admired men to fight in the Colosseum. Determined to avenge himself against the man who took away his freedom and laid waste to his family, Maximus believes that he can use his fame and skill in the ring to avenge the loss of his family and former glory. As the gladiator begins to challenge his rule, Commodus decides to put his own fighting mettle to the test by squaring off with Maximus in a battle to the death. Gladiator also features Derek Jacobi, Connie Nielsen, Djimon Hounsou, and Oliver Reed, who died of a heart attack midway through production. 
David H. Franzoni - Producer / Screen Story / Screenwriter / Composer (Music Score)
Branko Lustig - Producer / Unit Production Manager
Doug Wick - Producer
John Logan - Screenwriter
William Nicholson - Screenwriter
John Mathieson - Cinematographer
Hani Alyyousif - Composer (Music Score)
Klaus Badelt - Composer (Music Score)
Klaudija Cermak - Composer (Music Score)
Lisa Gerrard - Composer (Music Score)
Michael Illingworth - Composer (Music Score)
Louise Lattimore - Composer (Music Score)
Steve Murgatroyd - Composer (Music Score)
Ian Plumb - Composer (Music Score)
Richard Roberts - Composer (Music Score)
Adam Milo Smalley - Musical Direction/Supervision
Simon Stanley-Clamp - Composer (Music Score)
Hans Zimmer - Composer (Music Score)
Pietro Scalia - Editor
Arthur Max - Production Designer
David Allday - Supervising Art Director
Benjamin Fernandez - Supervising Art Director
John King - Supervising Art Director
Keith Pain - Art Director
Cliff Robinson - Art Director
Peter Russell - Art Director
Terry Needham - Associate Producer / First Assistant Director
Laurie MacDonald - Executive Producer
Walter Parkes - Executive Producer
Robin Shenfield - Executive Producer
Jille Azis - Set Designer / Set Decorator
Sonja Klaus - Set Designer / Set Decorator
Crispian Sallis - Set Designer / Set Decorator
Cast: Russell Crowe - Maximus
Joaquin Phoenix - Commodus
Connie Nielsen - Lucilla
Oliver Reed - Proximo
Derek Jacobi - Gracchus
Djimon Hounsou - Juba
Richard Harris - Marcus Aurelius
David Schofield - Falco
John Shrapnel - Gaius
Tomas Arana - Quintus
Ralph Moeller - Hagen
Spencer Treat Clark - Lucius
David Hemmings - Cassius
Omid Djalili
Giorgio Cantarini - Maximus' Son
Sven Ole Thorsen - Titus
2135 2/4 Glamour  Glamour  115  Hungary  Drama  Hungarian    Director: Gödrös Frigyes  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A film középpontjában az Apa áll, aki egy álmot lát, amely egy bolondos terv végrehajtására sarkallja. A terv lényege, hogy az eljövendő utódok érdekében "vérfrissítésre" van szükség. A megoldás az üzlet régi barátja, a Házasságközvetítő képében jelenik meg: megismerkedik egy német leánnyal, a találkozásból szerelem születik. A kor és a törvények nem teszik lehetővé szerelmük beteljesülését, a házasságot. A család jogtanácsosának javaslatára egyetlen kiút marad, ha az Apa törvényesen meg akar házasodni, - a jövendőbelije német birodalmi állampolgár, ő pedig a sémi fajhoz tartozik - a lánynak először el kell válnia. Tehát találni kell egy Álférjet. A papa engedélyével végül sor kerülhet az esküvőre.
rendező: Gödrös Frigyes
forgatókönyvíró: Gödrös Frigyes
zeneszerző: Melis László
operatőr: Kardos Sándor
jelmeztervező: Breckl János
vágó: Rigó Mária 
Cast: Eperjes Károly (Apa)
Ónodi Eszter (Anya)
Cserna Antal (Árjanti)
Szűcs Lajos (Huberjani)
Derzsi János (Pelbárt atya)
Barkó György (Nagyapa)
Cseke Katinka (Angéla)
Cseicsner Orsolya
Kovács Lajos  
2493 1/4 Gloria  Gloria  120  United States  Drama  Hungarian    Director: Sidney Lumet  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Columbia Pictures
Eagle Point / Mandalay Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Director Sidney Lumet has remade the 1980 movie by his contemporary, John Cassavetes, casting Sharon Stone in the role of Gloria (portrayed in the original by Cassavetes' wife, Gena Rowlands), a street-toughened woman sliding into middle age. When the neighbors are murdered by a group of mobsters, one of which is a former boyfriend, Gloria takes the couple's seven-year-old son (Jean-Luke Figueroa) on the run. In time, she learns why the boy's parents were killed, and maybe just a little about herself. Sidney Lumet, director of '70s classics Network and Dog Day Afternoon, focuses more on the relationship between Gloria and the boy than did the original. Coincidentally, this would make the film very similar to the Brazilian Central Station, released at virtually the same time 
Sidney Lumet - Director
Gary Foster - Producer
Lee Rich - Producer
Steve Antin - Screenwriter
David Watkin - Cinematographer
Howard Shore - Composer (Music Score)
Tom Swartwout - Editor
Mel Bourne - Production Designer
Carlos A. Menendez - Art Director
Josie Rosen - Co-producer
Amberwren Briskey-Cohen - Associate Producer
Donald J. Lee, Jr. - Associate Producer
Chuck Binder - Executive Producer
G. Mac Brown - Executive Producer
Laura Lambert - Set Designer
Dona Granata - Costume Designer
Christopher Newman - Sound/Sound Designer
David Sardi - First Assistant Director
Louis Di Giaimo - Casting
Cast: Sharon Stone - Gloria
Jean-Luke Figueroa - Nicky
Jeremy Northam - Kevin
Cathy Moriarty - Diane
George C. Scott - Ruby
Mike Starr - Sean
Barry McEvoy - Terry
Don Billett - Raymond
Jerry Dean - Mickey
Tony di Benedetto - Zach
Teddy Atlas - Ian
Bonnie Bedelia - Brenda
60012 3/4 Gloria Estefan Live from Las Vegas  Gloria Estefan Live from Las Vegas  59  United States  Live concert  English  Hungarian  Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 


ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Legutóbbi albuma, amely 19. a sorban, 2004-ben jelent meg, amely spanyol nyelvű szerelmes dalait foglalta csokorba. A latin-amerikai popénekesnő, Gloria Estefan 1957. szeptember 1-jén Havannában született Gloria Fajardo-ként. Két évvel később Fidel Castro kommunista kormánya elöl menekülve családja Miami-ba szökött. Hírneve negyedszázada töretlen és tehetsége világszerte elismert. Gloria Estefan ismét fantasztikus egyéniségét bontakoztathatta ki legújabb varázslatos albumán, melyet egy különleges latin zenei show keretében a Celine Dion által híressé tett és reneszánszát élő Ceasar's Place-ban, Las Vegasban is bemutatott "Gloria Estefan Live and Unwrapped" címmel...

Percussion intro,
Get on Your Feet,
Turn the Beat Around,
Here We Are/In the Meantime,
Your Picture,
Mi Tierra/Oye Mi Canto,
Con los Anos que Me Quedan,
Te Amare,
Words Get in the Way/Anything for You/Can't Stay Away from You/Don't Wanna Lose You/Reach,
Rhythm Is Gonna Get You,
Conga, Conga (instrumental),
Live for Loving You,
You'll Be Mine (Party Time),
I Wish You,
Te Amare (instrumental),
Wrapped (Spanish version) 
Cast: Gloria Estefan 
4244 2/4 Go Trabi Go 1  Go Trabi Go 1  96  Germany  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: Peter Timm  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
A Nueue Constantin Film
Bavaria Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A Lipcse közelében élő Struutz család elhatározza, hogy utazni mennek új szerzeményükkel: a Trabanttal. Örömük határtalan, végre eljött az éves szabadság ideje! )rány az aranyló Nyugat, Itália. A történet főszereplője a világoskék Trabant, mellyel Velence felé szágulda(ná)nak. Az apa, Udo örökös szlogenje, melyet a Trabant csomagtartójára fest: "Nápolyt látni és meghalni!" No persze odáig még hosszú az út, ami Trabival meg különösen végzetes...

The "Trabi" in this comedy's title is a Trabant 601 automobile, a noisy, smelly, two-cylinder farrago of a proper vehicle — about the only motorized transportation available to residents of the "Socialist Utopia" of East Germany. Now that the wall has fallen and the two Germanys have begun to become unified, a moderately poor Leipzig family has chosen to drive to Italy in their little car on vacation. The mishaps that befall them will be appreciated by anyone familiar with the funny little car, and the actors make the most of it in this German answer to Chevy Chase's "Vacation" films.
Peter Timm - Director
Reinhard Klooss - Producer / Screenwriter
Axel Block - Cinematographer
Christel Suckow - Editor
Götz Weidner - Art Director
Cast: Wolfgang Stumph
Ottfried Fischer
Dieter Hildebrandt
Barbara Valentin
Konstantin Wecker
Diether Krebs
Monika Baumgartner
4332 2/4 Go Trabi Go 2  Go Trabi Go 2  90  Germany  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: Reinhard Klooss , Wolfgang Büld   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Bavaria Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A Struuty család a berlini fal leomlása után visszatérve a vakációról, megdöbbenve tapasztalja: otthonukat porig rombolták, hogy helyén egy golfpályát építsenek. A baj nem jár egyedül, kiderü, hogy Udo örökölt egy csőd szélén álló kerti törpe gyárat és még a korrupt polgármester is üldözőbe veszi Udo feleségét. A megoldást a kétes befolyású magával ragadó személyiségű Charlie személyében látják, aki életfilozófiáját régi western rock számokból és a Zen minimális felfogásából meríti.

The "Trabi" in this comedy's title is a Trabant 601 automobile, a noisy, smelly, two-cylinder farrago of a proper vehicle — about the only motorized transportation available to residents of the "Socialist Utopia" of East Germany. Now that the wall has fallen and the two Germanys have begun to become unified, a moderately poor Leipzig family has chosen to drive to Italy in their little car on vacation. The mishaps that befall them will be appreciated by anyone familiar with the funny little car, and the actors make the most of it in this German answer to Chevy Chase's "Vacation" films.

Peter Timm - Director
Reinhard Klooss - Producer / Screenwriter
Axel Block - Cinematographer
Christel Suckow - Editor
Götz Weidner - Art Director
Cast: Wolfgang Stumph
Claudia Schmutzler,
Marie Gruber,
747 1/4 Gól  Goal  121  United States  Drama  English  Hungarian  Director: Danny Cannon  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Buena Vista
Milkshake Films / Walt Disney Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

One young man's dream takes him on a remarkable journey in this sports-themed drama. Santiago Munez (Kuno Becker) was born in Mexico, and came to California with his family when he was just a boy. One of the few things Santiago brought with him was a love for soccer, and while he holds down two jobs — working landscaping during the days with his father, Hernan (Tony Plana), and as a busboy at night — he still dreams of playing the game professionally, and spends his precious spare time with an amateur team in Los Angeles. One day, Santiago is approached by Glen Foy (Stephen Dillane), a part-time scout for powerhouse British team Newcastle United; Glen has seen Santiago play and thinks he has talent, and can get him a tryout with Newcastle if he can make his way to England. While Hernan refuses to help Santiago pay for the trip, his grandmother (Miriam Colon) empties her savings to help him follow his dream. Santiago's first reserve game with the team happens during a typically British rainstorm, with Santiago suffering a mild asthma attack to boot; he doesn't play at his best and is turned away from the team, but he refuses to go home, determined to make good. After striking up a friendship with star kicker Gavin Harris (Alessandro Nivola) and demonstrating his mettle to coach Mal Braithwaite (Gary Lewis), Santiago earns a second chance to show Newcastle United what he can do and make his father proud of him. Goal! was a major international hit, and a sequel was already in production before the film opened in the United States in the spring of 2006. 
Danny Cannon - Director
Matt Barrelle - Producer
Mark Huffam - Producer
Mike Jefferies - Producer / Screenwriter / Screen Story
Adrian Butcher - Screen Story
Dick Clement - Screenwriter
Ian La Frenais - Screenwriter
Michael Barrett - Cinematographer
Jason Alexander - Musical Direction/Supervision
Graeme Revell - Composer (Music Score)
Chris Dickens - Editor
Laurence Dorman - Production Designer
Thomas T. Taylor - Art Director
Jo Burn - Co-producer
Bruce Davey - Co-producer
Chris Ouwinga - Co-producer
Danny Stepper - Co-producer
Lawrence Bender - Executive Producer
Peter Hargitay - Executive Producer
Stuart Rose - Costume Designer
Lucinda Syson - Casting
Mark Nelmes - Visual Effects Supervisor
Chris Newman - Assistant Director
Cast: Kuno Becker - Santiago Munez
Alessandro Nivola - Gavin Harris
Stephen Dillane - Glen Foy
Anna Friel - Roz Harmison
Marcel Iures - Erik Dornhelm
Sean Pertwee - Barry Rankin
Cassandra Bell - Christina
Kieron Dyer - Kieron, Dyer
Gary Lewis - Mal Braithwaite
Miriam Colon - Mercedes
Tony Plana - Hernan Munez
Lee Ross - Bluto
Kieran O'Brien - Hughie McGowan
Ashley Walters - Carl Francis
Frances Barber - Carol Harmison
Kevin Knapman - Jamie Drew
David Beckham
James Nesbitt
Zinedine Zidane
264 1/4 Gól  Goal  121  United Kingdom  Sport film/drama  Hungarian    Director: Danny Cannon  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Buena Vista
Milkshake Films / Walt Disney Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

One young man's dream takes him on a remarkable journey in this sports-themed drama. Santiago Munez (Kuno Becker) was born in Mexico, and came to California with his family when he was just a boy. One of the few things Santiago brought with him was a love for soccer, and while he holds down two jobs — working landscaping during the days with his father, Hernan (Tony Plana), and as a busboy at night — he still dreams of playing the game professionally, and spends his precious spare time with an amateur team in Los Angeles. One day, Santiago is approached by Glen Foy (Stephen Dillane), a part-time scout for powerhouse British team Newcastle United; Glen has seen Santiago play and thinks he has talent, and can get him a tryout with Newcastle if he can make his way to England. While Hernan refuses to help Santiago pay for the trip, his grandmother (Miriam Colon) empties her savings to help him follow his dream. Santiago's first reserve game with the team happens during a typically British rainstorm, with Santiago suffering a mild asthma attack to boot; he doesn't play at his best and is turned away from the team, but he refuses to go home, determined to make good. After striking up a friendship with star kicker Gavin Harris (Alessandro Nivola) and demonstrating his mettle to coach Mal Braithwaite (Gary Lewis), Santiago earns a second chance to show Newcastle United what he can do and make his father proud of him. Goal! was a major international hit, and a sequel was already in production before the film opened in the United States in the spring of 2006. 
Danny Cannon - Director
Matt Barrelle - Producer
Mark Huffam - Producer
Mike Jefferies - Producer / Screenwriter / Screen Story
Adrian Butcher - Screen Story
Dick Clement - Screenwriter
Ian La Frenais - Screenwriter
Michael Barrett - Cinematographer
Jason Alexander - Musical Direction/Supervision
Graeme Revell - Composer (Music Score)
Chris Dickens - Editor
Laurence Dorman - Production Designer
Thomas T. Taylor - Art Director
Jo Burn - Co-producer
Bruce Davey - Co-producer
Chris Ouwinga - Co-producer
Danny Stepper - Co-producer
Lawrence Bender - Executive Producer
Peter Hargitay - Executive Producer
Stuart Rose - Costume Designer
Lucinda Syson - Casting
Mark Nelmes - Visual Effects Supervisor
Chris Newman - Assistant Director
Cast: Kuno Becker - Santiago Munez
Alessandro Nivola - Gavin Harris
Stephen Dillane - Glen Foy
Anna Friel - Roz Harmison
Marcel Iures - Erik Dornhelm
Sean Pertwee - Barry Rankin
Cassandra Bell - Christina
Kieron Dyer - Kieron, Dyer
Gary Lewis - Mal Braithwaite
Miriam Colon - Mercedes
Tony Plana - Hernan Munez
Lee Ross - Bluto
Kieran O'Brien - Hughie McGowan
Ashley Walters - Carl Francis
Frances Barber - Carol Harmison
Kevin Knapman - Jamie Drew
David Beckham
James Nesbitt
Zinedine Zidane
5064 2/4 Gól 2 A valóra vált álom  Goal II: Living the Dream  110  United Kingdom  Sport film/drama      Director: Jaume Collet-Serra       

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A kis Santiago álma valóra vált: profi focista vált belőle, és az angol élvonalban, a Newcastle United csapatát erősítheti. Ez azonban még csak a kezdete annak, amit egy igazi tehetség számára tartogathat a foci világa!

Amikor a Real Madrid érdeklődni kezd a Newcastle legnépszerűbb játékosa iránt, Santiago szinte el sem akarja hinni, hogy hamarosan ő is felhúzhatja a legendás fehér mezt, és egy csapatban kergetheti a labdát David Bechammel, Zinedine Zidane-nal és Raullal!

Santiago mennyasszonya, Roz ugyan már az esküvőt szervezte Newcastle-ban, de örül szerelme sikerének, és vele tart Spanyolországba is. A fiatal foci-tehetség úgy tűnik pályája csúcsára ért: sztárként fogadják, fürdik a népszerűségben, a dicsőségben, a rajongók szeretetében és a pénzben.

Santiagot – akárcsak más hasonló sorsú sikeres sportolót – is rossz irányba sodorja a hirtelen jött siker. Nem tud ellenállni egy gyönyörű TV-s személyiség, Jordana csábításának, és talán már túl későn szembesül a népszerűség árnyoldalával ahhoz, hogy visszafordulhasson az úton: lassan eltávolodik igazi barátaitól, a sikersorozata hirtelen megszakadni látszik és talán szerelmét is elveszíti...

A foci-trilógia második részében Santiago történetének folytatása mellett természetesen a labdarúgásé a főszerep! Korunk legnagyobb foci-sztárjai közül sokan magukat alakítják a filmben.

The Jaume Collet-Serra-directed comedy-drama Goal! 2 - Living the Dream finds star European soccer player Santiago Munez (Kuno Becker) bumped, by his agent (Stephen Dillane) from England's Newcastle United team to Real Madrid's Galacticos, where he is thrilled to play alongside field legends David Beckham, Ronaldo, Zinedine Zidane and others. In off time, temptation lingers in the form of amorous dalliances with spicy local women, especially the TV hostess Jordana (Leonor Varela) - a relationship that threatens the security of his marital engagement to Geordie nurse Roz (Anna Friel), who has accompanied him to Spain. During his time in Madrid, Santiago also discovers, most unexpectedly and poignantly, what happened to the mother who abandoned him during his early childhood. Alessandro Nivola co-stars as Santiago's pal Gavin.
Jaume Collet-Serra - Director
Cast: Rutger Hauer,
Kuno Becker,
Alessandro Nivola,
Anna Friel,
Leonor Varela,
David Beckham,
Stephen Dillane,
Kieran O'Brien  
1022 0/4 Godzilla  Godzilla  138  United States  Science-Fiction  Hungarian    Director: Roland Emmerich  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Centropolis Entertainment / Fried Films / Independent Pictures / TriStar

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A francia titkosszolgálat az egyik polinéziai szigeten atomrobbantást hajt végre, melynek hatására a sziget állatvilágában mutáció következik be. A kísérlet következtében gigantikusra nőtt, agresszív hüllő, Godzilla az éhségtől és dühtől hajtva megtámadja New Yorkot. A várost romba döntő szörnyeteget képtelenek a hadsereg csapatai megfékezni, s hamarosan kitör a pánik. Egy atomtudós (Matthew Broderick) és egy különös francia férfi (Jean Reno) közös erővel próbálják megfejteni az irtózatos méretű lény rejtélyét és megállítani a pusztítást, amíg még nem késő...

Dedicated to Tomoyuki Tanaka (1910-1997), who produced the 1954 original and sequels, the Devlin/Emmerich interpretation displays a redesign of Godzilla, now a large lizard mutated after fallout from French nuclear tests. A blinding flash of white light fills the Eastern sky. Thousands of miles away, the Pacific Ocean churns, engulfing a freighter. On another part of the globe, giant footsteps plow a path through miles of Panamanian forests, Tahitian villages, and Jamaican beaches. In the Ukraine, biologist Dr. Niko Tatopoulos (Matthew Broderick), with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, is examining the impact of radiation on Chernobyl earthworms. Colonel Hicks (Kevin Dunn) and a military team escort Niko to check out giant claw marks on the beached freighter; they're joined by paleontologists Elsie Chapman (Vicki Lewis) and Mendel Craven (Malcolm Danare). Blood and giant-size footprints indicate "some sort of enormous reptile." French secret agent Philippe Roache talks to the freighter's only survivor, who keeps repeating, "Gojira...Gojira." Tatopoulos et al arrive in Manhattan's Fulton Fish Market where Godzilla surfaces, moving on to the NYC financial district where Mayor Ebert (Michael Lerner) is speaking. Ambitious Audrey Timmonds (Maria Pitillo), who works for TV news anchor Charles Caiman (Harry Shearer), is Niko's former girlfriend, and she uses this to her professional advantage. As the wave of destruction continues, Niko and Roache track the creature through the evacuated city and discover Godzilla's eggs about to hatch in Madison Square Garden. They are followed by Audrey and TV cameraman Victor "Animal" Palotti (Hank Azaria), and soon the hatching Godzilla offspring prowl the Garden corridors, leading to a final showdown 
Roland Emmerich - Director / Screen Story / Screenwriter / Executive Producer
Dean Devlin - Producer / Screenwriter / Screen Story
Ted Elliott - Screen Story
Terry Rossio - Screen Story
Ueli Steiger - Cinematographer
David Arnold - Composer (Music Score)
Peter Amundson - Editor
David J. Siegel - Editor
Oliver Scholl - Production Designer
William Ladd Skinner - Supervising Art Director
Robert Woodruff - Art Director
Robert N. Fried - Co-producer
Kelly Van Horn - Co-producer
Peter Winther - Co-producer
Ute Emmerich - Executive Producer
William Fay - Executive Producer
Cary Woods - Executive Producer
Victor Zolfo - Set Designer
Joseph Porro - Costume Designer
Jose Antonio Garcia - Sound/Sound Designer
Patrick Tatopoulos - Special Effects
Kim Winther - First Assistant Director
Eric Pascarelli - Camera Operator
Jim Halty - Stunts
Chuck Picerni, Jr. - Stunts
David Bloch - Casting
April Webster - Casting
Volker Engel - Special Effects Supervisor
Peter Jochen Krause - Second Unit Director Of Photography
Dionne McNeff - Executive in Charge of Production
R.A. Rondell - Stunts Coordinator
Josef Rusnak - Second Unit Director
Cast: Matthew Broderick - Dr. Niko Tatopoulos
Jean Reno - Philippe Roache
Maria Pitillo - Audrey Timmonds
Hank Azaria - Victor (Animal) Palotti
Kevin Dunn - Colonel Hicks
Michael Lerner - Mayor Ebert
Harry Shearer - Charles Caiman
Arabella Field - Lucy Palotti
Vicki Lewis - Dr. Elsie Chapman
Doug Savant - Sergeant O'Neal
Malcom Danare - Dr. Mendel Craven
Lorry Goldman - Gene
William O'Leary - Military Communications Guy (uncredited
718 3/4 Good night, good luck  Good night, good luck  90  United States  Drama  English  Hungarian  Director: George Clooney  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Warner Independent Pictures
2929 Entertainment / Davis Films / Metropolitan Films / Participant Productions / Redbus Pictures / Section 8 / Tohokushinsha / Warner Independent Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

1953-at írunk, amikor a televíziózás még gyerekcipőben jár, és amikor a neves tévés hírszerkesztő, Edward R. Murrow, egy népszerű ismeretterjesztő hírműsort vezet a CBS-csatornán. Emellett Fred Friendly producerrel karöltve egy napi híreket közlő műsort is irányít. A CBS TV szerkesztőségében állandó nyüzsgés van, Murrow munkáját elhivatott csapat támogatja, melynek tagjai később legendás hírnévre tesznek szert a szakmában, most azonban még karrierjük kezdetén állnak.
Egyik témájuk kapcsán társadalmi szintű folyamatok leleplezőivé és előmozdítóivá válnak: Lieutenant Milo Radulovich, az amerikai légierő tartalékosát tárgyalás nélkül bűnösnek nyilvánítják és eltávolítják a szolgálatból. Minden ellene felhozott vádat titkosítottak. Murrow a CBS második embere, Sig Mickelson, tiltakozása ellenére műsorában nyilvánosságra hozza az ügyet. A korszak nagyhatalmú alakja, a wisconsini Joseph McCarthy szenátor, könyörtelen üldöző hadjáratba fogott azért, hogy megszabadítsa az országot a kommunistáktól. Murrow gyanítja, hogy a szenátornak köze van Radulovich elbocsátásához, és hogy a vele kapcsolatos eljárás titkosítása a bizonyítékok hiányát jelenti és egyben a polgári szabadságjogok sárba tiprását. Az adás után Murrow-t is kommunista szimpatizánsnak bélyegzik meg. A műsorvezető sejti, hogy az ellene felhozott hazugságok egyetlen célja, hogy csapatát megfélemlítsék…

George Clooney pays homage to one of the icons of American broadcast journalism, Edward R. Murrow, in this fact-based drama, which was Clooney's second feature film as a director. In 1953, Edward R. Murrow (played by David Strathairn) was one of the best-known newsmen on television as host of both the talk show Person to Person and the pioneering investigate series See It Now. Joseph McCarthy, a U.S. senator from Wisconsin, was generating no small amount of controversy in the public and private sectors with his allegations that Communists had risen to positions of power and influence in America, and an Air Force pilot, Milo Radulovich, had been drummed out of the service due to McCarthy's charges that he was a Communist agent. However, Radulovich had been dismissed without a formal hearing of the charges, and he protested that he was innocent of any wrongdoing. Murrow decided to do a story on Radulovich's case questioning the legitimacy of his dismissal, which was seen by McCarthy and his supporters as an open challenge to his campaign. McCarthy responded by accusing Murrow of being a Communist, leading to a legendary installment of See It Now in which both Murrow and McCarthy presented their sides of the story, which was seen by many as the first step toward McCarthy's downfall. Meanwhile, Murrow had to deal with CBS head William Paley (Frank Langella), who was supportive of Murrow but extremely wary of his controversial positions, while Murrow was also trying to support fellow newsman Don Hollenbeck (Ray Wise), battling charges against his own political views, and working alongside Fred Friendly (George Clooney), the daring head of CBS News. Good Night, and Good Luck also stars Jeff Daniels, Robert Downey Jr., Patricia Clarkson, and Robert John Burke; the film won Best Film honors after its world premiere at the 2005 Venice Film Festival. 
George Clooney - Director / Producer / Screenwriter
Grant Heslov - Producer / Screenwriter
Todd Wagner - Producer / Executive Producer
Robert Elswit - Cinematographer
Allen Sviridoff - Musical Direction/Supervision
Stephen Mirrione - Editor
Jim Bissell - Production Designer
Christa Munro - Art Director
Simon Franks - Co-producer
Barbara Hall - Co-producer / Unit Production Manager
Zygi Kamasa - Co-producer
Kiyotaka Ninomiya - Co-producer
Marc Butan - Executive Producer
Ben Cosgrove - Executive Producer
Mark Cuban - Executive Producer
Jennifer Fox - Executive Producer
Chris Salvaterra - Executive Producer
Jeff Skoll - Executive Producer
Steven Soderbergh - Executive Producer
Gae S. Buckley - Set Designer
Louise Frogley - Costume Designer
Jan Pascale - Set Decorator
Colin Anderson - Camera Operator / Steadicam Operator
Michael Pinkey - Camera Operator
Ellen Chenoweth - Casting
Edward Tise - Sound Mixer
Matt Absher - Assistant Editor
Ellis Barbacoff - Assistant Properties
Melissa V. Barnes - Second Assistant Director
Ron Berkeley - Key Make-up
Tony Bonaventura - Properties Master
John Connor - First Assistant Camera
Douglas Crise - Assistant Editor
Lynda Foote - Costumes Supervisor
Aaron Glascock - Supervising Sound Editor
Richard Gonzales - Second Second Assistant Director
Melinda Sue Gordon - Still Photographer
Samuel Hadida - Co-Executive Producer
Victor Hadida - Co-Executive Producer
Barry Idoine - First Assistant Camera
Randy Johnson - Boom Operator
Alexandra Kravetz - Second Assistant Camera
Michelle Lankwardern - Assistant Production Coordinator
Diane Hassinger Newman - Script Supervisor
Peter Phillips - Post Production Supervisor
Curt Schulkey - Supervising Sound Editor
Larissa Supplitt - Second Assistant Camera
Rachel Tenner - Casting Associate
David J.Webb - Assistant Director
Nicole Widmyer - Production Coordinator
Joy Zapata - Key Hairstylist

Best Actor (nom) David Strathairn 2005 Academy
Best Art Direction (nom) Jan Pascale 2005 Academy
Best Art Direction (nom) Jim Bissell 2005 Academy
Best Cinematography (nom) Robert Elswit 2005 Academy
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 Academy
Best Original Screenplay (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 Academy
Best Original Screenplay (nom) George Clooney 2005 Academy
Best Picture (nom) 2005 Academy
Best Edited Feature - Drama (nom) Stephen Mirrione 2005 American Cinema Editors Guild
Best Picture (win) 2005 American Film Institute
Best Cinematography (nom) Robert Elswit 2005 American Society of Cinematographers
Best Art Direction - Period or Fantasy Film (nom) Jim Bissell 2005 Art Directors Guild
Best Cinematography (win) Robert Elswit 2005 Boston Society of Film Critics
Best Actor (nom) David Strathairn 2005 British Academy Awards
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 British Academy Awards
Best Editing (nom) Stephen Mirrione 2005 British Academy Awards
Best Original Screenplay (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 British Academy Awards
Best Original Screenplay (nom) George Clooney 2005 British Academy Awards
Best Picture (nom) 2005 British Academy Awards
Best Supporting Actor (nom) George Clooney 2005 British Academy Awards
Best Actor (nom) David Strathairn 2005 Broadcast Film Critics Association
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 Broadcast Film Critics Association
Best Ensemble Acting (nom) 2005 Broadcast Film Critics Association
Best Picture (nom) 2005 Broadcast Film Critics Association
Best Screenplay (nom) George Clooney 2005 Broadcast Film Critics Association
Best Screenplay (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 Broadcast Film Critics Association
Best Actor (nom) David Strathairn 2005 Chicago Film Critics Association
Best Cinematography (nom) Robert Elswit 2005 Chicago Film Critics Association
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 Chicago Film Critics Association
Best Picture (nom) 2005 Chicago Film Critics Association
Best Screenplay (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 Chicago Film Critics Association
Best Screenplay (nom) George Clooney 2005 Chicago Film Critics Association
Top Ten Film (win) 2005 Dallas-Ft. Worth Film Critics Associati
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 Directors Guild of America
Best Actor - Drama (nom) David Strathairn 2005 Golden Globe
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 Golden Globe
Best Picture - Drama (nom) 2005 Golden Globe
Best Screenplay (nom) George Clooney 2005 Golden Globe
Best Screenplay (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 Golden Globe
Best Actor (nom) David Strathairn 2005 Independent Spirit Award
Best Cinematography (nom) Robert Elswit 2005 Independent Spirit Award
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 Independent Spirit Award
Best Picture (nom) 2005 Independent Spirit Award
Best Original Screenplay (nom) George Clooney 2005 Kansas City Film Critics Association
Best Original Screenplay (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 Kansas City Film Critics Association
Best Cinematography (win) Robert Elswit 2005 L.A. Film Critics Association
Best Production Design (Runner-up) (win) James D. Bissell 2005 L.A. Film Critics Association
Best Supporting Actor (Runner-up) (win) Frank Langella 2005 L.A. Film Critics Association
Best Picture (win) 2005 National Board of Review
Best Cinematography (Runner-up) (win) Robert Elswit 2005 National Society of Film Critics
Best Supporting Actor (Runner-up) (win) Frank Langella 2005 National Society of Film Critics
Best Actor (nom) David Strathairn 2005 Online Film Critics Association
Best Cinematography (nom) Robert Elswit 2005 Online Film Critics Association
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 Online Film Critics Association
Best Editing (nom) Stephen Mirrione 2005 Online Film Critics Association
Best Original Screenplay (win) Grant Heslov 2005 Online Film Critics Association
Best Original Screenplay (win) George Clooney 2005 Online Film Critics Association
Best Picture (nom) 2005 Online Film Critics Association
Best Director (win) George Clooney 2005 Phoenix Film Critics Association
Top Ten Film of the Year (win) 2005 Phoenix Film Critics Association
Producer of the Year (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 Producer's Guild
Best Screenplay (win) George Clooney 2005 San Francisco Film Critics Circle
Best Screenplay (win) Grant Heslov 2005 San Francisco Film Critics Circle
Best Actor (nom) David Strathairn 2005 Screen Actors Guild
Best Ensemble (nom) 2005 Screen Actors Guild
Best Actor (win) David Strathairn 2005 Venice International Film Festival
Best Screenplay (win) Grant Heslov 2005 Venice International Film Festival
Best Screenplay (win) George Clooney 2005 Venice International Film Festival
In Competition 2005 Venice International Film Festival
Best Original Screenplay (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 Writers Guild of America
Best Original Screenplay (nom) George Clooney 2005 Writers Guild of America
Cast: David Strathairn - Edward R. Murrow
George Clooney - Fred Friendly
Robert Downey, Jr. - Joe Wershba
Patricia Clarkson - Shirley Wershba
Frank Langella - William S. Paley
Jeff Daniels - Sig Mickelson
Ray Wise - Don Hollenbeck
Tate Donovan - Jessie Zousmer
Tom McCarthy - Palmer Williams
Matt Ross - Eddie Scott
Reed Diamond - John Aaron
Robert John Burke - Charlie Mack
Grant Heslov - Don Hewitt
Alex Borstein - Natalie
Helen Slayton-Hughes - Mary
Simon Helberg - CBS Page
Rose Abdoo - Millie Lerner
Robert Knepper - Don Surine
Dianne Reeves - Jazz Singer
Glenn Morshower - Colonel Anderson
Don Creech - Colonel Jenkins
J.D. Cullum - Stage Manager
Peter Jacobson - Jimmy
3577 3/4 Good night, good luck  Good night, good luck  90  United States  Drama  Hungarian    Director: George Clooney  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Warner Independent Pictures
2929 Entertainment / Davis Films / Metropolitan Films / Participant Productions / Redbus Pictures / Section 8 / Tohokushinsha / Warner Independent Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

1953-at írunk, amikor a televíziózás még gyerekcipőben jár, és amikor a neves tévés hírszerkesztő, Edward R. Murrow, egy népszerű ismeretterjesztő hírműsort vezet a CBS-csatornán. Emellett Fred Friendly producerrel karöltve egy napi híreket közlő műsort is irányít. A CBS TV szerkesztőségében állandó nyüzsgés van, Murrow munkáját elhivatott csapat támogatja, melynek tagjai később legendás hírnévre tesznek szert a szakmában, most azonban még karrierjük kezdetén állnak.
Egyik témájuk kapcsán társadalmi szintű folyamatok leleplezőivé és előmozdítóivá válnak: Lieutenant Milo Radulovich, az amerikai légierő tartalékosát tárgyalás nélkül bűnösnek nyilvánítják és eltávolítják a szolgálatból. Minden ellene felhozott vádat titkosítottak. Murrow a CBS második embere, Sig Mickelson, tiltakozása ellenére műsorában nyilvánosságra hozza az ügyet. A korszak nagyhatalmú alakja, a wisconsini Joseph McCarthy szenátor, könyörtelen üldöző hadjáratba fogott azért, hogy megszabadítsa az országot a kommunistáktól. Murrow gyanítja, hogy a szenátornak köze van Radulovich elbocsátásához, és hogy a vele kapcsolatos eljárás titkosítása a bizonyítékok hiányát jelenti és egyben a polgári szabadságjogok sárba tiprását. Az adás után Murrow-t is kommunista szimpatizánsnak bélyegzik meg. A műsorvezető sejti, hogy az ellene felhozott hazugságok egyetlen célja, hogy csapatát megfélemlítsék…

George Clooney pays homage to one of the icons of American broadcast journalism, Edward R. Murrow, in this fact-based drama, which was Clooney's second feature film as a director. In 1953, Edward R. Murrow (played by David Strathairn) was one of the best-known newsmen on television as host of both the talk show Person to Person and the pioneering investigate series See It Now. Joseph McCarthy, a U.S. senator from Wisconsin, was generating no small amount of controversy in the public and private sectors with his allegations that Communists had risen to positions of power and influence in America, and an Air Force pilot, Milo Radulovich, had been drummed out of the service due to McCarthy's charges that he was a Communist agent. However, Radulovich had been dismissed without a formal hearing of the charges, and he protested that he was innocent of any wrongdoing. Murrow decided to do a story on Radulovich's case questioning the legitimacy of his dismissal, which was seen by McCarthy and his supporters as an open challenge to his campaign. McCarthy responded by accusing Murrow of being a Communist, leading to a legendary installment of See It Now in which both Murrow and McCarthy presented their sides of the story, which was seen by many as the first step toward McCarthy's downfall. Meanwhile, Murrow had to deal with CBS head William Paley (Frank Langella), who was supportive of Murrow but extremely wary of his controversial positions, while Murrow was also trying to support fellow newsman Don Hollenbeck (Ray Wise), battling charges against his own political views, and working alongside Fred Friendly (George Clooney), the daring head of CBS News. Good Night, and Good Luck also stars Jeff Daniels, Robert Downey Jr., Patricia Clarkson, and Robert John Burke; the film won Best Film honors after its world premiere at the 2005 Venice Film Festival. 
George Clooney - Director / Producer / Screenwriter
Grant Heslov - Producer / Screenwriter
Todd Wagner - Producer / Executive Producer
Robert Elswit - Cinematographer
Allen Sviridoff - Musical Direction/Supervision
Stephen Mirrione - Editor
Jim Bissell - Production Designer
Christa Munro - Art Director
Simon Franks - Co-producer
Barbara Hall - Co-producer / Unit Production Manager
Zygi Kamasa - Co-producer
Kiyotaka Ninomiya - Co-producer
Marc Butan - Executive Producer
Ben Cosgrove - Executive Producer
Mark Cuban - Executive Producer
Jennifer Fox - Executive Producer
Chris Salvaterra - Executive Producer
Jeff Skoll - Executive Producer
Steven Soderbergh - Executive Producer
Gae S. Buckley - Set Designer
Louise Frogley - Costume Designer
Jan Pascale - Set Decorator
Colin Anderson - Camera Operator / Steadicam Operator
Michael Pinkey - Camera Operator
Ellen Chenoweth - Casting
Edward Tise - Sound Mixer
Matt Absher - Assistant Editor
Ellis Barbacoff - Assistant Properties
Melissa V. Barnes - Second Assistant Director
Ron Berkeley - Key Make-up
Tony Bonaventura - Properties Master
John Connor - First Assistant Camera
Douglas Crise - Assistant Editor
Lynda Foote - Costumes Supervisor
Aaron Glascock - Supervising Sound Editor
Richard Gonzales - Second Second Assistant Director
Melinda Sue Gordon - Still Photographer
Samuel Hadida - Co-Executive Producer
Victor Hadida - Co-Executive Producer
Barry Idoine - First Assistant Camera
Randy Johnson - Boom Operator
Alexandra Kravetz - Second Assistant Camera
Michelle Lankwardern - Assistant Production Coordinator
Diane Hassinger Newman - Script Supervisor
Peter Phillips - Post Production Supervisor
Curt Schulkey - Supervising Sound Editor
Larissa Supplitt - Second Assistant Camera
Rachel Tenner - Casting Associate
David J.Webb - Assistant Director
Nicole Widmyer - Production Coordinator
Joy Zapata - Key Hairstylist

Best Actor (nom) David Strathairn 2005 Academy
Best Art Direction (nom) Jan Pascale 2005 Academy
Best Art Direction (nom) Jim Bissell 2005 Academy
Best Cinematography (nom) Robert Elswit 2005 Academy
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 Academy
Best Original Screenplay (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 Academy
Best Original Screenplay (nom) George Clooney 2005 Academy
Best Picture (nom) 2005 Academy
Best Edited Feature - Drama (nom) Stephen Mirrione 2005 American Cinema Editors Guild
Best Picture (win) 2005 American Film Institute
Best Cinematography (nom) Robert Elswit 2005 American Society of Cinematographers
Best Art Direction - Period or Fantasy Film (nom) Jim Bissell 2005 Art Directors Guild
Best Cinematography (win) Robert Elswit 2005 Boston Society of Film Critics
Best Actor (nom) David Strathairn 2005 British Academy Awards
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 British Academy Awards
Best Editing (nom) Stephen Mirrione 2005 British Academy Awards
Best Original Screenplay (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 British Academy Awards
Best Original Screenplay (nom) George Clooney 2005 British Academy Awards
Best Picture (nom) 2005 British Academy Awards
Best Supporting Actor (nom) George Clooney 2005 British Academy Awards
Best Actor (nom) David Strathairn 2005 Broadcast Film Critics Association
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 Broadcast Film Critics Association
Best Ensemble Acting (nom) 2005 Broadcast Film Critics Association
Best Picture (nom) 2005 Broadcast Film Critics Association
Best Screenplay (nom) George Clooney 2005 Broadcast Film Critics Association
Best Screenplay (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 Broadcast Film Critics Association
Best Actor (nom) David Strathairn 2005 Chicago Film Critics Association
Best Cinematography (nom) Robert Elswit 2005 Chicago Film Critics Association
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 Chicago Film Critics Association
Best Picture (nom) 2005 Chicago Film Critics Association
Best Screenplay (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 Chicago Film Critics Association
Best Screenplay (nom) George Clooney 2005 Chicago Film Critics Association
Top Ten Film (win) 2005 Dallas-Ft. Worth Film Critics Associati
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 Directors Guild of America
Best Actor - Drama (nom) David Strathairn 2005 Golden Globe
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 Golden Globe
Best Picture - Drama (nom) 2005 Golden Globe
Best Screenplay (nom) George Clooney 2005 Golden Globe
Best Screenplay (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 Golden Globe
Best Actor (nom) David Strathairn 2005 Independent Spirit Award
Best Cinematography (nom) Robert Elswit 2005 Independent Spirit Award
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 Independent Spirit Award
Best Picture (nom) 2005 Independent Spirit Award
Best Original Screenplay (nom) George Clooney 2005 Kansas City Film Critics Association
Best Original Screenplay (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 Kansas City Film Critics Association
Best Cinematography (win) Robert Elswit 2005 L.A. Film Critics Association
Best Production Design (Runner-up) (win) James D. Bissell 2005 L.A. Film Critics Association
Best Supporting Actor (Runner-up) (win) Frank Langella 2005 L.A. Film Critics Association
Best Picture (win) 2005 National Board of Review
Best Cinematography (Runner-up) (win) Robert Elswit 2005 National Society of Film Critics
Best Supporting Actor (Runner-up) (win) Frank Langella 2005 National Society of Film Critics
Best Actor (nom) David Strathairn 2005 Online Film Critics Association
Best Cinematography (nom) Robert Elswit 2005 Online Film Critics Association
Best Director (nom) George Clooney 2005 Online Film Critics Association
Best Editing (nom) Stephen Mirrione 2005 Online Film Critics Association
Best Original Screenplay (win) Grant Heslov 2005 Online Film Critics Association
Best Original Screenplay (win) George Clooney 2005 Online Film Critics Association
Best Picture (nom) 2005 Online Film Critics Association
Best Director (win) George Clooney 2005 Phoenix Film Critics Association
Top Ten Film of the Year (win) 2005 Phoenix Film Critics Association
Producer of the Year (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 Producer's Guild
Best Screenplay (win) George Clooney 2005 San Francisco Film Critics Circle
Best Screenplay (win) Grant Heslov 2005 San Francisco Film Critics Circle
Best Actor (nom) David Strathairn 2005 Screen Actors Guild
Best Ensemble (nom) 2005 Screen Actors Guild
Best Actor (win) David Strathairn 2005 Venice International Film Festival
Best Screenplay (win) Grant Heslov 2005 Venice International Film Festival
Best Screenplay (win) George Clooney 2005 Venice International Film Festival
In Competition 2005 Venice International Film Festival
Best Original Screenplay (nom) Grant Heslov 2005 Writers Guild of America
Best Original Screenplay (nom) George Clooney 2005 Writers Guild of America
Cast: David Strathairn - Edward R. Murrow
George Clooney - Fred Friendly
Robert Downey, Jr. - Joe Wershba
Patricia Clarkson - Shirley Wershba
Frank Langella - William S. Paley
Jeff Daniels - Sig Mickelson
Ray Wise - Don Hollenbeck
Tate Donovan - Jessie Zousmer
Tom McCarthy - Palmer Williams
Matt Ross - Eddie Scott
Reed Diamond - John Aaron
Robert John Burke - Charlie Mack
Grant Heslov - Don Hewitt
Alex Borstein - Natalie
Helen Slayton-Hughes - Mary
Simon Helberg - CBS Page
Rose Abdoo - Millie Lerner
Robert Knepper - Don Surine
Dianne Reeves - Jazz Singer
Glenn Morshower - Colonel Anderson
Don Creech - Colonel Jenkins
J.D. Cullum - Stage Manager
Peter Jacobson - Jimmy
47 3/4 Good will hunting  Good will hunting  126  United States  Drama  Hungarian  Hungarian  Director: Gus Van Sant  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 


ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Will Hunting (Matt Damon) még csak húsz éves, de már kilóg a kemény dél-bostoni munkásnegyed környezetéből. Barátaihoz hasonlóan gürcöl, amikor éppen nem a helyi bárban lóg vagy nem keveredik összetűzésbe a törvénnyel. Sohasem járt egyetemre, legfeljebb gondnokként felmosni a padlót. Mégis homályos történelmi utalásokat idéz fel fényképszerű emlékezetéből, és szinte azonnal old meg Nobel-díjas professzorokat is zavarba ejtő matekpéldákat.
Az egyetlen dolog, amire ez a bámulatosan okos és lehetetlenül dühös fiatalember nem képes, hogy újabb kocsmai verekedése után kidumálja magát a várható börtönbüntetés alól. Egyetlen reménye Sean McGuire (Robin Williams), az egyetemi professzorból lett pszichológus, aki csodálja a fiú érzelmi küszködéseit és megérti, milyen az, amikor az ember élete állandó küzdelem. A film 1998-ban Oscar díjat kapott a legjobb férfi epizódszereplő - Robin Williams - és a legjobb eredeti forgatókönyv - Matt Damon és Ben Affleck - kategóriájában. Emellett még hét jelölést kapott (legjobb film, legjobb színész, legjobb rendezés, legjobb női epizódszereplő, legjobb vágás, legjobb filmzene drámai alkotásban, legjobb betétdal). Emellett a forgatókönyv elnyerte a Golden Globe-díjat is.

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck co-scripted and star in this drama, set in Boston and Cambridge, about rebellious 20-year-old MIT janitor Will Hunting (Damon), gifted with a photographic memory, who hangs out with his South Boston bar buddies, his best friend Chuckie (Affleck), and his affluent British girlfriend Skylar (Minnie Driver). After MIT professor Lambeau (Stellan Skarsgard) stumps students with a challenging math formula on a hallway blackboard, Will anonymously leaves the correct solution, prompting Lambeau to track the elusive young genius. As Will's problems with the police escalate, Lambeau offers an out, but with two conditions — visits to a therapist and weekly math sessions. Will agrees to the latter but refuses to cooperate with a succession of therapists. Lambeau then contacts his former classmate, therapist Sean McGuire (Robin Williams), an instructor at Bunker Hill Community College. Both are equally stubborn, but Will is finally forced to deal with both his past and his future. 
Lawrence Bender - Producer
Ben Affleck - Screenwriter
Matt Damon - Screenwriter / Screen Story
Jean-Yves Escoffier - Cinematographer
Danny Elfman - Composer (Music Score)
Pietro Scalia - Editor
Melissa Stewart - Production Designer
Su Armstrong - Executive Producer
Jonathan Gordon - Executive Producer
Scott Mosier - Executive Producer
Kevin Smith - Executive Producer
Bob Weinstein - Executive Producer
Harvey Weinstein - Executive Producer
Beatrix Aruna Pasztor - Costume Designer
Kerry Barden - Casting
Billy Hopkins - Casting
Suzanne Smith - Casting
Cast: Matt Damon - Will Hunting
Robin Williams - Sean McGuire
Ben Affleck - Chuckie
Minnie Driver - Skylar
Stellan Skarsgĺrd - Lambeau
Casey Affleck - Morgan
Cole Hauser - Billy
5884  Goodbye Bafana  Goodbye Bafana  118  South Africa / Belgium / Germany / UK / France / USA  Drama  Hungarian    Director: Bille August  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Paramount Classics
Arsam International/ Banana Films/ Film Afrika/ Fonema/ Future Films/ Marmont Film Production/ X Filme Creative Poole

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Bill August eme intrikus emberi drámája alapját a Robben Island-i börtönben raboskodó Nelson Mandela felügyeletével megbízott börtönőr élete alkotja.

A Goodbye Bafana egy viszonylag hosszú film, ennek ellenére lekötő, enyhe hiányossága viszont hogy nem tölt elég időt minden idők történelmi hírességeinek egyik legnagyobbja társaságában.

James Gregory egy ambíciózus börtönőr (Joseph Fiennes) aki munkát kap a Robben Island-i börtönben, mégpedig nem más a feladata, mint az 1968-ban terrorista cselekedetekkel vádolt Nelson Mandela (Dennis Haysbert) felügyelete.

Eleinte a börtöni közösség hatásától vezérelve Gregory magában lassan kiépít egy bizonyos fokú tiszteletet Mandela iránt és a két férfi barátságot köt.

Barátságuk viszont veszélyezteti Gregory karrierjét és ez feszültséggel telíti meg a börtönőr életét. Gregory és Mandela kapcsolata hosszúra nyúlik, mivel a 21 év alatt a börtönőrt rabjával együtt helyezik át a magas biztonsági fokú fegyházból enyhébb börtönintézetekbe, mint a Pollsmoor és a Victor Vester börtön.

A Goodbye Bafana talán legkiemelkedőbb erénye az, ahogyan bemutatja a sokkoló rasszizmust ami Mandela raboskodása idejében Dél-Afrikában jelen volt.
Gregory-t és családját időnként virtuális kitaszítottakként kezelték amiért Mandelával mert szimpatizálni, és August ennek megnyilvánulását több erőszakos kitöréssel hangsúlyozza ki, ami élethűen mutatja be az ország akkori labilis helyzetét.
A nyomaték azonban Gregory-n és feleségén van amint rendkívüli események közepébe csöppennek és érzéseikkel harcolnak a

fokozatosan erősödő felismerés hatására, hogy az apartheid probléma nem is annyira fekete-fehér mint amilyennek látszik.

Mandela hasonló fokú inteligenciát és büszkeséget kapott, mint a 24 című sorozatban szereplő amerikai elnök, csak sajnos olyan keveset szerepel a vásznon, hogy egyszerűen nem kapott lehetőséget az igazi bemutatkozásra.

A film legerősebb pontjai a Gregory és Mandela jelenetek, viszont ezekből olyan kevés van, hogy szinte teljesen megfosztja a közönséget a mély érzelmi pofontól amelyet elvár.

Mindezek ellenére a Goodbye Bafana hűen mutatja be egy bonyolult barátság portréját amely segített egy nemzet történelmét megváltoztatni.

Bille August's inspirational docudrama Goodbye Bafana begins in 1968, with South Africa buried neck-deep in the horrors of apartheid and Nelson Mandela (Dennis Haysbert) - then an underground leader of the African National Congress - imprisoned on Robben Island for sedition. As the story opens, the native African population of the country - 25,000,000 in number - buckles beneath the crippling weight of the racist white minority, who control the Nationalist Party Government. The film follows the spiritual and psychological journey of James Gregory (Joseph Fiennes), a Caucasian Afrikaner who came of age on a farm in the Transkei and initially views all blacks as subhuman. Gregory also speaks Mandela's native language of Xhosa with perfect fluency, which makes him an ideal candidate to serve as warden of the Robben Island Prison and eavesdrop on Mandela and his inmates. What he fails to anticipate is the most unlikely and special of friendships (one of history's greatest) that burgeons between himself and Mandela - and helps him evolve from a narrow-minded bigot with limited self-awareness to a sensitive, humane critic of social injustice with a heightened awareness of mankind's ill treatment of one another and a genuine level of love for his fellow man. As the friendship between Gregory and Mandela grows and matures, it symbolizes Africa's transition from the oppressiveness of Apartheid to the freedom of multi-racial democracy.
Bille August - Director / Screenwriter
Ilann Girard - Producer
Andro Steinborn - Producer
Jean-Luc Vandamme - Producer
Bob Graham - Book Author
James Gregory - Book Author
Greg Latter - Screenwriter
Robert Fraisse - Cinematographer
Johnny Clegg - Featured Music
Manqobba - Featured Music
Dario Marianelli - Composer (Music Score)
Herve Schneid - Editor
Tom Hannam - Production Designer
Roberto Cipullo - Co-producer
Stephen Margolis - Co-producer
Gherardo Pagliei - Co-producer
David Wicht - Co-producer
Jimmy De Brabant - Executive Producer
Kwesi Dickson - Executive Producer
Michael Dounaev - Executive Producer
Kami Naghdi - Executive Producer
Dirk Bombey - Sound/Sound Designer

In Competition 2007 Berlin International Film Festival
Cast: Joseph Fiennes - James Gregory
Dennis Haysbert - Nelson Mandela
Diane Kruger - Gloria Gregory
Faith Ndukwana - Winnie Mandela
Terry Pheto - Zindzi Mandela
Lesley Mongezi - Walter Sisulu
Zingi Mtuzula - Raymond Mhlaba
819 3/4 Gorillák a ködben  Gorillas in the Mist  130  United States  Drama  English  Hungarian  Director: Michael Apted  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Warner Brothers
Guber-Peters Company / Universal

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A távoli Afrikában, a ruandai erdők mélyén hegyi gorilla családok élik boldog életüket. Közöttük egy nő, akinek különleges módszereivel sikerül elnyernie az állatok bizalmát. Utánozza hangjukat és mozdulataikat, leveleket rágcsál, s közben mindent megtud a gorillákról, amit csak ember megtudhat róluk.
Dian Fossey 18 évet töltött a gorillák tanulmányozásával Ruandában. Az évek során olyan közel került hozzájuk, mint előtte senki más. Michael Apted saját könyve és a National Geographic egy cikke alapján rendezte meg filmjét a tragikus sorsú tudósnő lenyűgöző életéről...

Gorillas in the Mist is based on the autobiographical 1983 book by naturalist Dian Fossey. Before the book could be brought before the cameras, Fossey had been mysteriously killed; her death provides a logical, if somewhat ghoulish climax to the film. A Kentucky girl, Fossey (Sigourney Weaver) is inspired by famed anthropologist Louis Leakey (Ian Cuthbertson) to devote her life to the study of primates. Travelling into deepest Africa, Fossey becomes fascinated with the lives and habits of the rare mountain gorillas of the Ugandan wilderness. Studying them at close quarters, Fossey develops a means of communicating with the gorillas, and in so doing becomes obsessed with the beasts' well-being. She is so devoted to "her" mountain that she loses the opportunity for a romance with a National Geographic photographer (Bryan Brown). Appalled by the poaching of the gorillas for their skins, Fossey complains to the Ugandan government, which dismisses her by explaining that poaching is the only means by which some of the Ugandan natives can themselves survive. She refuses to accept this, and becomes a militant animal-rights activist, burning down the poachers' villages and even staging a mock execution of one of the offenders. 
Michael Apted - Director
Terence A. Clegg - Producer / Co-producer
Arnold Glimcher - Producer / Co-producer
Peter Guber - Producer / Executive Producer
Jon Peters - Producer / Executive Producer
Harold T.P. Hayes - Short Story Author
Tab Murphy - Screenwriter
Anna Hamilton Phelan - Screenwriter / Screen Story
Alan Root - Cinematographer
John Seale - Cinematographer
Maurice Jarre - Composer (Music Score)
Stuart Baird - Editor
Ken Court - Production Designer / Art Director
John Graysmark - Production Designer
Judy Kessler - Co-producer
Robert Nixon - Co-producer
Rick Baker - Associate Producer / Makeup Special Effects
Simon Wakefield - Set Designer
Catherine Leterrier - Costume Designer
Peter Handford - Sound/Sound Designer
Christine Beveridge - Makeup
David Harris - Special Effects
Chris Brock - First Assistant Director
Tim Lewis - First Assistant Director
Rona Brown - Consultant/advisor
Marion Dougherty - Casting
Mary Selway - Casting
Robin Clarke - Music Editor
Simon Trevor - Second Unit Director Of Photography

Best Actress (nom) Sigourney Weaver 1988 Academy
Best Adapted Screenplay (nom) Anna Hamilton Phelan 1988 Academy
Best Adapted Screenplay (nom) Tab Murphy 1988 Academy
Best Editing (nom) Stuart Baird 1988 Academy
Best Score (nom) Maurice Jarre 1988 Academy
Best Sound (nom) Peter Handford 1988 Academy
Best Sound (nom) Andy Nelson 1988 Academy
Best Sound (nom) Brian Saunders 1988 Academy
Best Actress (Drama) (win) Sigourney Weaver 1988 Golden Globe
Best Film (Drama) (nom) 1988 Golden Globe
Best Original Score (win) Maurice Jarre 1988 Golden Globe
Best Picture (nom) 1988 National Board of Review
Cast: Sigourney Weaver - Dian Fossey
Bryan Brown - Bob Campbell
Julie Harris - Roz Carr
John Omirah Miluwi - Sembagare
Iain Cuthbertson - Dr. Louis Leakey
Constantin Alexandrov - Van Vecten
Waigwa Wachira - Mukara
David Lansbury - Larry
Maggie O'Neill - Kim
Michael J. Reynolds - Howard Dowd
John Alexander - Mime Artist
Helen Fraser - Mme. Van Vecten
Peter Elliott - Mime Artist
Peter Nduati - Batwa Chief
Konga Mbandu - Rushemba
Iain Glen - Brendon
Gordon Masten - Photographer
4030 4/4 Gosford Park  Gosford Park  136  UK/USA  Comedy drama  Hungarian    Director: Robert Altman  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
USA Films
Capitol Films / Chicagofilms / Entertainment Film Distributors / Film Council of a Sandcastle 5 / Medusa Produzione

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Egymást keresztező, összefonódó történetek szálaiból szövi Robert Altman rendező a Gosford Park két világát bemutató képet. Az egyik az arisztokrácia világa, melyhez a vidéki birtok, a kastély ebédlőterme és hálószobái adják a hátteret. A másik a lépcsők alatti titokzatos világ, a szolgák világa, akik sokkal többet látnak és hallanak, mint amennyit illene. Sokkal többet, mint amit bárkivel is megoszthatnának...

Maverick American filmmaker Robert Altman takes a witty and absorbing look at the foibles of the British class system in this intelligent murder mystery set in the early '30s. Sir William McCordle (Michael Gambon) and his wife Lady Sylvia (Kristin Scott Thomas) are a pair of wealthy British socialites who have invited a variety of friends, relatives, and acquaintances to their mansion in the country for a weekend of hunting and relaxation. Among the honored guests are Constance (Maggie Smith), Lady Sylvia's matronly aunt; Ivor Novello (Jeremy Northam), William's cousin who is also a well-known actor and songwriter; and Morris Weissman (Bob Balaban), an American film producer who is friendly with Ivor and researching an upcoming project. Observing the proceedings are the domestic staff of the mansion, including imperious butler Jennings (Alan Bates); footmen George (Richard E. Grant) and Arthur (Jeremy Swift); Probert (Derek Jacobi), a valet to Sir William; housekeeper Mrs. Wilson (Helen Mirren); Mrs. Croft (Eileen Atkins), who oversees the kitchen; and Elsie (Emily Watson), a maid. Also on hand are the guests' personal servants, including Mary (Kelly Macdonald), Contance's maid; Henry (Ryan Phillippe), Weissman's valet; and Parks (Clive Owens), a butler. While the servants are required to display a high level of decorum, they are expected to be passive observers who do not comment on what they see, though the gossip among them travels thick and fast once they retire to the servants' quarters downstairs. And it turns out that there's plenty worth gossiping about, especially after Sir William turns up dead, and everyone is ordered to stay at the mansion while the police investigate the killing. Gosford Park also features Charles Dance, Tom Hollander, Natasha Wightman, and Ron Webster; the screenplay was written by Julian Fellowes, based on a story by Altman and co-star Bob Balaban.  
Robert Altman - Director / Producer
Bob Balaban - Producer
David Levy - Producer
James Fellowes - Screenwriter
Andrew Dunn - Cinematographer
Richard Bolton - Featured Music
Nicholas Bucknall - Featured Music
Patrick Doyle - Composer (Music Score)
Brian Gascoigne - Featured Music
Eddie Hession - Featured Music
Patrick Kiernan - Featured Music
Perry Montague-Mason - Featured Music
Christopher Northam - Featured Music / Technical Advisor
John Paricelli - Featured Music
Andy Pask - Featured Music
James Potter - Featured Music
Ralph Salmins - Featured Music
Jamie Talbot - Featured Music
Chris Tombling - Featured Music
Ivo Van Der Werff - Featured Music
Hugh Webb - Featured Music
Bruce White - Featured Music
Tim Squyres - Editor
Stephen Altman - Production Designer
John Frankish - Supervising Art Director
Sarah Hauldren - Art Director
Joshua Astrachan - Co-producer
Jane Frazer - Co-producer
Julian Fellowes - Associate Producer / Screenwriter
Jane Barclay - Executive Producer
Sharon Harell - Executive Producer
Robert Jones - Executive Producer
Hannah Leader - Executive Producer
Anna Pinnock - Set Designer
Jenny Beavan - Costume Designer
Deborah Jarvis - Makeup
Sharon Martin - Makeup
Kate J. Thompson - Makeup
Norma Webb - Makeup
Richard Styles - First Assistant Director
Peter Taylor - Camera Operator
Peter Gossop - Sound Mixer
Tori Parry - Production Manager
Mary Selway - Casting
Animals O Kay - Animal Trainer/Wrangler
Julie Ankerson - Foley Artist
David Balfour - Properties Master
Celia Barnett - Research
Sam Bloor - Electrician
Benjamin Bober - Boom Operator
Stuart Brisdon - Special Effects Supervisor
Brock Norman Brock - Production Executive
Anita Burger - Hair Styles
Peter Burgis - Foley Artist
Paul Carr - ADR Mixer
Fergus Clegg - Buyer
John Cochrane - Music Editor
Robert Cuddy - Electrician
Andi Derrick - Foley Artist
Sara Desmond - Second Assistant Director
Penny Eyles - Script Supervisor
John Fewell - Foley Artist
Pat Garrett - Grip
Matt Gray - Assistant Art Director
Pat Grosswendt - Gaffer
Howard Halsall - Dialogue Editor
Malcolm Huse - Grip
Arthur Inch - Technical Advisor
Rob Ireland - ADR Editor
Jim Henson's Creature Shop - Digital Effects
Anya Keith - Assistant Production Coordinator
Anna Kot - Casting Associate
Ray Lee - Buyer
Violet Liddle - Technical Advisor
John F. Lyons - Second Assistant Editor
Steve Mayer - Assistant Sound Editor
Nigel Mills - Supervising Sound Editor
Shaun Mills - Boom Operator
Luke Morris - Production Executive
Ruth Mott - Technical Advisor
Neil Munro - Electrician
Julian Murray - Second Assistant Accountant
Gary Nolan - Electrician
Robin O'Donoghue - Re-Recording Mixer
Ned Paul - Technical Advisor
Grahame Peters - Foley Editor
Amanda Pollack - First Assistant Editor
Dinny Powell - Stunts Coordinator
Ron Puttock - Technical Advisor
Sue Quinn - Location Manager
Kay Raven - Animal Trainer/Wrangler
Claire Robertson - First Assistant Accountant
Maggie Rodford - Music Producer
Astrid Schikorra - Hair Styles
Loula Sheppard - Hair Styles
David Slattery-Christy - Technical Advisor
Clare Spragge - Costumes Supervisor
Richard Street - Re-Recording Mixer
Allistair Thompson - Production Accountant
Mark Tillie - Still Photographer
Kevin Walker - Technical Advisor
Fiona Weir - Casting Assistant
Martin Welland - Electrician
Iwan Williams - Electrician
Julia Wilson-Dixon - Dialogue Coach
Winnie Wishart - Production Coordinator
Lotta Wolgers - Art Department Assistant
Cast: Maggie Smith - Constance, Countess of Trentham
Michael Gambon - Sir William McCordle
Kristin Scott Thomas - Sylvia McCordle
Jeremy Northam - Ivor Novello
Bob Balaban - Morris Weissman
Alan Bates - Jennings
Richard E. Grant - George
Helen Mirren - Mrs. Wilson
Eileen Atkins - Mrs. Croft
Emily Watson - Elsie
Stephen Fry - Inspector Thompson
Kelly MacDonald - Mary Maceachran
Clive Owen - Robert Parks
Ryan Phillippe - Henry Denton
Tom Hollander - Lt. Commander Anthony Meredith
Geraldine Somerville - Louisa, Lady Stockbridge
Charles Dance - Raymond, Lord Stockbridge
Sophie Thompson - Dorothy
Derek Jacobi - Probert
James Wilby - Freddie Nesbitt
Camilla Rutherford - Isobel McCordle
Claudie Blakley - Mabel Nesbitt
Natasha Wightman - Lavinia Meredith
Teresa Churcher - Bertha
Jeremy Swift - Arthur
Ron Webster - Constable Dexter
Ken Davies - Loader
John Cox - Loader
Adrian Preater - McCordles' loader
Leo Bill - Jim
Ron Puttock - Strutt
Gregor Henderson Begg - Fred
Robin Devereux - beater
Geoff Double - beater
Richard Gamble - beater
Brian Rumsey - beater
Tony Davies - Loader
Terry Sturmey - Loader
Steve Markham - Loader
Peter Champion - beater
Julian Such - Loader
Alan Bland - beater
Pip the Dog - Widget
Lucy Cohu - Lottie
Joanna Maude - Renee
Adrian Scarborough - Barnes
Frances Low - Sarah
Meg Wynn Owen - Lewis
John Fountain - beater
Frank Thornton - Burkett
George Sherman - beater
Will Beer - Albert
Laura Harling - Ethel
Emma Buckley - May
Tilly Gerrard - Maud
Sarah Flind - Ellen
John Atterbury - Merriman
Finty Williams - Janet
Laurence Fox - Lord Rupert Standish
Trent Ford - Jeremy Blond
19 2/4 Gothika  Gothika  96  United States  Horror  English  Hungarian  Director: Mathieu Kassovitz   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Columbia Pictures / Warner Brothers
Columbia Pictures / Dark Castle Entertainment / Warner Bros.

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Mathieu Kassovitz (Bíbor folyók) hátborzongató filmjének főhőse Dr. Miranda Grey (Halle Berry), egy veszélyes elítélteket őrző elmegyógyintézet tehetséges és mindenre elszánt kriminálpszichológusa. Egyik nap, egy megmagyarázhatatlan "baleset" után gyilkosság vádjával, saját betegei között ébred fel. Miranda ugyan semmire sem emlékszik a három nappal korábban történt gyilkosságról, de minden bizonyíték arra utal, saját kezűleg végzett férjével, az intézet igazgatójával. A doktornő egyetlen töredékes emlékképe a végzetes éjszakáról egy fiatal lányé, aki a szakadó esőben hálóingben lépett a kocsija elé. Miranda ártatlannak vallja magát, különös viselkedéséből azonban arra következtetnek barátai és orvosai, hogy az asszony a teljes őrület szélén áll. Maga Miranda sem tudja már, hogy valóban egy bosszúszomjas szellem áldozata lett-e, vagy csak a képzelete játszik vele...

A woman is taken on a voyage to the other side of sanity in this moody thriller. Dr. Miranda Grey (Halle Berry) is a clinical psychologist who works alongside her husband, Dr. Doug Grey (Charles S. Dutton), in the mental ward of a top security prison, where Miranda has been devoting much of her attention to a clever but deeply disturbed murderer named Chloe (Penélope Cruz), who shares gruesome tales of torture and violence that may or may not be based in fact. One night, Miranda has a hideous nightmare in which a chance meeting with a strange young girl leads to a terrifying journey into madness. Once she wakes, however, Miranda discovers that the real horror has just begun — Doug has been brutally murdered, and the evidence points to Miranda as the prime suspect. She soon finds herself a patient in the same facility where she once treated others, and finds that her claims of innocence and sanity do little to convince Dr. Pete Graham (Robert Downey Jr.), the psychologist assigned to her case. Gothika marked the American debut of acclaimed and controversial French filmmaker Mathieu Kassovitz. 
Susan Levin - Producer
Joel Silver - Producer
Robert Zemeckis - Producer
Sebastian Gutierrez - Screenwriter
Matthew J. Libatique - Cinematographer
John Ottman - Composer (Music Score)
Yannick Kergoat - Editor
Graham "Grace" Walker - Production Designer
Isabelle Guay - Art Director
Richard Mirisch - Co-producer
Adam Kuhn - Associate Producer / Post Production Accountant
Don Carmody - Executive Producer
Steve Richards - Executive Producer
Gary Ungar - Executive Producer
Kym Barrett - Costume Designer
Hélčne Belanger - Costume Designer
Catherine Gélinas - Costume Designer
Jennifer Grenier - Costume Designer
Margarita Manoukian - Costume Designer
Renée Tremblay - Costume Designer
Alain Vallée - Costume Designer
Patrick Rousseau - Sound/Sound Designer / Sound Mixer
Cast: Halle Berry - Miranda Grey
Robert Downey, Jr. - Pete Graham
Charles S. Dutton - Dr. Douglas Grey
John Carroll Lynch - Sheriff Ryan
Bernard Hill - Phil Parsons
Penélope Cruz - Chloe Sava
Dorian Harewood - Teddy Howard
Bronwen Mantel - Irene
Kathleen Mackey - Rachel Parsons
Matthew Taylor - Turlington
Anana Rydvald - Glass Cell Nurse
Kwasi Songui - Guard
Al Vandecruys - Reporter
Andrea Sheldon - Tracey Seavers
Amy Sloan - Inmate
Terry Simpson - Guard
Carline van Vlaardingen - Reporter
Noah Bernett - Tim
Andy Bradshaw - Guard
Benz Antoine - Guard
Michel Perron - Joe
Laura Mitchell - Inmate
Noël Burton - Prison Doctor
Jasson Finney - Guard
Jason Cavalier - Guard
3292 1/4 Goyokin a shogun aranya  Goyokin the gold of shogun  124  Japan  Samurai film  Japan  Hungarian  Director: Hideo Gosha  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Fuji Telecasting / Toho / Tokyo Eiga

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

In this samurai movie, an evil warrior violates his samurai codes of ethics by stealing some gold to pay an unfair government tax and then murdering the fishermen who witnessed the robbery. His actions are derided by his brother-in-law. In anger, the samurai casts his sister's husband out of the family. The outcast then joins a Shogunate to get his revenge. After observing the bad samurai as he moves beacon lights so he can deliberately wreck a ship, the two men engage in a deadly fight. The evil warrior loses and the brother-in-law saves face.
Hideo Gosha - Director / Screenwriter
Kei Tasaka - Screenwriter
Kozo Okazaki - Cinematographer
Masaru Sato - Composer (Music Score)
Motoji Kojima - Art Director
Cast: Tatsuya Nakadai - Magobei Wakizaka
Tetsuro Tamba - Rokugo Tatewaki
Kinnosuke Nakamura - Samon Fujimaki
Isao Natsuyagi - Kunai
Yoko Tsukasa - Shino
Kunie Tanaka - Hyosuke
Ruriko Asaoka - Oriha
4604 1/4 Graffiti Bridge - Az irkafirka híd  Graffiti Bridge  90  United States  Musical  English  Hungarian  Director: Prince  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Warner Brothers / Warner Brothers Paisley Park

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A Graffiti Bridge élvezetes bepillantást nyújt a rock-legenda, Prince pályafutásába. A Bíboreső című film óta most először kerül újra nyilvánosság elé Prince Kid-arculata. A fiatal és az érettebb zenész személyiségét egy dolog biztosan összeköti: bármit is tett, bárhová lépett, nyomában a semmiből is zene született.

Prince wrote, directed, and stars in this disastrous sequel to Purple Rain that equates differing musical styles with God, angels, faith, and the struggle between the spiritual and the earthy. Once again Prince is The Kid, still working his emotional damnedest to one-up Morris Day and his band, The Time. In this installment, the boys fight over the ownership of a nightclub called Glam Slam. Both are bequeathed half of the club in a will, and Morris and the Kid want to handle each of their halves differently. Morris treats his part of the club as a popular venue, playing music the public wants to hear, and it is a rousing success. The Kid, on the other hand, wants to bring spirituality into funk — to make his point he even strikes a crucifixion pose. The result is a battle of the bands with The Time and The Kid jamming off of one another, battling for the souls of the two-drink minimum suckers. 
Prince - Director / Screenwriter / Composer (Music Score) / Musical Direction/Supervision
Peter MacDonald - Producer
Craig Rice - Producer
Bill Butler - Cinematographer
Rebecca Ross - Editor
Vance Lorenzini - Production Designer
Randy Phillips - Co-producer
Arnold Stiefel - Co-producer
Helen Horatio - Costume Designer
Jim Shearon - Costume Designer
Otis Sallid - Choreography
Cast: Prince - The Kid
Ingrid Chavez - Aura
Morris Day - Morris Day
Jerome Benton - Jerome Benton
Mavis Staples - Melody Cool
George Clinton - Himself
Rosie Gaines
Miko Weaver - Miko Weaver
Levi Seacer, Jr.
Terry Lewis - Terry Lewis
Jesse Johnson - Jesse Johnson
Tevin Campbell - Tevin
The Time
T.C. Ellis - T.C.
Jill Jones - Jill Jones
Kirk Johnson
Damon Dickson - The Game Boyz
Robin Power - Robin
Monique Mannen - Featured
Tony Mosley
3319 1/4 Graffiti Bridge - Az Irkafirka híd  Graffiti Bridge  90  United States  Musical  Hungarian    Director: Prince  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Warner Brothers / Warner Brothers Paisley Park

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A Graffiti Bridge élvezetes bepillantást nyújt a rock-legenda, Prince pályafutásába. A Bíboreső című film óta most először kerül újra nyilvánosság elé Prince Kid-arculata. A fiatal és az érettebb zenész személyiségét egy dolog biztosan összeköti: bármit is tett, bárhová lépett, nyomában a semmiből is zene született.

Prince wrote, directed, and stars in this disastrous sequel to Purple Rain that equates differing musical styles with God, angels, faith, and the struggle between the spiritual and the earthy. Once again Prince is The Kid, still working his emotional damnedest to one-up Morris Day and his band, The Time. In this installment, the boys fight over the ownership of a nightclub called Glam Slam. Both are bequeathed half of the club in a will, and Morris and the Kid want to handle each of their halves differently. Morris treats his part of the club as a popular venue, playing music the public wants to hear, and it is a rousing success. The Kid, on the other hand, wants to bring spirituality into funk — to make his point he even strikes a crucifixion pose. The result is a battle of the bands with The Time and The Kid jamming off of one another, battling for the souls of the two-drink minimum suckers. 
Prince - Director / Screenwriter / Composer (Music Score) / Musical Direction/Supervision
Peter MacDonald - Producer
Craig Rice - Producer
Bill Butler - Cinematographer
Rebecca Ross - Editor
Vance Lorenzini - Production Designer
Randy Phillips - Co-producer
Arnold Stiefel - Co-producer
Helen Horatio - Costume Designer
Jim Shearon - Costume Designer
Otis Sallid - Choreography
Cast: Prince - The Kid
Ingrid Chavez - Aura
Morris Day - Morris Day
Jerome Benton - Jerome Benton
Mavis Staples - Melody Cool
George Clinton - Himself
Rosie Gaines
Miko Weaver - Miko Weaver
Levi Seacer, Jr.
Terry Lewis - Terry Lewis
Jesse Johnson - Jesse Johnson
Tevin Campbell - Tevin
The Time
T.C. Ellis - T.C.
Jill Jones - Jill Jones
Kirk Johnson
Damon Dickson - The Game Boyz
Robin Power - Robin
Monique Mannen - Featured
Tony Mosley
4263 1/4 Grease 2 (pomádé 2)  Gre3ase 2  114  United States  Musical  English  Hungarian  Director: Pat Birch  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 


ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Given the runaway success of Grease, which became the biggest-grossing movie musical of all time, it was all but inevitable that there would be a sequel, and four years later this follow-up brought a new group of kids back to Rydell High. It's 1961, and Stephanie Zinone (Michelle Pfeiffer) is the tough leader of the Pink Ladies, while Michael Carrington (Maxwell Caulfield) is a clean-cut British exchange student. Michael likes Stephanie, but the Pink Ladies' by-laws prevent her from dating guys who aren't members of the T-Birds, their affiliated male gang. However, when a Zorro-like masked avenger on a motorcycle rescues Stephanie from a gang of ill-mannered toughs, she's eager to get to know the hero with the cool wheels. Any guesses as to who he might be? Eve Arden, Sid Caesar, and Dody Goodman return from the first film as members of the Rydell High faculty, while actual '50s teen icons Tab Hunter and Connie Stevens are on board as new members of the staff; Didi Conn as Frenchy is the only one of the students to appear in both movies. Patricia Birch, who served as choreographer on Grease, made her debut as a director on Grease 2; while she's remained active as a choreographer, she hasn't directed again since 
Pat Birch - Director / Choreography
Allan Carr - Producer
Robert Stigwood - Producer
Ken Finkleman - Screenwriter
Frank Stanley - Cinematographer
Artie Butler - Composer (Music Score)
Louis St. Louis - Composer (Music Score)
John F. Burnett - Editor
Gene Callahan - Production Designer
Neil Machlis - Associate Producer
Bill Oakes - Executive Producer
Lee Poll - Set Designer
Robert de Mora - Costume Designer
Lawrence O. Jost - Sound/Sound Designer
Del Acevedo - Makeup
Gary Daigler - First Assistant Director
Phil Caplan - Camera Operator
Sally Dennison - Casting
Michael Dennison - Costumes Supervisor
Cast: Maxwell Caulfield - Michael Carrington
Michelle Pfeiffer - Stephanie Zimone
Adrian Zmed - Johnny Nogerilli
Chris McDonald - Goose McKenzie
Peter Frechette - Lou Di Mucci
Leif Green - Davey Jaworski
Lorna Luft - Paulette Redchuck
Maureen Teefy - Sharon Cooper
Alison Price - Rhonda Ritter
Pamela Segall - Dolores Rebchuck
Didi Conn - Frenchy
Eve Arden - Ms. McGee
Sid Caesar - Coach Calhoun
Dody Goodman - Blanche
Tab Hunter - Mr. Stuart
Dick Patterson - Mr. Spears
Connie Stevens - Ms. Mason
Scott Wilder - Cycle Lord
Dallace Winkler - Girl Greaser
Steve M. Davison - Cycle Lord
Brad Jeffries - Preptone
Mike Runyard - Cycle Lord
Lucinda Dickey - Girl Greaser
Andy Tennant - Boy Greaser
Steve Holladay - Cycle Lord
Pat Green - Cycle Lord
Richard Epper - Cycle Lord
Donna King - Girl Greaser
Eddie Deezen - Eugene
Dennis Daniels - Boy Greaser
Tom Villard - Boy Greaser
Vernon Scott - Henry Dickey
Matt Lattanzi - Brad
Liz Sagal - Sorority Girl
Charles McGowan - Boy Greaser
4261 4/4 Grease (Pomádé)  Grease  110  United States  Musical  English  Hungarian  Director: Randal Kleiser  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 


ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A Grease című nagysikerű musical filmváltozatában John Travolta megerősítette, hogy ő az évtized egyik legvonzóbb és legsokoldalúbb jelensége a filmvásznon. Az énekesnő Olivia Newton-Johnnak Sandy, Travolta naiv szíve hölgye volt az első amerikai filmszerepe. A lenyűgöző mellékszereplő-gárda névsora olyan, mint egy "ki kicsoda" ebben a kihagyhatatlan musicalben a mesés 50-es évekről.
A Grease nem csupán egy nosztalgikus visszatekintés egy egyszerűbb évtizedre, hanem egy energikus és izgalmas zenei tiszteletadás a rock and roll aranykorának!

"Grease," said the poster and the Barry Gibb song, "is the word." Transferring its setting from Chicago to sunny California, and adding a dash of disco to the ersatz '50s score, producer Allan Carr and director Randal Kleiser turned this long-running Jim Jacobs - Warren Casey Broadway smash into the biggest blockbuster of 1978. 1950s teens Danny (John Travolta) and Australian transfer Sandy (Olivia Newton-John) spend their "Summer Nights" falling in love, but once fall comes, it's back to Rydell High and its cliques. As one of the bad boy T-Birds, Danny has to act cool for best pal Kenickie (Jeff Conaway) and their leather-clad mates Sonny (Michael Tucci) and Doody (Barry Pearl, in the role Travolta played on stage). Despite befriending Frenchy (Didi Conn), one of the rebel Pink Ladies, virginal Sandy is "too pure to be Pink," as the Ladies' leader Rizzo (Stockard Channing) acidly observes. Declaring their devotion in such ballads as "Hopelessly Devoted to You" and "Sandy," Sandy and Danny split, reconcile, and split again amidst a pep rally, dances, drive-ins, and a drag race, before deciding "You're the One That I Want" at the climactic carnival. With Travolta white-hot from Saturday Night Fever (1977), Grease soundtrack singles climbed the charts and summer movie crowds poured in. With the presence of Joan Blondell, Eve Arden, Sid Caesar, Edd "Kookie" Byrnes and Frankie Avalon appealing to grown-up memories, Grease became the highest grossing film of 1978, the highest grossing movie musical ever, and the third most popular film of the new blockbuster '70s after Star Wars (1977) and Jaws (1975). Its sequel, Grease 2, did not exactly set the world on fire in 1982 
Allan Carr - Producer / Screenwriter / Adaptation
Robert Stigwood - Producer
Bronte Woodard - Screenwriter
Bill Butler - Cinematographer
Warren Casey - From Musical by / Songwriter
John Farrar - Composer (Music Score) / Songwriter
Barry Gibb - Songwriter
Jim Jacobs - From Musical by / Songwriter
Louis St. Louis - Songwriter
Bill Oakes - Musical Direction/Supervision / Composer (Music Score)
J. Scott Simon - Songwriter
Ritchie Valens - Featured Music
John F. Burnett - Editor
Philip M. Jefferies - Production Designer
James I. Berkey - Set Designer
Albert Wolsky - Costume Designer
Pat Birch - Choreography
Cast: John Travolta - Danny Zuko
Olivia Newton-John - Sandy Olsson
Stockard Channing - Rizzo
Jeff Conaway - Kenickie
Didi Conn - Frenchy
Eve Arden - Principal McGee
Joan Blondell - Vi
Dinah Manoff - Marty
Michael Tucci - Sonny
Barry Pearl - Doody
Kelly Ward - Putzie
Susan Buckner - Patty Simcox
Eddie Deezen - Eugene
Lorenzo Lamas - Tom Chisum
Dennis Stewart - Leo
Annette Charles - Cha Cha
Dick Patterson - Mr. Rudie
Fannie Flagg - Nurse Wilkin
Darrell Zwerling - Mr. Lynch
Ellen Travolta - Waitress
Frankie Avalon - Teen Angel
Edward Byrnes - Vince Fontaine
Sid Caesar - Coach Calhoun
Alice Ghostley - Mrs. Murdock
Dody Goodman - Blanche
Sha-Na-Na - Johnny Casino and the Gamblers
Steve M. Davison - Leader of the Scorpions
Mimi Lieber - Dancer
Andy Tennant - Dancer
Sean Moran - Dancer
Dennis Daniels - Dancer
Michael Biehn - Jock (Basketball Player)
Daniel Levans - Dancer
Johnny Casino & the Sha-Na-Na - Johnny Casino & the Gamblers (as Sha-Na-Na)
James Donnelly - Jan
4262 4/4 Grease (Pomádé) szinkronos  Grease  110  United States  Musical  Hungarian    Director: Randal Kleiser  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*5756 


ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A Grease című nagysikerű musical filmváltozatában John Travolta megerősítette, hogy ő az évtized egyik legvonzóbb és legsokoldalúbb jelensége a filmvásznon. Az énekesnő Olivia Newton-Johnnak Sandy, Travolta naiv szíve hölgye volt az első amerikai filmszerepe. A lenyűgöző mellékszereplő-gárda névsora olyan, mint egy "ki kicsoda" ebben a kihagyhatatlan musicalben a mesés 50-es évekről.
A Grease nem csupán egy nosztalgikus visszatekintés egy egyszerűbb évtizedre, hanem egy energikus és izgalmas zenei tiszteletadás a rock and roll aranykorának!

"Grease," said the poster and the Barry Gibb song, "is the word." Transferring its setting from Chicago to sunny California, and adding a dash of disco to the ersatz '50s score, producer Allan Carr and director Randal Kleiser turned this long-running Jim Jacobs - Warren Casey Broadway smash into the biggest blockbuster of 1978. 1950s teens Danny (John Travolta) and Australian transfer Sandy (Olivia Newton-John) spend their "Summer Nights" falling in love, but once fall comes, it's back to Rydell High and its cliques. As one of the bad boy T-Birds, Danny has to act cool for best pal Kenickie (Jeff Conaway) and their leather-clad mates Sonny (Michael Tucci) and Doody (Barry Pearl, in the role Travolta played on stage). Despite befriending Frenchy (Didi Conn), one of the rebel Pink Ladies, virginal Sandy is "too pure to be Pink," as the Ladies' leader Rizzo (Stockard Channing) acidly observes. Declaring their devotion in such ballads as "Hopelessly Devoted to You" and "Sandy," Sandy and Danny split, reconcile, and split again amidst a pep rally, dances, drive-ins, and a drag race, before deciding "You're the One That I Want" at the climactic carnival. With Travolta white-hot from Saturday Night Fever (1977), Grease soundtrack singles climbed the charts and summer movie crowds poured in. With the presence of Joan Blondell, Eve Arden, Sid Caesar, Edd "Kookie" Byrnes and Frankie Avalon appealing to grown-up memories, Grease became the highest grossing film of 1978, the highest grossing movie musical ever, and the third most popular film of the new blockbuster '70s after Star Wars (1977) and Jaws (1975). Its sequel, Grease 2, did not exactly set the world on fire in 1982 
Allan Carr - Producer / Screenwriter / Adaptation
Robert Stigwood - Producer
Bronte Woodard - Screenwriter
Bill Butler - Cinematographer
Warren Casey - From Musical by / Songwriter
John Farrar - Composer (Music Score) / Songwriter
Barry Gibb - Songwriter
Jim Jacobs - From Musical by / Songwriter
Louis St. Louis - Songwriter
Bill Oakes - Musical Direction/Supervision / Composer (Music Score)
J. Scott Simon - Songwriter
Ritchie Valens - Featured Music
John F. Burnett - Editor
Philip M. Jefferies - Production Designer
James I. Berkey - Set Designer
Albert Wolsky - Costume Designer
Pat Birch - Choreography
Cast: John Travolta - Danny Zuko
Olivia Newton-John - Sandy Olsson
Stockard Channing - Rizzo
Jeff Conaway - Kenickie
Didi Conn - Frenchy
Eve Arden - Principal McGee
Joan Blondell - Vi
Dinah Manoff - Marty
Michael Tucci - Sonny
Barry Pearl - Doody
Kelly Ward - Putzie
Susan Buckner - Patty Simcox
Eddie Deezen - Eugene
Lorenzo Lamas - Tom Chisum
Dennis Stewart - Leo
Annette Charles - Cha Cha
Dick Patterson - Mr. Rudie
Fannie Flagg - Nurse Wilkin
Darrell Zwerling - Mr. Lynch
Ellen Travolta - Waitress
Frankie Avalon - Teen Angel
Edward Byrnes - Vince Fontaine
Sid Caesar - Coach Calhoun
Alice Ghostley - Mrs. Murdock
Dody Goodman - Blanche
Sha Na Na - Johnny Casino and the Gamblers
Steve M. Davison - Leader of the Scorpions
Mimi Lieber - Dancer
Andy Tennant - Dancer
Sean Moran - Dancer
Dennis Daniels - Dancer
Michael Biehn - Jock (Basketball Player)
Daniel Levans - Dancer
Johnny Casino & the Sha-Na-Na - Johnny Casino & the Gamblers (as Sha-Na-Na)
James Donnelly - Jan
60223 2/4 Greatest Hits of the 70'  Greatest Hits of the 70'    United States  videoclips  English    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

This 2002 music video collection from Disky Communications includes a dozen and a half of the most memorable hit songs of the 1970s. Among the tunes included in Greatest Hits of the 70s are Peter Tosh's "Don't Look Back (You've Gotta Walk)," the Knack's "My Sharona," Marshall-Hain's "Dancing in the City," and Dr. Hook's "When You're in Love With a Beautiful Woman."

01 Peter Tosh - Don't look back
02 Pilot - Just a Smile
03 The Babys - Everytime a think of you
04 The Hollies - Thaain't heavy jis my brother
05 Mink Deville - Spanish troll
06 Dr. Hook - When You're in love with a beautiful woman
07 sTEVE hARLEY & Cockney Rebel - Make me smile
08 Natalie Cole -This will be
09 Tom Robnson Band - 2-4-6-8 Motorway
10 Hot Chocolate - Emma
11 The Knack - My Sharone
12 Marshall Hain -Dancing in the city
13 the Specials- The Messages to you rudy
14 Tvare - Haven't must be missing an angel
15 Racey -Lay your love on me
16 a Taste of Hones - Boogie Oogie Oogie
17 Dr. Feelgood - Milk and alcohol
18 Kate Bush - The Man with the child in his eyes 
60214 2/4 Greatest Love Original Hits and Video clips  Greatest Love Original Hits and Video clips    United States  videoclips  English    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

01. Marc almond - Turns run rings
02. Brother Beyond - The hrder I try
03. Paul Carrack - when you walk in the room
04. Clime Fischer - Love Changes (everything)
05 . Colourfield - Thinking of you
06. David Grant & Jaki Graham - Could It be I'm falling in love
07. Adrian Gurvitz - Classic
08. Hot chocolate - It started with a kiss
09. Living in a box - Room in your heart
10. Marillion - Kayleigh
11. Robert Palmer - She makes my day
12. Sinead O'Connor - Nothing compares 2 U
13. Spandau Ballett - True
14. The Proclaimers - Letter from America
15. Eternal - stay
16. ABC - LOVE conquers all
17. Kenny Thomas -Tender Love
18. Boy George - Everything I own 
60167 4/4 Gregorian - Gold Edition  Gregorian - Gold Edition  81  Germany  videoclips  English    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD Dolby Digital 5.1  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Still I haven't found what I'm Looking for
Brothers in Arms
tears in Heaven
Wish you were here
Moment of peace
In the air tonight
Join me
Only You
The Gift
Bridge over trouble water
60126 4/4 Gregorian - Master of Chant  Gregorian - Master of Chant  45  United States  videoclips  English    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD Dolby Digital 5.1  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

I still haven't found what I'm looking for
Brothers in arms
Tear in Heaven
Losing my Religion
When a Man loves a woman
Still I'm Sad
Nothing Else Matters
The sound of Silence
60112 3/4 Gregorian - Masters of Chant Chapters III  Gregorian - Masters of Chant Chapters III  45  Germany  videoclips  English    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD Dolby Digital 5.1  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Join me
Blasphemous Rumours
Only You
Blue Monday
Ordinary World
Fields of Gold
Wicked Game
Voyage, Voyage 
6090 2/4 Griffin és Főnix  Griffin and Phoenix  102  United States  Drama  Hungarian    Director: Ed Stone  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
In Production
Blumhouse Productions / Gold Circle Films / Orphanage Inc. / Sidney Kimmel Entertainment

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Henry Griffin rákbeteg, az orvosok szerint alig két év van hátra az életéből. Griffin úgy dönt, hogy kihasználja hátralévő idejét: otthagyja a munkáját, és Greenwich Village-be költözik, majd nekiáll regényt írni. Megismerkedik az életvidám Sarah Phoenixszel, aki minden őrültségre kapható. Ketten együtt beteljesítik Phoenix gyerekkori álmait: összefirkálnak egy víztornyot, potyáznak a moziban, kiugranak egy tehervonatból - és mindeközben egymásba szeretnek. Ám Phoenixnek van egy titka, amely veszélybe sodorja önfeledt boldogságukat...

Ed Stone's bittersweet drama Griffin & Phoenix concerns Griffin (Dermot Mulroney), a divorcee suffering from cancerous lesions in his chest that give him a life expectancy of less than two years. He falls in love with academic advisor Phoenix (Amanda Peet), and the pair decide to 'live life to the fullest' by fulfilling all of Griffin's childhood fantasies, from painting water towers to sneaking into movies to hopping freight trains. But a secret of Phoenix's threatens to damper the joy of their time together. Sarah Paulson, Blair Brown, Alison Elliott and Lois Smith co-star; John Hill authored the script.
Ed Stone - Director / Producer / Screenwriter
Jason Blum - Producer
Paul Brooks - Producer
Amy Israel - Producer
Sidney Kimmel - Producer
John Hill - Screenwriter
Renato Falcao - Cinematographer
Marina Grasic - Executive Producer
Cary McNair - Executive Producer
Scott Niemeyer - Executive Producer
Bruce Toll - Executive Producer
Norm Waitt - Executive Producer

Film Presented 2006 Toronto International Film Festival
Cast: Dermot Mulroney - Henry Griffin
Amanda Peet - Sarah Phoenix
Sarah Paulson
Blair Brown
Alison Elliott
Lois Smith
Jonah Meyerson
Brian Klugman
Fred Armisen
Max Morris
Michael Showalter
Adriane Lenox
5421 2/4 Griffin és Phoenix  Griffin and Phoenix  102  United States  Drama  English  Hungarian  Director: Ed Stone  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
In Production
Blumhouse Productions / Gold Circle Films / Orphanage Inc. / Sidney Kimmel Entertainment

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Henry Griffin rákbeteg, az orvosok szerint alig két év van hátra az életéből. Griffin úgy dönt, hogy kihasználja hátralévő idejét: otthagyja a munkáját, és Greenwich Village-be költözik, majd nekiáll regényt írni. Megismerkedik az életvidám Sarah Phoenixszel, aki minden őrültségre kapható. Ketten együtt beteljesítik Phoenix gyerekkori álmait: összefirkálnak egy víztornyot, potyáznak a moziban, kiugranak egy tehervonatból - és mindeközben egymásba szeretnek. Ám Phoenixnek van egy titka, amely veszélybe sodorja önfeledt boldogságukat...

Ed Stone's bittersweet drama Griffin & Phoenix concerns Griffin (Dermot Mulroney), a divorcee suffering from cancerous lesions in his chest that give him a life expectancy of less than two years. He falls in love with academic advisor Phoenix (Amanda Peet), and the pair decide to 'live life to the fullest' by fulfilling all of Griffin's childhood fantasies, from painting water towers to sneaking into movies to hopping freight trains. But a secret of Phoenix's threatens to damper the joy of their time together. Sarah Paulson, Blair Brown, Alison Elliott and Lois Smith co-star; John Hill authored the script.
Ed Stone - Director / Producer / Screenwriter
Jason Blum - Producer
Paul Brooks - Producer
Amy Israel - Producer
Sidney Kimmel - Producer
John Hill - Screenwriter
Renato Falcao - Cinematographer
Marina Grasic - Executive Producer
Cary McNair - Executive Producer
Scott Niemeyer - Executive Producer
Bruce Toll - Executive Producer
Norm Waitt - Executive Producer

Film Presented 2006 Toronto International Film Festival
Cast: Dermot Mulroney - Henry Griffin
Amanda Peet - Sarah Phoenix
Sarah Paulson
Blair Brown
Alison Elliott
Lois Smith
Jonah Meyerson
Brian Klugman
Fred Armisen
Max Morris
Michael Showalter
Adriane Lenox
50425 2/4 Grimm mesék gyűjteménye (Simsala)  Grimm mesék gyűjteménye (Simsala)  240  United States  Animation  Hungarian    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

01. A 6 szolga
02. A békakirály
03. A két hercegnő
04. A kritálygolyó
05. A tűzmanó
06. Fivér és nővér
07. Hamupipőke
08. Hüvelyk Matyi
09. Jancsi és Juliska
10. Rigócsőr király
11. A bréma muzsikusok
12. Terülj-terülj asztalkám 
4620 1/4 Grind  Grind  105  United States  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: Casey La Scala  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Warner Brothers
900 Films / Gaylord Films / Gerber Pictures / Pandora

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Gaylord Films producer Casey La Scala makes his directorial debut with the teen comedy Grind. Just before entering college, young skateboarder Eric Rivers (Mike Vogel) decides to take a road trip from Chicago to California with his smart friend Dustin (Adam Brody) and his wacky friend Matt (Vince Vieluf). Despite their underdog status, they intend to make it big in the world of skateboarding in the wake of legendary touring skater Jimmy Wilson (Jason London). They end up recruiting a fourth team member named Sweet Lou (Joey Kern) as Eric romances the film's token attractive female Jamie (Jennifer Morrison). Grind also features appearances by real-life pro skaters like Bam Margera, along with an energetic pop/rock soundtrack.
Casey La Scala - Director / Producer
Bill Gerber - Producer
Hunt Lowry - Producer
Ralph Sall - Screenwriter / Executive Music Producer
Richard Crudo - Cinematographer
Eric Strand - Editor
Perry Andelin Blake - Production Designer
Betsy Mackey - Co-producer
Lance Sloane - Co-producer
Patty Reed - Associate Producer
E.K. Gaylord II - Executive Producer
Morgan Stone - Executive Producer
Tangi Crawford - Costume Designer
Lance Brown - Sound/Sound Designer
Richard L. Fox - First Assistant Director
Nancy Nayor - Casting
Cast: Mike Vogel - Eric Rivers
Colin McKay
Vince Vieluf - Matt Jensen
Adam Brody - Dustin Knight
Joey Kern - Sweet Lou
Jennifer Morrison - Jamie
Jason London - Jimmy Wilson
Randy Quaid - Mr. Jensen
Chris McDonald - Mr. Rivers
Dave Foley
Bobcat Goldthwait
Tom Green
Ehren McGhehey
Jason "Wee Man" Acuna
Preston Lacy
Bam Margera
Chad Fernandez
Robert Baker - Chuck the Bully
Shonda Farr - Sandy
Lindsay Felton - Dawn Jenson
60316 2/4 Guitar explosion videoclips  Guitar explosion videoclips    United States  videoclips  English    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Status Quo - Whatever you want
The Cure - A forest
Squeeze - Cool for cats
Status Quo - Rockin all over the world
Lynyrd skynyrd - Freebird
Free - All right now
John Miles - Music
The Mission - Wasteland
Zodiac Mindwarp - Prime mover
Big Country - Fields of fire
The Damned -Eloise
Teardrop Explodes - Reward
Status Quo - Caroline
Free - My brother Jake
Steelers Weel - Stuck in the middle 
60095 3/4 Guitar Heroes  Guitar Heroes    United States  live concert + videoclip  English    Director:   DVD Zone 2  DVD Dolby Digital 5.1  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Robben ford abd the blue line - Prison of love
Duke Robillard - Gee I wish
Walter Trout - Runnink blues
Clarance "Gatemouth" Brown - Mojo Workin
Rick Vito - Long Back Car
Edgar Winter / Rick Derringer - I play guitar
Joe Louis Walker - Riding High
Popa Chubby - Stop down baby
Curtis Mayfield - Pusherman
Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings feat. Albert Lee - Jump Jile and Wail
Larry Carlton - I gotta right
Steve Lukather - Freedom
ALbert Collins - Tired Man 
Cast: Robben ford abd the blue line - Prison of love
Duke Robillard - Gee I wish
Walter Trout - Runnink blues
Clarance "Gatemouth" Brown - Mojo Workin
Rick Vito - Long Back Car
Edgar Winter / Rick Derringer - I play guitar
Joe Louis Walker - Riding High
Popa Chubby - Stop down baby
Curtis Mayfield - Pusherman
Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings feat. Albert Lee - Jump Jile and Wail
Larry Carlton - I gotta right
Steve Lukather - Freedom
ALbert Collins - Tired Man 
70003 3/4 Gyöngyvirágtól lombhullásig  Gyöngyvirágtól lombhullásig  83  Hungary  Natural film  Hungarian    Director: Homoki Nagy István   DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A híres Duna-part melletti gemenci erdő beláthatatlan zöld fái, évszázados mocsári tölgyei és fűzfaóriásai tűnnek fel a szemünk előtt.
Hajnalban indul el a vadőr, hogy szemrevételezze birodalmát a kizöldülő erdőt, valamint hűséges vadásztársait, az idomított szirtisast, egy zsemlyeszínű magyar vizslát, és a kis termetű drótszőrű foxit.
Ahogy a nap egyre jobban süt, úgy indul meg az élet az erdőben is.
Homoki Nagy István klasszikusnak számító gyönyörű természetfilmjén generációk nőttek fel. A DVD-kiadásnak köszönhetően most az otthonokba is örökre beköltözhet a gemenci táj szépsége.

611 2/4 Gyula vitéz télen-nyáron  Gyula vitéz télen-nyáron  76  Hungary  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: Bácskai Lauró István  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A gunyoros közéleti és médiakritika középpontjában egy tévésorozat áll. A végvári csaták idején játszódó film amatőr főszereplője, a sörgyári melós, Prohászka Feri lángra lobbantja a magyar nők szívét. A sorozat kirobbanó sikert arat, hevíti a magyar öntudatot. Az elharapódzó törökellenes kampány azonban közbelépésre serkenti Bodó főszerkesztőt: Gyula vitézt hűtlenség miatt meg kell ölni. Csakhogy a közönség nem tűri a csúf véget, követeli a folytatást... 
rendező: Bácskai Lauró István
forgatókönyvíró: Polgár András
operatőr: Herczenik Miklós
zene: Vukán György
producer: Elek Ottó, Hranitzky Tibor
látványtervező: Duba László
vágó: Kármentő Éva 
Cast: Koncz Gábor (Prohászka Feri/Gyula vitéz)
Kállai Ferenc (Bodó, főszerkesztő)
Őze Lajos (Lukács Péter, rendező)
Almási Éva (Annuska, Gál felesége)
Szilvássy Annamária (Bodó Klári)
Sunyovszky Szilvia (Vali)
Szirtes Ádám (Bartos)  
5721 2/4 Gengszter  Hoodlum    United States  Crime   Hungarian    Director: Bill Duke  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 


MGM/ United Artists

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

The white-run Mafia and the black-run numbers game meet head on with explosive impact in this period crime thriller. Ellsworth "Bumpy" Johnson (Laurence Fishburne) is an African-American ex-con who, after a stay in prison, returns to Harlem at the height of its renaissance before World War II. Looking for work, Bumpy becomes a lieutenant for Stephanie St. Clair (Cicely Tyson), the queen of Harlem's numbers racket. Bumpy's old friend Illinois Gordon (Chi McBride) gently expresses his concern about Bumpy's life of crime, and social worker Francine Hughes (Vanessa L. Williams), who is attracted to Bumpy (and vice versa), suggests he should be doing something more positive with his life. But Bumpy contends that the numbers game is the only business in the community that blacks are able to control themselves. The numbers game is very profitable — enough so that mob boss "Lucky" Luciano (Andy Garcia) wants in on the action. He assigns one of his key men, "Dutch" Schultz (Tim Roth), to try to strike a deal with Stephanie, but negotiation isn't Dutch's strong suit — he finds that murder is a far more effective tactic in taking control of a business, and Dutch is not the sort of person who's bothered by violence. Hoodlum was director Bill Duke's second film set in the milieu of the Gangster days of the 1920s and 1930s, after his breakthrough picture A Rage in Harlem.
Bill Duke - Executive Producer / Director
Frank Mancuso, Jr. - Producer
Chris Brancato - Co-producer / Screenwriter
Frank Tidy - Cinematographer
Elmer Bernstein - Composer (Music Score)
Harry Keramidas - Editor
Charles C. Bennett - Production Designer
Gary Baugh - Art Director
Paul Eckstein - Co-producer
Laurence Fishburne - Executive Producer
Helen Sugland - Executive Producer
Richard Bruno - Costume Designer
Curt Frisk - Sound/Sound Designer
Tyrone Mason - First Assistant Director
Kelsee Devoreaux - Stunts
Mike Johnson - Stunts
Otis Sallid - Choreography / Second Unit Director
Amanda Mackey-Johnson - Casting
Cathy Sandrich - Casting
Cast: Bill Duke - Executive Producer / Director
Frank Mancuso, Jr. - Producer
Chris Brancato - Co-producer / Screenwriter
Frank Tidy - Cinematographer
Elmer Bernstein - Composer (Music Score)
Harry Keramidas - Editor
Charles C. Bennett - Production Designer
Gary Baugh - Art Director
Paul Eckstein - Co-producer
Laurence Fishburne - Executive Producer
Helen Sugland - Executive Producer
Richard Bruno - Costume Designer
Curt Frisk - Sound/Sound Designer
Tyrone Mason - First Assistant Director
Kelsee Devoreaux - Stunts
Mike Johnson - Stunts
Otis Sallid - Choreography / Second Unit Director
Amanda Mackey-Johnson - Casting
Cathy Sandrich - Casting
90386 1/4 Gyilkos álmok  In dreams  120  United States  Thriller  Hungarian    Director: Neil Jordan  MPEG2/SuperVideoCD  MPEG1/VideoCD  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Claire Cooper békés családi élete félelmetes fordulatot vesz, amikor egy titokzatos sorozatgyilkos felbukkan a látszólag idilli New England-i városban - és Claire álmaiban kísért, következő rémtettére utaló sötét nyomokkal. Claire rémisztő pontossággal megjósolja a férfi minden lépését, mégsem hisz neki senki. Mivel képtelen meggyőzni a rendőrséget, orvosát, de még férjét is arról, hogy telepatikus kapcsolatban van az őrülttel, Claire-nek egyedül kell szembenéznie a gyilkossal - mégpedig az általa diktált feltételekkel - mielőtt egy újabb rémálom válik valóra!

Claire Cooper (Annette Bening), has been having psychic visions all of her life, though she's never been clear of what they mean. Now an adult, she lives an idyllic, small-town life in a Massachusetts farmhouse with her airline-pilot husband Paul (Aidan Quinn) and her young daughter Rebecca (Katie Sagona), while Claire illustrates children's books. A psychopath (Robert Downey Jr.) has been kidnapping young girls in their area, and one is currently missing. Claire has a recurring dream about the killer walking with a girl through an apple orchard. Paul tells police detective Jack Kay (Paul Guilfoyle), who doesn't believe him, as the girl's body had been found at the bottom of the lake. Claire's vision was actually a premonition, starting a chain of events that would create a two-way link to the killer. The key to the mystery is the lake itself, of which Claire dreams, created when the old town of Northfield was flooded to make a reservoir. As her psychiatrist Dr. Silverman (Stephen Rea) does not understand her now waking dreams, Claire alone must now lose herself to the visions. She must relive the killer's memories to find his identity and location. Director Neil Jordan has explored the nature of dreams in a more Freudian manner in his Company of Wolves 
Neil Jordan - Director / Screenwriter
Stephen Wooley - Producer
Redmond Robinson - Screenwriter
Bari Wood - Book Author
Darius Khondji - Cinematographer
Elliot Goldenthal - Composer (Music Score)
Tony Lawson - Editor
Nigel Phleps - Production Designer
Martin Laing - Art Director
Redmond Morris - Co-producer
Gretchen Rau - Set Designer
Jeffrey Kurland - Costume Designer
James J. Sabat - Sound/Sound Designer
Patrick Clayton - First Assistant Director
Janet Hirshenson - Casting
Jane Jenkins - Casting
Yves de Bono - Special Effects Supervisor
Cast: Annette Bening - Claire Cooper
Aidan Quinn - Paul Cooper
Robert Downey, Jr. - Vivian Thompson
Paul Guilfoyle - Detective Jack Kay
Dennis Boutsikaris - Dr. Stevens
Stephen Rea - Dr. Silverman
Purdence Wright Holmes - Mary
Katie Sagona - Rebecca Cooper
Krystal Benn - Ruby
Pamela Payton-Wright - Ethel
Margo Martindale - Nurse Floyd
Lonnie Farmer - Nurse Rosco
Wally Dunn
3572 1/4 Gyilkos álom  In dreams  120  United States  Thriller  Hungarian    Director: Neil Jordan  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Claire Cooper békés családi élete félelmetes fordulatot vesz, amikor egy titokzatos sorozatgyilkos felbukkan a látszólag idilli New England-i városban - és Claire álmaiban kísért, következő rémtettére utaló sötét nyomokkal. Claire rémisztő pontossággal megjósolja a férfi minden lépését, mégsem hisz neki senki. Mivel képtelen meggyőzni a rendőrséget, orvosát, de még férjét is arról, hogy telepatikus kapcsolatban van az őrülttel, Claire-nek egyedül kell szembenéznie a gyilkossal - mégpedig az általa diktált feltételekkel - mielőtt egy újabb rémálom válik valóra!

Claire Cooper (Annette Bening), has been having psychic visions all of her life, though she's never been clear of what they mean. Now an adult, she lives an idyllic, small-town life in a Massachusetts farmhouse with her airline-pilot husband Paul (Aidan Quinn) and her young daughter Rebecca (Katie Sagona), while Claire illustrates children's books. A psychopath (Robert Downey Jr.) has been kidnapping young girls in their area, and one is currently missing. Claire has a recurring dream about the killer walking with a girl through an apple orchard. Paul tells police detective Jack Kay (Paul Guilfoyle), who doesn't believe him, as the girl's body had been found at the bottom of the lake. Claire's vision was actually a premonition, starting a chain of events that would create a two-way link to the killer. The key to the mystery is the lake itself, of which Claire dreams, created when the old town of Northfield was flooded to make a reservoir. As her psychiatrist Dr. Silverman (Stephen Rea) does not understand her now waking dreams, Claire alone must now lose herself to the visions. She must relive the killer's memories to find his identity and location. Director Neil Jordan has explored the nature of dreams in a more Freudian manner in his Company of Wolves 
Neil Jordan - Director / Screenwriter
Stephen Wooley - Producer
Redmond Robinson - Screenwriter
Bari Wood - Book Author
Darius Khondji - Cinematographer
Elliot Goldenthal - Composer (Music Score)
Tony Lawson - Editor
Nigel Phleps - Production Designer
Martin Laing - Art Director
Redmond Morris - Co-producer
Gretchen Rau - Set Designer
Jeffrey Kurland - Costume Designer
James J. Sabat - Sound/Sound Designer
Patrick Clayton - First Assistant Director
Janet Hirshenson - Casting
Jane Jenkins - Casting
Yves de Bono - Special Effects Supervisor
Cast: Annette Bening - Claire Cooper
Aidan Quinn - Paul Cooper
Robert Downey, Jr. - Vivian Thompson
Paul Guilfoyle - Detective Jack Kay
Dennis Boutsikaris - Dr. Stevens
Stephen Rea - Dr. Silverman
Purdence Wright Holmes - Mary
Katie Sagona - Rebecca Cooper
Krystal Benn - Ruby
Pamela Payton-Wright - Ethel
Margo Martindale - Nurse Floyd
Lonnie Farmer - Nurse Rosco
Wally Dunn
2004 3/4 Gyomok között  Ironweed  135  United States  Drama  Hungarian    Director: Hector Babenco  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Tri Star Pictures
Taft Entertainment / TriStar

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Based on the William Kennedy novel of the same name Ironweed is set in the waning years of the Depression. Jack Nicholson plays a washed-up ballplayer who deserted his family back in the teens when he accidentally killed his son. Since that time, Nicholson has been a shabby barfly, living from drink to drink. Wandering into Albany, New York, Nicholson blearily seeks out his girlfriend and erstwhile drinking companion Meryl Streep. The two derelicts touch base in a mission managed by minister James Gammon, and later in Fred Gwynne's squalid gin mill. Over the next few days, Nicholson takes a few minor jobs to support his habit, while his mind wavers between past and present. A chance for a reconciliation with his wife Carroll Baker comes to naught when a group of local, baseball-bat wielding "reformers" take it upon themselves to drive all bums out of Albany. Directed by Hector Babenco (Kiss of the Spider Woman) , Ironweed is, at 144 minutes, far too long to sustain audience interest in the plight of its characters. But 32 of those 144 minutes are given over to the scenes between Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep, both of whom are beyond praise 
Hector Babenco - Director
Keith Barish - Producer
Rob Cohen - Producer
Joseph H. Kanter - Producer / Executive Producer
Marcia Nasatir - Producer
Tom Benedek - Screenwriter
William Kennedy - Screenwriter / Book Author / Songwriter
Lauro Escorel - Cinematographer
Stanley Adams - Featured Music
Ludwig van Beethoven - Featured Music
Hoagy Carmichael - Songwriter
Con Conrad - Songwriter
Benny Davis - Songwriter
Gus Edwards - Songwriter
John Morris - Composer (Music Score)
J. Russel Robinson - Songwriter
James Thornton - Songwriter
Tom Waits - Songwriter
Anne Goursaud - Editor
Robert Guerra - Production Designer / Art Director
Jeannine Oppewall - Production Designer
C.O. Erickson - Co-producer
Gene Kirkwood - Co-producer
Denis Blouin - Executive Producer
Elaine O'Donnell - Set Designer
Leslie Pope - Set Designer
Joseph G. Aulisi - Costume Designer
Robert J. Litt - Sound/Sound Designer
Elliot Tyson - Sound/Sound Designer
David Forrest - Makeup
Steve Kirshoff - Special Effects
Alan R. Gibbs - Stunts
Bonnie Timmerman - Casting

Best Actor (win) Jack Nicholson 1986 L.A. Film Critics Association
Best Actor (nom) Jack Nicholson 1987 Academy
Best Actress (nom) Meryl Streep 1987 Academy
Cast: Jack Nicholson - Francis Phelan
Meryl Streep - Helen Archer
Carroll Baker - Annie Phelan
Michael O'Keefe - Billy Phelan
Diane Venora - Peg Phelan
Fred Gwynne - Oscar Reo, Singing Bartender
Margaret Whitton - Katrina
Tom Waits - Rudy
Jake Dengel - Pee Wee
Nathan Lane - Harold Allen
James Gammon - Rev. Chester
Terry O'Reilly - Aldo Campione
Phyllis Guttung - Old Woman
Cori Irwin - Young Girl
Robert Manion - Raider
Michael O'Gorman - Strike Leader
Boris McGiver - Clerk
Ean Ehas - Danny
Jared Swartout - Guard Captain
Lois Barden Stilley - Mrs. Dillon
Louis St. Louis - Piano Man
Jordan Valdina - Youth at Strike
James Yoham - Bald Man
Lola Pashalinski - Fat Woman with Turkey
Louise Phillips - Flower Girl
Martin Patterson - Foxy Phil Tooker
Lena Spencer - Slatternly Woman
George Rafferty - Raider
Marjorie Slocum - Elderly Woman
John Wright
Joe Grifasi - Jack
Laura Esterman - Nora
Richard Hamilton - Donovan
Bethel Leslie - Librarian
Hy Anzell - Rosskam, Junk Dealer
James Dukas - Finny
Paul A. DiCocco, Jr. - Bus Driver
William Duell - Moose
Pat Devane - Nurse
Priscilla Caroline Smith - Sandra
Will Zahrn - Rowdy Dick
Black-Eyed Susan - Clara
Nebraska Brace - Andy
Ted Levine - Pocono Pete
Matt McGrath - Goblin
Frank Whaley - Young Francis
Jeff Morris - Michigan Mac
Pamela Payton-Wright - Mother
3741 3/4 Gyilkosnak bélyegezve  Koroshi No Rakuin (Branded to kill)  91  Japan  Crime   Japan  Hungarian  Director: Seijun Suzuki  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A delirious fever dream of a film, Seijun Suzuki's Branded to Kill takes the familiar elements of "B"-movie crime drama and transforms them into something outrageously bizarre and unexpectedly poetic. The film's story centers on Hanada, a.k.a. "No. 3 Killer," the third-best hit man in Japanese organized crime. Near the top of his game, his fortunes change when he encounters Misako, a mysterious, death-obsessed woman who brings him a particularly difficult mission. In a famous moment indicative of the film's eccentric sensibility, a butterfly lands on his gun's sight at the exact moment he pulls the trigger, causing him to miss the shot. This failure means that the killer becomes the target, and must run for his life from his former employers, and the mysterious "No. 1 Killer." While the film does contain some spectacular action sequences, the story is played less as a suspense thriller than as a surrealistic, psychosexual nightmare, filled with grotesque imagery and strange touches, from Hanada's fetish for the smell of boiling rice, to Misako's use of a dead bird's corpse as a rear-view mirror decoration. Indeed, the narrative is at times so fragmented that it is often difficult to decipher exactly what is happening; however, the striking black-and-white cinematography and avant-garde editing provide the film with a dream logic all its own. Now considered by many critics a maverick classic comparable to the works of Samuel Fuller or Jean-Luc Godard, the film was less well received at the time of its original release, with its utter strangeness leading to director Suzuki's firing from the Nikkatsu studio and the near destruction of his career. 
Seijun Suzuki - Director
Naozumi Yamamoto - Composer (Music Score)
Cast: Jo Shishido - Hanada Goro/ Killer No.3
Mariko Ogawa - Hanada Mami
Koji Nanbara - Killer No. 1
Mari Annu - Nakajo Misako
Isao Tamagawa - Yabuhara Michihiko
1625 3/4 Gyepkutyák  Lawn Dogs  120  United Kingdom  Drama  Hungarian    Director: John Duigan  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Rank Film Distributors / Toledo Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Trent Burns Kentuckyban, Louisville egyik kertvárosában, Camelot Gardens gazdag lakóinál nyírja a gyepet. A kuncsaftok többnyire elfelejtik, mennyi pénzzel tartoznak neki, a biztonsági őrök pedig bűnözőként bánnak vele. De Trentnek szüksége van a pénzre. A kis Devon új gyerek a környéken, és nincsenek barátai. Baba Jaga meséivel szórakoztatja magát, melyeket nagybátyjától hallott, és szereti, ha ijesztgetik. Egy nap ahelyett, hogy a cserkészlány-szövetség süteményeit árulná, besétál az erdőbe, és elindul egy ösvényen. Elér egy öreg lakókocsihoz, ami talán Baba Jaga búvóhelye. Csakhogy ez nem más, mint Trent otthona, aki egyáltalán nem örül annak, hogy egy kislány bóklászik körülötte. Ennek ellenére a minden lében kanál kislány és a számkivetett férfi között barátság alakul ki, melyet a szülők és a környékbeliek mélyen elítélnek.

A young girl finds friendship on the wrong side of the career tracks in this drama. Camelot Gardens is a "gated community" where wealthy people can purchase luxurious (if sterile) homes and a security force ensures that riffraff will be kept away from your door after nightfall. The Stockard family are new arrivals at Camelot Gardens; father Morton (Christopher McDonald) is a businessman who wants to go into politics, while mother Clare (Kathleen Quinlan) busies herself with affairs with younger men. Neither seems to have much time for their 10-year-old daughter Devon (Mischa Barton), who doesn't care for children her own age; Devon's uncle likes to entertain her with stories about a witch named Baba Yaga who lives in the forest, so one day she wanders into the nearby woods looking for Baba. Instead, she finds a trailer that's home to Trent (Sam Rockwell), a 20-something free spirit who scrapes together a living by mowing the lawns of Camelot Gardens. Devon and Trent both have physical and emotional scars to deal with, and they soon become friends and confidantes; however, Devon's parents become upset when they learn that their daughter's best friend is a grown man, particularly one who lives in a trailer and does lawn maintenance for a living. Lawn Dogs won awards at a number of international film festivals in 1997, including the Stockholm Film Festival, the Montreal World Film Festival, and the Catalonian International Film Festival.
John Duigan - Director
Duncan Kenworthy - Producer
Naomi Wallace - Screenwriter
Elliot Davis - Cinematographer
Humphrey Dixon - Editor
John Myhre - Production Designer
David Rubin - Co-producer
Ron Daniels - Executive Producer
James Edward Ferrell, Jr. - Set Designer
John Dunn - Costume Designer
Michael Barosky - Sound/Sound Designer
Michael Samson - First Assistant Director
Ronna Kress - Casting
Anne Gordon - Animal Trainer/Wrangler
Amy J. Kaufman - Line Producer
Cast: Sam Rockwell - Trent Burns
Chris McDonald - Morton Stockard
Kathleen Quinlan - Clare Stockard
Bruce McGill - Nash
Mischa Barton - Devon Stockard
David Barry Gray - Brett
Eric Mabius - Sean
Tom Aldredge - Jake
Beth Grant - Beth
5962 1/4 Gyerünk a börtönbe  Let's Go to Prison  89  United States  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: Bob Odenkirk  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Universal Pictures
Carsey-Werner Company/ Strike Entertainment

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):


John Lyshitski nagyformátumú lúzer. Alig teszi ki a lábát a dutyiból, szinte azonnal meg is váltja minden alkalommal a retúr-jegyét a rácsok mögé – minden balhéja balul sül el, és a zsaruk már csak röhögnek, amikor újra elkapják egy lopott kocsi volánja mögött.

Biederman bíró is úgy ismeri Johnt, akár a rossz pénzt, hiszen több ügyében is ő hozott ítéletet. John haragszik is ezért a bíróra, úgyhogy elhatározza, hogy kegyetlen bosszút áll.

Kelepcébe csalja a bíró egyetlen fiát, a kiállhatatlan Nelsont, és bűncselekmény gyanújába keveri a srácot. John terve – kivételesen – sikeres. Nelsont elítélik és börtönbe küldik. Nem sokkal később John is csatlakozik hozzá, mi több: úgy intézi, hogy a cellatársa legyen, és közvetlen közelről élvezhesse a bíró fiának megpróbáltatásait.

Nelsonnak valóban nincs könnyű dolga, ugyanis az egyik börtönbanda vezére, Big Barry szemet vetett a friss húsra! Nelson hamarosan rádöbben, hogy a dutyiban más szabályok érvényesek, mint a külvilágban, és a zuhanyzóban nem ajánlatos lehajolni a szappanért!

Bob Odenkirk's jail comedy Let's Go to Prison, stars Will Arnett as Nelson Biederman IV, the son of a judge who ends up being sentenced to serve time in Rossmore State Penitentiary. During one of his rare stints out of incarceration, career criminal John Lyshitski (Dax Shepard) learns of the conviction. John holds a grudge against Nelson's father and decides to get his revenge by going back to jail and making Nelson's stay there as horrible as possible. Chi McBride co-stars as a fellow inmate.
Bob Odenkirk - Director
Marc Abraham - Producer
Matt Berenson - Producer
Paul Young - Producer
Robert Ben Garant - Screenwriter
Jim Hogshire - Book Author
Michael Patrick Jann - Screenwriter
Thomas Lennon - Screenwriter
Ramsey Nickell - Cinematographer
Alan Elliott - Composer (Music Score)
Adam Stewart - Musical Direction/Supervision
Eric Beacon - Editor
John Paino - Production Designer
Brian Ollman - Art Director
Armyan Bernstein - Executive Producer
Marcy Carsey - Executive Producer
Debra Grieco - Executive Producer
Caryn Mandabach - Executive Producer
Tom Werner - Executive Producer
Susan Kaufmann - Costume Designer
Diana Stoughton - Set Decorator
Jon Johnson - Sound/Sound Designer
Miguel Rivera - Sound/Sound Designer
Van A. Hayden - First Assistant Director
Richard Hicks - Casting
Mickey Paskal - Casting
David Rubin - Casting
Jennifer Rudnicke - Casting
Frank Ceglia - Visual Effects
Cast: Dax Shepard - John Lyshitski
Will Arnett - Nelson Biederman IV
Chi McBride - Barry
David Koechner - Shanahan
Dylan Baker - Warden
Michael Shannon - Lynard
5256 3/4 György király  Madness of King George  107  UK/USA  Historical Film  Hungarian    Director: Based on Alan Bennett's acclaimed play The Madness of George III, The Madness of King George takes a dark-humored look at the mental decline of King George III of England. The film's story begins nearly three decades into George's reign, in 1788, as the unstable king (Nigel Hawthorne, reprising his stage role) begins to show signs of increasing dementia, from violent fits of foul language to bouts of forgetfulness. This weakness seems like the perfect chance to overthrow the unpopular George, whom many blamed for the loss of the American colonies, in favor of the Prince of Wales (Rupert Everett), but the king's prime minister William Pitt (Julian Wadham) and his wife Queen Charlotte (Helen Mirren) are determined to protect the throne. Doctors are brought in, but the archaic treatments of the time prove of little value. In desperation, they turn to Dr. Willis (Ian Holm), a harsh, unconventional specialist whose unusual methods recall modern psychiatry. Willis struggles to break through to the mad king, treating him with an anger and haughtiness George has never before experienced. Stressing the absurdity of the entire situation, Bennett's witty screenplay emphasizes dry humor over tragedy, even utilizing references to King Lear for comic effect. Hawthorne's fiery yet vulnerable performance received much critical praise, including Best Actor at the British Academy Awards and a nomination for the same at the Oscars.  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Samuel Goldwyn Company
Channel 4 / Close Call Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A 18. századi Londonban a háborodott elméjű III. György sem fia, sem alattvalói körében nem népszerű. Pitt miniszterelnök attól tart, hogy riválisa, a herceg által is támogatott whig párt képviselője - kihasználva a király betegsége miatt keletkezett viszályt - veszélyezteti parlamenti pozícióját. A film erre a kicsinyes politikai manőverre fókuszál.

Based on Alan Bennett's acclaimed play The Madness of George III, The Madness of King George takes a dark-humored look at the mental decline of King George III of England. The film's story begins nearly three decades into George's reign, in 1788, as the unstable king (Nigel Hawthorne, reprising his stage role) begins to show signs of increasing dementia, from violent fits of foul language to bouts of forgetfulness. This weakness seems like the perfect chance to overthrow the unpopular George, whom many blamed for the loss of the American colonies, in favor of the Prince of Wales (Rupert Everett), but the king's prime minister William Pitt (Julian Wadham) and his wife Queen Charlotte (Helen Mirren) are determined to protect the throne. Doctors are brought in, but the archaic treatments of the time prove of little value. In desperation, they turn to Dr. Willis (Ian Holm), a harsh, unconventional specialist whose unusual methods recall modern psychiatry. Willis struggles to break through to the mad king, treating him with an anger and haughtiness George has never before experienced. Stressing the absurdity of the entire situation, Bennett's witty screenplay emphasizes dry humor over tragedy, even utilizing references to King Lear for comic effect. Hawthorne's fiery yet vulnerable performance received much critical praise, including Best Actor at the British Academy Awards and a nomination for the same at the Oscars.
Nicholas Hytner - Director
Mark Cooper - Producer
Stephen Evans - Producer
David Parfitt - Producer
Alan Bennett - Play Author / Screenwriter
Andrew Dunn - Cinematographer
George Fenton - Musical Direction/Supervision / Composer (Music Score)
Tariq Anwar - Editor
Ken Adam - Production Designer
John Fenner - Art Director
Carolyn Scott - Set Designer
Mark Thompson - Costume Designer
David Crozier - Sound/Sound Designer
Mary Soan - First Assistant Director
Celestia Fox - Casting
John Siddall - Draftsman

Best Actor (nom) Nigel Hawthorne 1994 Academy
Best Adapted Screenplay (nom) Alan Bennett 1994 Academy
Best Art Direction (win) Ken Adam 1994 Academy
Best Art Direction (win) Carolyn Scott 1994 Academy
Best Supporting Actress (nom) Helen Mirren 1994 Academy
Best Picture (nom) 1994 National Board of Review
Best Actress (win) Helen Mirren 1995 Cannes Film Festival
Cast: Nigel Hawthorne - George III
Helen Mirren - Queen Charlotte
Ian Holm - Dr. Willis
Rupert Everett - Prince of Wales
Rupert Graves - Greville
Amanda Donohoe - Lady Pembroke
John Wood - Thurlow
Julian Rhind-Tutt - Duke of York
Struan Rodger - Dundas
Geoffrey Palmer - Warren
Julian Wadham - Pitt
Peter Woodthorpe - Clergyman
Alan Bennett - 2nd MP
Nicholas Selby - Speaker
Barry Stanton - Sheridan
Cyril Shaps - Pepys
Robert Swann - 1st MP
Anthony Calf - Fitzroy
Jim Carter - Fox
Selina Cadell - Mrs Cordwell
Roger Ashton-Griffiths - MP
Russell Martin - Royal Child
Roger Hammond - Baker
David Leon - Footman
Jeremy Child - Black Rod
Joanna Hall - Royal Child
Janine Duvitski - Margaret Nicholson
4699 2/4 Gyilkos hajlam  Malevolence  90  United States  Horror  English  Hungarian  Director: Stevan Mena  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Anchor Bay Entertainment / Painted Zebra Releasing / The Solari Group
Caffeine Entertainment / Magnetic Media / Solari Group

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A handful of bank robbers on the run stumble upon a danger far worse than the police in this horror opus. Julian (Brandon Johnson) and Marylin (Heather Magee) are a young couple who have fallen deep in debt. Desperate to get back on their feet again, they team up with Marylin's brother Max (Keith Chambers), an ex-con, and his buddy Kurt (Richard Glover) to rob a bank. On the run from the law after the robbery turns into a shoot-out, Kurt impulsively grabs a woman named Samatha (Samatha Dark) and her daughter as hostages, and head out to what they believe is an abandoned farmhouse in a sparsely populated rural village. However, the thieves and the hostages quickly discover the house is not abandoned after all; a serial killer who has been preying on the community for decades has been using the house as a base of operations, and the criminals soon find themselves at the mercy of a horror more gruesome than they could ever have imagined. Malevolence is the first feature film from long-time horror fan Stevan Mena.
Stevan Mena - Director / Producer / Screenwriter / Editor / Composer (Music Score)
Tsuyoshi Kimoto - Cinematographer
Eddie Akmal - Editor / Associate Producer
Andy Pan - Production Designer
Robert Vinci - Co-producer
Alex That - Executive Producer
Jose Pavon - Set Decorator
Pierre Vial - Set Decorator
Jason O'Neill - Sound/Sound Designer
Lance Orlando - Makeup
Cast: Samantha Dark - Samantha
Brandon Johnson - Julian
Heather Magee - Marylin
Richard Glover - Kurt
Courtney Bertolone - Courtney
John Richard Ingram - Sheriff Riley
Keith Chambers - Max
Kevin McKelvy - Agent Perkins
Mia Lotringer - Valerie
5758 2/4 Gyilkos a tetőn  Mannen pa taket  112  Sweden  Mystery  Hungarian    Director: Bo Wideberg  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Swedish Film Institute/ Swedish Film Production

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Nyman hadnagyot meggyilkolják a kórházi ágyban. A nyomozók hamar kiderítik, hogy Nyman agresszív, brutális rendőr hírében állt. Egyik áldozatának férje pedig felmászik egy tetőre Stockholm belvárosában, és lövöldözni kezd.

Politics and crime cross paths in this action drama in which the police are attempting to capture alive the murderer of a police official who grievously abused his power. The official was murdered in his hospital bed, and his murderer's identity is carefully uncovered by painstaking police work. However, before long the culprit announces himself in a bold way by shooting down every policeman he sees from his rooftop perch in Stockholm.
Bo Widerberg - Director / Editor / Dialogue Writer
Maj Sjowall - Book Author
Per Wahlöö - Book Author
Per Kallberg - Cinematographer
Odd Geir Sather - Cinematographer
Roland Sterner - Cinematographer
Hans Wellin - Cinematographer
Bjoern Jason Lindh - Composer (Music Score)
Sylvia Ingemarsson - Editor
Per Berglund - Executive Producer
Cast: Gus Dahlstrom - Mr. Eriksson
Harald Hamrell - Stefan Nyman
Thomas Hellberg - Gunvald Larsson
Ingvar Hirdvall - Aake Eriksson
Carl-Gustav Lindstedt - Martin Beck
Hakan Serner - Einar Ronn
Birgitta Valberg - Nyman
Gunnel Wadner - Mrs. Beck
Sven Wollter - Lennart Kollberg
1353 2/4 Gépállat SC  Mean Machine  98  UK/USA  Comedy  English  Hungarian  Director: Barry Skolnik  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
UIP Films
Brad Gray Pictures / Morgan Prods. / Paramount / Ruddy / SKA Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A ravasz, az agy... és a Blöff producerét?l most itt a Gépállat SC. 90 percnyi (plussz hosszabbítás) féktelen, adrenalintól duzzadó foci akció! Vinnie Jones játéka Danny Meehant, a szupersztár focistát, akinek minden bejött: a lóvé, a gyors kocsik és a szuper-modell barátn?. De mostanra teljesen lecsúszott, és amikor lesittelik, mert kiüt egy zsarut, a helyzet rosszból csak még rosszabb lesz. A foci?r?lt börtönigazgató egyesélyes meccset szervez - ?rök a rabok ellen - Dannynek pedig egy rakás tohonya semmirekell?b?l kéne gy?ztes csapatot kovácsolnia. Ha veszít, a fegyencek dühével kell szembenéznie. Ha nyer, akkor búcsút mondhat a próbaidejének, De egy biztos: kökemény egy menet lesz!

The classic Burt Reynolds football-behind-bars flick The Longest Yard crosses the pond and gets an appropriate British accent in the process in this rough-and-tumble mixture of sports and action-comedy. Danny Mehan (Vinnie Jones) was one of the biggest stars in British football (what Americans call soccer), until he was caught rigging a game during a championship tournament. In the wake of this scandal, Danny's career takes a nosedive and his life spins out of control, until he finally ends up in prison for three years on an assault and battery conviction. Danny discovers there are a number of football fans behind bars who still hate him for fixing the game, but Danny has one powerful fan in this prison. The warden (David Hemmings) is a devoted football supporter with a taste for gambling; he's been trying to assemble a semi-pro team comprised of the prison's guards, but Danny is just smart enough to know this would seal his fate with his fellow prisoners. Instead, he offers to put together a team of inmates, who can play practice games against the guards. A new inmate, Sykes (John Forgeham), gets wind of Danny's idea and arranges an exhibition match between Danny's new team and the guards, though Sykes' motivation is more than just good fun. A powerful bookie, Sykes lost a fortune on the game Danny threw, and expects betting to be heavy for this game. If Danny and his men win, Sykes could make back the fortune he lost, but if the guards come out ahead, Danny's goose is cooked. Can Danny turn a gang of losers, misfits, and violent psychopaths — including muscle-bound lunatic Monk (Jason Statham), creepy but loyal Billy the Limpit (Danny Dyer), tough guy Massive (Vas Blackwood), pyromaniac Nitro (Robbie Gee), and enthusiastic but out-of-shape Raj (Omid Djalili) — into a proper team with a fighting chance of winning? Mean Machine was produced by Matthew Vaughn, who was also behind Guy Ritchie's tough-but-stylish crime comedies Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch. Star Vinnie Jones, by the way, enjoyed a career as a professional footballer in Great Britain before turning to acting.  
Barry Skolnik - Director
Matthew Vaughn - Producer
Chris Baker - Screenwriter
Andrew Day - Screenwriter
Charles Fletcher - Screenwriter
John Murphy - Composer (Music Score)
Eddie Hamilton - Editor
Guy Ritchie - Executive Producer
Albert S. Ruddy - Executive Producer
Stephanie Collie - Costume Designer
Simon Hayes - Sound/Sound Designer
David Reid - First Assistant Director
Gary Davy - Casting
Cast: Vinnie Jones - Danny Meehan
Jason Statham - Monk
David Kelly - Doc
David Hemmings - Prison Governor
Vas Blackwood - Massive
Jason Flemyng - Bob
Danny Dyer - Billy The Limpet
Robbie Gee - Trojan
John Forgeham - Sykes
Andrew Grainger - Ketch
Stephen Walters - Nitro
Omid Djalili - Raj
Ralph Brown - Burton
Geoff Bell - Ratchet
Sally Phillips - Tracey
18 1/4 Gyilkos negyed  Mullholland  107  United States  Crime   Hungarian    Director: Lee Tamahori  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Largo Entertainment / MGM / MGM/United Artists / Zanuck Company

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Los Angeles, 1954. A Mullholland negyed hatal-
mas lejtőjének mélyén egy hulla fekszik. A
Los Angeles-i rendőrség mostanában egyre gyak-
rabban bukkan áldozatokra ezen a környéken.
Mintha valaki az igazságszolgáltatást kezébe
véve, sorban kivégezné a rosszfiúkat. Max Hoo-
ver (Nick Nolte) a vezetője annak a rendőrségen
belűl "másodállásban" működő csoportnak, akik a
város legkeményebb gengszterei ellen indulnak
hadba. A keménykalapos zsaruk saját hatáskörben
döntik el, ki az, aki megkapja az egy útra szó-
ló menetjegyet a halálba. Azoknak irány a Mull-
holland Falls...
Amikor egykori szeretője, Allison Pond holttes-
tét véli felfedezni a szakadék mélyén, egysze-
riben minden megváltozik.

Four men just barely on the right side of the law step into a web of danger and corruption in this drama. In the early 1950s, Max Hoover (Nick Nolte) is a detective with the Los Angeles Police Department who leads what's been dubbed "the hat squad," a group of sharp-dressed cops who are ordered to stamp out organized crime using any means necessary, with legality and delicacy not much of an issue. Hoover and his partners Ellery Coolidge (Chazz Palminteri), Eddie Hall (Michael Madsen), and Arthur Relyea (Chris Penn) are looking into the brutal murder of a young woman named Allison Pond (Jennifer Connelly). In the course of their investigation, they discover that Allison had a lively sexual history, and she possessed explicit films of herself with her lovers, including Gen. Thomas Timms (John Malkovich), leader of the newly-formed Atomic Energy Commission. Timms becomes a key suspect, and he reveals the first of a long trail of troubling secrets, but Hoover has secrets of his own that he's trying to keep covered in the process — including the fact that he and Allison were once an item. Popular vocalist Aaron Neville has a cameo as a singer at a night spot. 
Lili Fini Zanuck - Producer
Richard D. Zanuck - Producer
Peter Dexter - Screenwriter
Floyd Mutrux - Screenwriter
Haskell Wexler - Cinematographer
Dave Grusin - Songwriter
Sally Menke - Editor
Richard Sylbert - Production Designer
Gregory W.M. Bolton - Art Director
Mario Iscovich - Executive Producer
Richard G. Berger - Set Designer
Claire Jenora Bowin - Set Designer
Hugo Santiago - Set Designer
Ellen Mirojnick - Costume Designer
James E. Webb, Jr. - Sound/Sound Designer
Ellen H. Schwartz - First Assistant Director
P. Scott Sakamoto - Camera Operator
Miranda Garrison - Choreography
Joseph Middleton - Casting
Shari Rhodes - Casting
James W. Gavin - Second Unit Director
Cast: Nick Nolte - Max Hoover
Melanie Griffith - Katherine Hoover
Chazz Palminteri - Ellery Coolidge
Michael Madsen - Eddie Hall
Chris Penn - Arthur Relyea
Treat Williams - Colonel Nathan Fitzgerald
Britt Burr - Staff Car Driver
Eddie Caicedo - Gasping Patient
Daniel Baldwin - FBI Special Agent McCafferty
Robert Peters - First Cop
John Malkovich - Gen. Thomas Timms
Aaron Neville - Night Spot Singer
Andrew McCarthy - Jimmy Fields
Price Carson - Honour Guard
Father William M. Thigpen - Priest
Richard Sylbert - Coroner
Titus Welliver - Kenny Kamins
Robert Peters - 1st Cop
William Petersen - Mafia Mobster
Sky Solari - Perino's Girl
Drew Pillsbury - Chief's Assistant
Alisa Christensen - Spaghetti Girl
Bruce Dern - The Chief
Azalea Davila - Perino's Girl
Larry Garrison - Perino's Maître D'
Kyle Chandler - Captain
Melinda Clarke - Cigarette Girl
Jennifer Connelly - Allison Pond
Mindy Clarke - Cigarette girl
Rob Lowe - Hoodlum
Ed Lauter - Earl
Micahel Krawic - Assistant Coroner
Ernie Lively - Foreman
Chelsea Harrington - Lolita
Buddy Joe Hooker - DC-3 Pilot
Rick Johnson - Staff Car Sergeant
Brad Hunt - Guard
Johnna Johnson - Bar Woman
1404 1/4 Gyilkosság a fehér házban  Murder at 1600  107  United States  Thriller  English  Hungarian  Director: Dwight H. Little  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Regency Enterprises / Warner Brothers

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Harlan Regis (Wesley Snipes), a washingtoni rendőrség gyilkossági csoportjának sokat próbált, vérprofi nyomozója. A szakma egyik legjobbja, már semmi nem tudja meglepni, mindent látott és ismer, ami borzalmas és szörnyű lehet az életben. Azaz majdnem mindent. Amikor egy a Fehér Házban elkövetett gyilkosság felderítésének ügyét Regisre osztják, a nyomozó hamarosan olyan felfedezéseket tesz, amelyekre legmerészebb, leglidércesebb álmaiban sem számított.
Meglepetten kell konstatálnia, hogy a politika köreiben koránt sem olyan egyszerű kutakodnia, mint ahogy azt elképzelte ebben a világban más játékszabályok vannak érvényben, mint amelyeket eddig megismert.

A police detective finds that looking into a murder is anything but routine when one of the suspects is the President of the United States. When the nude and bloodied corpse of an attractive woman is found in a bathroom at the White House, Harlan Regis (Wesley Snipes), a top detective with the Washington D.C. police force, is assigned to investigate. However, Regis soon learns that the Secret Service, headed by Nick Spikings (Daniel Benzali), is launching their own investigation, and they want Regis to stay out of their way. While Alvin Jordan (Alan Alda), National Security Advisor to President Jack Neil (Ronny Cox), intervenes in Regis' favor, it becomes obvious that no one wants him poking his nose into a case in which the suspects include both the President and his ill-tempered son Kyle (Tate Donovan). Eventually, Regis finds an ally in Nina Chance (Diane Lane), a member of the Secret Service's team, while the President tries to fend off the investigation in the midst of an international crisis. Comedian Dennis Miller also appears as Regis' partner Stengel. 
Dwight H. Little - Director
Arnold Kpelson - Producer
Arnon Milchan - Producer
Wayne Beach - Screenwriter
David Hodgin - Screenwriter
Steven Bernstein - Cinematographer
Christopher Young - Composer (Music Score)
Leslie Jones - Editor
Billy Weber - Editor
Nelson Coates - Production Designer
Dan Yarhi - Art Director
Ralph S. Singleton - Co-producer
David Eichler - Associate Producer
Stephen Brown - Executive Producer
Anne Kopelson - Executive Producer
Michael Nathanson - Executive Producer
Tedd Kuchera - Set Designer
Denise Cronenberg - Costume Designer
Bruce Carwardine - Sound/Sound Designer
Neil Trifunovich - Special Effects
Michael Zenon - First Assistant Director
Amanda Mackey-Johnson - Casting
Cathy Sandrich - Casting
Kevin Bartnof - Foley Artist
Cast: Wesley Snipes - Detective Harlan Regis
Diane Lane - Nina Chance
Daniel Benzali - Nick Spikings
Dennis Miller - Detective Stengel
Alan Alda - Alvin Jordan
Ronny Cox - President Jack Neil
Mary Moore - Carla Town
Tate Donovan - Kyle Neil
Diane Baker - Kitty Neil
5837 1/4 Gyilkosság a fehérházban  Murder at 1600  107  United States  Thriller  Hungarian    Director: Dwight H. Little  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Regency Enterprises / Warner Brothers

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Harlan Regis (Wesley Snipes), a washingtoni rendőrség gyilkossági csoportjának sokat próbált, vérprofi nyomozója. A szakma egyik legjobbja, már semmi nem tudja meglepni, mindent látott és ismer, ami borzalmas és szörnyű lehet az életben. Azaz majdnem mindent. Amikor egy a Fehér Házban elkövetett gyilkosság felderítésének ügyét Regisre osztják, a nyomozó hamarosan olyan felfedezéseket tesz, amelyekre legmerészebb, leglidércesebb álmaiban sem számított.
Meglepetten kell konstatálnia, hogy a politika köreiben koránt sem olyan egyszerű kutakodnia, mint ahogy azt elképzelte ebben a világban más játékszabályok vannak érvényben, mint amelyeket eddig megismert.

A police detective finds that looking into a murder is anything but routine when one of the suspects is the President of the United States. When the nude and bloodied corpse of an attractive woman is found in a bathroom at the White House, Harlan Regis (Wesley Snipes), a top detective with the Washington D.C. police force, is assigned to investigate. However, Regis soon learns that the Secret Service, headed by Nick Spikings (Daniel Benzali), is launching their own investigation, and they want Regis to stay out of their way. While Alvin Jordan (Alan Alda), National Security Advisor to President Jack Neil (Ronny Cox), intervenes in Regis' favor, it becomes obvious that no one wants him poking his nose into a case in which the suspects include both the President and his ill-tempered son Kyle (Tate Donovan). Eventually, Regis finds an ally in Nina Chance (Diane Lane), a member of the Secret Service's team, while the President tries to fend off the investigation in the midst of an international crisis. Comedian Dennis Miller also appears as Regis' partner Stengel. 
Dwight H. Little - Director
Arnold Kpelson - Producer
Arnon Milchan - Producer
Wayne Beach - Screenwriter
David Hodgin - Screenwriter
Steven Bernstein - Cinematographer
Christopher Young - Composer (Music Score)
Leslie Jones - Editor
Billy Weber - Editor
Nelson Coates - Production Designer
Dan Yarhi - Art Director
Ralph S. Singleton - Co-producer
David Eichler - Associate Producer
Stephen Brown - Executive Producer
Anne Kopelson - Executive Producer
Michael Nathanson - Executive Producer
Tedd Kuchera - Set Designer
Denise Cronenberg - Costume Designer
Bruce Carwardine - Sound/Sound Designer
Neil Trifunovich - Special Effects
Michael Zenon - First Assistant Director
Amanda Mackey-Johnson - Casting
Cathy Sandrich - Casting
Kevin Bartnof - Foley Artist
Cast: Wesley Snipes - Detective Harlan Regis
Diane Lane - Nina Chance
Daniel Benzali - Nick Spikings
Dennis Miller - Detective Stengel
Alan Alda - Alvin Jordan
Ronny Cox - President Jack Neil
Mary Moore - Carla Town
Tate Donovan - Kyle Neil
Diane Baker - Kitty Neil
3509 1/4 Gyilkosság a bázison  Murder at the Presidio  88  United States  Thriller  English  Hungarian  Director: John Fasano  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Amerika legrégibb és legrangosabb katonai bázisán gyilkosság történt. Úgy tűnik, az elkövető véletlenszerűen választotta ki áldozatát, ám a gyanúsítottak listája meglehetősen változatos. A rendkívül fordulatos nyomozás egy olyan meglepő végkifejlettel ér véget, amelyre senki sem számított.
Mikor az egyik őrmester feleségét egy éles szerszámmal leszúrják, a hadsereg azonnal igazságot szolgáltat, ám James Chandler nyomozó-parancsnok nem veszi be a hivatalos verziót, és saját szakállára folytatja a nyomozást. Ahogy egyre mélyebbre ás az ügyben, nem is sejti, hogy talán épp saját sírját ássa meg?

A military detective uncovers some disturbing truths while investigating a shocking murder in this made-for-cable mystery, based on a true story. James Chandler (Lou Diamond Phillips is a criminal investigator attached to the Army who has a reputation as a hothead who is quick to use his fists, a reputation that precedes him when he's assigned to the prestigious military base in San Francisco. Chandler soon gets an opportunity to show his mettle when the wife of Sgt. Barry Atkins (Martin Cummins) has been killed — the first time someone has been murdered at the Presidio. While Chandler's superiors believe the killing was part of a burglary gone wrong, Chandler isn't so certain, and with the help of MP Cpl. Tara Jeffries (Victoria Pratt), he digs deep into the case and makes some startling discoveries. Murder at the Presidio also stars Jason Priestley, Eugene Clark, and Daniel Roebuck.
John Fasano - Director
Cast: Lou Diamond Phillips - James Chandler
Martin Cummins - Sgt. Barry Atkins
Victoria Pratt - Cpl. Tara Jeffries
Eugene Clark
Daniel Roebuck
Jason Priestley
5622 3/4 Gyilkosság az orient expresszen  Murder on the Orient Express  127  United States  Mystery  Hungarian    Director: Sidney Lumet  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 


ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Like many of Agatha Christie's mysteries, Murder on the Orient Express is predicated on an actual event, in this case the Lindbergh kidnapping. In the movie, everyone on board the Orient Express seems to have concluded that hateful financier Ratchett (Richard Widmark) was behind the abduction and murder of the infant daughter of a famed aviatrix. Thus, when Ratchett is himself found murdered, everyone is suspect. Normally, the police would handle the investigation, but the train has been stalled by a snowslide halfway between Istanbul and Paris. Thus, it's up to the insufferable but brilliant Belgian detective Hercule Poirot (an unrecognizable Albert Finney) to activate his "little grey cells" and determine who's guilty. Among the suspects are colorful characters played by Lauren Bacall, Martin Balsam, Jacqueline Bisset, Sean Connery, Wendy Hiller, John Gielgud, Anthony Perkins, Vanessa Redgrave, and Ingrid Bergman, whose performance won her a third Academy Award. (In her acceptance speech, Bergman apologized for her win, insisting that Day for Night's Valentina Cortese deserved the prize.) The first and best in a long line of contemporary Christie adaptations, the film scores on atmosphere, period detail, and richness of characterization.

Sidney Lumet - Director
Lord John Brabourne - Producer
Richard Goodwin - Producer
Agatha Christie - Book Author
Paul Dehn - Screenwriter
Geoffrey Unsworth - Cinematographer
Richard Rodney Bennett - Composer (Music Score)
Marcus Dods - Musical Direction/Supervision
Anne V. Coates - Editor
Tony Walton - Production Designer / Costume Designer
Jack Stephens - Art Director
Peter Handford - Sound/Sound Designer
Bill Rowe - Sound/Sound Designer
Ted Sturgis - First Assistant Director
John Siddall - Draftsman

Sidney Lumet - Director
Lord John Brabourne - Producer
Richard Goodwin - Producer
Agatha Christie - Book Author
Paul Dehn - Screenwriter
Geoffrey Unsworth - Cinematographer
Richard Rodney Bennett - Composer (Music Score)
Marcus Dods - Musical Direction/Supervision
Anne V. Coates - Editor
Tony Walton - Production Designer / Costume Designer
Jack Stephens - Art Director
Peter Handford - Sound/Sound Designer
Bill Rowe - Sound/Sound Designer
Ted Sturgis - First Assistant Director
John Siddall - Draftsman
Cast: Albert Finney - Hercule Poirot
Lauren Bacall - Mrs. Hubbard
Ingrid Bergman - Greta
Sean Connery - Col. Arbuthnot
Martin Balsam - Bianchi
Vanessa Redgrave - Mary Debenham
Jacqueline Bisset - Countess Andrenyi
Richard Widmark - Ratchett
Colin Blakely - Cyrus Hardman
Jean-Pierre Cassel - Pierre Michel
George Coulouris - Dr. Constantine
Vernon Dobtcheff - Concierge
John Gielgud - Beddoes
Wendy Hiller - Princess Dragomiroff
Jeremy Lloyd - A.D.C.
John Moffatt - Chief Attendant
Anthony Perkins - McQueen
Denis Quilley - Antonio Foscarelli
Rachel Roberts - Hildegarde Schmidt
George Silver - Chef
Michael York - Count Andrenyi
2068 1/4 Gengszter a feleségem 2  My wife is Gangster 2 (Jopok Manura 2: Dolaon Jeonseol)  104  South-Korea  Action  Korean  Hungarian  Director: Jeong Heung-sun  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
CJ Entertainment
Dabok Entertainment / Hyun Jin Ci / Korea Technology Investment Corp. / Player, Entertainment / Seoul Movie

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

South Korean filmmaker Jeong Heung-sun directs the blockbuster action sequel Jopok Manura 2: Dolaon Jeonseol (My Wife is a Gangster 2: The Legend Returns). This time around, gang boss Cha Eun-jin (Shin Eun-gyeong) is without her husband. She is stricken with amnesia following a big gang battle on top of a building. With no recollection of her past, she ends up delivering food for a small Seoul restaurant owned by middle-aged Yun Hae-cheol (Park Jun-gyu). Eun-jin may have forgotten her former identity, but she still remembers her supreme fighting skills. Eventually she has to fight her old enemy White Shark (Jang Sae-jin). My Wife Is a Gangster 2: The Legend Returns was screened at the Pusan Film Festival in 2003 
Jeong Heung-sun - Director / Screenwriter
Lee Sun-yeol - Producer
Choi Hae-cheol - Screenwriter
Jo Dong-Kwan - Cinematographer
Park Jeong-hyeon - Composer (Music Score)
Goh Im-pyo - Editor
Kim Jeong-yeong - Production Designer
Lee Kang-beok - Executive Producer
Shim Heui-jeong - Costume Designer
Kim Dan-yeong - Sound/Sound Designer
Lee Jae-hyeok - Sound/Sound Designer
Oh Weon-cheol - Sound/Sound Designer
Lee Heui-gyeong - Special Effects
Jang Dong-hyeon - First Assistant Director
Weon Jin - Martial Arts Instructor/Coordinator
Yu Heu-jeong - Visual Effects
Cast: Shin Eun-gyeong
Park Jun-gyu
Jang Sae-jin
Lee Weon-jong
Ju Hyeon
Jo Mi-ryeong
Choi Eun-ju
Shim Weon-cheol
Ryu Hyeon-gyeong
Zhang Ziyi
5369 1/4 Gengszter a feleségem 3  My wife is gangster 3  115  South-Korea  Action  Japan  Hungarian  Director: Jo Jin-gyu  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Mediaplex / Showbox
Hyunjin Cinema

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Jopog manura 3 (2006), koreai akciókomédia. A gengszterfeleségről szóló, nagysikerű, koreai filmek harmadik része kissé kilóg a sorból, ezért érdemes az első kettőtől függetlenül nézni. Ugyanis az első részek főszereplőjét, Shin Eun-Kyung-ot már nem láthatjuk a koreai sikerfilm legújabb epizódjában. A címet az is értelmetlenné teszi, hogy a filmben szó sincs feleségről, egy szingli nő gengszterkedését figyelhetjük, aki ráadásul nem is koreai, hanem kínai - a hongkongi maffiából érkezik. Az, hogy a főszereplőnő, Shu Qi pedig még csak nem is onnét valósi, hanem tajvani színész, legyen a ráadás. A lényeg, hogy két ilyen sikeres film után ne vesszen kárba a téma, nevezzük 3-nak, aztán jöhet a 4 és 5 is... Ez a furcsaság azonban nem vesz el a filmélményből, legalábbis ha nem úgy ülünk le megnézni, hogy ténylegesen a 3. részt várjuk. Plusz azért a többi résszel az is összeközi a MWIAG 3-at, hogy az első részből ismert rendező, Cho Jin-gyu készítette. A stáb egyébként több ázsiai országból való, főleg koreai és kínai alkotók, köztük olyan ismert színészek is szerepelnek, mint pl. Ken Lo (aki egyébként kambodzsai, a 80-as évektől kezdve sok Jackie Chan filmben szerepelt, a JC stunt team tagja is, többszörös muay thai bajnok, láthattuk a japán Blood Heat c. moziban vagy legutóbb a hk-i Fatal Contact-ban is...).

Bár a történet, helyszín és a szereplők különböznek, a korábbi részekhez hasonlóan az alapkonfliktus itt is az, hogy egy szép, jó alakú gengszternő a férfiak legnagyobb meglepetésére jól elbánik a rosszfiúkkal, remekül verekszik, és fegyvert használni sem szégyell. Ebből adódik a vicces és egyúttal a látványos jelenetek nagy része is. Aryong (Shu Qi) egy ilyen balhéja után, a maffiaháború kitörése szélén menekülni kényszerül az országból, legalábbis apja elküldi Koreába, hogy biztonságban legyen, és egy ottani geng gondjaira bízza a lányt. Néhány ügyefogyott bűnöző kénytelen vigyázni rá, plusz egy ártatlan tolmácslány is belekeveredik a helyzetbe, aki legnagyobb rémületében úgy próbálja enyhíteni a feszültséget, hogy mindent félrefordít. Aztán persze megjelennek a rosszfiúk, eljön a fő ellenfél, romantikus szálak alakulnak ki, ahogy szokás. Az egyszerű, sablonosnak tűnő, és különösebb tartalom nélküli történet ellenére a látványos akciójelenetek, jó színészek és mulatságos helyzetek illetve párbeszédek miatt nagyon szórakoztató a film. Sőt, talán a három részből ez a legjobb.

Jo Jin-gyu returns as director for the second sequel to his 2001 action-comedy hit Jopok Manura. Aryong (Shu Qi) is the daughter of Lim (Ti Lung), a high-ranking crime boss in the Hong Kong triads. A gang war has broken out, and Aryong's life is put in danger when she's framed for the murder of a rival triad chief, a crime she didn't commit. Worried about his daughter's safety, Lim sends Aryong off to South Korea, where Gi-cheol (Lee Beom-su), a local underworld figure affiliated with one of Lim's old friends, is to see to her safety. Aryong and Gi-cheol don't get along at all, despite the best efforts of translator Yon-hi (Hyeon Yeong) to buffer the insults they toss back and forth. However, in time they become close after Aryong and Gi-cheol are forced to do battle with gangsters sent to kill her, and Aryong tries to unravel the mystery of her long lost mother. Jopok Manura 3 (aka My Wife Is A Gangster 3) also stars Oh Ji-ho and Jo Heui-bong.
Jo Jin-gyu - Director
Lee Sun-yeol - Producer
Gye Yun-shik - Screenwriter
Jeong Eui-mok - Screenwriter
Kim Eui-chan - Screenwriter
Baek Dong-hyeon - Cinematographer
Park Se-jun - Composer (Music Score)
Jeong Jin-heui - Editor
Park Gok-ji - Editor
Park Il-hyeon - Art Director
Jeong Tae-sung - Executive Producer
Kim Woo-taek - Executive Producer
Diana Lee - Costume Designer
Jeong Gwang-ho - Sound/Sound Designer
Cast: Shu Qi
Lee Beom-su - Gi-cheol
Hyeon Yeong
Oh Ji-ho
Jo Heui-bong
2071 1/4 Gengszter a feleségem  My wife is gangster(Jopok Manura)  107  South-Korea  Action  Korean  Hungarian  Director: Jo Jin-gyu  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Hyun Jin Cinema / Korea Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

South Korean filmmaker Jo Jin-gyu directs the action blockbuster Jopok Manura (My Wife Is a Gangster), which earned nearly 30 million dollars at the box office by 2001. Shin Eun-gyeong stars as tough tomboy gang boss Cha Eun-jin. She agrees to settle down and get married in order to appease her dying sister. After some comical sensitivity training, she marries nerdy Kang Su-il (Park Sang-myeon) and gets busy making a baby. Meanwhile, she fights a rival gang with the assistance of her loyal deputy and team of thugs. My Wife Is a Gangster was shown at the Pusan Film Festival in 2001.  
Jo Jin-gyu - Director
Lee Sun-yeol - Producer / Executive Producer
Kang Hyo-jin - Screenwriter
Kim Mun-saeng - Screenwriter
Jang Dae-sung - Composer (Music Score)
Cast: Shin Eun-gyeong
Park Sang-myeon
Ahn Jae-mo
Kim In-gweon
Shim Weon-cheol
Choe Eun-ju
5580 1/4 Gátlástalanul  No Code of Conduct  90  United States  Thriller  Hungarian    Director: Bret Michaels  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Jake Peterson nyomozó és társa, Paul DeLucca tudomást szerez egy 50 millió dolláros heroin-szállítmányról, amelyet a mexikói határon át csempésztek be az Egyesült Államokba. Amint azonban egy kicsit mélyebben akarnak betekinteni az ügy részleteibe, kellemetlen meglepetés éri őket: rájönnek ugyanis arra, hogy városi vezetők és magas rangú jogászok dolgoznak a saját zsebükre. Azt pedig nem is sejtik, hogy az álruhás Bill Peterson kapitány és a DEA titkos ügynöke, John Bagwell is nyomoz már az ügyben. A különböző nyomozószervek azonban nem az együttműködő-képességükről híresek, és a hatalmi konfliktusokért kemény árat kell fizetniük.

Martin Sheen and his son Charlie Sheen play father and son, appropriately enough, in this tense crime thriller. Bill Patterson (Martin Sheen) is a veteran police detective who works side by side with his son Jake (Charlie Sheen) in the vice squad. Both Bill and Jake share a dedication to their work that often gets in the way of their relationships with others. The job has put a wedge between Jake and his wife Rebecca (Meredith Salenger), and Jake also feels that he's starting to burn out, tired of living in the shadow of his better-respected dad. When a fellow vice detective is killed trying to crack a drug ring, Bill and Jake make it their personal responsibility to bring in the killers and take the drugs off the street. However, they quickly discover that they've severely underestimated the ruthlessness and brutality of the dealers (played by Tina Nguyen, Joe Lando, Courtney Gains, and Bruce Nelson) and that their lives are in great danger. No Code of Conduct was the first feature written and directed by Bret Michaels, who rose to fame in the 1980s as the lead singer with the popular rock band Poison.
Bret Michaels - Director / Screen Story / Screenwriter / Composer (Music Score) / Executive Producer
Danny Dimbort - Producer
Avi Lerner - Producer
Elie Samaha - Producer
Trevor Short - Producer
Shane Stanley - Screenwriter / Co-producer / Editor
Adam Kane - Cinematographer
Marc Fisichella - Production Designer
Boaz Davidson - Co-producer
Charlie Sheen - Executive Producer / Screenwriter
Cathryn Wagner - Costume Designer
Cast: Charlie Sheen - Jake Patterson
Martin Sheen - Bill Patterson
Mark Dacascos
Meredith Salenger - Rebecca Patterson
Kristi Gibson
Joe Estevez
Tina Nguyen
Joe Lando
Ron Masak
Courtney Gains
Paul Gleason
814 1/4 Gyilkos bolygó  Outland  109  United States  Science-Fiction  Hungarian    Director: Peter Hyams  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Ladd Company / Warner Brothers

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A Gyilkos bolygó író-rendezője, Peter Hyams (Időzsaru, 2010) korunk multinacionális cégek által irányított világának dermesztő jövőképét festi elénk. Az embertelenné válást érzékletesen ábrázolják Philip Harrison látványtervező díszletei és John Stears különleges effektusai, aki a Tűzgolyó és a Csillagok háborúja trükkjeiért Oscar-díjat kapott. Az eredmény "egy film tele élvezetes meglepetésekkel" (Vincent Canby, The New York Times).

For Marshal O'Neil (Sean Connery), the Jupiter moon Io is just another dingy mining town on the final frontier. When his wife leaves him and takes their son with them, it merely confirms that though he's traveled millions of miles, his life is going nowhere. Then he notices that miners are dying in strangely psychotic ways — walking in space without spacesuits, carving up prostitutes. With the help of Dr. Lazarus (Frances Sternhagen), his investigation reveals that the miners are ingesting a lethal drug that speeds their work efforts. He learns that the company that runs the town is behind the drug. He confronts the town boss Sheppard Peter Boyle and soon has two hit men heading toward Io with a plan to kill him. As the seconds tick down to the next space shuttle's arrival, O'Neil plots to meet them and faces the biggest challenge of his life 
Peter Hyams - Director / Screenwriter
Richard A. Roth - Producer
Stephen Goldblatt - Cinematographer
Jerry Goldsmith - Composer (Music Score)
Stuart Baird - Editor
Philip Harrison - Production Designer
Malcolm Middleton - Art Director
Charles Orme - Associate Producer
Stanley O'Toole - Executive Producer
John Mollo - Costume Designer
John Stears - Special Effects
David Tringham - First Assistant Director
Anthony Van Laast - Choreography
Martin Bower - Model Effects Supervisor
Cast: Sean Connery - O'Neil
Peter Boyle - Sheppard
Frances Sternhagen - Lazarus
James B. Sikking - Montone
Kika Markham - Carol
Clarke Peters - Ballard
Steven Berkoff - Sagan
John Ratzenberger - Tarlow
Nicholas Barnes - Paul O'Niel
Manning Redwood - Lowell
Pat Starr - Mrs. Spector
Anni Domingo - Morton
Ron Travis - Fanning
Stuart Milligan - Walters
Marc Boyle - Spota
Chris Williams - Caldwell
James Berwick - Rudd
Phillip Johnston
Eugene Lipinski - Cane
Nori Morgan - Dancer (Leisure Club Sequence)
Sharon Duce - Prostitute
Hal Galili - Nelson
Norman Chancer - Slater
Bill Bailey - Hill
Angelique Rockas - Maintenance Woman
Gary Olsen - Worker
Doug Robinson - Man No. 2
Brendan Hughes - Dancer (Leisure Club Sequence)
P.H. Moriarty - Man No. 1
Angus MacInnes - Hughes
90487 1/4 Gyerekjáték 5   Play's Child 5 Seed of Chucky  86  United States  Horror  English  Hungarian  Director: Don Mancini  XviD  MPEG Layer 3 (MP3)  576*272 
Rogue Pictures
David Kirschner / La Sienega Productions / Rogue Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A gyilkos baba visszatért! Az új Chucky-film már az ötödik a sorban, amely a Gyerekjáték címmel futott horror-komédia következő, az előző résszel szorosan összefüggő darabját jelenti. A rendezői székbe ezúttal az a Don Mancini került, aki 1988-ban megalkotta Chucky figuráját, és mind az öt forgatókönyvet jegyzi. A filmben új szereplőként tűnik fel Glen (Billy Boyd hangján), a minden gyilkolászó-hajlammal megkent Chucky (Brad Dourif hangján) és menyasszonya, Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly hangján) árva gyermeke.

A film elején Glen, megismervén szülei halálos hőstettének városi legendáját, Hollywood felé igyekszik, hogy vérszomjas őseit visszahoz(h)assa a halálból. A család összetartása azonban közel sem tökéletes, ahogy Chucky és Tiffany Hollywoodban újra "mókázni" kezd, hogy véres gyilkosságok és csonkítások maradjanak utánuk. Chucky ugyanis képtelen elfogadni, hogy egyetlen fia nem akaródzik megtenni első gyilkolászó lépéseit, Tiffany pedig azt nem akarja elhinni, hogy a filmben kedvenc színésznője, Jennifer Tilly játssza a főszerepet, aki hamarosan tudtán kívül többféle módon is háziasszonya lesz a "törekvő" kis babacsaládnak.

When the notoriously evil Chucky doll and his lover gave birth, they had no idea that their spawn would grow up to be a peace-loving kind of guy; however, that's exactly what Glen turns out to be: a gentle soul who is horrified at what he has been told about his family. After hearing the news of a film being made about his parents' murderous legacy, Glen sets off for Hollywood, where he promptly brings Chucky and Tiffany back to life. Far from diving into doting fatherhood, Chucky is seriously disappointed in his son's lack of inherent evil and tries his best to impart his vast knowledge of all things malevolent before Glen becomes some sort of do-gooder. Elsewhere, Tiffany finds that she will be played by Jennifer Tilly in their movie and doesn't hesitate to let her son in on their family's most cherished tradition — killing sprees. Directed by Don Mancini, Seed of Chucky features Brad Dourif returning as the voice of Chucky, while Tilly plays both herself and Tiffany. The offspring of the evil pair, Glen, is voiced by Lord of the Rings star Billy Boyd. Cult film director John Waters also makes an appearance, as does hip-hop artist Redman. 
Don Mancini - Director / Screenwriter / Executive Producer
David Kirschner - Producer
Corey Sienega - Producer
Vernon Layton - Cinematographer
Pino Donaggio - Composer (Music Score)
Chris Dickens - Editor
Cristian Niculescu - Production Designer
Peter Russell - Production Designer
Judy Farr - Art Director
Laura Moskowitz - Co-producer
Guy J. Louthan - Executive Producer
Oana Paunescu - Costume Designer
Dan Toada - Set Decorator
Simon Okin - Sound/Sound Designer
Anthony George Every - First Assistant Director
Richard Holland - Consultant/advisor
Tony Gardner - Makeup Special Effects
Cast: Brad Dourif - Chucky [Voice]
Jennifer Tilly - Herself / Tiffany [Voice]
Billy Boyd - Glen [Voice]
Redman - Himself
Hannah Spearritt - Joan
John Waters - Pete Peters
Keith-Lee Castle - Psychs
Steve Lawton - Stan
Tony Gardner - Tony Gardner
Jason Flemyng - Santa
2719 1/4 Gyerekjáték 5   Play's Child 5 Seed of Chucky  86  United States  Horror  Hungarian    Director: Don Mancini  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  700*576 

David Kirschner / La Sienega Productions / Rogue Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A gyilkos baba visszatért! Az új Chucky-film már az ötödik a sorban, amely a Gyerekjáték címmel futott horror-komédia következő, az előző résszel szorosan összefüggő darabját jelenti. A rendezői székbe ezúttal az a Don Mancini került, aki 1988-ban megalkotta Chucky figuráját, és mind az öt forgatókönyvet jegyzi. A filmben új szereplőként tűnik fel Glen (Billy Boyd hangján), a minden gyilkolászó-hajlammal megkent Chucky (Brad Dourif hangján) és menyasszonya, Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly hangján) árva gyermeke.

A film elején Glen, megismervén szülei halálos hőstettének városi legendáját, Hollywood felé igyekszik, hogy vérszomjas őseit visszahoz(h)assa a halálból. A család összetartása azonban közel sem tökéletes, ahogy Chucky és Tiffany Hollywoodban újra "mókázni" kezd, hogy véres gyilkosságok és csonkítások maradjanak utánuk. Chucky ugyanis képtelen elfogadni, hogy egyetlen fia nem akaródzik megtenni első gyilkolászó lépéseit, Tiffany pedig azt nem akarja elhinni, hogy a filmben kedvenc színésznője, Jennifer Tilly játssza a főszerepet, aki hamarosan tudtán kívül többféle módon is háziasszonya lesz a "törekvő" kis babacsaládnak.

When the notoriously evil Chucky doll and his lover gave birth, they had no idea that their spawn would grow up to be a peace-loving kind of guy; however, that's exactly what Glen turns out to be: a gentle soul who is horrified at what he has been told about his family. After hearing the news of a film being made about his parents' murderous legacy, Glen sets off for Hollywood, where he promptly brings Chucky and Tiffany back to life. Far from diving into doting fatherhood, Chucky is seriously disappointed in his son's lack of inherent evil and tries his best to impart his vast knowledge of all things malevolent before Glen becomes some sort of do-gooder. Elsewhere, Tiffany finds that she will be played by Jennifer Tilly in their movie and doesn't hesitate to let her son in on their family's most cherished tradition — killing sprees. Directed by Don Mancini, Seed of Chucky features Brad Dourif returning as the voice of Chucky, while Tilly plays both herself and Tiffany. The offspring of the evil pair, Glen, is voiced by Lord of the Rings star Billy Boyd. Cult film director John Waters also makes an appearance, as does hip-hop artist Redman. 
Don Mancini - Director / Screenwriter / Executive Producer
David Kirschner - Producer
Corey Sienega - Producer
Vernon Layton - Cinematographer
Pino Donaggio - Composer (Music Score)
Chris Dickens - Editor
Cristian Niculescu - Production Designer
Peter Russell - Production Designer
Judy Farr - Art Director
Laura Moskowitz - Co-producer
Guy J. Louthan - Executive Producer
Oana Paunescu - Costume Designer
Dan Toada - Set Decorator
Simon Okin - Sound/Sound Designer
Anthony George Every - First Assistant Director
Richard Holland - Consultant/advisor
Tony Gardner - Makeup Special Effects  
Cast: Brad Dourif - Chucky [Voice]
Jennifer Tilly - Herself / Tiffany [Voice]
Billy Boyd - Glen [Voice]
Redman - Himself
Hannah Spearritt - Joan
John Waters - Pete Peters
Keith-Lee Castle - Psychs
Steve Lawton - Stan
Tony Gardner - Tony Gardner
Jason Flemyng - Sant 
3511 2/4 Grazia szigete  Respiro  95  France/Italy   Drama  Hungarian    Director: Emanuele Crialese  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Medusa Produzione / Sony Pictures Classics
Fandango / Les Films de Tournedos / Medusa Produzione / Roissy Films / Telepiu / TPS Cinema

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Grazia egy tinédzser lány és két fiú szerető és fiatal édesanyja. Patti Bravo slágereit énekelgeti és mindig meg tudja nevettetni magát és a gyerekeit. Felszabadult viselkedése miatt azonban szájára veszi az egész falu. Amikor meggondolatlan viselkedését tévesen klinikai esetnek minősítik, a férj családja úgy határoz, hogy Graziának azonnali orvosi kezelésre van szüksége a távoli Milánóban. Ám Grazia nem jut ilyen sorsra. Tizenhárom éves fia, Pasquale, megtalálja a módját, hogy megvédje a kettejük között létező megható, szeretetteljes köteléket

Italian director Emanuele Crialese's Respiro tells an intimate tale of a family living in a quiet fishing community. Grazia (Valeria Golino) is deeply committed to her husband Pietro (Vincenzo Amato) and their children, as well as stray dogs. She suffers from extreme mood swings that result in serious physical attacks in times of high anxiety. Pietro decides to send her to get help, but this prompts Grazia to run away. She survives with the help of her son Pasquale (Francesco Casisa). Respiro was screened during Critics Week at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival.
Emanuele Crialese - Director / Screenwriter
Domenico Procacci - Producer
Fabio Zamarion - Cinematographer
John Surman - Composer (Music Score)
Didier Ranz - Editor
Beatrice Scarpato - Art Director
Anne-Dominique Toussaint - Co-producer
Raphael Berdugo - Associate Producer
Eva Coen - Costume Designer
Pierre Yves Lavoue - Sound/Sound Designer
Leopoldo Pescatore - First Assistant Director

Critics Week Grand Prize (win) 2002 Cannes Film Festival
Young Critics Award (win) 2002 Cannes Film Festival
Film Presented 2002 Telluride Film Festival
Cast: Valeria Golino - Grazia
Vincenzo Amato - Pietro
Francesco Casisa - Pasquale
Veronica D'Agostino - Marinella
Filippo Pucillo - Filippo
Muzzi Loffredo - Grandmother
Elio Germano - Pier Luigi
5456 2/4 Gyilkos Nap  Rising Sun  129  United States  Crime   English  Hungarian  Director: Philip Kaufman  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

20th Century Fox

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Amikor egy prostituáltat gyilkolnak meg, ott mindig valami sötét dolog van a háttérben. De amikor egy konszern luxusépületében történik ilyen eset, ott már komoly falakba ütközhetnek az FBI nyomozói...
Los Angeles üzleti negyedében egy japán cég épületében megölnek egy fiatal lányt. A bűnügy megoldásához elég lenne pusztán visszanézni a gyilkosság minden mozzanatát aprólékosan rögzítő biztonsági kamerák felvételeit. A képlet azonban mégsem ilyen egyszerű. A szokásos amerikai nyomozati módszerek ugyanis a keleti kultúr-környezetben könnyen csődöt mondhatnak. Az ügyet Web Smith hadnagyra és a japán-specialista Connorra bízzák.

When Michael Crichton wrote his best-selling thriller Rising Sun, he wrote the character of hero John Connor with Sean Connery in mind. For Philip Kaufman's film version of the novel, Sean Connery, needless to say, fits seamlessly into the role of a legendary police detective who is an expert in Japanese culture. The story takes place in the towering office building of the Japanese Nakamoto Corporation in Los Angeles, who are negotiating a deal with Microcon, an American electronics firm. During a gala held one night in the Nakamoto offices, the body of a woman, Cheryl Lynn Austin (Tatjana Patitz) is found murdered in the main conference room. Arriving quickly on the scene is high-amped police lieutenant Tom Graham (Harvey Keitel), who oozes hatred for anything Japanese from every pore. When he has trouble getting cooperation from the Nakatomo executives, Graham calls in Web Smith (Wesley Snipes), a Special Services liaison, and John Connor (Connery), a man well-versed in Japanese culture and traditions. Together they form a team as they investigate the crime. Connor questions computer video expert Jingo (Tia Carrere), who works on a security system computer disc that captures the killer's identity. The only problem is that the image of the killer on the disc has been altered to conceal the murderer's face.
Philip Kaufman - Director / Screenwriter
Ian Bryce - Producer / Production Designer
Peter Kaufman - Producer
Michael Backes - Screenwriter
Michael Crichton - Book Author / Screenwriter
Michael Chapman - Cinematographer
Toru Takemitsu - Composer (Music Score)
Stephen A. Rotter - Editor
William Scharf - Editor
Dean Tavoularis - Production Designer
Angelo P. Graham - Art Director
Sean Connery - Executive Producer
Gary Fettis - Set Designer
Robert C. Goldstein - Set Designer
Peter Kelly - Set Designer
Jacqueline West - Costume Designer
David MacMillan - Sound/Sound Designer
Alan Splet - Sound/Sound Designer
Larry Fuentes - Special Effects
Donna Isaacson - Casting
Cast: Sean Connery - John Connor
Wesley Snipes - Web Smith
Harvey Keitel - Tom Graham
Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa - Eddie Sakamura
Kevin Anderson - Bob Richmond
Mako - Yoshida-san
Ray Wise - Senator John Morton
Stan Egi - Ishihara
Stan Shaw - Phillips
Tia Carrere - Jingo Asakuma
Steve Buscemi - Willy "the Weasel" Wilhelm
Tatjana Patitz - Cheryl Lynn Austin
Daniel Von Bargen - Chief Olson / Interrogator
Keith Hickles - Another Brother
Jessica Tuck - Senator Morton's Aide
Lauren Robinson - Zelly
Tak Kubota - Nakamoto Yukuza
Max Kirishima - Eddie Sakamura's Yakuza
Tadashi Yamashita - Nakamoto Yakuza
Donna Isaacson
Michael Chapman - Fred Hoffman
Michael Leopard - Cop
Jeff Imada - Eddie Sakamura's Yakuza
Meagen Fay - Hamaguri Receptionist
Fumio Demura - Nakamoto Yakuza
Tom Dahlgren - Jim Donaldson
Tony Ganios - Doorman Guard
Max Grodenchik - Club Manager
Dan Butler - Ken Shubik
Peter Crombie - Greg
Clyde Kusatsu - Tanaka
Toshishiro Obata - Guard at Imperial Arms
Alexandra Powers - Julia
Joey Miyashima - Young Japanese Negotiator
Scot Anthony Robinson - First Brother
Amy Hill - Hsieh
Nelson Mashita - Young Japanese Negotiator
Shelley Michelle - Blonde
Carl A. McGee - Guy at Window
1046 1/4 Gyilkos Robotok  Runaway  100  United States  Science-Fiction  English  Hungarian  Director: Michael Crichton  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Delphi III Productions / Tri-Star / TriStar

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A Jurassic Park és A gömb írója újabb hátborzongató akció-thrillerrel jelentkezik. A jövőben járunk, ahol a robotok a mindennapok elválaszthatatlan szereplői.
Egy zseniális gonosztevő azonban őrült tervet sző: ártalmatlan robotokból akar gyilkos hadsereget összeállítani. Itt csak egyvalaki segíthet: Jack Ramsey (Tom Selleck), a keménykötésű zsaru.

Ramsey és segédje, Karen Thompson (Cynthia Rhodes) egy speciális egységet vezet, amely meghibásodott, ámokfutó robotok elfogására és megsemmisítésére alakult. Egy kettős gyilkosság vezeti el őket Lutherhez (Gene Simmons), az őrült feltalálóhoz, aki éppen egy szörnyű fegyveren dolgozik. Mielőtt azonban elkaphatnák, Ramseyre és Thompsonra gyilkos robotok támadnak, Luther pedig kereket old. Az idő rohamosan fogy, hisz ha az őrült zseninek sikerül befejezni találmányát és vele megvalósítani gonosz tervét, akkor többé senki sem lesz képes megfékezni őt…

Best-selling author Michael Crichton wrote and directed this science fiction thriller that combined the influences of Blade Runner (1982), comic books, and Crichton's ongoing fascination with the dangers of high technology. Tom Selleck stars as Sergeant Jack Ramsey, a single father in the near future, when robots have largely replaced humans in performing menial labor. However, the robots occasionally malfunction, threatening human life and requiring a specialist like Jack, who terminates the haywire "runaways." Investigating a particularly nasty series of recent cases, Jack and his new partner Karen Thompson (Cynthia Rhodes) discover a connection between the runaways and Charles Luther (Kiss frontsman Gene Simmons). Luther, a maniacal genius, is masterminding a plot to create an army of killing machines. With time running out, it's up to Jack and Karen to match wits with Luther and save humanity. 
Michael Crichton - Director / Screenwriter
Michael Rachmil - Producer
John A. Alonzo - Cinematographer
Jerry Goldsmith - Composer (Music Score)
Glenn Farr - Editor
Douglas Higgins - Production Designer
Michael S. Bolton - Art Director
Jim Erickson - Set Designer
Betsy Cox - Costume Designer
Rob Young - Sound/Sound Designer
David Durand - Special Effects
Arne Schmidt - First Assistant Director
Jane Feinberg - Casting
Mike Fenton - Casting
Judy Taylor - Casting
Cast: Tom Selleck - Ramsay
Cynthia Rhodes - Thompson
Gene Simmons - Luther
Kirstie Alley - Jackie
Stan Shaw - Marvin
Joey Cramer - Bobby
G.W. Bailey - Chief
Chris Mulkey - Johnson
Frank Serio - Cop
Stephen Thorne - Tommy
Cec Verrell - Hooker
Barbara Iley - Police Voice #1 [Voice]
Marilyn Schreffler - Lois [Voice]
Rodney Gage - Cop
Bob Metcalfe - Tracer
Darryl "Tidy" Hayes - Cop
Steven J. Wright - Pilot
Stephen E. Miller - Rudy
Hank Hooker - Farm Voice #3 [Voice]
Moira Walley - Jogger
Babs Chula - Construction Worker
Michael Paul Chan - Wilson
Jackson Davies - Inspector
Todd Duckworth - Paramedic
Paul Batten - Harry
Lloyd Berry - Passenger
Natino Bellantoni - Headwaiter
Andrew Rhodes - Cameraman
Murray Ord - Cop #3
Elizabeth Norment - Miss Shields
Betty Phillips - Linda
Deborah Fallender - Alley Voice #4 [Voice]
David Longworth - Man
David McCharen - Police Voice #4 [Voice]
Ann-Marie Martin - Hooker at Bar
4797 1/4 Gördülő kavicsok  Satisfaction  93  United States  Comedy drama  Hungarian    Director: Joan Freeman  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox / Aaron Spelling Productions / Astrodeck

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Négy lány és egy fiú alkotják azt a fiatal rock-bandát, akik az érettségi után azt gondolják, hogy a világhírtől már csak néhány lépés választja el őket.
Lelkesek, szexik, hangosak és magabiztosak: nem csoda, hogy a tengerparti kis klubban - ahová a nyárra leszerződtek - imádják őket.
Szerelem, szex és zene – erről szól a nyár. Az ajtóban azonban már ott kopogtat az ősz, amikor a bandának döntenie kell: elhiszik, hogy valóban van jövőjük a showbizniszben és folytatják a zenélést, vagy visszatérnek az iskolapadba...

Szinte pillanatokkal azelőtt, hogy a Micsoda nő! a legnagyobb filmsztárok sorába emelte őt, Julia Roberts ezzel a nagyszerű zenés vígjátékkal hódította meg milliók szívét.

TV's sitcom teen (Family Ties) Justine Bateman is cast as the leader of a four-girl/one-guy rock band who's first real gig is an all-summer job playing at a resort club. The gig includes living accommodations—one room—which the entire band shares for the summer. That memorable summer, with all its emotions, plans and pains, provides the substance of the film. 
Joan Freeman - Director
Alan Greisman - Producer / Co-producer
Aaron Spelling - Producer / Co-producer
Charles Purpura - Screenwriter
Thomas del Ruth - Cinematographer
Peter Afterman - Musical Direction/Supervision
Michel Colombier - Composer (Music Score)
The Rolling Stones - Featured Music
Robert Schumann - Featured Music
Joel Goodman - Editor
Lynda Paradise - Production Designer
Ilene Chaiken - Associate Producer
Robert Alden - Executive Producer
Armyan Bernstein - Executive Producer
Ernie Bishop - Set Designer
Eugenie Bafaloukos - Costume Designer
Willie D. Burton - Sound/Sound Designer
Arlette Greenfield - Makeup
Cheri Minns - Makeup
John Gray - Special Effects
Jerry Ketcham - First Assistant Director
Johanna Ray - Casting
Cast: Justine Bateman - Jennie Lee
Liam Neeson - Martin Falcon
Trini Alvarado - May "Mooch" Stark
Scott Coffey - Nickie Longo
Britta Phillips - Billy Swan
Julia Roberts - Daryle Shane
Deborah Harry - Tina
Sheryl Ann Martin - Bunny's Girl
The Killer Whales - The Blow Fish
Wyatt Pringle - Man in Wild Pants at Party
Lia Romaine - Girl at Campfire
Johanna Ray
Greg Roszyk - Guy at Party
Tom O'Brien - Hobbs
Michael de Lorenzo - Bunny Slotz
Peter Craig - Mig Lee
Alan Greisman - Bob Elden
Steve Cropper - Sal
Kevin Haley - Josh
Chris Nash - Frankie Malloy
3477 1/4 Gépek lázadása  Shockwave    United States  Science-Fiction  Hungarian    Director: Jim Wynorski  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Egy szigorúan titkos harci robotokat szállító repülogép lezuhan a csendes óceán egyik elhagyatott szigetén. Az elit tengerészgyalogos csapatnak egy feladata van: találják meg minél elobb a robotokat, mert ahogy telik az ido a gépek egyre jobban fejlodnek és veszélyesebbek lesznek, mint valaha...  
Jim Wynorski - Director  
Cast: Michael Dorn
Adam Lieberman
Mike Baldridge
Lisa Lo Cicero
Alexandra Paul
Joe Lando
Clayton Landey
4381 2/4 Gyilkos lövés  Shoot to Kill (Deadly pursuit)  115  United States  Action  Hungarian    Director: Roger Spottiswoode  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Buena Vista
Buena Vista / Silver Screen Partners III / Touchstone Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A rendőrség betőrőt fog egy ékszerüzletben. A férfiről azonnal kiderül, hogy ő a tulajdonos, és csak azért próbálta saját magát kirabolni, mert a családját sakkban tartó zsaroló a bolt trezorjában lévő gyémántokat akarja.
A rendőrség a zsaroló nyomába ered, ám ő meglép a kövekkel, és az ékszerész feleségével is hidegvérrel végez. Egy rendőr a nyomába ered: kíméletlen terepen, egy vezető segítségével vadászik emberére...

Sidney Poitier makes his long-overdue return to films in the 1988 thriller Shoot to Kill. Poitier plays an FBI agent, on the trail of an elusive killer. Reluctantly teamed with tracker Tom Berenger, the citified Poitier braves the wilds of the Pacific Northwest in search of his quarry. For Berenger, the pursuit is personal; the killer, whose identity is not immediately revealed, has joined a hunting party being guided through the country by the tracker's girlfriend Kirstie Alley. Though only bearing the slightest resemblance to Real Life (you'll love the scene between lifelong city-dweller Poitier and a huge grizzly bear), Shoot to Kill delivers the goods in the suspense department.
Roger Spottiswoode - Director
Ron Silverman - Producer / Co-producer
Larry Brothers - Screenwriter
Michael Burton - Screenwriter
Harv Zimmel - Screenwriter / Screen Story
Michael Chapman - Cinematographer
Harold Arlen - Songwriter
Ted Koehler - Songwriter
John Scott - Composer (Music Score)
George Bowers - Editor
Garth Craven - Editor
Richard Sylbert - Production Designer
John Willett - Art Director
Daniel Petrie, Jr. - Co-producer / Screenwriter
Steven Saxton - Associate Producer
Jim Erickson - Set Designer
Richard Bruno - Costume Designer
Simon Kaye - Sound/Sound Designer
Joann Wabisca - Makeup
John Thomas - Special Effects / Special Effects Supervisor
Michael Steele - First Assistant Director
Lynne Carrow - Casting
Penny Perry - Casting
Fred Waugh - Second Unit Director / Stunts / Stunts Coordinator
Cast: Sidney Poitier - Warren Stantin
Tom Berenger - Jonathan Knox
Kirstie Alley - Sarah
Clancy Brown - Steve
Richard Masur - Norman
Andrew Robinson - Harvey
Kevin Scannell - Ben
Frederick Coffin - Ralph
Michael MacRae - Fournier
Robert Lesser - Minelli
Bill Croft - Washington State Patrolman
Michael Chapman - Lawyer
William Taylor - Police Captain
Jerry Wasserman - FBI Agent
Howard Storey - Fisherman
Ric Reid - SWAT Sergeant
Freda Perry - Computer Operator
Craig Saunders - Couple
Frank C. Turner - Crilly
Claire Brown - Mildred
Robyn Masumi Gildemeester - Maid
Darcelle Chan - Nun
Maryanna Danguy - Couple
Beatrice Boepple - Nun
Gary Hetherington - Inspector
Sam Hiona - Inspector Hsu
Les Lannom - Sheriff Arnett
Ken Camroux - Denham
Fred Henderson - Agent Owenby
Michelle Goodger - Woman with Stroller
Milton Selzer - Mr. Berger
Andrew Rhodes - Purse Snatcher
Kevin McNulty - San Francisco Policeman
Janet Rotblatt - Mrs. Berger
Gloria Lee - FBI Agent
Allan Lysell - Sergeant
Walter Marsh - Sam Baker
Blu Mankuma - Undercover Priest
5833 1/4 Gombák  Shrooms  82  Ireland / Denmark / UK  Horror  Hungarian    Director: Paddy Breathnach  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Vertigo Films
Ingenious Film Partners/ Nepenthe Film/ Potboiler Productions/ Treasure Entertainment

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Paddy Breathnach - Director
Paddy McDonald - Producer
Robert Walpole - Producer
Pearse Elliott - Screenwriter
Nanu Segal - Cinematographer
Dario Marianelli - Composer (Music Score)
Dermot Diskin - Editor
Mark Geraghty - Production Designer
David Wilson - Art Director
Eva Juel Hammerich - Co-producer
Nina Lyng - Co-producer
Simon Channing-Williams - Executive Producer
Gail Egan - Executive Producer
Rosie Hackett - Costume Designer
Jon Stevenson - Sound/Sound Designer
Simon Willis - Sound/Sound Designer
Andrew Hegarty - First Assistant Director
Kevin Byrne - Special Effects Supervisor
Joe Condron - Stunts Coordinator
Alexander Marthin - Visual Effects Supervisor
Simon Rose - Makeup Special Effects
Cast: Lindsey Haun
Jack Huston
Max Kasch
Maya Hazen
Alice Greczyn
Robert Hoffman
Don Wycherley
Sean McGinley
Toby Sedgwick
977 0/4 Gyilkosság nagyvonalakban 2  Sketch Artist II: Hands That See  89  United States  Thriller  Hungarian    Director: Jack Sholder  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A népszerű film folytatása ez az izgalmas történet, melyben a főhős, Jack Whitfield fantomkép-rajzoló, ismét nagy kihívás előtt áll. Egy sorozatgyilkos szexuálisan bántalmaz egy vak nőt, akinek sikerül megmenekülnie azelőtt, hogy a gyilkos bevégezné tettét. Emmy biztos abban, hogy le tudja írni, hogy néz ki a gyilkos, mivel az erőszak közben sikerült megérintenie az arcát. A gyilkos megpróbálja eltenni Emmy-t láb alól, hogy elkerülje a börtönt.

Sketch artist Jeff Fahey returns in this made-for-television sequel. Jack Whitfield stars as Fahey, a police artist whose latest job is to help blind rape victim Emmy O'Connor (Courtney Cox) come up with a description of her attacker. The rapist is also a serial murderer and Emmy is the only one to survive after one of his attacks — but the murderer isn't through with her yet. 
Jack Sholder - Director
Bryan England - Cinematographer
Michael Schweitzer - Editor
Virginia Lee - Production Designer
Cast: Jeff Fahey - Jack
Ben Slack
Lin Shaye
Jonathan Silverman - Glenn
Aaron Seville
Robbie T. Robinson
James Tolkan
Les Williams - Court Reporter
Leilani Sarelle
Michael Nicolosi
Scott Burkholder
Courteney Cox Arquette - Emmy
Michael Beach
John Prosky
Glenn Morshower
Paul Eiding
Steve Messina
Brion James
50116 3/4 Gőzfiú  Steamboy  125  Japan  Animation  Japan  Hungarian  Director: Katsuhiro Otomo  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Columbia TriStar
Bandai Visual / Screen Gems / Steamboy Committee / Sunrise / Toho Company

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

22 millió dolláros költségvetésével, 10 évig tartó forgatásával, 180 000 kézi rajzával és 400 számítógépes effektusával a Gőzfiú minden idők egyik legnagyobb szabású animációs filmje. Otomo odaadó és precíz rendezésének, valamint végtelen fantáziájának köszönhetően a filmet már most a stílus legnagyobb klasszikusai között emlegetik.

A nagyszabású történet a 19. század Angliájában játszódik, főszereplője az ifjú Ray Steam, a szupertehetséges feltaláló, aki egyik nap titokzatos fémgolyót kap nagyapjától, azzal az utasítással, hogy semmiképp se adja ki kezéből, a golyóbis ugyanis olyan energiát rejt magában, amely egy csapásra forradalmasíthatja Földünk iparát.
A szerkezetre nagyon sokan pályáznak, és korántsem tisztességes okokból, így a fiú még szinte magához sem tér első ámulatából, máris olyan lélegzetelállító kalandok közepén találja magát, amelyek nem csupán életére veszélyesek, de az egész világot pusztulásba dönthetik.

Katsuhiro Otomo, director of the groundbreaking anime feature Akira, returns with this visually striking fusion of the past and the future. It's 1866 in London, and gadget-happy Ray Steam receives a mysterious package from his grandfather — a tiny ball that turns out to be a miniature super-powered steam engine whose power is greater than that of its largest counterparts. As it happens, Ray's gift is regarded either as a technological marvel or a threat to the safety of the world depending on whom you ask, and a group of agents from the sinister but powerful O'Hara Foundation (who fall into the latter category) know about the tiny engine, and are determined to get it. Ray's father, Eddie, has fallen under the sway of the O'Hara Foundation, and tips them off when he learns that Ray is hiding the engine at one of the pavilions of the Great Exhibition that is the toast of the city. But Ray finds he's not the only one with the wonder engines — the entire exhibition is being powered by a handful of them, and the O'Hara group is using its pavilion hall-cum-battle fortress to seize the rest. Patrick Stewart, Alfred Molina, and Anna Paquin are among the actors who contributed their voices to the English-language version of Steamboy.  
Shinji Komori - Producer
Hideyuki Tomioka - Producer
Sadayuki Murai - Screenwriter
Mitsuhiro Sato - Cinematographer
Steve Jablonsky - Composer (Music Score)
Takeshi Seyama - Editor
Shinji Kimura - Art Director
Shigeru Watanabe - Executive Producer
Keichi Momose - Sound/Sound Designer
Shinichi Matsumi - Technical Director
Katsuhiro Otomo - Conception / Director / Screenwriter
Shinji Takagi - Animation Director
Cast: Anne Suzuki - Ray Steam (Japanese Version) [Voice]
Anna Paquin - Ray Steam (English Version) [Voice]
Manami Konishi - Scarlett (Japanese Version) [Voice]
Kari Wahlgren - Scarlett (English Version) [Voice]
Katsuo Nakamura - Lloyd Steam (Japanese Version) [Voice]
Patrick Stewart - Lloyd Steam (English Version) [Voice]
Masatane Tsukayama - Eddie Steam (Japanese Version) [Voice]
Alfred Molina - Eddie Steam (English Version) [Voice]
Kiyoshi Kodama - [Voice]
Ikki Sawamura - [Voice]
Satoru Saito - [Voice]
Susumu Terajima - [Voice]
3366 2/4 Guliver utazásai  The 3 Worlds of Gulliver  100  UK/USA  Cildren's/Family film  Hungarian    Director: Jack Sher  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Columbia Pictures
Columbia Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A távoli Brobdingnagba és Lilliputba, az óriások és a törpék hírhedt földjére kerül, ahol azonban dicsőség és szerelem helyett furcsa kalandok várnak rá?

The Three Worlds of Gulliver is perhaps the least known of the Charles H. Schneer-Ray Harryhausen collaborations of the 1960s, perhaps because it was withdrawn from circulation so soon after its initial release. Kerwin Mathews, star of the Schneer-Harryhausen classic Seventh Voyage of Sinbad (1957), stars as Jonathan Swift's globetrotting adventurer Lemuel Gulliver. The first "world" is Lilliput, populated with teeny-tiny people who are about to go to war because they can't agree over which end of an egg to crack. Gulliver's second stop is Brobdignag, where our hero is surrounded by giants. The third world is England, where Gulliver is thrown into a lunatic asylum when he tries to relate his astonishing adventures. Jo Morrow plays the thoroughly dispensable love interest. The script, by director Jack Sher and Arthur Ross, manages to retain a great deal of Swift's trenchant satire without detracting from the film's "fun for all ages" entertainment value. As always, Harryhausen's Dynamation special effects are superb. A lilting, semihumorous musical score by Bernard Herrmann is the icing on this cinematic cake.
Jack Sher - Director / Screenwriter
Charles H. Schneer - Producer
Arthur A. Ross - Screenwriter
Jonathan Swift - Book Author
Wilkie Cooper - Cinematographer
George Duning - Songwriter
Bernard Herrmann - Musical Direction/Supervision / Composer (Music Score)
Ned Washington - Songwriter
Ray Poulton - Editor
Peter Kanter - Production Designer
Derek Barrington - Art Director
Eleanor Abbey - Costume Designer
Ray Harryhausen - Special Effects
Cast: Kerwin Mathews - Dr. Lemuel Gulliver
Jo Morrow - Gwendolyn
June Thorburn - Elizabeth
Lee Patterson - Reidresal
Gregoire Aslan - King Brobdingnag
Charles Lloyd Pack - Makovan
Martin Benson - Flimnap
Mary Ellis - Queen Brobdingnag
Basil Sydney - Emperor of Lilliput
Peter Bull - Lord Bermogg
Sherry Alberoni - Glumdalclitch
Marian Spencer - Empress of Lilliput
1675 2/4 Galaktikus támadás  The Arrival  109  United States  Science-Fiction  Hungarian    Director: David N. Twohy  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  704*576 
Live Entertainment / Live Film & Mediaworks Inc. / Steelworks Films / Thomas G. Smith Production
Live Entertainment / Orion / Steelworks Films / Thomas G. Smith Production

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A shy radio telescope operator named Zane Ziminski (Charlie Sheen) picks up a series of regular signals coming from space — and deliberately pointed toward Earth. Convinced that he has discovered alien transmissions, Ziminski is first chastised and then fired by his boss (Ron Silver). Obsessed, he builds a makeshift radio telescope in his house to find out where the signals were sent. Convinced that they're intended for aliens already hidden on Earth, he tracks them to a bleak, isolated Mexican village, where he joins forces with a female scientist (Lindsey Crouse), who has suspicions of her own after witnessing an acceleration of global warming. The villagers turn out to be aliens, and the village a front for an underground alien complex. The aliens are here to "terraform" Earth and prepare it for the arrival of the rest of their race, who will die unless they leave their homeworld and colonize elsewhere. Only Ziminski can stop them. Written and directed by David N. Twohy, The Arrival is a throwback to the genre chillers of the '50s. 
David N. Twohy - Director / Producer / Screenwriter
Thomas G. Smith - Producer
Jim Steele - Producer
Melissa Cira Taylor - Producer
Russell J. Lyster - Cinematographer
Richard Malzahn - Cinematographer / Visual Effects Supervisor
Isidore Mankofsky - Cinematographer / Second Unit Director
Hiro Narita - Cinematographer
Mark Shelton - Cinematographer
Sharal Churchill - Musical Direction/Supervision
Audrey DeRoche - Musical Direction/Supervision
Arthur Kempel - Composer (Music Score) / Songwriter / Conductor
William Kidd - Musical Direction/Supervision
Martin Hunter - Editor
Steve R. Moore - Editor
Michael Novotny - Production Designer
Hector Romero - Art Director
Tony Stabley - Art Director
Cyrus Yavneh - Co-producer
Lorenzo O'Brien - Associate Producer
David Tripet - Associate Producer
Robert W. Cort - Executive Producer
Ted Field - Executive Producer
Mark Galvin - Executive Producer
Brad Lewis - Executive Producer
Jaime Rivas Ruiz - Set Designer
Enrique Estevas - Set Decorator
Enrique Estevez - Set Decorator
Hermelindo Hinojosa - Set Decorator
Mayes C. Rubeo - Costume Designer
Teresa Visinare - Set Decorator
David Farmer - Sound/Sound Designer
Todd Masters - Makeup
Carmen Gonzales - Special Effects
Paul Kocar - Special Effects
Paul Wang - Special Effects
Hugo Gutierrez - First Assistant Director
Federic Henocque - First Assistant Director
José Martinez, Jr. - First Assistant Director
John Nelson - First Assistant Director
Rene Villarreal - First Assistant Director
Evan Yavne - First Assistant Director
Paul Lombardi - Consultant/advisor
Terry Emmons - Animator
Karl Fornander - Animator
Collin Hemnen - Animator
Matt Merkovich - Animator
Fred Nilsson - Animator
Peter Plevritis - Animator
Dave Rader - Animator
Apurva Shah - Animator
Erich Anderson - Camera Operator
Guillermo Rosas - Camera Operator
Claudia Becker - Casting
Steven Brooksbank - Casting
Mark Hannah - Production Manager
Rogelio Rojas - Casting
Laura Seidel - Casting
Mary Jo Slater - Casting
Richard Alonso - CGI Effects
Luis Amezquita - Draftsman
Howard A. Anderson Company - Title Design
Brad Arensman - Post Production Supervisor
Daniel Arkin - Visual Effects Editor
Daniel Arkin - Visual Effects Editor
Available Light Ltd. - Visual Effects Supervisor
Sandina Bailo-Lape - Foley Editor
Gerardo Barrera - Unit Production Manager
Rebecca Batt - Production Coordinator
Carlos Benassini - Draftsman
Dianne Cheek Blasco - Production Controller
Arthur R. Botham - Additional Photography
Eddie Braun - Stunts Coordinator
Karl H. "Charlie" Braun - Location Manager
Jeff Burks - Visual Effects Supervisor
Fernando Camara - Production Sound Mixer
Elpidio Cano - Model Effects
Dea Cantu - Script Supervisor
Jesus A. Gomez Capetillo - Model Effects
Mitch Carter - ADR Voice Casting
John Chaldu - Production Coordinator
Daniel Cordero - Special Effects Supervisor
Laurencio Cordero - Special Effects Coordinator
Kelly G. Crawford - Visual Effects Editor
Design Publications - Title Design
The Digital Magic Co. - Digital Effects
Konrad Dunton - Model Effects
Tony Eckert - Foley Mixer
Charles L. Finance - Visual Effects Producer
Rebecca Fulton - Script Supervisor
Francisco Garcia - Draftsman
Antonio Gomez - Model Effects
Lora Hirschberg - Re-Recording Mixer
Sharon Holly - Special Effects Coordinator
Buddy Joe Hooker - Stunts Coordinator
Stephen A. Hope - Music Editor
Raman Hui - Animation Director
Richard Hymns - ADR Mixer / ADR Editor
Greg Johnson - Prosthetic Makeup Effects
Bob Johnston - Unit Production Manager
John Johnston - Location Manager
Katherine Kean - Visual Effects Producer
L.A. MadDogs - ADR Voice Casting
Rick Lalonde - Prosthetic Makeup Effects
David Lauer - CGI Effects
Forrest A. Leathers - Scenic Artist
Marsha Lewis - Key Hairstylist
Michael Lloyd - Matte Artist
Ricky Lopez - Recording
Diane Lynn - ADR Recordist
Lenny MacDonald - Prosthetic Makeup Effects
Carlos Taibo Mahovo - Unit Production Manager
Juan Jos Martinez - Model Effects
David Matherly - Prosthetic Makeup Effects
Frank Merel - Foley Recordist
Adriana Mondragon - Production Coordinator
Rodney Montague - Visual Effects Producer
Kristine Morgan - Production Coordinator
David Novotny - Draftsman
Pacific Data Images - Digital Effects
Amy Pawlowski - Visual Effects Editor
Rudy Perez - Special Effects Supervisor
Wendy Range - Costumes Supervisor
Lauren Alexander Ritchie - Visual Effects Producer
John "JR" Robeck - Line Producer
Diego Sandoval - Location Manager
Nina Saxon Film Design - Title Design
Bob Scifo - Matte Artist
Michael Silver - ADR Mixer
Michael Silvers - ADR Editor
Bob Skotak - Visual Effects Supervisor
Gabriel Solana - Key Make-up
Greg Steele - ADR Mixer
John Stephens - Aerial Photography
Dianna Stirpe - Dialogue Editor
Dianna Stripe - Dialogue Editor
Gary Summers - Re-Recording Mixer
Chuck Tamburro - Pilot
John Tamburro - Pilot
Rick Thorne - Visual Effects Supervisor
Dennie Thorpe - Foley Artist
Todd Masters Company - Prosthetic Makeup Effects
Michael J. Travers - CGI Effects
Tami Treadwell - ADR Recordist
Belinda Uriegas - Production Coordinator
Jana Vance - Foley Artist
Ethan Van der Ryn - Sound Effects Editor
John T. Van Vliet - Visual Effects Supervisor
Checco Varese - Steadicam Operator
Valentin Vassilev - Model Effects
Hugh Waddell - Supervising Sound Editor
Dee Whitehurst - Script Supervisor
Cast: Charlie Sheen - Zane Ziminski
Ron Silver - Phil Gordian
Lindsay Crouse - Ilana Green
Teri Polo - Char
Richard Schiff - Calvin
Tony T. Johnson - Kiki
Javier Morga - co-worker
Monica Dionne - reporter
Alan Coates - Terraformer
Ellen Bradley - screaming woman
Reed Johnson - maintenance man
Dave Galasso - 2nd Jpl Guard
Andrea Sisniega - weather woman
Catalina Botello - N. C. A. R. Woman
Georg Lillitsch - George, Computer Technician
Alejandro Usigli - reporter
Angel De La Pena - Skeleton Man
Shane - 1st JPL guard
Leon Rippy - 1st Department of Defence Man
David Villalpando - cabbie
Jacqueline Voltaire - reporter
Roger Cudney - JPL Official
Phyllis Applegate - Mrs. Roosevelt
Jorge Becerril - plancecorp guard
Luisa Huertas - security woman
José Garcia - planecorp guard
Jorge Zepeda - detective
Maria Luisa Coronel - maid
Buddy Joe Hooker - 2nd Department of Defence Man
2542 2/4 Grimm  The Brothers Grimm  118  UK/USA  Fantasy adventures  English  Hungarian  Director: Terry Gilliam  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Dimension Films
Mosaic Media Group / Summit Entertainment

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Egyszer volt, hol nem volt, élt egyszer két, magával ragadó, de egymással homlokegyenest ellenkező természetű fivér, a cinikus Will és az álmodozó Jacob, akik Grimm testvérek néven lettek híresek szerte a világon.
A napóleoni időkben a fivérek a német falvakat járják, és azt állítják magukról, hogy képesek megszabadítani az embereket mindenféle szörnyűséges lidércnyomástól és rémálomtól, ájtatos manóktól és boszorkányoktól. A francia hatóságok azonban rájönnek szemfényvesztő módszereikre és megpróbálják tőrbe csalni őket.
Will és Jacob rövidesen egy olyan világban találják magukat, amely pontos megfelelője az ő fantáziájuk teremtette mesevilágnak. A varázslatos Marbaden faluban az örök szépséget áhító Tükör Királynővel gyűlik meg a bajuk, amikor egy bűvös erdőbe érve titokzatos körülmények között fiatal lányok tűnnek el egyre-másra. Nyilvánvaló tehát, hogy a fivérek kénytelenek egy valóban varázserejű átokkal megküzdeni. Számos történet az ismert Grimm mesék közül - a Hamupipőke, a Piroska és a farkas és a Jancsi és Juliska - valahogyan megelevenedik. A Grimm testvérek pedig arra kényszerülnek, hogy a fantázia és a valóság határán, a saját képzeletük szülötteivel szembesüljenek. Az abszurd helyzetet tovább bonyolítja, hogy Will és Jacob ugyanaz a nő, Angelika iránt érez olthatatlan szerelmi vágyat.


Terry Gilliam (a Brazil, Tizenkét majom, A halászkirály legendája rendezője) ezúttal a mesemondó fivérek harsányan kavargó kalandjainak világát tárja elénk. A film a fantasy, a thriller és a romantikus vígjáték bizarr elegye, melyben az ősi, mágikus gondolkodásmód és a felvilágosodás racionális eszméi vívnak csatát. A látványgazdag, sztárokat felsorakoztató alkotás számos jelenetét Prágában forgatták.
A Grimm című filmben Will és Jacob Grimm, akik a tündérmesék sötét mélyére indulnak hihetetlen kalandok során át, fikció teremtette figurák. Habár a film nem követi a Grimm fivérek valóban megtörtént, a történelmi tényeknek megfelelő életét, mélységesen sokat merít a valós Grimm testvérek példájából, abból a megrendíthetetlen hitükből, hogy a mesék mindig élő eszközei lesznek annak, hogy feltárjuk az emberiség legnyomasztóbb félelmeit és soha el nem múló vonzódását a csodákhoz.

„A tündérmesék világa az én világom - a fantázia és a rendkívüli dolgok világa ez.” - mondja Terry Gilliam, amikor azt magyarázza, hogy miért döntött a Grimm című film elkészítése mellett. „Olyan forgatókönyv készült, amiben valóban hittem. Az elgondolás az volt, hogy ha valóban nagyon valóságos figurákat tudunk teremteni egy nagyon valóságos világban, akkor a néző teljes mértékben hinni fog ebben a világban, és szórakoztatónak fogja tartani e világ megismerését akkor is, amikor a tündérmesék furcsa és ijesztő elemei behatolnak ebbe a világba, és átveszik ott az uralmat.”
Gilliam kezdettől fogva azt a megoldást választotta, hogy túllépett a Grimm testvérek tényleges életének határain, hogy a kaland és virtus lehetőségeit teremtse meg a számukra, amely világot azonban nagymértékben a fivérek saját, szellemesen, ijesztően és végtelenül lebilincselő módon kitalált meséi ihlettek. Gilliam így beszél erről: „Ezért a filmért sok szempontból tartozunk köszönettel a Grimm testvéreknek, de a sztori nem az ő történelmileg hiteles élettörténetük. Lényegében véve róluk írtunk egy mesét, amelynek a során először vidám és hősies fickóknak tűnnek, akik faluról-falura mennek, és megszabadítják az embereket a manóktól, boszorkányoktól és mindenféle fantasztikus lidércnyomástól és rémálomtól - de nagyon hamar átlátunk a szitán, és rájövünk, hogy az egész csak ügyes szemfényvesztés. Időközben Napóleon hadserege, amely megszállta Németországot, megpróbálja tőrbe csalni a fivéreket, és kiirtani még a hozzájuk hasonlókat is. De rövidesen mindannyian egy olyan világban találják magukat, amely pontos megfelelője annak a világnak, amit a Grimm testvérek teremtettek a meséikben. Végül a tündérmese valóságossá válik, és a valóság összefonódik a fantáziával.”

„Nagyon érdekelt az az óriási konfliktus, amely a fantáziában való hit és a Felvilágosodás eszméi között feszült; a konfliktus a Felvilágosodással, amely valójában meglehetősen merevvé vált azáltal, hogy teljesen hiányzott belőle a bármi titokzatosban való hit.” - jegyzi meg Gilliam. „Ezt a sztori valódi részévé tettük. És ez a konfliktus persze a mai napig fennáll.”
A sztori lényegét képezik azok a kötelékek is, amelyek két fivért egymáshoz kapcsolnak - és néha szétszakítanak. Will és Jacob Grimm személyisége és filozófiája egymásnak szöges ellentéte, mégis, amikor megérkeznek Marbadenbe, az elátkozott faluba, kölcsönös vonzalmuk ugyanaz iránt a nő iránt rövidesen tovább bonyolítja a már amúgy is kísérteties fejleményeket.
„Két fivérről van szó, akik nyilvánvalóan szeretik egymást, ugyanakkor időnként le is nézi az egyik a másikat, de kettőjük között mindig nagyon intenzív testvéri kapcsolat áll fenn.” - fejti ki Gilliam. „Will igazi sarmőr - csak besétál valahová, és azonnal elbűvöl mindenkit; a lányok ránéznek, és Will mindent megkap, amit csak akar. Jake viszont nem tud szabadulni a mesebeli hercegnőkre vonatkozó álmaitól, és az abszolút, az igazi és egyetlen szerelmet keresi. És Lena Heady, aki Angelika szerepét játssza, maga a tökéletes nő mindkét fivér számára.”

A Grimm című film azonban mindenekelőtt arra volt remek lehetőség, hogy Gilliam a saját képzelete legsötétebb zugaiba szálljon alá, és baljós erdőkből, kísérteties kastélyokból, bujkáló farkasokból és titokzatos állatokból, a saját eltéveszthetetlenül egyéni és eredeti filmes stílusával, határozott tollvonásokkal felrajzolt képi világával egybeszőve, egy koromsötét, humortól súlyos univerzumot hozzon a felszínre. Az elgondolás az volt, hogy először is megteremtenek egy nyers, XIX. századi valóságot a Grimm testvérek számára - majd ezt egy szürreális álomvilágba „ferdítik”, amelyből, úgy tűnik, hogy nem tudnak menekülni.
„Kezdettől fogva láttuk, hogy ahhoz, hogy a film tényleg olyan hatást keltsen, mint egy tündérmese, nem forgathattunk igazi erdőben, vagy egy igazi faluban, mert olyat, ami kellett, sehol sem találhattunk. Mindent nekünk magunknak kellett felépíteni, kialakítani. Úgyhogy csaknem mindent mi hoztunk létre, a semmiből: építettünk kastélyokat és pajtákat, egy stúdió színpadra egy egész erdőt vittünk be élő fákból, hollókat és lovakat idomítottunk, százával készítettük a különböző modelleket - ez volt messze a legnagyobb szabású produkció, amivel valaha foglalkoztam.” - összegezi Gilliam.

Olyan emlékezetes szerepek után, mint Gilliam klasszikus Brazil, Münchausen báró kalandjai című filmje, ismét Terry Gilliam munkatársa a kétszeres Tony-díjas Jonathan Pryce, aki Delatombe tábornok, a francia kormányzó kulcsfontosságú szerepét játssza. Ő az, aki a diktatórikus rendelkezéseket bevezeti azon a német vidéken, ahol a Grimm fivérek addig zavartalanul űzhették csalárd mesterségüket, azaz démonvadászatot, ördögűzést és hasonlókat.
Miután elolvasta a Grimm forgatókönyvét, Pryce meg volt róla győződve, hogy ez a sztori, amely azt kutatja, hogy a mesemondásban, a történetmesélésben mi is az, ami igazán rémisztő, mulatságos és felejthetetlen, maga a tökéletes terep Gilliam számára. „Azt hiszem, mindenki, aki olvasta a forgatókönyvet, úgy érezte, hogy ez magától értetődően Terry Gilliam-film, mert ez egy nagy-nagy kép, amelyben sokféle invenció, megérzés, alkotás és szándék található, és amelyben szerepel minden olyan téma, amelyek mindig is foglalkoztatták Terryt: varázslat, a természetfölötti dolgok világa, és a történetmesélés fogalmának teljessége.” - mondja Pryce.

A Grimm két csodálatos női szerepet is kínál: az egyik egy lélegzetelállító romantikus szépség, akinek senki nem tud ellenállni, a másik egy örökéletű és gonosz varázslónő, akit le kell győzni. Angelika szerepét a feljövőben lévő fiatal brit színésznő, Lena Headey játssza, míg az 500 éves Tükör királynő alakját a filmvászon nemzetközi hírű szenzációja, Monica Bellucci kelti életre.
Terry Gilliam különösen megszerette Angelika figuráját, ezt a magányosan élő, vonzó nőt, aki megelőzi a korát. „Sok szempontból ő az első felszabadult, liberális gondolkodású nő a faluban. Soha még nő nem hagyta el a falut, és ő nemcsak egyszerűen elment, hanem egyenesen a városba ment, az egyetemre. Egy kicsit mintha beszorult volna e két világ közé - egyrészt hozzá van szokva egy bizonyos fajta gyakorlati realitáshoz, másrészt meg van róla győződve, hogy olyan világban él, amely abszolút mértékben, tagadhatatlanul meg van átkozva.” - magyarázza Gilliam. „A színésznőnek, akire a szerepet osztjuk, nemcsak gyönyörűnek kellett lennie, de keménynek és függetlennek is - és Lena erőteljesen éreztetni is tudja mindezt. Fizikai szempontból is nagy követelményeket támaszt a szerep: Angelika lovagol, nyilakat lő, amellett körül kell, hogy lengje valamiféle különös titokzatosság. A rejtélyes nő aurája veszi körül, aki nem hajlandó a Grimm testvérek szabályai szerint játszani.”

Two men who have made a career out of spinning remarkable stories find themselves bringing them to life in this inventive fantasy inspired by the creators of some of the world's best-loved fairy tales. Will Grimm (Matt Damon) and his brother Jake Grimm (Heath Ledger) earn their living by traveling from village to village and vanquishing strange supernatural beasts that have been menacing the populace. Or at least that's what their clients think has been happening; as it happens, Will and Jake are confidence men who cleverly stage the ghostly attacks and then take payment for making the creatures they fabricated go away. One day, the brothers arrive in a town and offer to help its people drive away evil spirits, unaware that the community is bordered by a genuine enchanted forest, and that young girls in the village have been disappearing at a frightful rate. The Grimm Brothers must now learn how to deal with real magic, with the help of the lovely but fearless Angelika (Lena Headey). Directed by Terry Gilliam, The Brothers Grimm also stars Monica Bellucci, Peter Stormare, and Jonathan Pryce
Terry Gilliam - Director
Daniel Bobker - Producer
Charles Roven - Producer
Ehren Kruger - Screenwriter
Newton Thomas Sigel - Cinematographer
Dario Marianelli - Composer (Music Score)
Maggie Rodford - Musical Direction/Supervision
Alison Wright - Musical Direction/Supervision
Lesley Walker - Editor
Guy H. Dyas - Production Designer
Keith Pain - Supervising Art Director
Frank Walsh - Art Director
Jake Myers - Co-producer
Michael Solinger - Co-producer
Mishka Cheyko - Associate Producer / Assistant Director
Jonathan Gordon - Executive Producer
Chris McGurk - Executive Producer
Andrew Rona - Executive Producer
John D. Schofield - Executive Producer
Bob Weinstein - Executive Producer
Harvey Weinstein - Executive Producer
Judy Farr - Set Decorator
Gabriella Pescucci - Costume Designer
Carlo Poggioli - Costume Designer
Ivan Sharrock - Sound/Sound Designer
Christine Beveridge - Makeup
Irene Lamb - Casting
Milan Chamida - Second Unit Camera
Kent Houston - Visual Effects Supervisor
Mike Kelt - Special Effects Supervisor
Jiri Kuba - Stunts Coordinator
Mario Luraschi - Stunts Coordinator
Pascal Madura - Stunts Coordinator
Nicola Pecorini - Additional Photography
Peerless Camera Company - Visual Effects
Michele Soavi - Second Unit Director
Simon Taylor - Special Effects Supervisor
Ian Wilson - Supervising Sound Editor

In Competition 2005 Venice International Film Festival  
Cast: Matt Damon - Will Grimm
Heath Ledger - Jake Grimm
Jonathan Pryce - Delatombe
Lena Headey - Angelika
Monica Bellucci - The Evil Queen
Jakub Zindulka
Mackenzie Cook
Miroslav Táborský
Bruce MacEwen
Jan Unger - Gregor
Richard Ridings
Roger Ashton-Griffiths - Mayor
Julian Bleach
Tomas Hanak
Peter Stormare - Cavaldi
Uma Thurman
53 2/4 Grimm  The Brothers Grimm  118  United States  Fantasy adventures  Hungarian    Director: Terry Gilliam  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Dimension Films
Mosaic Media Group / Summit Entertainment

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Egyszer volt, hol nem volt, élt egyszer két, magával ragadó, de egymással homlokegyenest ellenkező természetű fivér, a cinikus Will és az álmodozó Jacob, akik Grimm testvérek néven lettek híresek szerte a világon.
A napóleoni időkben a fivérek a német falvakat járják, és azt állítják magukról, hogy képesek megszabadítani az embereket mindenféle szörnyűséges lidércnyomástól és rémálomtól, ájtatos manóktól és boszorkányoktól. A francia hatóságok azonban rájönnek szemfényvesztő módszereikre és megpróbálják tőrbe csalni őket.
Will és Jacob rövidesen egy olyan világban találják magukat, amely pontos megfelelője az ő fantáziájuk teremtette mesevilágnak. A varázslatos Marbaden faluban az örök szépséget áhító Tükör Királynővel gyűlik meg a bajuk, amikor egy bűvös erdőbe érve titokzatos körülmények között fiatal lányok tűnnek el egyre-másra. Nyilvánvaló tehát, hogy a fivérek kénytelenek egy valóban varázserejű átokkal megküzdeni. Számos történet az ismert Grimm mesék közül - a Hamupipőke, a Piroska és a farkas és a Jancsi és Juliska - valahogyan megelevenedik. A Grimm testvérek pedig arra kényszerülnek, hogy a fantázia és a valóság határán, a saját képzeletük szülötteivel szembesüljenek. Az abszurd helyzetet tovább bonyolítja, hogy Will és Jacob ugyanaz a nő, Angelika iránt érez olthatatlan szerelmi vágyat.


Terry Gilliam (a Brazil, Tizenkét majom, A halászkirály legendája rendezője) ezúttal a mesemondó fivérek harsányan kavargó kalandjainak világát tárja elénk. A film a fantasy, a thriller és a romantikus vígjáték bizarr elegye, melyben az ősi, mágikus gondolkodásmód és a felvilágosodás racionális eszméi vívnak csatát. A látványgazdag, sztárokat felsorakoztató alkotás számos jelenetét Prágában forgatták.
A Grimm című filmben Will és Jacob Grimm, akik a tündérmesék sötét mélyére indulnak hihetetlen kalandok során át, fikció teremtette figurák. Habár a film nem követi a Grimm fivérek valóban megtörtént, a történelmi tényeknek megfelelő életét, mélységesen sokat merít a valós Grimm testvérek példájából, abból a megrendíthetetlen hitükből, hogy a mesék mindig élő eszközei lesznek annak, hogy feltárjuk az emberiség legnyomasztóbb félelmeit és soha el nem múló vonzódását a csodákhoz.

„A tündérmesék világa az én világom - a fantázia és a rendkívüli dolgok világa ez.” - mondja Terry Gilliam, amikor azt magyarázza, hogy miért döntött a Grimm című film elkészítése mellett. „Olyan forgatókönyv készült, amiben valóban hittem. Az elgondolás az volt, hogy ha valóban nagyon valóságos figurákat tudunk teremteni egy nagyon valóságos világban, akkor a néző teljes mértékben hinni fog ebben a világban, és szórakoztatónak fogja tartani e világ megismerését akkor is, amikor a tündérmesék furcsa és ijesztő elemei behatolnak ebbe a világba, és átveszik ott az uralmat.”
Gilliam kezdettől fogva azt a megoldást választotta, hogy túllépett a Grimm testvérek tényleges életének határain, hogy a kaland és virtus lehetőségeit teremtse meg a számukra, amely világot azonban nagymértékben a fivérek saját, szellemesen, ijesztően és végtelenül lebilincselő módon kitalált meséi ihlettek. Gilliam így beszél erről: „Ezért a filmért sok szempontból tartozunk köszönettel a Grimm testvéreknek, de a sztori nem az ő történelmileg hiteles élettörténetük. Lényegében véve róluk írtunk egy mesét, amelynek a során először vidám és hősies fickóknak tűnnek, akik faluról-falura mennek, és megszabadítják az embereket a manóktól, boszorkányoktól és mindenféle fantasztikus lidércnyomástól és rémálomtól - de nagyon hamar átlátunk a szitán, és rájövünk, hogy az egész csak ügyes szemfényvesztés. Időközben Napóleon hadserege, amely megszállta Németországot, megpróbálja tőrbe csalni a fivéreket, és kiirtani még a hozzájuk hasonlókat is. De rövidesen mindannyian egy olyan világban találják magukat, amely pontos megfelelője annak a világnak, amit a Grimm testvérek teremtettek a meséikben. Végül a tündérmese valóságossá válik, és a valóság összefonódik a fantáziával.”

„Nagyon érdekelt az az óriási konfliktus, amely a fantáziában való hit és a Felvilágosodás eszméi között feszült; a konfliktus a Felvilágosodással, amely valójában meglehetősen merevvé vált azáltal, hogy teljesen hiányzott belőle a bármi titokzatosban való hit.” - jegyzi meg Gilliam. „Ezt a sztori valódi részévé tettük. És ez a konfliktus persze a mai napig fennáll.”
A sztori lényegét képezik azok a kötelékek is, amelyek két fivért egymáshoz kapcsolnak - és néha szétszakítanak. Will és Jacob Grimm személyisége és filozófiája egymásnak szöges ellentéte, mégis, amikor megérkeznek Marbadenbe, az elátkozott faluba, kölcsönös vonzalmuk ugyanaz iránt a nő iránt rövidesen tovább bonyolítja a már amúgy is kísérteties fejleményeket.
„Két fivérről van szó, akik nyilvánvalóan szeretik egymást, ugyanakkor időnként le is nézi az egyik a másikat, de kettőjük között mindig nagyon intenzív testvéri kapcsolat áll fenn.” - fejti ki Gilliam. „Will igazi sarmőr - csak besétál valahová, és azonnal elbűvöl mindenkit; a lányok ránéznek, és Will mindent megkap, amit csak akar. Jake viszont nem tud szabadulni a mesebeli hercegnőkre vonatkozó álmaitól, és az abszolút, az igazi és egyetlen szerelmet keresi. És Lena Heady, aki Angelika szerepét játssza, maga a tökéletes nő mindkét fivér számára.”

A Grimm című film azonban mindenekelőtt arra volt remek lehetőség, hogy Gilliam a saját képzelete legsötétebb zugaiba szálljon alá, és baljós erdőkből, kísérteties kastélyokból, bujkáló farkasokból és titokzatos állatokból, a saját eltéveszthetetlenül egyéni és eredeti filmes stílusával, határozott tollvonásokkal felrajzolt képi világával egybeszőve, egy koromsötét, humortól súlyos univerzumot hozzon a felszínre. Az elgondolás az volt, hogy először is megteremtenek egy nyers, XIX. századi valóságot a Grimm testvérek számára - majd ezt egy szürreális álomvilágba „ferdítik”, amelyből, úgy tűnik, hogy nem tudnak menekülni.
„Kezdettől fogva láttuk, hogy ahhoz, hogy a film tényleg olyan hatást keltsen, mint egy tündérmese, nem forgathattunk igazi erdőben, vagy egy igazi faluban, mert olyat, ami kellett, sehol sem találhattunk. Mindent nekünk magunknak kellett felépíteni, kialakítani. Úgyhogy csaknem mindent mi hoztunk létre, a semmiből: építettünk kastélyokat és pajtákat, egy stúdió színpadra egy egész erdőt vittünk be élő fákból, hollókat és lovakat idomítottunk, százával készítettük a különböző modelleket - ez volt messze a legnagyobb szabású produkció, amivel valaha foglalkoztam.” - összegezi Gilliam.

Olyan emlékezetes szerepek után, mint Gilliam klasszikus Brazil, Münchausen báró kalandjai című filmje, ismét Terry Gilliam munkatársa a kétszeres Tony-díjas Jonathan Pryce, aki Delatombe tábornok, a francia kormányzó kulcsfontosságú szerepét játssza. Ő az, aki a diktatórikus rendelkezéseket bevezeti azon a német vidéken, ahol a Grimm fivérek addig zavartalanul űzhették csalárd mesterségüket, azaz démonvadászatot, ördögűzést és hasonlókat.
Miután elolvasta a Grimm forgatókönyvét, Pryce meg volt róla győződve, hogy ez a sztori, amely azt kutatja, hogy a mesemondásban, a történetmesélésben mi is az, ami igazán rémisztő, mulatságos és felejthetetlen, maga a tökéletes terep Gilliam számára. „Azt hiszem, mindenki, aki olvasta a forgatókönyvet, úgy érezte, hogy ez magától értetődően Terry Gilliam-film, mert ez egy nagy-nagy kép, amelyben sokféle invenció, megérzés, alkotás és szándék található, és amelyben szerepel minden olyan téma, amelyek mindig is foglalkoztatták Terryt: varázslat, a természetfölötti dolgok világa, és a történetmesélés fogalmának teljessége.” - mondja Pryce.

A Grimm két csodálatos női szerepet is kínál: az egyik egy lélegzetelállító romantikus szépség, akinek senki nem tud ellenállni, a másik egy örökéletű és gonosz varázslónő, akit le kell győzni. Angelika szerepét a feljövőben lévő fiatal brit színésznő, Lena Headey játssza, míg az 500 éves Tükör királynő alakját a filmvászon nemzetközi hírű szenzációja, Monica Bellucci kelti életre.
Terry Gilliam különösen megszerette Angelika figuráját, ezt a magányosan élő, vonzó nőt, aki megelőzi a korát. „Sok szempontból ő az első felszabadult, liberális gondolkodású nő a faluban. Soha még nő nem hagyta el a falut, és ő nemcsak egyszerűen elment, hanem egyenesen a városba ment, az egyetemre. Egy kicsit mintha beszorult volna e két világ közé - egyrészt hozzá van szokva egy bizonyos fajta gyakorlati realitáshoz, másrészt meg van róla győződve, hogy olyan világban él, amely abszolút mértékben, tagadhatatlanul meg van átkozva.” - magyarázza Gilliam. „A színésznőnek, akire a szerepet osztjuk, nemcsak gyönyörűnek kellett lennie, de keménynek és függetlennek is - és Lena erőteljesen éreztetni is tudja mindezt. Fizikai szempontból is nagy követelményeket támaszt a szerep: Angelika lovagol, nyilakat lő, amellett körül kell, hogy lengje valamiféle különös titokzatosság. A rejtélyes nő aurája veszi körül, aki nem hajlandó a Grimm testvérek szabályai szerint játszani.”

Two men who have made a career out of spinning remarkable stories find themselves bringing them to life in this inventive fantasy inspired by the creators of some of the world's best-loved fairy tales. Will Grimm (Matt Damon) and his brother Jake Grimm (Heath Ledger) earn their living by traveling from village to village and vanquishing strange supernatural beasts that have been menacing the populace. Or at least that's what their clients think has been happening; as it happens, Will and Jake are confidence men who cleverly stage the ghostly attacks and then take payment for making the creatures they fabricated go away. One day, the brothers arrive in a town and offer to help its people drive away evil spirits, unaware that the community is bordered by a genuine enchanted forest, and that young girls in the village have been disappearing at a frightful rate. The Grimm Brothers must now learn how to deal with real magic, with the help of the lovely but fearless Angelika (Lena Headey). Directed by Terry Gilliam, The Brothers Grimm also stars Monica Bellucci, Peter Stormare, and Jonathan Pryce 
Terry Gilliam - Director
Daniel Bobker - Producer
Charles Roven - Producer
Ehren Kruger - Screenwriter
Newton Thomas Sigel - Cinematographer
Dario Marianelli - Composer (Music Score)
Maggie Rodford - Musical Direction/Supervision
Alison Wright - Musical Direction/Supervision
Lesley Walker - Editor
Guy H. Dyas - Production Designer
Keith Pain - Supervising Art Director
Frank Walsh - Art Director
Jake Myers - Co-producer
Michael Solinger - Co-producer
Mishka Cheyko - Associate Producer / Assistant Director
Jonathan Gordon - Executive Producer
Chris McGurk - Executive Producer
Andrew Rona - Executive Producer
John D. Schofield - Executive Producer
Bob Weinstein - Executive Producer
Harvey Weinstein - Executive Producer
Judy Farr - Set Decorator
Gabriella Pescucci - Costume Designer
Carlo Poggioli - Costume Designer
Ivan Sharrock - Sound/Sound Designer
Christine Beveridge - Makeup
Irene Lamb - Casting
Milan Chamida - Second Unit Camera
Kent Houston - Visual Effects Supervisor
Mike Kelt - Special Effects Supervisor
Jiri Kuba - Stunts Coordinator
Mario Luraschi - Stunts Coordinator
Pascal Madura - Stunts Coordinator
Nicola Pecorini - Additional Photography
Peerless Camera Company - Visual Effects
Michele Soavi - Second Unit Director
Simon Taylor - Special Effects Supervisor
Ian Wilson - Supervising Sound Editor

In Competition 2005 Venice International Film Festival  
Cast: Matt Damon - Will Grimm
Heath Ledger - Jake Grimm
Jonathan Pryce - Delatombe
Lena Headey - Angelika
Monica Bellucci - The Evil Queen
Jakub Zindulka
Mackenzie Cook
Miroslav Táborský
Bruce MacEwen
Jan Unger - Gregor
Richard Ridings
Roger Ashton-Griffiths - Mayor
Julian Bleach
Tomas Hanak
Peter Stormare - Cavaldi
Uma Thurman  
67 1/4 Gyilkos félállásban  The contract Killer    Hong Kong  Action-comedy  Hungarian    Director: Tung Wai  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

China Star Entertainment Group / Flea Market / Win's Entertainment

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Az akciófilm helyszíne Hongkong, ahol egy különösen brutális kivégzés áldozata lesz a helyi japán klán feje. A család pályázatot ír ki a gyilkos és a megbízó likvidálására. A vérdíj hatalmas összeg, így őrjöngő bérgyilkosok egész hordája veti magát az ismereten tettes után, köztük egy munkanélküli, leszerelt katonával (Jet Li - Öld meg Rómeót!, Az egyetlen). De a balek csak egy "dörzsölt" róka segítségével tud a profik közé férkőzni. Ezután éri a legnagyobb meglepetés: megtudja, hogy kit is takar valójában a célszemély neve...

The narrative of The Hitman unfolds following the assassination of a sleazy Japanese businessman in Hong Kong. Various groups come together at a meeting held by the administrators of the dead man's Revenge Fund, which offers a $100 million reward to find the killer. Fu (Jet Li), a penniless mainlander, walks into the meeting by accident and is taken under the wing of Ngok Lo, a smooth-talking agent for professional hit men who proposes Fu help him track down the killer. Some of the funniest scenes are when Ngok Lo buys Fu new clothes and coaches him in Hong Kong ways. Ngok's daughter, a young lawyer who is unhappy with her father's background, seems to fancy Fu. Fu and Ngok are busy trying to stay one step ahead of the psychotic son of the murdered man, who is also after the assassin — a reputed mythical Killing Angel. A genre film reflecting the current zeitgeist in Hong Kong following the Chinese take over, The Hitman was screened as part of the International Forum of New Cinema section of the 49th Berlin Film Festival, 1999. 
Charles Heung - Producer
Chan Hing-kai - Screenwriter
Cheng Kam-Fu - Screenwriter
Vincent Kok - Screenwriter
Arthur Wong - Cinematographer
T. TWO - Composer (Music Score)
Cheung Ka-Fai - Editor
Bill Lui - Art Director
Gordon Chan - Executive Producer
Shirley Chan - Costume Designer
Chan Siu Wah - Action Director
Ku Huan-chiu - Action Director
Ling Chi-wah - Action Director
Cast: Jet Li - Fu
Eric Tsang - Ngok Lo
Simon Yam - Kwan
Gigi Leung - Kiki
Keiji Sato - Eiji
Paul Rapovski
Ip Kwong-kim
Hideri Meiken
Timmy Ho
3673 2/4 Gengszterek klubja  The Cotton Club  127  United States  Gangster film  Hungarian    Director: Francis Ford Coppola  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Orion / Zoetrope Studios

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A nagyszerű Keresztapa trilógia alkotói, az Oscar-díjas Francis Ford Coppola és Mario Puzo a legendás maffiafilm első két része után újra együtt dolgozott egy gengszterfilmen, amely ugyancsak a műfaj egyik legjobbjának számít!
A Gengszterek klubja története a viharos húszas évek Amerikájába, a jazz-klubok világába repíti a nézőt. Ide jár a jazztrombitás Dixie Dwyer is, aki épp jókor van jó helyen, és megmenti a hírhedt maffiafőnök, Dutch Schultz életét. Schultz nem marad adósa a zenésznek, és jólfizető munkával hálálja meg Dixie szolgálatát: felfogadja szeretője, Vera személyi testőrének. De Dixie beleszeret Verába és ezzel a halálos ítéletét írja alá…

Combining electric song and dance performances with drama (both on and off screen), Francis Ford Coppola's The Cotton Club (1984) looks back to the 1920s-1930s peak of the legendary Harlem nightclub where only blacks performed and only whites could sit in the audience. Mixing historical figures with characters loosely based on actual people, Coppola and co-writers William Kennedy and The Godfather's Mario Puzo create a panorama of love, crime, and entertainment centered on the Club. Among them are cornet player Dixie Dwyer (Richard Gere, playing his own solos), who escapes psycho gangster "benefactor" Dutch Schultz (James Remar) for a George Raft-type Hollywood career as a gangster film star; Schultz's nubile mistress Vera Cicero (Diane Lane), who loves Dixie against her mercenary instincts; Cotton Club Mob owner Owney Madden (Bob Hoskins) and close associate Frenchy Demarge (Fred Gwynne); Vincent (Nicolas Cage), Dixie's no-good Mad Dog Coll-esque brother; Club tap star Sandman Williams (Gregory Hines), who woos ambitious light-skinned Club singer Lila Rose Oliver (Lonette McKee); and cameos by Charles "Honi" Coles and Cab Calloway impersonator Larry Marshall. Complementing the period story, Coppola evokes the style of '30s gangster movies and musicals through an array of old-fashioned devices like montages of headlines, songs and shoot-outs. Conceived by producer Robert Evans as his crowning achievement and directorial debut, Evans had to hand over the troubled production to Coppola, but the budget spiraled out of control as the script was repeatedly re-written throughout the chaotic shoot. By the time it was released, The Cotton Club's epic production story of power struggles, financial bloat, and even a murder overshadowed the "reunion" of The Godfather's creative team. Neither a Heaven's Gate-sized failure nor a wallet-saving hit like Coppola's Apocalypse Now, The Cotton Club got some favorable critical notices (although it drew fire for subordinating the African American stories). It did not, however, find a large enough audience to justify its expense and controversy, becoming another mark against 1970s "auteur" cinema in increasingly blockbuster-driven 1980s Hollywood.  
Francis Ford Coppola - Director / Screenwriter
Robert Evans - Producer
William Kennedy - Screenwriter / Screen Story
Mario Puzo - Screenwriter / Screen Story
Stephen Goldblatt - Cinematographer
John Barry - Composer (Music Score)
Robert Q. Lovett - Editor
Barry Malkin - Editor
Richard Sylbert - Production Designer
Gregory W.M. Bolton - Art Director
David Chapman - Art Director
Fred Roos - Co-producer
Sylvio Tabet - Co-producer
Melissa Prophet - Associate Producer
Dyson Lovell - Executive Producer
Les Bloom - Set Designer
George P. Gaines - Set Designer
Milena Canonero - Costume Designer
Judianna Makovsky - Costume Designer
Richard Dean - Makeup
Connie Brink - Special Effects
Michael Stone - Camera Operator
Gregory Hines - Choreography
Henry Le Tang - Choreography
Michael Meacham - Choreography
Arthur Mitchell - Choreography
Michael Smuin - Choreography
Gretchen Rennell - Casting
Barrie M. Osborne - Line Producer
Elizabeth Shelton - Assistant Costumer Designer
Richard Shissler - Assistant Costumer Designer
Cast: Richard Gere - Dixie Dwyer
Gregory Hines - Sandman Williams
Diane Lane - Vera Cicero
Lonette McKee - Lila Rose Oliver
Bob Hoskins - Owney Madden
James Remar - Dutch Schultz
Nicolas Cage - Vincent Dwyer
Allen Garfield - Abbadabba Berman
Fred Gwynne - Frenchy Demange
Lisa Jane Persky - Frances Flegenheimer
Maurice Hines - Clay Williams
Julian Beck - Sol Weinstein
Novella Nelson - Madame St. Clair
Tom Waits - Irving Stark
Wynonna Smith - Winnie Williams
Charles "Honi" Coles - Sugar Coates
Larry Marshall - Cab Calloway
Woody Strode - Holmes
Gregory Rozakis - Charlie Chaplin
Bruce Howard - Bumpy Hood
Vincent Jerosa - James Cagney
James Russo - Vince Hood
George Cantero - Vince Hood
Tucker Smallwood - Kid Griffin
John P. Ryan - Joe Flynn
Tom Signorelli - Butch Murdock
Sarita Allen - Dancer
Bill Graham - J.W.
Ed Zang - Clerk
Jacquelyn Bird - Dancer
Marc Coppola - Ted Husing
Henry Le Tang - Hoofer
Christopher Lewis - Child in Street
Steve Vignari - Trigger, Mike Coppola
Leonard Termo - Danny
Diane Venora - Gloria Swanson
Brian Tarantina - Vince Hood
Carla Earle - Dancer
Glenn Withrow - Ed Popke
Joe Lynn - Marcial Flores
Gwen Verdon - Mrs. Tish Dwyer
Ed Rowan - Messiah
Nick Corri
Bill Cobbs - Bib Joe Ison
Rony Clanton - Caspar Holstein
Wendy Edmead - Dancer
Joe Dallesandro - Charles "Lucky" Luciano
Jordan Derwin
Giancarlo Esposito - Bumpy Hood
Tracey Bass - Dancer
Dayton Allen - Solly
Kim Chan - Ling
Thelma Carpenter - Norma Williams
Sandra Beall - Myrtle Fay
Ralph Brown - Hoofer
Mario Van Peebles - Dancer
Zane Mark - Duke Ellington
Bruce MacVittie - Vince Hood
Damien Leake - Bub Jewett
Ed O'Ross - Monk
Susan Mechsner - Gypsie
Randle Mell - Policeman #2
Laurence Fishburne - Bumpy Rhodes
Jennifer Grey - Patsy Dwyer
Rosalind Harris - Fanny Brice
Nicholas J. Giangiulio - Screen Test Thug
Ron Karabatsos - Mike Best
Robert Earl Jones - Stage Door Joe
Sonia Hensley - Dancer
Paul Herman - Policeman #1
1789 2/4 Gonosz falu  The Gathering  100  United Kingdom  Thriller  Hungarian    Director: Brian Gilbert  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Swift / Weinstein Co.
Capitol Films / Granada Film / Isle of Man Film Commission / Samuelson Productions

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

The discovery of a strange religious relic may have something to do with the terrible dreams haunting a young woman in this stylish thriller from Great Britain. When a pit opens up in a small English town, the local priest, Luke Fraser (Simon Russell Beale), is startled to discover what appears to be an ancient church lurking beneath. Fraser asks a friend with a background in archeology, Simon Kirkman (Stephen Dillane), to investigate the ruins, and Kirkman is startled to find a series of striking realistic sculptures and an usual portrait of Jesus in which the savior turns away from the church. As Kirkman and his wife, Marion (Kerry Fox), are driving home from the site, they accidentally hit Cassie Grant (Christina Ricci), an American student who is crossing the street. While Cassie isn't seriously injured physically, she has suffered a blow to the head that's left her with a mild case of amnesia; Marion brings Cassie home to recuperate until her memory returns, and in the meantime, Cassie helps keep an eye on Michael, Simon and Marion's young son. Soon, Cassie begins having a series of vivid and disturbing dreams involving the people of the town suffering violent deaths. Kirkman and Fraser begin wondering if the church was buried on purpose (and if so, why) and if Cassie's nightmares are somehow connected to the discovery of the house of worship. Completed in 2002, The Gathering didn't see release until 2004, when it opened in France and Germany 
Brian Gilbert - Director
Pippa Cross - Producer
Marc Samuelson - Producer
Peter Samuelson - Producer
Anthony Horowitz - Screenwriter / Executive Producer
Martin Fuhrer - Cinematographer
Anne Dudley - Composer (Music Score)
Masahiro Hirakubo - Editor
Caroline Amies - Production Designer
Frank Walsh - Art Director
Rachel Cuperman - Associate Producer
Steve Christian - Executive Producer
Jerome Gary - Executive Producer
Patrick McKenna - Executive Producer
Duncan Reid - Executive Producer
Nic Ede - Costume Designer
Albert Bailey Amp - Sound/Sound Designer
Christopher Newman - First Assistant Director
Sarah Bird - Casting
Moving Picture Company - Digital Effects
Cast: Christina Ricci - Cassie Grant
Stephen Dillane - Simon Kirkman
Kerry Fox - Marion Kirkman
Simon Russell Beale - Luke Fraser
Ioan Gruffudd - Dan Blakeley
Harry Forrester - Michael
Jessica Leigh Mann
Peter McNamara
Bridget Turner - Mrs. Groves
Robert Hardy
Blair Plant - Father Bernard
330 2/4 Galaxis útikalauz stopposoknak  The hitchhikers guide to galaxy  109  UK/USA  Science-Fiction  Hungarian    Director: Garth Jennings  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Buena Vista / Spyglass Entertainment / Touchstone Pictures
Barber/Birnbaum Production / Everyman Pictures Productions / Hammer & Tongs / Spyglass Entertainment / Touchstone Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Douglas Adams' oft-adapted tale of an normal guy making his way through the universe (it's already been presented as a novel, a radio serial, a television series, and a comic book) finally makes its way to the big screen in this endearingly goofy sci-fi comedy. Arthur Dent (Martin Freeman) is a very ordinary man who is having a truly unusual day — after discovering that one of his best friends, Ford Prefect (Mos Def), is actually an alien, Ford tells him that the planet Earth is going to be destroyed so that otherworldly forces can make room for construction of a hyperspace bypass. Since Arthur accidentally saved Ford's life years ago, Ford does him a favor — he first gets him a ride on a spaceship passing by, and then presents him with a guidebook that will tell a beginner everything he needs to know as he hitchhikes through outer space. Along the way, Arthur encounters such interstellar notables as sleazy Galaxy president Zaphod Beebelbrox (Sam Rockwell), the girl of his dreams Tricia McMillan (Zooey Deschanel), perpetually glum robot Marvin (voice of Alan Rickman), interplanetary construction magnate Slartibartfast (Bill Nighy), and cult leader Humma Kavula (John Malkovich). The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was the first feature film for Garth Jennings, previously best known for his work in television commercials and music videos; he was recommended to the producers by director Spike Jonze after Jonze had to turn down an offer to head up the project. 
Garth Jennings - Director
Gary Barber - Producer
Roger Birnbaum - Producer
Jonathan Glickman - Producer
Nick Goldsmith - Producer
Myf Hopkins - Producer
Tracy Lenon - Producer
Jay Roach - Producer
Douglas Adams - Screenwriter / Book Author / Executive Producer
Karey Kirkpatrick - Screenwriter
Igor Jadue-Lillo - Cinematographer
Shaun O'Dell - Cinematographer
Joby Talbot - Composer (Music Score)
Niven Howie - Editor
Joel Collins - Production Designer
Alan Cassie - Art Director
Daniel May - Art Director
Phil Sims - Art Director
Andrew Thomson - Art Director
Frank Walsh - Supervising Art Director
Todd Arnow - Co-producer
Caroline Hewitt - Co-producer
Rebekah Rudd - Co-producer
Pete Coogan - Executive Producer
Derek Evans - Executive Producer
Robbie Stamp - Executive Producer
Courtney Vanderslice-Law - Executive Producer
Kate Beckly - Set Decorator
Samm Sheldon - Costume Designer
Robin Knapp - Sound/Sound Designer / Assistant Sound Editor
Alastair Sirkett - Sound/Sound Designer / Sound Effects Editor
Paul Gooch - Makeup
Nikita Rae - Makeup
Natalie Reid - Makeup
Cinesite - Special Effects
Special Effects (GB) Ltd. - Special Effects
Terry Bamber - First Assistant Director
Richard Whelan - First Assistant Director
R'SVP Voices - Singer
Gideon Baws - Animator
Erik Ellefsen - Animator
Jason Groves - Animator
Chris Harding - Animator
Richard Kenworthy - Animator
Jamie Mccarter - Animator
David O'Reilly - Animator
Simon Finney - Camera Operator
Andy Bennett - Stunts
Richard Bradshaw - Stunts
Mike Cooper - Stunts
Ray De Haan - Stunts
Kelly Dent - Stunts
Neil Finnighan - Stunts
Glenn Foster - Stunts
Steve Griffin - Stunts
Paul Heasman - Stunts
Derek Lea - Stunts
Samantha Martin - Stunts
Grant Nicholson - Stunts
Seon Rogers - Stunts
Lee Sheward - Stunts
Karne Smithson - Stunts
Timothy West - Stunts
Susie Figgis - Casting
Mark Holding - Sound Mixer
Ian Munro - Sound Mixer
Dan Pettipher - Production Manager
Marcia Ross - Casting
A-Z Animals Limited - Animal Trainer/Wrangler
Jessie Acton-Thompson - Runner
Susan Adams - Set Dresser
Nadia Aleyd - Casting Associate
Kaseem Allah - Personal Assistant
Annette Allen - Buyer
Lucy Anthony - Set Medic/First Aid
John Arnold - Grip
Phil Ashton - Color Timing
Christopher Austin - Conductor
Charles Bain - Focus Puller
Vanessa Baker - Voice Casting
James Barr - Draftsman
Perry Bell - Scenic Artist
Louise Bellieu - Costume/Wardrobe
Jane Bennett - Set Dresser
Frank Berlin - Scenic Artist
Andrew Bernstein - Personal Assistant
Angus Bickerton - Visual Effects Supervisor
Bruce Bigg - Properties Master
Robert Binnall - Focus Puller
Tamana Bleasdale - Second Assistant Director
Lita Blechman - Personal Assistant
Judy Britten - Production Coordinator
David Broder - Location Manager
Jo Budden - Set Dresser
Dan Burnett - Animatronic Model Design
Rosemary Burrows - Costumes Supervisor
Leonard M. Burton - Production Assistant
David Cain - Second Assistant Director / Unit Production Manager
Trevor Cairns - Video Playback
Jamie Campbell - Animatronic Model Design
Casting Collective Limited - Extra Casting
Tim Cavagin - Re-Recording Mixer
Tony James Chance - Storyboard Artist
Helen Chapman - Third Assistant Director
Colin Childs - Supervising Properties Maker
Dean Clegg - Assistant Art Director
Shaun Cobley - Focus Puller
Michael Connell - Music Editor
Rachel Cooper - Costume/Wardrobe
Joey Coughlin - Electrician
Adam Crosby - Scenic Artist
Ben Crosby - Scenic Artist
Chris Croucher - Runner
Cutting Edge - Negative Cutter
Ken Dailey - Visual Effects Producer
Chris Dale - Clapper Loader
Gerald Dale - Properties Storeman
Richard Darwin - Animatronic Model Design
Anita Dhillon - Graphic Design
Piero Di Giovanni - Properties Maker
Brenden Donnison - Voice Casting
Sara Dony - Set Medic/First Aid
Jim Dowdall - Stunts Coordinator
Mark Dowling - Scenic Artist
Katrina Duce - Buyer
Paul Dunn - Special Effects Supervisor
Wilma Dunn - Special Effects Coordinator
Dave Dunsterville - Animatronic Model Design
Denny Edwards - Costumes Assistant
Paul Edwards - Steadicam Operator
Toby Eedy - Clapper Loader
Samantha Ehren - Art Department Assistant
Lee Eldred - Electrician
Fraser Fennell-Ball - Third Assistant Director
David E. Fluhr - Re-Recording Mixer
Stephen Forrest-Smith - Storyboard Artist
Andrew Fowler - Visual Effects Producer
Claire Garrett - Art Department Intern
Gary Gillingham - Production Controller
Simon Gosling - Properties Maker
Christine Greaves - Craft Service/Catering
Dianne Greaves - Foley Artist
Sheila Hallett - Costume/Wardrobe
Jesse Hammond - Scenic Artist
Denise Hanrahan - Runner
PJ Harling - Visual Effects Editor
Mark Harris - First Assistant Editor
Cat Hart - Special Effects Technician
Peter Heslop - Unit Production Manager
Gustav Hoegen - Animatronic Model Design
Dai Hopkins - Grip
Lee Hopkins - Scenic Artist
Mark Hopkins - Runner
Mark Hunter - Animatronic Model Design
Stuart Hurst - Electrician
Nicholas Immaculate - Costume/Wardrobe
Demetri Jagger - Video Playback
Martin Jago - Animatronic Model Design
Oliver Jartlett - Animatronic Model Design
Tim Jetis - Art Department Coordinator
Jim Henson's Creature Shop - Creature Effects
Lionel Johnson - First Assistant Editor
Matt Johnson - Visual Effects Supervisor
Peter Kane - Scenic Artist
Charlotte Kay - Assistant Costumer Designer
Claire Kitchener - Costume/Wardrobe
Eddie Knight - Gaffer
Joe Knight - Electrician
Jason Knox-Johnston - Assistant Art Director
Kate Lacey - Casting Associate
Jennifer Lambert - Set Medic/First Aid
Christopher Learmonth - Visual Effects Editor
David Lobatto - Runner
Gary Lowe - Scenic Artist
Terry Madden - Third Assistant Director
Sharon Mansfield - Script Supervisor
Luke Marcel - Special Effects Technician
Neil Mccarrick - Standby Properties
Sharon Mccormack - Negative Cutter
Adam McInnes - Visual Effects Supervisor
Caroline Mirfin - Costume/Wardrobe
Karen Mitchell - Costume/Wardrobe
Finch Munro - Art Department Intern
Charlie Olsen - Special Effects Technician
Harry Pain - Draftsman
Palmbrokers - Greensman
Steve Pang - Assistant Visual Effects Editor
Adrian Parish - Animatronic Model Design
Eve Petcher - Assistant Production Coordinator
Samar Pollitt - Third Assistant Director
Mary Anne Price - Set Medic/First Aid
Russell Pritchett - Pyrotechnic Special Effects
Benjamin Pugh - Production Assistant
Michael Redfern - Foley Editor
Jesse Riley - Animatronic Model Design
Stuart Robinson - Animatronic Model Design
Adam Rosenberg - Personal Assistant
Chris Rosewarne - Properties Maker
Sue Rowe - Visual Effects Supervisor
Roy Rowland - Electrician
Sunny Rowley - Key Costumer
Jonathan Saville - Set Dresser
Bjorn Ole Schroeder - ADR Editor
Karen Sharp - Negative Cutter
Andy Shelley - Dialogue Editor
Deborah Simmrin - Publicist
Steve Single - Re-Recording Mixer
Mike Skorepa - Costumes Assistant
Michael Solinger - Post Production Supervisor
Laurie Sparham - Still Photographer
Lucy St. Giles - Casting Assistant
Deryn Stafford - Production Coordinator
Glen Start - Scenic Artist
Camilla Stephenson - Assistant Location Manager
Jack Stew - Foley Artist
Tolly Swallow - Second Assistant Editor
Sally Taylor - Set Dresser
Mark Thomas - Gaffer
Susan Thomas - Costume/Wardrobe
Mark Topping - Pyrotechnic Special Effects
Lisa Tucker - Buyer
Jacqueline Turner - Set Medic/First Aid
Mike Valentine - Underwater Photography
James Waters - Grip
Stephen Watson - Standby Properties
Samantha Welland - Post Production Coordinator
Angela Noakes Wharton - Script Supervisor
Paul Wheeldon - Clapper Loader
Simon Williams - Animatronic Model Design
Ian Wilson - Supervising Sound Editor
Adam Wright - Animatronic Model Design
Celia Yau - Key Costumer
Paul Yaul - Costumes Assistant  
Cast: Martin Freeman - Arthur Dent
Mos Def - Ford Prefect
Sam Rockwell - Zaphod Beeblebrox
Zooey Deschanel - Trillian
Warwick Davis - Marvin
Alan Rickman - Marvin the Paranoid Robot [Voice]
John Malkovich - Humma Kavula
Bill Nighy - Slartibartfast
Thomas Lennon - Eddie the Computer
Helen Mirren - Deep Thought [Voice]
Ben Uttley - Vogon Soldier
Tucker Stevens - Vogon Soldier
Jerome Blake - Vogon Soldier
Steve Grindle - Vogon Soldier
Mike Lewis - Vogon Soldier
Simon Hibbs - Vogon Soldier
League of Gentlemen - Vogons [Voice] [Voice]
Jessie Riley - Vogon Soldier
Paul Nathaniel - Vogon Soldier
Ashley Stuart - Vogon Soldier
Patrick Walker - Vogon Soldier
Spencer Wilding - Vogon Soldier
Milo Bodrozic - Vogon Soldier
Rob Horseman - Vogon Soldier
Dan Ellis - Vogon Soldier
Art Hewitt - Vogon Soldier
William Wollen - Vogon Soldier
Mak Wilson - Vogon Interpreter [Voice] [Voice]
Ian McNeice - Kwaltz [Voice]
Albie Woodington - Barman
Anna Chancellor - Questular
Stephen Fry - Narrator [Voice]
Simon Jones - Ghostly Image
Richard Griffiths - Jeltz [Voice]
Jack Stanley - Lunkwill
Dominique Jackson - Fook
Tim Perrin - Vogon Soldier
Mark Longhurst - Bulldozer Driver
Kelly MacDonald - Reporter
Martine Dawson - Vogon Soldier
Bill Bailey - Whale [Voice] [Voice]
Sumner Locke Elliott - Pub Customer
Steve Pemberton - Prosser  
1581 3/4 Galaxis útikalauz stopposoknak  The hitchhikers guide to galaxy  109  UK/USA  Sci-fi comedy  English  Hungarian  Director: Garth Jennings  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Buena Vista / Spyglass Entertainment / Touchstone Pictures
Barber/Birnbaum Production / Everyman Pictures Productions / Hammer & Tongs / Spyglass Entertainment / Touchstone Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Douglas Adams' oft-adapted tale of an normal guy making his way through the universe (it's already been presented as a novel, a radio serial, a television series, and a comic book) finally makes its way to the big screen in this endearingly goofy sci-fi comedy. Arthur Dent (Martin Freeman) is a very ordinary man who is having a truly unusual day — after discovering that one of his best friends, Ford Prefect (Mos Def), is actually an alien, Ford tells him that the planet Earth is going to be destroyed so that otherworldly forces can make room for construction of a hyperspace bypass. Since Arthur accidentally saved Ford's life years ago, Ford does him a favor — he first gets him a ride on a spaceship passing by, and then presents him with a guidebook that will tell a beginner everything he needs to know as he hitchhikes through outer space. Along the way, Arthur encounters such interstellar notables as sleazy Galaxy president Zaphod Beebelbrox (Sam Rockwell), the girl of his dreams Tricia McMillan (Zooey Deschanel), perpetually glum robot Marvin (voice of Alan Rickman), interplanetary construction magnate Slartibartfast (Bill Nighy), and cult leader Humma Kavula (John Malkovich). The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was the first feature film for Garth Jennings, previously best known for his work in television commercials and music videos; he was recommended to the producers by director Spike Jonze after Jonze had to turn down an offer to head up the project. 
Garth Jennings - Director
Gary Barber - Producer
Roger Birnbaum - Producer
Jonathan Glickman - Producer
Nick Goldsmith - Producer
Myf Hopkins - Producer
Tracy Lenon - Producer
Jay Roach - Producer
Douglas Adams - Screenwriter / Book Author / Executive Producer
Karey Kirkpatrick - Screenwriter
Igor Jadue-Lillo - Cinematographer
Shaun O'Dell - Cinematographer
Joby Talbot - Composer (Music Score)
Niven Howie - Editor
Joel Collins - Production Designer
Alan Cassie - Art Director
Daniel May - Art Director
Phil Sims - Art Director
Andrew Thomson - Art Director
Frank Walsh - Supervising Art Director
Todd Arnow - Co-producer
Caroline Hewitt - Co-producer
Rebekah Rudd - Co-producer
Pete Coogan - Executive Producer
Derek Evans - Executive Producer
Robbie Stamp - Executive Producer
Courtney Vanderslice-Law - Executive Producer
Kate Beckly - Set Decorator
Samm Sheldon - Costume Designer
Robin Knapp - Sound/Sound Designer / Assistant Sound Editor
Alastair Sirkett - Sound/Sound Designer / Sound Effects Editor
Paul Gooch - Makeup
Nikita Rae - Makeup
Natalie Reid - Makeup
Cinesite - Special Effects
Special Effects (GB) Ltd. - Special Effects
Terry Bamber - First Assistant Director
Richard Whelan - First Assistant Director
R'SVP Voices - Singer
Gideon Baws - Animator
Erik Ellefsen - Animator
Jason Groves - Animator
Chris Harding - Animator
Richard Kenworthy - Animator
Jamie Mccarter - Animator
David O'Reilly - Animator
Simon Finney - Camera Operator
Andy Bennett - Stunts
Richard Bradshaw - Stunts
Mike Cooper - Stunts
Ray De Haan - Stunts
Kelly Dent - Stunts
Neil Finnighan - Stunts
Glenn Foster - Stunts
Steve Griffin - Stunts
Paul Heasman - Stunts
Derek Lea - Stunts
Samantha Martin - Stunts
Grant Nicholson - Stunts
Seon Rogers - Stunts
Lee Sheward - Stunts
Karne Smithson - Stunts
Timothy West - Stunts
Susie Figgis - Casting
Mark Holding - Sound Mixer
Ian Munro - Sound Mixer
Dan Pettipher - Production Manager
Marcia Ross - Casting
A-Z Animals Limited - Animal Trainer/Wrangler
Jessie Acton-Thompson - Runner
Susan Adams - Set Dresser
Nadia Aleyd - Casting Associate
Kaseem Allah - Personal Assistant
Annette Allen - Buyer
Lucy Anthony - Set Medic/First Aid
John Arnold - Grip
Phil Ashton - Color Timing
Christopher Austin - Conductor
Charles Bain - Focus Puller
Vanessa Baker - Voice Casting
James Barr - Draftsman
Perry Bell - Scenic Artist
Louise Bellieu - Costume/Wardrobe
Jane Bennett - Set Dresser
Frank Berlin - Scenic Artist
Andrew Bernstein - Personal Assistant
Angus Bickerton - Visual Effects Supervisor
Bruce Bigg - Properties Master
Robert Binnall - Focus Puller
Tamana Bleasdale - Second Assistant Director
Lita Blechman - Personal Assistant
Judy Britten - Production Coordinator
David Broder - Location Manager
Jo Budden - Set Dresser
Dan Burnett - Animatronic Model Design
Rosemary Burrows - Costumes Supervisor
Leonard M. Burton - Production Assistant
David Cain - Second Assistant Director / Unit Production Manager
Trevor Cairns - Video Playback
Jamie Campbell - Animatronic Model Design
Casting Collective Limited - Extra Casting
Tim Cavagin - Re-Recording Mixer
Tony James Chance - Storyboard Artist
Helen Chapman - Third Assistant Director
Colin Childs - Supervising Properties Maker
Dean Clegg - Assistant Art Director
Shaun Cobley - Focus Puller
Michael Connell - Music Editor
Rachel Cooper - Costume/Wardrobe
Joey Coughlin - Electrician
Adam Crosby - Scenic Artist
Ben Crosby - Scenic Artist
Chris Croucher - Runner
Cutting Edge - Negative Cutter
Ken Dailey - Visual Effects Producer
Chris Dale - Clapper Loader
Gerald Dale - Properties Storeman
Richard Darwin - Animatronic Model Design
Anita Dhillon - Graphic Design
Piero Di Giovanni - Properties Maker
Brenden Donnison - Voice Casting
Sara Dony - Set Medic/First Aid
Jim Dowdall - Stunts Coordinator
Mark Dowling - Scenic Artist
Katrina Duce - Buyer
Paul Dunn - Special Effects Supervisor
Wilma Dunn - Special Effects Coordinator
Dave Dunsterville - Animatronic Model Design
Denny Edwards - Costumes Assistant
Paul Edwards - Steadicam Operator
Toby Eedy - Clapper Loader
Samantha Ehren - Art Department Assistant
Lee Eldred - Electrician
Fraser Fennell-Ball - Third Assistant Director
David E. Fluhr - Re-Recording Mixer
Stephen Forrest-Smith - Storyboard Artist
Andrew Fowler - Visual Effects Producer
Claire Garrett - Art Department Intern
Gary Gillingham - Production Controller
Simon Gosling - Properties Maker
Christine Greaves - Craft Service/Catering
Dianne Greaves - Foley Artist
Sheila Hallett - Costume/Wardrobe
Jesse Hammond - Scenic Artist
Denise Hanrahan - Runner
PJ Harling - Visual Effects Editor
Mark Harris - First Assistant Editor
Cat Hart - Special Effects Technician
Peter Heslop - Unit Production Manager
Gustav Hoegen - Animatronic Model Design
Dai Hopkins - Grip
Lee Hopkins - Scenic Artist
Mark Hopkins - Runner
Mark Hunter - Animatronic Model Design
Stuart Hurst - Electrician
Nicholas Immaculate - Costume/Wardrobe
Demetri Jagger - Video Playback
Martin Jago - Animatronic Model Design
Oliver Jartlett - Animatronic Model Design
Tim Jetis - Art Department Coordinator
Jim Henson's Creature Shop - Creature Effects
Lionel Johnson - First Assistant Editor
Matt Johnson - Visual Effects Supervisor
Peter Kane - Scenic Artist
Charlotte Kay - Assistant Costumer Designer
Claire Kitchener - Costume/Wardrobe
Eddie Knight - Gaffer
Joe Knight - Electrician
Jason Knox-Johnston - Assistant Art Director
Kate Lacey - Casting Associate
Jennifer Lambert - Set Medic/First Aid
Christopher Learmonth - Visual Effects Editor
David Lobatto - Runner
Gary Lowe - Scenic Artist
Terry Madden - Third Assistant Director
Sharon Mansfield - Script Supervisor
Luke Marcel - Special Effects Technician
Neil Mccarrick - Standby Properties
Sharon Mccormack - Negative Cutter
Adam McInnes - Visual Effects Supervisor
Caroline Mirfin - Costume/Wardrobe
Karen Mitchell - Costume/Wardrobe
Finch Munro - Art Department Intern
Charlie Olsen - Special Effects Technician
Harry Pain - Draftsman
Palmbrokers - Greensman
Steve Pang - Assistant Visual Effects Editor
Adrian Parish - Animatronic Model Design
Eve Petcher - Assistant Production Coordinator
Samar Pollitt - Third Assistant Director
Mary Anne Price - Set Medic/First Aid
Russell Pritchett - Pyrotechnic Special Effects
Benjamin Pugh - Production Assistant
Michael Redfern - Foley Editor
Jesse Riley - Animatronic Model Design
Stuart Robinson - Animatronic Model Design
Adam Rosenberg - Personal Assistant
Chris Rosewarne - Properties Maker
Sue Rowe - Visual Effects Supervisor
Roy Rowland - Electrician
Sunny Rowley - Key Costumer
Jonathan Saville - Set Dresser
Bjorn Ole Schroeder - ADR Editor
Karen Sharp - Negative Cutter
Andy Shelley - Dialogue Editor
Deborah Simmrin - Publicist
Steve Single - Re-Recording Mixer
Mike Skorepa - Costumes Assistant
Michael Solinger - Post Production Supervisor
Laurie Sparham - Still Photographer
Lucy St. Giles - Casting Assistant
Deryn Stafford - Production Coordinator
Glen Start - Scenic Artist
Camilla Stephenson - Assistant Location Manager
Jack Stew - Foley Artist
Tolly Swallow - Second Assistant Editor
Sally Taylor - Set Dresser
Mark Thomas - Gaffer
Susan Thomas - Costume/Wardrobe
Mark Topping - Pyrotechnic Special Effects
Lisa Tucker - Buyer
Jacqueline Turner - Set Medic/First Aid
Mike Valentine - Underwater Photography
James Waters - Grip
Stephen Watson - Standby Properties
Samantha Welland - Post Production Coordinator
Angela Noakes Wharton - Script Supervisor
Paul Wheeldon - Clapper Loader
Simon Williams - Animatronic Model Design
Ian Wilson - Supervising Sound Editor
Adam Wright - Animatronic Model Design
Celia Yau - Key Costumer
Paul Yaul - Costumes Assistant
Cast: Martin Freeman - Arthur Dent
Mos Def - Ford Prefect
Sam Rockwell - Zaphod Beeblebrox
Zooey Deschanel - Trillian
Warwick Davis - Marvin
Alan Rickman - Marvin the Paranoid Robot [Voice]
John Malkovich - Humma Kavula
Bill Nighy - Slartibartfast
Thomas Lennon - Eddie the Computer
Helen Mirren - Deep Thought [Voice]
Ben Uttley - Vogon Soldier
Tucker Stevens - Vogon Soldier
Jerome Blake - Vogon Soldier
Steve Grindle - Vogon Soldier
Mike Lewis - Vogon Soldier
Simon Hibbs - Vogon Soldier
League of Gentlemen - Vogons [Voice] [Voice]
Jessie Riley - Vogon Soldier
Paul Nathaniel - Vogon Soldier
Ashley Stuart - Vogon Soldier
Patrick Walker - Vogon Soldier
Spencer Wilding - Vogon Soldier
Milo Bodrozic - Vogon Soldier
Rob Horseman - Vogon Soldier
Dan Ellis - Vogon Soldier
Art Hewitt - Vogon Soldier
William Wollen - Vogon Soldier
Mak Wilson - Vogon Interpreter [Voice] [Voice]
Ian McNeice - Kwaltz [Voice]
Albie Woodington - Barman
Anna Chancellor - Questular
Stephen Fry - Narrator [Voice]
Simon Jones - Ghostly Image
Richard Griffiths - Jeltz [Voice]
Jack Stanley - Lunkwill
Dominique Jackson - Fook
Tim Perrin - Vogon Soldier
Mark Longhurst - Bulldozer Driver
Kelly MacDonald - Reporter
Martine Dawson - Vogon Soldier
Bill Bailey - Whale [Voice] [Voice]
Sumner Locke Elliott - Pub Customer
Steve Pemberton - Prosser
2178 2/4 Galaxis útikalauz stopposoknak sorozat 1-6  The hitchhikers guide to galaxy series 1-6  194  United Kingdom  Science-Fiction  Hungarian    Director: Alan J.W. Bell  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A Galaxis útikalauz stopposoknak mindenki számára nélkülözhetetlen kiadvány, ha arra támadna kedve, hogy a világegyetemben utazzon. Arthur dent földlakó is rájön milyen haszon ez a könyv, miután bolygóját váratlanul kitörlik a Naprendszerből, hogy helyet biztosítsanak egy most épülő hiperűrsztrádának. Ő azonban szerencsésen megússza a Föld bolygó pusztulását, mivel barátja Ford Perfect a szerencsétlenség előtt ráveszi Arthur-t, hogy együtt stoppoljanak ki a veszélyes területről. Egyébként Perfect nem más, mint az Útikalauz javított kiadásán dolgozó űrlény, s mivel nincs hová mennie, Arthue vele tart, hogy bejárják az univerzumot. Természetesen az utazás különös kalandokkal jár együtt, Arthur megtudja miért hasznos a fülébe befészkelt Bábel-hal, hogyan hangzik egy vogon vers, stoppol lopott űrhajókra, és meglátogatja a legendás vendéglőt is a világ végén, ahol a padlón megjelenő látványosság nem más, mint maga a világvége.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy began as a 1978 BBC radio series by Douglas Adams, who later adapted the material as a novel in 1979. This six-part BBC television miniseries stars Simon Jones as gormless Arthur Dent, who while clad in his bedclothes manages to escape the Earth's gravitational pull just before the Third Planet From the Sun is blown to bits. Ensconced in a strange space vessel festooned with all manner of confusing hardware, Jones finds that his life is dependent upon the instructions given by the cheery voice of the main computer—which may be loyal to the extraterrestrials who've obliterated the earth in order to make way for a galactic superhighway. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was seen in the US on PBS affiliate stations.
Douglas Adams - Screenwriter
Alan J.W. Bell - Director
Cast: Simon Jones
Mark Wing-Davey
Joe Melia
Peter Jones - [Voice]
Martin Benson
David Dixon
Sandra Dickinson
1280 2/4 Gödör  The Hole  102  United Kingdom  Thriller  Hungarian    Director: Nick Hamm  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Miramax Home Entertainment / Pathe Films
Canal Plus / Cowboy Films / Film Council / Granada Film / Impact Pictures / Pathé Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Négy fiatal iskolás, két lány és két fiú, eltűnik egy előkelő angol magániskolából. Csak Liz éli túl a megpróbáltatásokat, de miközben felidézi azt a két hetet, amit bezárva töltött egy sötét, földalatti bunkerben, lassan kiderül, hogy az események olyan lelki traumát okoztak neki, ami megakadályozza abban, hogy különbséget tegyen a valóság és a képzelgés között. De hát mi is történt valójában a bunkerben?

A fun-filled getaway for four teenagers becomes a season in Hell in this tense British thriller. Liz Dunn (Thora Birch) is a student at an exclusive private school who is head over heels for Mike Steel (Desmond Harrington), a handsome classmate whose father is a well-known American rock star. Liz, however, is self-conscious about her looks and is convinced Mike would rather be with the prettier girls in her class. Liz is also unenthusiastic about an upcoming field trip, in which she and the other students will have to camp out for three days while studying local geography. Liz confesses her infatuation with Mike to Martin Taylor (Daniel Brocklebank), a science-minded geek and longtime friend who happens to be in love with Liz, though she prefers to ignore it. Martin proposes a solution to both of Liz's problems; he's found an underground bunker built during World War II near the school grounds, and he arranges a little party in which Liz and Mike will spend the three days of the field trip in the bunker, with class couple Geoff (Laurence Fox) and Frankie (Keira Knightley) going along, giving Liz a perfect chance to impress Mike with her charm. The students lay in a supply of food, water, and booze to last them for three days, but after 72 hours, they discover they've been locked in, and they're not sure if Martin intends to let them out. The Hole also stars Embeth Davidtz as a psychiatrist who consults with Liz after her ordeal. 
Nick Hamm - Director
Jeremy Bolt - Producer
Pippa Cross - Producer
Guy Burt - Book Author
Ben Cort - Screenwriter
Caroline Ip - Screenwriter
Denis Crossan - Cinematographer
Clint Mansell - Composer (Music Score)
Niven Howie - Editor
Eve Stewart - Production Designer
Cast: Thora Birch - Liz Dunn
Desmond Harrington - Mike Steel
Embeth Davidtz - Dr. Philippa Horwood
Daniel Brocklebank - Martin Taylor
Steven Waddington - Tom Howard
Keira Knightley - Frankie
Anastasia Hille - Gillian
Laurence Fox - Geoff
Gemma Powell - Minnie
Gemma Craven - Mrs. Dunn
Emma Griffiths-Malin - Daisy
Kelly Hunter - D.I. Chapman
3099 4/4 Gyilkos mezők  The Killing Fields  142  United Kingdom  Drama  Hungarian    Director: Roland Joffé  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Enigma Productions / Goldcrest Films International / International Film Investors / Warner Brothers

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

" A hullákat egymás hegyire-hátára hányták a vizesárkokban, és pontosan lehetett tudni, hol vannak a gyilkos mezők, mert a fű ott mindig sokkal magasabbra nőtt és zöldebben virított a holttestek fölött..."
Sydney Schanberg: "Dith Pran élete és halála" c. műve alapján

The Killing Fields is a romanticized adaptation of an eyewitness magazine story by New York Times correspondent Sidney Schanberg. Covering the U.S. pullout from Vietnam in 1975, Schanberg (Sam Waterston) relies on his Cambodian friend and translator Dith Pran (Hang S. Ngor) for inside information. Schanberg has an opportunity to rescue Dith Pran when the U.S. army evacuates all Cambodian citizens; instead, the reporter coerces his friend to remain behind to continue sending him news flashes. Although his family is helicoptered out of Saigon (a recreation of the famous TV news clip), Dith Pran stays with Schanberg on the ground. Racked with guilt, Schanberg does his best to arrange for Dith Pran's escape, but the Cambodian is captured by the dreaded Khmer Rouge. Accepting his Pulitzer Prize on behalf of Dith Pran, Schanberg vows to do right by his friend and extricate him from Cambodia. The rest of the film details Dith Pran's harrowing experiences at the hands of the Khmer Rouge, and his attempt to escape on his own. The Killing Fields won Academy Awards for Hang S. Ngor (a Cambodian doctor who lived through many of the horrific events depicted herein), cinematographer Chris Menges, and editor Jim Clark; an Oscar nomination went to Roland Joffe, who made his directorial debut with this film. Spalding Gray, who played a small role in the film, later elaborated on this experiences in his one-man stage presentation Swimming to Cambodia.
Roland Joffé - Director
David Puttnam - Producer
Bruce Robinson - Screenwriter
Sydney Schanberg - Book Author
Chris Menges - Cinematographer
Mike Oldfield - Composer (Music Score)
Jim Clark - Editor
Roger Murray-Leach - Production Designer
Roy Walker - Production Designer
Steve Spence - Art Director
Iain Smith - Associate Producer
Tessa Davies - Set Designer
Judy Moorcraft - Costume Designer
Clive Winter - Sound/Sound Designer
Tommie Manderson - Makeup
Fred Cramer - Special Effects / Special Effects Supervisor
Bill Westley - First Assistant Director
Michael Roberts - Camera Operator
Terry Forrestal - Stunts / Stunts Coordinator
Andrew Deskin - Properties Master

Best Actor (nom) Sam Waterston 1984 Academy
Best Adapted Screenplay (nom) Bruce Robinson 1984 Academy
Best Cinematography (win) Chris Menges 1984 Academy
Best Director (nom) Roland Joffé 1984 Academy
Best Editing (win) Jim Clark 1984 Academy
Best Picture (nom) 1984 Academy
Best Supporting Actor (win) Dr. Haing S. Ngor 1984 Academy
Best Actor (win) Dr. Haing S. Ngor 1984 British Academy Awards
Best Adapted Screenplay (win) Bruce Robinson 1984 British Academy Awards
Best Cinematography (win) Chris Menges 1984 British Academy Awards
Best Editing (win) Jim Clark 1984 British Academy Awards
Best Film (win) Roland Joffé 1984 British Academy Awards
Best Production Design (win) Roy Walker 1984 British Academy Awards
Best Sound (win) Fuller, Ian 1984 British Academy Awards
Best Sound (win) Bill Rowe 1984 British Academy Awards
Best Sound (win) Clive Winter 1984 British Academy Awards
Most Promising Newcomer (win) Dr. Haing S. Ngor 1984 British Academy Awards
Best Director (nom) Roland Joffé 1984 Directors Guild of America
Best Actor - Drama (nom) Sam Waterston 1984 Golden Globe
Best Director (nom) Roland Joffé 1984 Golden Globe
Best Film - Drama (nom) 1984 Golden Globe
Best Original Score (nom) Mike Oldfield 1984 Golden Globe
Best Screenplay (nom) Bruce Robinson 1984 Golden Globe
Best Supporting Actor (win) Dr. Haing S. Ngor 1984 Golden Globe
Best Cinematography (win) Chris Menges 1984 L.A. Film Critics Association
Best Picture (nom) 1984 National Board of Review
Best Cinematography (win) Chris Menges 1984 New York Film Critics Circle
Cast: Sam Waterston - Sydney Schanberg
Dr. Haing S. Ngor - Dith Pran
John Malkovich - Al Rockoff
Julian Sands - Jon Swain
Craig T. Nelson - Military Attache
Athol Fugard - Dr. Sundesval
Spalding Gray - United States consul
Bill Paterson - Dr. Macantire
Ira Wheeler - Ambassador Wade
Joan Harris - TV Interviewer
Oliver Pierpaoli - Titonel, Pran's Son
Monirak Sisowath - Phat, KR Leader, 2nd Village
Edward Entero Chey - Sarun
Katherine Kragum Chey - Ser Moeun
Nell Campbell - Beth
Jay Barney - Schanberg's Father
Joanna Merlin - Schanberg's Sister
Mark Long - Noaks
Patrick Malahide - Morgan
David Henry - France
Graham Kennedy - Dougal
Sayo Inaba - Mrs. Noaks
538 4/4 Gyűrűk ura a két torony  The lord of rings The two towers  179  New-Zeeland/USA  Fantasy  Hungarian    Director: Peter Jackson  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
New Line Cinema
WingNut Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Hamarosan eldől Középfölde sorsa: a gonosz ereje egyre nő, mert szövetséget kötött a két torony: Barad-dúr, Szauron, a sötét úr vára és Orthanc, amely Szarumán, az áruló mágus erődje. Frodó, a Gyűrűhordozó és hű barátja, Samu Mordor földje felé tart, hogy a tűzbe hajítsa terhét: ám egy újabb veszéllyel kell szembenézniük - felbukkan Gollam, aki magának követeli a kincset.
Eközben a szövetség még élő tagjai a Kósza vezetésével újabb harcokba keverednek. Rohan lovasai mellett küzdenek és különös szövetségesekre lelnek: az Entekre.
Árnyék vetül a világra. A Sötét Úr hadseregei Gondor felé vonulnak. Kezdetét veszi a Gyűrűháború.

The second film in Peter Jackson's series of screen adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien's internationally popular Lord of The Rings trilogy, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers literally begins where The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring ended, with the Fellowship splitting into three groups as they seek to return the Ring to Mordor, the forbidding land where the powerful talisman must be taken to be destroyed. Frodo (Elijah Wood), who carries the Ring, and his fellow Hobbit Sam (Sean Astin) are lost in the hills of Emyn Muil when they encounter Gollum (Andy Serkis), a strange creature who once carried the Ring and was twisted by its power. Gollum volunteers to guide the pair to Mordor; Frodo agrees, but Sam does not trust their new acquaintance. Elsewhere, Merry (Dominic Monaghan) and Pippin (Billy Boyd) are attempting to navigate Fangorn Forrest where they discover a most unusual nemesis — Treebeard (voice of John Rhys-Davies), a walking and talking tree-shepherd who doesn't much care for Hobbits. Finally, Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen), Gimli (John Rhys-Davies), and Legolas (Orlando Bloom) arrive in Rohan to discover that the evil powers of Saruman (Christopher Lee) have robbed King Theoden (Bernard Hill) of his rule. The King's niece Éowyn (Miranda Otto) believes Aragorn and his men have the strength to defeat Saruman, his henchman Wormtongue (Brad Dourif), and their minions. Éowyn soon becomes infatuated with Aragorn, while he struggles to stay faithful to the pledge of love he made to Arwen (Liv Tyler). Gandalf (Ian McKellen) offers his help and encouragement as the Rohans, under Aragorn's leadership, attempt to face down Saruman's armies, but they soon discover how great the task before them truly is when they learn that his troops consist of 10,000 bloodthirsty creatures specially bred to fight to the death. Most of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers was shot in tandem with The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King during a marathon 18-month shooting schedule, overseen by Peter Jackson. 
Cast: Elijah Wood - Frodo Baggins
Ian McKellen - Gandalf
Liv Tyler - Arwen
Viggo Mortensen - Aragorn
Sean Astin - Samwise Gamgee
Cate Blanchett - Galadriel
Bernard Hill - Théoden
Christopher Lee - Saruman
Billy Boyd - Pippin
Dominic Monaghan - Merry
Orlando Bloom - Legolas
Hugo Weaving - Elrond
Miranda Otto - Éowyn
David Wenham - Faramir
Brad Dourif - Grima Wormtongue
Andy Serkis - Gollum
Karl Urban - Éomer
Craig Parker - Haldir
John Rhys-Davies - Treebeard [Voice] / Gimli
Sala Baker - Sauron
Marton Csokas - Celeborn
Joel Tobeck - young Gollum
90071 4/4 Gyűrűk Ura Két torony  The lord of rings The two towers  179  New-Zeeland/USA  Fantasy  Hungarian    Director: Peter Jackson  MPEG2/SuperVideoCD  MPEG1/VideoCD  480*480 
New Line Cinema
WingNut Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Hamarosan eldől Középfölde sorsa: a gonosz ereje egyre nő, mert szövetséget kötött a két torony: Barad-dúr, Szauron, a sötét úr vára és Orthanc, amely Szarumán, az áruló mágus erődje. Frodó, a Gyűrűhordozó és hű barátja, Samu Mordor földje felé tart, hogy a tűzbe hajítsa terhét: ám egy újabb veszéllyel kell szembenézniük - felbukkan Gollam, aki magának követeli a kincset.
Eközben a szövetség még élő tagjai a Kósza vezetésével újabb harcokba keverednek. Rohan lovasai mellett küzdenek és különös szövetségesekre lelnek: az Entekre.
Árnyék vetül a világra. A Sötét Úr hadseregei Gondor felé vonulnak. Kezdetét veszi a Gyűrűháború.

The second film in Peter Jackson's series of screen adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien's internationally popular Lord of The Rings trilogy, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers literally begins where The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring ended, with the Fellowship splitting into three groups as they seek to return the Ring to Mordor, the forbidding land where the powerful talisman must be taken to be destroyed. Frodo (Elijah Wood), who carries the Ring, and his fellow Hobbit Sam (Sean Astin) are lost in the hills of Emyn Muil when they encounter Gollum (Andy Serkis), a strange creature who once carried the Ring and was twisted by its power. Gollum volunteers to guide the pair to Mordor; Frodo agrees, but Sam does not trust their new acquaintance. Elsewhere, Merry (Dominic Monaghan) and Pippin (Billy Boyd) are attempting to navigate Fangorn Forrest where they discover a most unusual nemesis — Treebeard (voice of John Rhys-Davies), a walking and talking tree-shepherd who doesn't much care for Hobbits. Finally, Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen), Gimli (John Rhys-Davies), and Legolas (Orlando Bloom) arrive in Rohan to discover that the evil powers of Saruman (Christopher Lee) have robbed King Theoden (Bernard Hill) of his rule. The King's niece Éowyn (Miranda Otto) believes Aragorn and his men have the strength to defeat Saruman, his henchman Wormtongue (Brad Dourif), and their minions. Éowyn soon becomes infatuated with Aragorn, while he struggles to stay faithful to the pledge of love he made to Arwen (Liv Tyler). Gandalf (Ian McKellen) offers his help and encouragement as the Rohans, under Aragorn's leadership, attempt to face down Saruman's armies, but they soon discover how great the task before them truly is when they learn that his troops consist of 10,000 bloodthirsty creatures specially bred to fight to the death. Most of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers was shot in tandem with The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King during a marathon 18-month shooting schedule, overseen by Peter Jackson. 
Peter Jackson - Director / Producer / Screenwriter
Barrie M. Osborne - Producer
Fran Walsh - Producer / Screenwriter
Philippa Boyens - Screenwriter
Stephen Sinclair - Screenwriter
J.R.R. Tolkien - Book Author
Andrew Lesnie - Cinematographer
Howard Shore - Composer (Music Score)
Michael Horton - Editor
Jabez Olssen - Editor
Grant Major - Production Designer
Joe Peter Bleakley - Art Director
Philip Ivey - Art Director
Rob Otterside - Art Director
Mark Robins - Art Director
Rick Porras - Co-producer
Jamie Selkirk - Co-producer
Michael Lynne - Executive Producer
Mark Ordesky - Executive Producer
Robert Shaye - Executive Producer
Bob Weinstein - Executive Producer
Harvey Weinstein - Executive Producer
Dan Hennah - Set Designer
Alan Lee - Set Designer
Ngila Dickson - Costume Designer
Richard Taylor - Costume Designer / Model Effects / Creature Effects / Makeup Special Effects
David Farmer - Sound/Sound Designer
Hammond Peek - Sound/Sound Designer
Ethan Van der Ryn - Sound/Sound Designer / Supervising Sound Editor
Peter King - Makeup / Hair Styles
Carolynne Cunningham - First Assistant Director
Victoria Burrows - Casting
John Hubbard - Casting
Amy MacLean - Casting
Liz Mullane - Casting
Ann Robinson - Casting
Mike Hopkins - Supervising Sound Editor
John Mahaffie - Second Unit Director
Geoff Murphy - Second Unit Director
Peter Owen - Hair Styles / Makeup
George Marshall Ruge - Stunts Coordinator
Jim Rugiel - Visual Effects Supervisor
Weta Digital - Digital Effects  
Cast: Elijah Wood - Frodo Baggins
Ian McKellen - Gandalf
Liv Tyler - Arwen
Viggo Mortensen - Aragorn
Sean Astin - Samwise Gamgee
Cate Blanchett - Galadriel
Bernard Hill - Théoden
Christopher Lee - Saruman
Billy Boyd - Pippin
Dominic Monaghan - Merry
Orlando Bloom - Legolas
Hugo Weaving - Elrond
Miranda Otto - Éowyn
David Wenham - Faramir
Brad Dourif - Grima Wormtongue
Andy Serkis - Gollum
Karl Urban - Éomer
Craig Parker - Haldir
John Rhys-Davies - Treebeard [Voice] / Gimli
Sala Baker - Sauron
Marton Csokas - Celeborn
Joel Tobeck - young Gollum
225  Gyűrűk ura, a király visszatér  The lord Of the rings the return of the king  200  New-Zeeland/USA  Fantasy  Hungarian    Director: Peter Jackson  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3   
New Line Cinema
WingNut Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A Középföldéért vívott harc végső összecsapásához közeledik. Frodó és Samu folytatja veszélyes küldetését Gollam vezetésével, hogy a végzet hegyéhez jutva megsemmisítsék az egy gyűrűt.
Aragorn szembenéz sorsával, és szembeszáll Szauron, a sötét úr egyre növekvő hatalmával, hogy a gyűrűhordozó teljesíthesse küldetését.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King brings Peter Jackson's mammoth adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic to a close in suitably epic fashion. Instead of starting just where the previous film left off, however, it goes far back in time to the moment the tormented creature Gollum first came to possess the One Ring. In this flashback, actor Andy Serkis (who voiced Gollum and performed his movements onset prior to the final CGI effects) finally gets to appear onscreen, portraying Gollum's former self, Sméagol. This disturbing scene serves as a potent reminder that the Ring seeks to corrupt even the well-intentioned Frodo (Elijah Wood), who is increasingly struggling with the dark power of the Ring himself. Thus, the film returns to the present, following Frodo, Sam (Sean Astin), and Gollum as they journey ever closer to the foreboding land of Mordor. They pass by the terrifying dark city of Minas Morgul, watching as the dreadful army of the Witch King sets out for the human strongholds in Gondor, and move on to the rocky stairs to Cirith Ungol, where an even darker enemy lies in wait. Meanwhile, the rest of the Fellowship reunites in Rohan, having defeated the wizard Saruman on two different fronts, at Helm's Deep and Isengard. They are not together for long, though, since the hobbit Pippin (Billy Boyd) gets into trouble, making it necessary for him and Gandalf (Ian McKellan) to hastily depart for Minas Tirith, capital of Gondor. Once there, they find the steward of Gondor, Denethor (John Noble), in an unstable mental state and the city preparing for battle against the amassing forces of Sauron. Denethor unwisely sends his only remaining son, Faramir (David Wenham), back into bloody battle to prove himself. He returns nearly dead, sending Denethor over the edge of sanity.

In another realm, elf Arwen (Liv Tyler) begins her journey to immortal life in the Grey Havens, on her way to leave Middle-earth — and Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) — forever, but has a vision that causes her to once again reconsider her decision. Back in Rohan, the men are preparing to ride to Gondor's aide. Éowyn (Miranda Otto) desperately wants to join the men in battle, but her uncle, King Théoden (Bernard Hill), orders her to stay and defend Rohan if necessary. The hobbit Merry (Dominic Monaghan) also desires to ride with the men, but is denied due to his small size and inexperience. Aragorn is met there by the elf Elrond (Hugo Weaving), who brings him the re-forged Sword that was Broken (in the ancient battle with Sauron) and urges him to take a different route to Gondor. Heeding Elrond's advice, Aragorn, along with elf Legolas (Orlando Bloom) and dwarf Gimli (John Rhys-Davies), takes a cavernous path through the mountains, where they meet ghoulish ghosts who betrayed Aragorn's ancestors and are doomed to eternal unrest unless they fulfill their broken oaths by aiding him. All but Frodo, Sam, and Gollum will meet on the massive battlefield of the Pelennor before the gates of Minas Tirith. The former three instead engage in a battle of wills between each other and the One Ring as they head toward the fires of Mount Doom to destroy it. Released in December 2003, The Return of the King topped even its massively successful trilogy predecessors at the box office, and went on to garner a whopping 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture — winning in all the categories in which it was nominated and tying the record of total awards won with Ben-Hur and Titanic.
Peter Jackson - Director / Producer / Screenwriter
Barrie M. Osborne - Producer
Fran Walsh - Producer / Screenwriter
Philippa Boyens - Screenwriter
Stephen Sinclair - Screenwriter
J.R.R. Tolkien - Book Author
Andrew Lesnie - Cinematographer
Howard Shore - Composer (Music Score)
Michael Horton - Editor
Jabez Olssen - Editor
Grant Major - Production Designer
Joe Peter Bleakley - Art Director
Philip Ivey - Art Director
Rob Otterside - Art Director
Mark Robins - Art Director
Rick Porras - Co-producer
Jamie Selkirk - Co-producer
Michael Lynne - Executive Producer
Mark Ordesky - Executive Producer
Robert Shaye - Executive Producer
Bob Weinstein - Executive Producer
Harvey Weinstein - Executive Producer
Dan Hennah - Set Designer
Alan Lee - Set Designer
Ngila Dickson - Costume Designer
Richard Taylor - Costume Designer / Model Effects / Creature Effects / Makeup Special Effects
David Farmer - Sound/Sound Designer
Hammond Peek - Sound/Sound Designer
Ethan Van der Ryn - Sound/Sound Designer / Supervising Sound Editor
Peter King - Makeup / Hair Styles
Carolynne Cunningham - First Assistant Director
Victoria Burrows - Casting
John Hubbard - Casting
Amy MacLean - Casting
Liz Mullane - Casting
Ann Robinson - Casting
Mike Hopkins - Supervising Sound Editor
John Mahaffie - Second Unit Director
Geoff Murphy - Second Unit Director
Peter Owen - Hair Styles / Makeup
George Marshall Ruge - Stunts Coordinator
Jim Rugiel - Visual Effects Supervisor
Weta Digital - Visual Effects
Cast: Elijah Wood - Frodo Baggins
Ian McKellen - Gandalf
Viggo Mortensen - Aragorn
Sean Astin - Samwise Gamgee
Orlando Bloom - Legolas
Andy Serkis - Gollum
Billy Boyd - Pippin
Dominic Monaghan - Merry
John Rhys-Davies - Gimli
Liv Tyler - Arwen
Bernard Hill - Théoden
Miranda Otto - Éowyn
Hugo Weaving - Elrond
John Noble - Denethor
Ian Holm - Bilbo Baggins
Karl Urban - Éomer
Cate Blanchett - Galadriel
David Wenham - Faramir
854 4/4 Gyűrűk ura: A Gyűrű szövetség  The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring  165  New-Zeeland/USA  Fantasy  Hungarian    Director: Peter Jackson  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
New Line Cinema
WingNut Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Frodó, a félénk, fiatal hobbit 33. születésnapjára egy gyűrűt kap nagybátyjától. Később Gandalf, a varázsló elárulja neki, hogy nem egyszerűen szép ékszerről van szó, ez maga az Egy Gyűrű, az abszolút hatalom eszköze, mellyel a Sötétség Ura, Szauron uralma alá hajthatja és rabszolgasorba taszíthatja Középfölde népeit. Ezért a gyűrűt okvetlenül meg kell semmisíteni, mielőtt gonosz kezekbe kerül, s ez a feladat új tulajdonosára, Frodóra vár…

A gyűrűt csak ott lehet elpusztítani, ahol egykor készült: a Tűz-hegyen, a Végzet-katlanban. Ám oda hosszú és fáradságos út vezet, a legvégén Mordor földjén át, ahol a Sötét Úr ork seregei gyülekeznek. Frodó nem egyedül indul útnak, vele tartanak hűséges hobbit barátai, és útközben csatlakoznak hozzájuk más fajok képviselői is. Létrejön a Gyűrű Szövetsége, mely arra hivatott, hogy elkísérje és segítse a Gyűrű-hordozót veszélyes küldetése teljesítésében.

A szövetségnek nemcsak a külső ellenséggel kell megküzdenie, hanem a belső nézeteltérésekkel és a Gyűrűből sugárzó ártalmas hatással is. A jövő attól függ, hogyan alakul a szövetség sorsa….
A gyűrűt csak ott lehet elpusztítani, ahol egykor készült: a Tűz-hegyen, a Végzet-katlanban. Ám oda hosszú és fáradságos út vezet, a legvégén Mordor földjén át, ahol a Sötét Úr ork seregei gyülekeznek. Frodó nem egyedül indul útnak, vele tartanak hűséges hobbit barátai, és útközben csatlakoznak hozzájuk más fajok képviselői is.
Létrejön a Gyűrű Szövetsége, mely arra hivatott, hogy elkísérje és segítse a Gyűrű-hordozót veszélyes küldetése teljesítésében. A szövetségnek nemcsak a külső ellenséggel kell megküzdenie, hanem a belső nézeteltérésekkel és a Gyűrűből sugárzó ártalmas hatással is. A jövő attól függ, hogyan alakul a szövetség sorsa….

New Zealand filmmaker Peter Jackson fulfills his lifelong dream of transforming author J.R.R. Tolkien's best-selling fantasy epic into a three-part motion picture that begins with this holiday 2001 release. Elijah Wood stars as Frodo Baggins, a Hobbit resident of the medieval "Middle-earth" who discovers that a ring bequeathed to him by beloved relative and benefactor Bilbo (Ian Holm) is in fact the "One Ring," a device that will allow its master to manipulate dark powers and enslave the world. Frodo is charged by the wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellen) to return the ring to Mount Doom, the evil site where it was forged millennia ago and the only place where it can be destroyed. Accompanying Frodo is a fellowship of eight others: his Hobbit friends Sam (Sean Astin), Merry (Dominic Monaghan), and Pippin (Billy Boyd); plus Gandalf; the human warriors Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) and Boromir (Sean Bean); Elf archer Legolas (Orlando Bloom); and Dwarf soldier Gimli (John Rhys-Davies). The band's odyssey to the dreaded land of Mordor, where Mount Doom lies, takes them through the Elfish domain of Rivendell and the forest of Lothlorien, where they receive aid and comfort from the Elf princess Arwen (Liv Tyler), her father, Elrond (Hugo Weaving), and Queen Galadriel (Cate Blanchett). In pursuit of the travelers and their ring are Saruman (Christopher Lee) — a traitorous wizard and kin, of sorts, to Gandalf — and the Dark Riders, under the control of the evil, mysterious Sauron (Sala Baker). The Fellowship must also do battle with a troll, flying spies, Orcs, and other deadly obstacles both natural and otherwise as they draw closer to Mordor. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) was filmed in Jackson's native New Zealand, closely followed by its pair of sequels, The Two Towers (2002) and The Return of the King (2003) 
Peter Jackson - Director / Producer / Screenwriter
Tim Sanders - Producer
Fran Walsh - Producer / Screenwriter
Philippa Boyens - Screenwriter
J.R.R. Tolkien - Book Author
Andrew Lesnie - Cinematographer
Enya - Songwriter
Nicky Ryan - Songwriter
Roma Ryan - Songwriter
Howard Shore - Composer (Music Score)
John Gilbert - Editor
Grant Major - Production Designer
Joe Peter Bleakley - Art Director
Philip Ivey - Art Director
Rob Otterside - Art Director
Mark Robins - Art Director
Rick Porras - Co-producer
Jamie Selkirk - Co-producer
Ellen M. Somers - Associate Producer
Michael Lynne - Executive Producer
Mark Ordesky - Executive Producer
Robert Shaye - Executive Producer
Bob Weinstein - Executive Producer
Harvey Weinstein - Executive Producer
Dan Hennah - Set Designer
Ngila Dickson - Costume Designer
Richard Taylor - Costume Designer / Makeup
Gethin Creagh - Sound/Sound Designer
Malcolm Cromie - Sound/Sound Designer
David Farmer - Sound/Sound Designer
Hammond Peek - Sound/Sound Designer
Ken Saville - Sound/Sound Designer
Michael Semanick - Sound/Sound Designer
Peter Owen - Makeup
Carolynne Cunningham - First Assistant Director
Victoria Burrows - Casting
Alan Hubbard - Casting
Amy MacLean - Casting
Liz Mullane - Casting
Ann Robinson - Casting
Nigel Bluck - Additional Photography
Richard Bluck - Additional Photography
Alun Bollinger - Additional Photography
John Cavill - Additional Photography
Alex Funke - Visual Effects
Allen Guilford - Additional Photography
Mike Hopkins - Supervising Sound Editor
John Mahaffie - Second Unit Director
Geoff Murphy - Second Unit Director
Jo Priest - Additional Editing
Simon Raby - Additional Photography
George Marshall Ruge - Stunts Coordinator
Jim Rygiel - Visual Effects Supervisor
Taylor/WETA Workshop Ltd. - Makeup Special Effects
Ethan Van der Ryn - Supervising Sound Editor
Weta Digital - Visual Effects
Cast: Elijah Wood - Frodo Baggins
Ian McKellen - Gandalf
Ian Holm - Bilbo Baggins
Viggo Mortensen - Aragorn
Sean Bean - Boromir
Sean Astin - Samwise Gamgee
John Rhys-Davies - Gimli
Billy Boyd - Pippin
Cate Blanchett - Galadriel
Liv Tyler - Arwen
Orlando Bloom - Legolas
Hugo Weaving - Elrond
Christopher Lee - Saruman
Dominic Monaghan - Meriadoc Brandybuck
Andy Serkis - Gollum
Marton Csokas - Celeborn
Craig Parker - Haldir
Lawrence Makoare - Lurtz
Peter Corrigan - Otho [Extended Version]
Peter Jackson - Drunken Villager
2701 3/4 György király  The Madness of King George  107  UK/USA  Historical Film  Hungarian    Director: Nicholas Hytner  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Samuel Goldwyn Company
Channel 4 / Close Call Films

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A fekete humort se nélkülöző film Anglia királyáról, III. Györgyről szól, aki uralkodása alatt fokozatosan elveszti ép elméjét. A király romló idegállapota lehetőséget ad az ellenségeinek, akik az amerikai gyarmat elvesztésével vádolják, hogy megfosszák őt a tróntól. György felesége, legodaadóbb híveivel együtt mindent elkövetnek, hogy megmentsék a királyi trónt, azonban a legjobb orvosok se képesek segíteni az őrült uralkodón. A hívek ezért a kétes hírű, William Pitt doktort szerződtetik, akinek rendhagyó gyógyítási módszerei a modernkori pszichiátriára emlékeztetnek. Miközben Dr. Pitt igyekszik a beteg elméjének mélyére hatolni, lenézően és megalázóan bánik vele. Ilyen magatartással a király korábban még sohase találkozott.

Based on Alan Bennett's acclaimed play The Madness of George III, The Madness of King George takes a dark-humored look at the mental decline of King George III of England. The film's story begins nearly three decades into George's reign, in 1788, as the unstable king (Nigel Hawthorne, reprising his stage role) begins to show signs of increasing dementia, from violent fits of foul language to bouts of forgetfulness. This weakness seems like the perfect chance to overthrow the unpopular George, whom many blamed for the loss of the American colonies, in favor of the Prince of Wales (Rupert Everett), but the king's prime minister William Pitt (Julian Wadham) and his wife Queen Charlotte (Helen Mirren) are determined to protect the throne. Doctors are brought in, but the archaic treatments of the time prove of little value. In desperation, they turn to Dr. Willis (Ian Holm), a harsh, unconventional specialist whose unusual methods recall modern psychiatry. Willis struggles to break through to the mad king, treating him with an anger and haughtiness George has never before experienced. Stressing the absurdity of the entire situation, Bennett's witty screenplay emphasizes dry humor over tragedy, even utilizing references to King Lear for comic effect. Hawthorne's fiery yet vulnerable performance received much critical praise, including Best Actor at the British Academy Awards and a nomination for the same at the Oscars 
Nicholas Hytner - Director
Mark Cooper - Producer
Stephen Evans - Producer
David Parfitt - Producer
Alan Bennett - Play Author / Screenwriter
Andrew Dunn - Cinematographer
George Fenton - Musical Direction/Supervision / Composer (Music Score)
Tariq Anwar - Editor
Ken Adam - Production Designer
John Fenner - Art Director
Carolyn Scott - Set Designer
Mark Thompson - Costume Designer
David Crozier - Sound/Sound Designer
Mary Soan - First Assistant Director
Celestia Fox - Casting

Best Actor (nom) Nigel Hawthorne 1994 Academy
Best Adapted Screenplay (nom) 1994 Academy
Best Art Direction (win) Ken Adam 1994 Academy
Best Art Direction (win) Carolyn Scott 1994 Academy
Best Supporting Actress (nom) Helen Mirren 1994 Academy
Best Picture (nom) 1994 National Board of Review
Best Actress (win) Helen Mirren 1995 Cannes International Film Festival
Cast: Nigel Hawthorne - George III
Helen Mirren - Queen Charlotte
Ian Holm - Dr. Willis
Rupert Everett - Prince of Wales
Rupert Graves - Greville
Amanda Donohoe - Lady Pembroke
John Wood - Thurlow
Julian Rhind-Tutt - Duke of York
Struan Rodger - Dundas
Geoffrey Palmer - Warren
Julian Wadham - Pitt
Peter Woodthorpe - Clergyman
Alan Bennett - 2nd MP
Nicholas Selby - Speaker
Barry Stanton - Sheridan
Cyril Shaps - Pepys
Robert Swann - 1st MP
Anthony Calf - Fitzroy
Jim Carter - Fox
Selina Cadell - Mrs Cordwell
Roger Ashton-Griffiths - MP
Russell Martin - Royal Child
Roger Hammond - Baker
David Leon - Footman
Jeremy Child - Black Rod
Joanna Hall - Royal Child
Janine Duvitski - Margaret Nicholson
3186 2/4 Göröngyös mennyország  The Other Side of Heaven  113  United States  Drama  Hungarian    Director: Mitch Davis  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Excel Entertainment Group
3Mark Entertainment / Garbett / Molen

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A tizenkilenc éves farmer fiú, John Groberg a Brigham Young egyetemen tanul 1953-ban. Tanulmányai elvégzése után első feladata az egzotikus Tonga-szigetre szólítja. Misszionáriusként a mormon hitre tanítja a bennszülötteket. Miközben Groberg szembetalálja magát a primitív élet nehézségeivel, igyekszik minél többet megtudni a törzsi hagyományokról, a kulturális szokásokról. Viselkedésével, munkájával kivívja a helyiek megbecsülését és szeretetét. A távolság a Jeanhoz fűződő szerelmét is próbára teszi. A film igaz történetet mesél el.

A young man from Idaho finds himself in a beautiful but dangerous land in the South Pacific as he follows his faith and tries to spread it to others in this adventure-drama, based on a true story. In 1953, John Groberg (Christopher Gorham) is a 19-year-old student at Brigham Young University, whose greatest adventure in life had been to leave home to go to school in Utah. That all changes when Groberg accepts a missionary assignment in the Tonga Islands near Fiji; Groberg is instructed to "build a kingdom" and educate the natives about the Mormon faith, even though he knows little of their customs and nothing of their language. Leaving behind his sweetheart, Jean Sabin (Anne Hathaway), Groberg arrives in Tonga and is quickly immersed in the native culture, and strives to teach the Tongans about the teachings of the Latter-Day Saints while trying to respect their cultural traditions and face the joys and struggles of primitive life in the South Pacific alongside them. Groberg makes a valuable ally in Feki (Joe Folau), a Tongan who becomes an avid follower of the Mormon faith, but he also finds his loyalty to Jean (with whom he's been maintaining a long-distance relationship through cards and letters) tested when a native girl makes her attraction to him quite clear. Based on the real John Groberg's memoir In the Eye of the Storm, The Other Side of Heaven was produced by Jerry Molen, Academy Award winning producer of Schindler's List and Jurassic Park; it also marked the directorial debut of screenwriter Mitch Davis.
Mitch Davis - Director / Screenwriter / Executive Producer
John Garbett - Producer
Gerald R. Molen - Producer
Brian J. Breheny - Cinematographer
Kevin Kiner - Composer (Music Score)
Steven Ramirez - Editor
Rick Kofoed - Production Designer
Christina Asher - Casting
Gretchen Rennell Court - Casting
John Gajdecki - Visual Effects
Cast: Christopher Gorham - John Groberg
Anne Hathaway - Jean Sabin
Joe Folan - Feki
Miriama Smith - Lavinia
Nathaniel Lees - Kelepi
Whetu Fala - Asi
Alvin Fitisemanu - Tomasi
Peter Brown - Kuli
April McKinley - Noli
1483 1/4 Gorilla bácsi  The Pacifier  95  United States  Comedy  English  Hungarian  Director: Adam Shankman  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Buena Vista
Barber / Birnbaum / Spyglass Entertainment / Walt Disney Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A különleges kommandósok nem kérdeznek, csak teljesítik a parancsot. Shane (Vin Diesel) eddig így is élt - mindig ott volt, ahol a legnagyobb a veszély, legkiismerhetetlenebb az ellenség, ahol az államérdek fontosabb, mint a saját biztonsága. De ezúttal olyan bevetésre indul, amihez talán még ő ereje, ravaszsága és bátorsága is kevés. Egy családi házban, öt gyerek mellé parancsolják.
A gyerekek apja ugyanis tudós, és kísérletei során egy különlegesen fontos anyag nyomára jutott. A találmány dokumentációjára számos világhatalom feni a fogát, csak éppen senki nem tudja, hol lehet: valahol ott rejthették el a családi házban.
Shane kénytelen megszabadulni szokásos felszerelésétől: a bozótvágó kés, ejtőernyő, géppuska és kézigránát a kelleténél nagyobb feltűnést keltene a békés kertvárosi környéken. Az öt gyerek körül úgyis egészen más túlélőcsomagra van szüksége: a harcedzett szuperügynök kénytelen megtanulni, hogyan kell bánni a pelenkával, babakocsival, pótkerekes biciklivel és a kamaszos érzelmekkel…


Amikor Vin Diesel először olvasta a forgatókönyvet, rögtön szimpatikusnak találta Shane Wolfe figuráját, és tudta, hogy a szerep ritka lehetőséget nyújt eddig ismeretlen oldalát megmutatni a közönségnek. Különösen az az ötlet tetszett neki, hogy feje tetejére állítsa az izomember akcióhőssel kapcsolatos elképzeléseket, és ennek során játékosan lebontsa a saját eddigi imidzsét is.
Wolfe kezdetben acélos katonaként mutatkozik be, kívül-belül mozdíthatatlan sziklának tűnik, de hamar szembetalálja magát a saját gyengeségeivel - és család utáni vágyával -, amikor egy csapat gyerekre kell vigyáznia, akiknek szükségük van rá, és olyasmit várnak tőle, aminek semmi köze a bátorsághoz, az izomerőhöz vagy az egykarú fekvőtámaszhoz.

Vin Diesel:
„A Gorilla bácsi igazi, klasszikus Disney családi vígjáték. Olyan emberről szól, akinek sosem volt igazán családja, és katonaként mindig igyekezett elkerülni a szorosabb kapcsolatokat. Készületlenül éri a feladat, hogy gondoskodó apafiguraként szolgáljon ezeknek a rakoncátlan gyerekeknek. Shane azért nagyszerű karakter, mert minden lehetséges katonai manőverben jártas ugyan, de a leghétköznapibb házimunkák is térdre kényszerítik. Nagy változások és meglepetések várnak rá, hogy milyen nevetségesen nehéz, ugyanakkor milyen mély örömet nyújt a családi élet. Azért tetszett meg a történet, mert arra számítottam, hogy nagyon jó szórakozás lesz, nem is szólva, mennyire felszabadító számomra egy vígjáték és egy olyan szereplő, aki igazi átalakuláson megy át. Azt is szerettem, hogy a látványos akciójelenetek ellenére a fókusz a humorra, az érzelmekre és a kapcsolatokra irányul.”

Gary Barber producer:
„A filmet pompás családi vígjátéknak tartottuk, Vin Diesel pedig az az akciósztár, aki igazán meg tud felelni a szerep elvárásainak. Nem nagyon különbözik a helyzet attól, amikor Arnold Schwarzenegger a Terminátor-filmek után az Ovizsaru és az Ikrek című vígjátékokkal lepte meg a közönséget. Vin rendkívül szeretetreméltó személyiség, és úgy éreztük, ez a váltás be fog jönni neki.”

Adam Shankman rendező:
„Shane Wolfe egy ismeretlen területen partra vetett idegen. A Plummer család kertvárosi világának semmi köze a katonai kiképzésekhez, melyek eddigi életét jelentették. Mégis, amikor az öt gyerek érdekében mozgósítja képességeit - fizikai bátorságát, stratégiai gondolkodását és a szívét -, bámulatos dolgok történnek. Nagyon élveztem a film alaphelyzetében rejlő humort, elvégre hol másutt láthatnánk Vin Dieselt pelenkát cserélni? Különösen tetszett, hogy mindez egy olyan történetbe ágyazva jelenik meg, mely újra hangsúlyozza a család fontosságát.”

A film alapkövetelménye, hogy a főszereplő Shane Wolfe körül néhány eleven gyerek jóvoltából a lehető legnagyobb fejetlenség és zűrzavar uralkodjon.
A legnagyobb testvért, Zoét alakító Brittany Snow-t az American Dreams című népszerű tévésorozatból ismerik hazájában; miután kiválasztották, az ő külseje, főleg a nagy, kék szeme lett a meghatározó a többi „testvér” számára is. A legkisebb testvért egy ikerpár, Bo és Luke Vink „alakítja” felváltva, ők éppen a forgatás idején ünnepelték első születésnapjukat. Szintén ikrek, Logan és Keegan Hoover játsszák a hároméves Petert, míg a középső testvérek, Seth és Lulu szerepében Max Thieriot és Morgan York látható.

The toughest man in the American military faces a new kind of challenge — looking after four kids in soccer-mom suburbia — in this family-friendly comedy from Walt Disney Pictures. Shane Wolf (Vin Diesel) is a former Navy SEAL who was assigned to protect a scientist working on a top-secret defense project for the government. Despite Wolf's efforts, however, an assassin slipped past him and murdered the man he was guarding. The inventor's project is still being stored in his home, so Wolf has now been assigned to protect Julie (Faith Ford), the scientist's widow, as well as her four children, Zoe (Brittany Snow), Seth (Max Thieriot), Lulu (Morgan York), and baby Peter (Kegan Hoover and Logan Hoover). Wolf has had years of military experience in some of the most dangerous places on Earth, but he doesn't know much about raising kids, and he soon discovers his new job demands he be a nanny as much as a bodyguard. The Pacifier also co-stars Brad Garrett, Lauren Graham, and Carol Kane.  
Adam Shankman - Director / Executive Producer
Gary Barber - Producer
Roger Birnbaum - Producer
Jonathan Glickman - Producer
Robert Ben Garant - Screenwriter
Thomas Lennon - Screenwriter
Thomas Lennon - Screenwriter
Peter James - Cinematographer
John Debney - Composer (Music Score)
Christopher Greenbury - Editor
Linda de Scenna - Production Designer
Arvinder Grewal - Art Director
T. Arv Grewal - Art Director
Derek Evans - Executive Producer
Jennifer Gibot - Executive Producer
Garrett Grant - Executive Producer
George Zakk - Executive Producer
Rudy Braun - Set Designer
Kirston Leigh Mann - Costume Designer
Paul McElvin - Set Decorator
Steve Shewchuk - Set Decorator
Glen Gauthier - Sound/Sound Designer
Daniel Silverberg - First Assistant Director
Vickie Thomas - Casting
Bob Brown - Second Unit Director
Robert F. Brown - Stunts Coordinator / Second Unit Director
David A. Whitaker - Supervising Sound Editor
Cast: Lauren Graham - Principal Claire Fletcher
Vin Diesel - Shane Wolf
Faith Ford - Julie Plummer
Brittany Snow - Zoe
Max Thieriot - Seth
Chris Potter - Capt. Bill Fawcett
Morgan York - Lulu
Scott Thompson - Director
Carol Kane - Helga
Brad Garrett - Vice Principal Murney
Denis Akiyama - Mr. Chun
Tsui Mung-Ling - Mrs. Chun
Rebecca Priestley - Cheerleader
Laura Jeanes - Cheerleader
Maria Georgas - Fireflies
Alexander Conti - Little Boy
Tip Fong - Cute Cop's Partner
Nikki Shah - Fireflies
Robert Yeretch - Nazis
Scott Hurst - Nazi
Karla Jang - Nun
Toya Alexis - Mother Abbess
Joella Crichton - Cheerleader
Helena Chow - Cheerleader
Christie Allaire - Cheerleader
Amy Allicock - Cheerleader
Stephanie Allaire - Cheerleader
Charlotte Szivak - Marta
Cade Courtley - Wyatt (Navy S.E.A.L. #2)
Michael Quintero - Navy S.E.A.L #3
Curtis Parker - Wrestler
Christian Laurin - Marcel
Scott Reiff - Serbian Pilot
Cameron Hickox - Navy S.E.A.L #4
Valentino Morales - Serbian
Cassius Clay - Boat Captain
Jordan Todosey - Fireflies
Demetrius Joyette - First Junior Grizzly
Christopher Lortie - Second Junior Grizzly
Emi Yaguchi-Chow - Fireflies
Miriam Laurence - Dialect Coach
Marcus Hutchings - FBI Agent
Sotiri Georgas - Grizzlies
Gannon Racki - Grizzlies
Steven Georgas - Grizzlies
Robert Bastens - Vin Diesel Stand In
Jeff Podgurski - Serbian
Seth Howard - Wood Woodchuck Manager
David Sparrow - FBI Agent
Matt Purdy - Wrestler
Jean Pearson - Swiss Banker
Valerie Boyle - Nuns-nazis
Tommy Chang - Showroom Cleaner
John MacDonald - Car Salesman
Billy Oliver - Male Customer
David Smukler - Dialect Coach
Tate Donovan - Howard Plummer
Kyle Schmid - Scott
David Lipper - Cute Cop
Shane Cardwell - Teacher
Charlie Haugk - Stagehand
Evelyn Kaye - Piano Accompanist
Rachael Dolan - Louisa
Gabriel Antonacci - Capt. Von Trapp
Mary Pitt - Brigitta
Anne Fletcher - Liesel
Luke Vink - Baby Tyler
Jordan Allison - Kurt
Dan Sutcliffe - Friedrich
Vanessa Cobham - Gretl
Taryn Ash - Female Customer
Robert Thomas - Construction Worker
Silver Kim - Nun
Hank Amos - Serbian Gunner
Bo Vink - Baby Tyler
Logan Hoover - Peter
Catherine Burdon - Teacher
Keegan Hoover - Peter
Alison Lynn - Maria
2691 1/4 Gorilla bácsi  The Pacifier  95  United States  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: Adam Shankman  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Buena Vista
Barber / Birnbaum / Spyglass Entertainment / Walt Disney Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A különleges kommandósok nem kérdeznek, csak teljesítik a parancsot. Shane (Vin Diesel) eddig így is élt - mindig ott volt, ahol a legnagyobb a veszély, legkiismerhetetlenebb az ellenség, ahol az államérdek fontosabb, mint a saját biztonsága. De ezúttal olyan bevetésre indul, amihez talán még ő ereje, ravaszsága és bátorsága is kevés. Egy családi házban, öt gyerek mellé parancsolják.
A gyerekek apja ugyanis tudós, és kísérletei során egy különlegesen fontos anyag nyomára jutott. A találmány dokumentációjára számos világhatalom feni a fogát, csak éppen senki nem tudja, hol lehet: valahol ott rejthették el a családi házban.
Shane kénytelen megszabadulni szokásos felszerelésétől: a bozótvágó kés, ejtőernyő, géppuska és kézigránát a kelleténél nagyobb feltűnést keltene a békés kertvárosi környéken. Az öt gyerek körül úgyis egészen más túlélőcsomagra van szüksége: a harcedzett szuperügynök kénytelen megtanulni, hogyan kell bánni a pelenkával, babakocsival, pótkerekes biciklivel és a kamaszos érzelmekkel…


Amikor Vin Diesel először olvasta a forgatókönyvet, rögtön szimpatikusnak találta Shane Wolfe figuráját, és tudta, hogy a szerep ritka lehetőséget nyújt eddig ismeretlen oldalát megmutatni a közönségnek. Különösen az az ötlet tetszett neki, hogy feje tetejére állítsa az izomember akcióhőssel kapcsolatos elképzeléseket, és ennek során játékosan lebontsa a saját eddigi imidzsét is.
Wolfe kezdetben acélos katonaként mutatkozik be, kívül-belül mozdíthatatlan sziklának tűnik, de hamar szembetalálja magát a saját gyengeségeivel - és család utáni vágyával -, amikor egy csapat gyerekre kell vigyáznia, akiknek szükségük van rá, és olyasmit várnak tőle, aminek semmi köze a bátorsághoz, az izomerőhöz vagy az egykarú fekvőtámaszhoz.

Vin Diesel:
„A Gorilla bácsi igazi, klasszikus Disney családi vígjáték. Olyan emberről szól, akinek sosem volt igazán családja, és katonaként mindig igyekezett elkerülni a szorosabb kapcsolatokat. Készületlenül éri a feladat, hogy gondoskodó apafiguraként szolgáljon ezeknek a rakoncátlan gyerekeknek. Shane azért nagyszerű karakter, mert minden lehetséges katonai manőverben jártas ugyan, de a leghétköznapibb házimunkák is térdre kényszerítik. Nagy változások és meglepetések várnak rá, hogy milyen nevetségesen nehéz, ugyanakkor milyen mély örömet nyújt a családi élet. Azért tetszett meg a történet, mert arra számítottam, hogy nagyon jó szórakozás lesz, nem is szólva, mennyire felszabadító számomra egy vígjáték és egy olyan szereplő, aki igazi átalakuláson megy át. Azt is szerettem, hogy a látványos akciójelenetek ellenére a fókusz a humorra, az érzelmekre és a kapcsolatokra irányul.”

Gary Barber producer:
„A filmet pompás családi vígjátéknak tartottuk, Vin Diesel pedig az az akciósztár, aki igazán meg tud felelni a szerep elvárásainak. Nem nagyon különbözik a helyzet attól, amikor Arnold Schwarzenegger a Terminátor-filmek után az Ovizsaru és az Ikrek című vígjátékokkal lepte meg a közönséget. Vin rendkívül szeretetreméltó személyiség, és úgy éreztük, ez a váltás be fog jönni neki.”

Adam Shankman rendező:
„Shane Wolfe egy ismeretlen területen partra vetett idegen. A Plummer család kertvárosi világának semmi köze a katonai kiképzésekhez, melyek eddigi életét jelentették. Mégis, amikor az öt gyerek érdekében mozgósítja képességeit - fizikai bátorságát, stratégiai gondolkodását és a szívét -, bámulatos dolgok történnek. Nagyon élveztem a film alaphelyzetében rejlő humort, elvégre hol másutt láthatnánk Vin Dieselt pelenkát cserélni? Különösen tetszett, hogy mindez egy olyan történetbe ágyazva jelenik meg, mely újra hangsúlyozza a család fontosságát.”

A film alapkövetelménye, hogy a főszereplő Shane Wolfe körül néhány eleven gyerek jóvoltából a lehető legnagyobb fejetlenség és zűrzavar uralkodjon.
A legnagyobb testvért, Zoét alakító Brittany Snow-t az American Dreams című népszerű tévésorozatból ismerik hazájában; miután kiválasztották, az ő külseje, főleg a nagy, kék szeme lett a meghatározó a többi „testvér” számára is. A legkisebb testvért egy ikerpár, Bo és Luke Vink „alakítja” felváltva, ők éppen a forgatás idején ünnepelték első születésnapjukat. Szintén ikrek, Logan és Keegan Hoover játsszák a hároméves Petert, míg a középső testvérek, Seth és Lulu szerepében Max Thieriot és Morgan York látható.

The toughest man in the American military faces a new kind of challenge — looking after four kids in soccer-mom suburbia — in this family-friendly comedy from Walt Disney Pictures. Shane Wolf (Vin Diesel) is a former Navy SEAL who was assigned to protect a scientist working on a top-secret defense project for the government. Despite Wolf's efforts, however, an assassin slipped past him and murdered the man he was guarding. The inventor's project is still being stored in his home, so Wolf has now been assigned to protect Julie (Faith Ford), the scientist's widow, as well as her four children, Zoe (Brittany Snow), Seth (Max Thieriot), Lulu (Morgan York), and baby Peter (Kegan Hoover and Logan Hoover). Wolf has had years of military experience in some of the most dangerous places on Earth, but he doesn't know much about raising kids, and he soon discovers his new job demands he be a nanny as much as a bodyguard. The Pacifier also co-stars Brad Garrett, Lauren Graham, and Carol Kane.  
Adam Shankman - Director / Executive Producer
Gary Barber - Producer
Roger Birnbaum - Producer
Jonathan Glickman - Producer
Robert Ben Garant - Screenwriter
Thomas Lennon - Screenwriter
Thomas Lennon - Screenwriter
Peter James - Cinematographer
John Debney - Composer (Music Score)
Christopher Greenbury - Editor
Linda de Scenna - Production Designer
Arvinder Grewal - Art Director
T. Arv Grewal - Art Director
Derek Evans - Executive Producer
Jennifer Gibot - Executive Producer
Garrett Grant - Executive Producer
George Zakk - Executive Producer
Rudy Braun - Set Designer
Kirston Leigh Mann - Costume Designer
Paul McElvin - Set Decorator
Steve Shewchuk - Set Decorator
Glen Gauthier - Sound/Sound Designer
Daniel Silverberg - First Assistant Director
Vickie Thomas - Casting
Bob Brown - Second Unit Director
Robert F. Brown - Stunts Coordinator / Second Unit Director
David A. Whitaker - Supervising Sound Editor  
Cast: Lauren Graham - Principal Claire Fletcher
Vin Diesel - Shane Wolf
Faith Ford - Julie Plummer
Brittany Snow - Zoe
Max Thieriot - Seth
Chris Potter - Capt. Bill Fawcett
Morgan York - Lulu
Scott Thompson - Director
Carol Kane - Helga
Brad Garrett - Vice Principal Murney
Denis Akiyama - Mr. Chun
Tsui Mung-Ling - Mrs. Chun
Rebecca Priestley - Cheerleader
Laura Jeanes - Cheerleader
Maria Georgas - Fireflies
Alexander Conti - Little Boy
Tip Fong - Cute Cop's Partner
Nikki Shah - Fireflies
Robert Yeretch - Nazis
Scott Hurst - Nazi
Karla Jang - Nun
Toya Alexis - Mother Abbess
Joella Crichton - Cheerleader
Helena Chow - Cheerleader
Christie Allaire - Cheerleader
Amy Allicock - Cheerleader
Stephanie Allaire - Cheerleader
Charlotte Szivak - Marta
Cade Courtley - Wyatt (Navy S.E.A.L. #2)
Michael Quintero - Navy S.E.A.L #3
Curtis Parker - Wrestler
Christian Laurin - Marcel
Scott Reiff - Serbian Pilot
Cameron Hickox - Navy S.E.A.L #4
Valentino Morales - Serbian
Cassius Clay - Boat Captain
Jordan Todosey - Fireflies
Demetrius Joyette - First Junior Grizzly
Christopher Lortie - Second Junior Grizzly
Emi Yaguchi-Chow - Fireflies
Miriam Laurence - Dialect Coach
Marcus Hutchings - FBI Agent
Sotiri Georgas - Grizzlies
Gannon Racki - Grizzlies
Steven Georgas - Grizzlies
Robert Bastens - Vin Diesel Stand In
Jeff Podgurski - Serbian
Seth Howard - Wood Woodchuck Manager
David Sparrow - FBI Agent
Matt Purdy - Wrestler
Jean Pearson - Swiss Banker
Valerie Boyle - Nuns-nazis
Tommy Chang - Showroom Cleaner
John MacDonald - Car Salesman
Billy Oliver - Male Customer
David Smukler - Dialect Coach
Tate Donovan - Howard Plummer
Kyle Schmid - Scott
David Lipper - Cute Cop
Shane Cardwell - Teacher
Charlie Haugk - Stagehand
Evelyn Kaye - Piano Accompanist
Rachael Dolan - Louisa
Gabriel Antonacci - Capt. Von Trapp
Mary Pitt - Brigitta
Anne Fletcher - Liesel
Luke Vink - Baby Tyler
Jordan Allison - Kurt
Dan Sutcliffe - Friedrich
Vanessa Cobham - Gretl
Taryn Ash - Female Customer
Robert Thomas - Construction Worker
Silver Kim - Nun
Hank Amos - Serbian Gunner
Bo Vink - Baby Tyler
Logan Hoover - Peter
Catherine Burdon - Teacher
Keegan Hoover - Peter
Alison Lynn - Maria  
5813 1/4 Gyilkosok szentélye  The Peace Hotel (Woh ping faan dim)    Hong Kong  Action  Hungarian    Director: Wai Ka-fai  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A város határában álló Béke Szálló az üldözöttek menedéke. Aki ide betér, azt nem adják ki üldözőinek és a házban sem eshet bántódása. Aki ezt garantálja, az a ház ura, a környéken csak Gyilkosnak nevezett legendás harcos. Egy nap csapzott szépség érkezik a szállóba, aki Gyilkos tíz éve elhagyott asszonyának adja ki magát. A szélhámosság és a tolvajlás hamar kiderül, ahogy megérkezik a ház ura. Kisvártatva megjelenik egy csapat fegyvereses is a nőt keresve. Azzal vádolják, hogy megölte a környék rettegett bandájának vezérét, és még harminc arany rúd eltűnésével is őt gyanúsítják. A fegyveresek nem akarnak a nő és az arany nélkül távozni, a harcos pedig nem akarja a menedéket kérőknek adott szavát megtagadni.

A criminal, known only as "The King of Killers" (Chow Yun-Fat, in a possible nod to his famous role as the God of Gamblers), is guilt-ridden over his violent past and establishes the Peace Hotel, a refuge with a promise of sanctuary to those in need. When he takes in a woman with a troubled past, he must fight to keep that promise when a gang of vicious criminals comes after the woman. The protagonist is the quintessential Yun-Fat character, a killer haunted by remorse, in this action-packed take on the western genre. Peace Hotel is the last Hong Kong film that would feature Yun-Fat before his re-emergence in Hollywood in 1998 with The Replacement Killers.
Wai Ka-fai - Director  
Cast: Chow Yun-Fat - The King of Killers  
1694 2/4 Gyorsabb a halálnál  The quick and the Dead  105  United States  Western  Hungarian    Director: Sam Raimi  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 


ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Director Sam Raimi brings his trademark comic book-influenced visual panache to this post-modern Western. Sharon Stone stars as Ellen, a mysterious female gunslinger who arrives in the frontier hamlet of Redemption for a contest pitting quick-draw artists against each other. The event is the brainchild of Redemption's evil, corrupt mayor, Herod (Gene Hackman), a criminal who has taken over the town and charges a 50% tax on local businesses. The pot for Herod's deadly game has swollen, attracting numerous colorful gunfighters from around the territory. As each battle thins the ranks of players, the pasts of several participants are revealed. Ellen is seeking revenge on Herod for a heinous past injustice. The fast-talking braggart known as "The Kid" (Leonardo DiCaprio) may in fact be Herod's son. The pacifist Reverend Cort (Russell Crowe), who refuses to participate in the bloodshed, is the fastest draw in the West and a former colleague of Herod's. After several spectacular slayings, Ellen and Herod stage a final showdown, but not before he has made her an unexpected proposal. The Quick and the Dead (1995) is dedicated to veteran Western actor Woody Strode, who appears in a cameo as Redemption's coffin maker, his final performance. 
Sam Raimi - Director
Joshua Donen - Producer
Patrick Markey - Producer / Production Designer
Allen Shapiro - Producer
Simon Moore - Screenwriter
John Sayles - Screenwriter
Dante Spinotti - Cinematographer
Alan Silvestri - Composer (Music Score)
Pietro Scalia - Editor
Patrizia Von Brandenstein - Production Designer
Steven A. Saklad - Art Director
Chuck Binder - Co-producer
Sharon Stone - Co-producer
Robert Tapert - Executive Producer
Hilton Rosemarin - Set Designer
Judianna Makovsky - Costume Designer
Dennis L. Maitland - Sound/Sound Designer
Gary D. Liddiard - Makeup
Al di Sarro - Special Effects
John Cameron - First Assistant Director
Bob Wagner [da] - First Assistant Director
Francine Maisler - Casting
Cast: Sharon Stone - Ellen
Gene Hackman - Herod
Russell Crowe - Cort
Leonardo DiCaprio - Kid
Tobin Bell - Dog Kelly
Lance Henriksen - Ace Hanlon
Roberts Blossom - Doc Wallace
Woody Strode - Charlie Moonlight
Mick Garris - Young Herod's Man
Kevin Conway - Eugene Dred
Raynor Scheine - Ratsy
Jerry Swindall
John Cameron - Bordello Swell
Gary Sinise - Marshall
Scott Spiegel - Gold Teeth Man
Francine Maisler
Mike Stone - Counselor
Jonothon Gill - Spotted Horse
Bruce Campbell - Wedding Shemp (cut out)
Keith David - Sgt. Cantrell
Oliver Dear - Young Herod's Man
Olivia Burnette - Katie
Mark Boone, Jr. - Scars
Scott Ryder - Gunfighter
Sven Ole Thorsen - Gutzon
Josef Rainer - Virgil Sparks
Greg Goossen - Young Herod's Man
Fay Masterson - Mattie Silk
Pat Hingle - Horace the Bartender
1662 1/4 Gyilkosok gyilkosa  The Replacement Killers  87  United States  Action  English  Hungarian  Director: Antoine Fuqua  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Columbia Pictures / WCG

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

John Lee (Chow Yun-Fat) a legprofibb bérgyilkos. Utolsó munkaadója, Mr. Wei felbérelte fia halálának megtorlására, ám John nem hajlandó megölni egy rendőr ártatlan gyermekét. Olajra lép, tudván, megüresedett helyére ott a következő bérgyilkos. Meg akarja előzni a villámgyors megtorlást, ezért Meg Coburn irathamisító (Mira Sorvino) segítségét kéri. Családjához is előbb kell eljutnia Kínába, mint Mr. Wei embereinek. A kegyetlen bérgyilkosok serege viszont már a nyomukban... A film az ázsiai filmkészítés fogásait és a távol keleti filozófiát hozta el az amerikai sikátorok világába. A rendező, Antoine Fuqua videoklippekkel szerzett nevet magának. A női főszereplő, Mira Sorvino Woody Allen Hatalmas Aphrodité című munkájában alakított szerepért Oscar-díjat kapott.

Music video and TV commercials director Antoine Fuqua made his feature directorial debut with this action thriller starring Hong Kong superstar Chow Yun-Fat. Chinese immigrant John Lee (Yun-Fat) has a violent past as a professional killer. It brings him only remorse, but it makes him the ideal assassin. In exchange for his family's safety, Lee is forced to take a job with a powerful underworld figure, Asian crime kingpin Terence Wei (Kenneth Tsang), who wants Lee to settle a deadly vendetta against police detective Stan Zedlov (Michael Rooker) by killing Zedlov's seven-year-old son. At the last minute, with the boy in his sights, Lee chooses to face Wei's vengeance rather than go through with the killing. In addition to making Lee a target, the decision also endangers his mother and sister back in Shanghai. Planning a return to China, he visits document forger Meg Coburn (Mira Sorvino) to get a phony passport, but they are interrupted by Wei's army of killers, and a lengthy chase and gun battle is set in motion.

Director Fuqua stressed to his team that the aim was to design a "Taxi Driver for the 1990s," with production beginning February 10, 1997 in downtown Los Angeles, and the first shoot at the historic Mayan Theater, refurbished into the trendy nightclub for the film's stylish opening scene with hundreds of extras carousing while Lee guns down Romero (Carlos Leon) at close range. The eight-story, nearly condemned Giant Penny building in the heart of L.A. served as locations for a police station interior, a hotel room, and Meg Coburn's office, and a chaotic gunfight was filmed amid the spray, brushes, and hoses of Joe's Car Wash in LA. The art department transformed one area into a Chinatown-like streetscape of damp, narrow alleys, and blinking red neon lights, site of a night filming where Yun-Fat shot off 546 rounds with two guns, one in each hand, while the repetitive action left his hands blistered and shaking. More gunplay was at a video arcade replicated at the original Lawry's center just north of downtown L.A., and Lee's tranquil Buddhist temple was fashioned under this same roof. In addition to physical training, Mira Sorvino, who had never handled a gun prior to this film, took weapons training to prepare for her role. Sorvino majored in Asian studies at Harvard, speaks Mandarin, and lived for eight months (1988-89) in Beijing, where she studied Chinese, taught English, and saw Chinese films, including Hong Kong action films. She felt The Replacement Killers brought her a step closer to her goal of making a film in Mandarin and working with a Chinese director
Antoine Fuqua - Director
Bernie Brillstein - Producer
Brad Grey - Producer
Ken Sanzel - Screenwriter
Peter Lyons Collister - Cinematographer
Harry Gregson-Williams - Composer (Music Score)
Jay Cassidy - Editor
Naomi Shohan - Production Designer
David S. Lazan - Art Director
Michael McDonnell - Co-producer
Matthew Baer - Executive Producer
Terence Chang - Executive Producer
Christopher Godsick - Executive Producer
John Woo - Executive Producer
Evette Knight - Set Designer
Arianne Phillips - Costume Designer
Douglas B. Arnold - Sound/Sound Designer
Jeffrey Wetzel - First Assistant Director
Wendy Kurtzman - Casting
Allan Graf - Stunts Coordinator
Cast: Chow Yun-Fat - John Lee
Mira Sorvino - Meg Coburn
Michael Rooker - Stan (Zeedo) Zedkov
Jürgen Prochnow - Michael Kogan
Kenneth Tsang - Terence Wei
Til Schweiger - Ryker
Danny Trejo - Collins
Clifton Gonzalez Gonzalez - Loco
Randall Duk Kim - Alan Chan
Carlos Gomez
Mario Roberts - Gangster
3783 1/4 Galaktikus támadás 2  The second arrival    United States  Science-Fiction  Hungarian    Director: Kevin S. Tenney  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

In this sci-fi adventure, a brave hero saves the Blue Planet from alien invaders and in so doing keeps a promise to his dead brother.  
Kevin S. Tenney - Director  
Cast: Patrick Muldoon
Catherine Blythe
Michael Sarrazin
Emidio Michetti - Trevor Aguilar
5002  Gyilkos eszme   The stone merchant  107  Italy / UK  Drama  Hungarian    Director: Renzo Martinelli  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 
Box Film Productions / Creative Partners International / Martinelli Film Company / Medusa Film / Sky

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A film Corrada Calabra novellája a "Ricorda di dimenticarla" alapján készült. Egy olasz férfi Ludovico Vicedomini története, aki muszlimmá és az Al- kaida tagjává akar válni. Ludovico hivatalosan drágakövekkel kereskedik. Egy öngyilkos merényletet szerveznek, és ehhez a tervhez el kell csábítania egy fiatal nőt. Később őt fogja felhasználni egy repülőgép elleni terrortámadáshoz. Ahogyan a történet kibontakozik, Ludovico kételkedni kezd a merénylet helyességében. Kapcsolata a fiatal nővel, aki egyben áldozata lehet, egyre meghittebbé válik.

A terrorist bombing victim who devoted his life to trumpeting the threat that Islam poses to western culture finds his marriage threatened by a converted Christian possessed by the vengeance of jihad in action specialist Renzo Martinelli's tense and topical thriller. Eschewing his career as a journalist shortly after losing both his legs in the bombing of the U.S. embassy in Nairobi, Alceo (Jordi Molla) now dedicates every waking moment to educating students about the Muslim threat. When Alceo's wife Leda (Jane March) is nearly killed during an airport shootout between policemen and trigger-happy terrorists, the loving husband promises to spirit his wife away for a relaxing vacation in Cappadocia. Shortly after arriving at their scenic destination, Alceo and Leda come into contact with Italian gem merchant Ludovico Vicedomini (Harvey Keitel) and his Italian-speaking Muslim friend Shahid (F. Murray Abraham). Though on the surface Ludovico and Shadid keep their inflammatory religious rhetoric to a low-key minimum, a closer look at their motivations reveal two terrorist masterminds determined to bring the west to its knees while converting or killing anyone who opposes them. Seduced in a moment of weakness by the charismatic Ludovico, Leda is subsequently targeted to become the unsuspecting carrier of a dirty bomb. Despite his devotion to the Islamic cause, however, Ludovico soon finds his conviction put to the ultimate test as be begins to fall in love with the conflicted Leda.
Renzo Martinelli - Director / Producer / Screenwriter
André Djaoui - Producer
Patrick Irwin - Producer
Corrado Calabro - Book Author
Fabio Campus - Screenwriter
Blasco Giurato - Cinematographer
Aldo De Scalzi - Composer (Music Score)
Osvaldo Bargero - Editor
Andrea Faini - Production Designer
Silvia Nebiolo - Costume Designer
Giancarlo Dellapina - Sound/Sound Designer
Marcello Bugga - Visual Effects
Cast: Harvey Keitel - Ludovico Vicedomini
Jordi Molla - Alceo
Jane March - Leda
F. Murray Abraham - Shahid
Paco Reconti
Federica Martinelli
Bruno Bilotta
Eleonora Martinelli
Lucilla Agosti
Alena Ivanov
Jonis Bascir
4710 3/4 Gyagyák a gatyában avagy tudom kit fűztél tavaly nyáron  Wet Hot American Summer  97  United States  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: David Wain  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Eureka Pictures / North Coast Group

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

A film a nyolcvanas évek vígjátékainak a paródiája. A Tűzifa tábor hamarosan bezárja kapuit, így az ott dolgozóknak nem marad más feladatuk, mint hogy összepakoljanak és lelépjenek. Csomagolás közben azonban rájönnek, hogy ők még nem aratták le a tábori romantika babérjait. A jóképű, de félénk Coop (Michael Showalter) a csini Katie-re (Marguerite Moreau) pályázik, Victor (Ken Marino) a szexi Abbyre (Marisa Ryan) hajt, míg Ben (Bradley Cooper) és McKinley (Michael Ian Black) megpróbálják eltitkolni szenvedélyes kapcsolatukat. Mindeközben, az összeomlott, házasságát sirató rajztanár (Molly Shannon) tanítványainál keres vigaszt. A levegő egyre forróbbá válik.

1980s teen comedies finally get the parody they so richly deserve with Wet Hot American Summer, the first feature film from writer/director David Wain and co-screenwriter Michael Showalter, formerly of the sketch comedy troupe the State. It's the last day of the summer season at Camp Firewood, and as camp director Beth (Janeane Garofalo) prepares to wrap things up, the staff of teenage counselors realize this is their last chance to do something about the summer romances that have been brewing for the past three months. Sweet but shy Coop (Michael Showalter) is crazy about pretty Katie (Marguerite Moreau), but there's the problem of her severely moody boyfriend Andy (Paul Rudd). Meanwhile, Victor (Ken Marino) is trying to score with sexy Abby (Marisa Ryan), who is known to make friends easily, and McKinley (Michael Ian Black) and Ben (Bradley Cooper) attempt to keep their hot and heavy relationship a secret. Meanwhile, arts and crafts teacher Gail (Molly Shannon) turns to her students for comfort as her marriage falls apart, drama coach Susie (Amy Poehler) tries to whip the talent show into shape with Ben's help, and camp chef Gene (Christopher Meloni) deals with his unique sexual quirks with the help of a talking can of vegetables (voiced by H. Jon Benjamin). Beth even finds time for romance with socially inept astrophysicist Henry (David Hyde Pierce), but first Henry has to save Camp Firewood from a large piece of space junk about to re-enter Earth's atmosphere. Like Wain and Showalter, Ken Marino, Michael Ian Black, and Joe Lo Truglio (who appears in a small role) were also members of the State; fellow State alumnus Kerri Kenney was cast in a supporting role in the film, but her character didn't appear in the final cut.
Howard Bernstein - Producer
Michael Showalter - Screenwriter / Co-producer
Ben Weinstein - Cinematographer
Peter Salett - Songwriter
Theodore Shapiro - Composer (Music Score)
Craig Wedren - Composer (Music Score)
Meg Reticker - Editor
Mark White - Production Designer
David Wain - Co-producer / Director / Screenwriter
Jill Kliber - Costume Designer
Dan Ferat - Sound/Sound Designer
Susan Ferris - Casting
Jill Rubin - Line Producer
Cast: Janeane Garofalo - Beth
David Hyde Pierce - Professor Henry Neuman
Michael Showalter - Coop / Alan Shemper
Marguerite Moreau - Katie
Paul Rudd - Andy
Zak Orth - J.J.
Christopher Meloni - Gene
A.D. Miles - Gary
Molly Shannon - Gail
Gideon Jacobs - Aaron
Ken Marino - Victor
Joe Lo Truglio - Neil
Michael Ian Black - McKinley
Liam Norton - Arty
Amy Poehler - Susie
Bradley Cooper - Ben
Marisa Ryan - Abby
Elizabeth Banks - Lindsay
Gabriel Millman - Caped Boy
Kevin Sussman - Steve
Kevin Thomas Conroy - Mork Guy
Christopher Cuzumano - Medieval Kid
Madeline Blue - Cure Girl
Cassidy Ladden - Mallrat Girl
Nina Hellman - Nancy
Peter Salett - Guitar Dude
Judah Friedlander - Ron
Jordan Maclean - Alexa
Jake Fogelnest - Silas
3213 3/4 Gilbert Grape  Whats Eating Gilbert Grape  118  United States  Drama  Hungarian    Director: Lasse Hallström  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 


ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Gilbert Grape Endorában él, ahol soha nem történik semmi. A rendőrség is csak akkor dolgozik, ha Gilbert fogyatékos öccse, Arnie néhanapján felmászik a városka víztornyára - és persze fogalma sincs arról, hogy kell lejönni onnan. Gilbert a helyi fűszeresnél dolgozik, és alkalomadtán unatkozó háziasszonyokat szórakoztat. De amikor az igaz szerelem végre bekopogtat az életébe, a 18 éves Arnie gondozása, és 250 kilós anyja lehetetlenné teszik, hogy Gilbert saját életét élje.
Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio (Oscar-díjra* jelölték a filmben nyújtott alakításáért), Mary Steenburgen és Juliette Lewis neve fémjelzi Lasse Hallström keserédes filmjét.

Swedish director Lasse Hallstrom's follow-up to the underrated Once Around earned far more attention than its predecessor thanks to the judicious casting of perennial thinking woman's heartthrob Johnny Depp and a certain up-and-coming thespian by the name of Leonardo DiCaprio. A prisoner of his dysfunctional family's broken dreams in tiny Endora, IA, Gilbert (Depp) serves as breadwinner and caretaker for his mother and siblings following his father's suicide and his older brother's defection. Momma (Darlene Cates) is a morbidly obese shut-in who hasn't left the house in seven years; her children include retarded Arnie (DiCaprio), who's about to turn 18 despite a host of negative medical forecasts, and terminally embarrassed Ellen (Mary Kate Schellhardt), who's emerging from an awkward adolescence. When he's not taking care of the difficult but tender Arnie, Gilbert spends his time fixing up the family's tattered farmhouse, working at a failing mom-and-pop grocery store and hanging with local misfits Bobby (Crispin Glover), an overly ambitious junior undertaker, and Tucker (John C. Reilly), a handyman who hankers after a job at the new burger franchise. Into this complicated but essentially unchanging social universe steps Becky (Juliette Lewis), a thoughtful young woman who's been escorting her nomadic grandmother from state to state in a mobile-home caravan. As Becky teaches Gilbert to finally consider his own happiness for a change, she disrupts both his family obligations and his long-running affair with a lonely housewife (Mary Steenburgen). Adapted by Peter Hedges from his own novel of the same name, What's Eating Gilbert Grape was the first and only film role for non-actress Cates, whom the filmmakers discovered on an episode of the Sally Jesse Raphael Show titled "Too Heavy to Leave Their House."
Lasse Hallström - Director / Executive Producer
David Matalon - Producer
Bertil Ohlsson - Producer
Meir Teper - Producer
Peter Hedges - Book Author / Screenwriter
Sven Nykvist - Cinematographer
Björn Isfält - Composer (Music Score)
Alan Parker - Composer (Music Score)
Andrew Mondshein - Editor
Bernt Amadeus Capra - Production Designer
John Myhre - Art Director
Alan C. Blomquist - Executive Producer
Gretchen Rau - Set Designer
Renee Ehrlich Kalfus - Costume Designer
David Brownlow - Sound/Sound Designer
Patty York - Makeup
Scott Prescott - Special Effects
Paul Stewart - Special Effects
David B. Householter - First Assistant Director
Chris Hayes - Camera Operator
Kevin Jewison - Camera Operator
Anastas Michos - Camera Operator
Janet Brady - Stunts
Gary Price - Stunts
Jo Edna Boldin - Casting
Gail Levin - Casting
Ronald Ashmore - Lead Scenic Artist
Gerard W. Averill - Location Manager
Robert Beck - Properties Master
Louis Bertini - Foley Editor
Lucas Bielan - Second Assistant Camera
Elisha Birnbaum - Foley Artist
David Brace - Leadman
Linda Brachman - Second Assistant Director
Adam C. Braid - Production Assistant
Sean Patrick Brennan - Set Dresser
Kathy Budas - Art Department Coordinator
Kristine Bulakowski - Assistant ADR Editor
John V. Burson - Construction Coordinator
Dwight Carey - Electrician
Bryan K. Christner - Production Assistant
Seth Cirker - Second Second Assistant Director
Katie Cokinos - Assistant Location Manager
Scott Conn - Electrician
Mitzie Corbin - Set Dresser
Lucy W. Corrigan - Assistant Costumer Designer
Jeff Cronenweth - First Assistant Camera
Jennifer Davidoff - First Assistant Editor
Joseph S. De Beasi - Music Editor
Dennis F. DiAddezzio - Assistant Properties
Brady Dial - Production Assistant
Lee Dichter - Re-Recording Mixer
Penny Sprague Dixon - First Assistant Camera
Dianne Dreyer - Script Supervisor
Ross Dreyer - Set Dresser
Theresa Dringenberg - Scenic Artist
Toni G - Assistant Makeup
Richard J. Gelfand - Production Supervisor / Unit Production Manager
Sharon Goodin - Production Assistant
Geoffrey S. Grimsman - Assistant Art Director
Charles Harrington - Location Manager
Douglas Hart - First Assistant Camera
David Higby - Production Assistant
Peter Iovino - Still Photographer
Howard Jensen - Special Effects Coordinator
Neil Kaufman - Dialogue Editor
Kelly Kernan - Production Assistant
Kathleen Kiata - Costumes Supervisor
Michael Kirchberger - Supervising Sound Editor
Key III Kolb - Grip
Dan Korintus - Dialogue Editor
Kathry Korniloff - Production Secretary
John Lacy - Electrician
Kim Larsen - Set Dresser
Robert H. Lewallen III - Grip
Victoria J. Lowe - First Assistant Camera
Maya S. Macesich - Draftsman
Hal Masonberg - Production Assistant
Rodd Matsui - Prosthetic Makeup Effects
Rusty McClennon - Stunts Coordinator
Jane McCulley - Supervising ADR Editor
Elizabeth McNamara - Set Dresser
Mary Annette Melton - Production Assistant
Eytan Mirsky - Assistant Sound Editor
Mike Moad - Dolly Grip
Denise B. Nelson - Grip
Mary Nelson - Grip
Wayne Nelson - Transportation Coordinator
Alex F. Newsome - Production Assistant
Brian L. O'Kelley - Production Assistant
Bitty O'Sullivan-Smith - Dialogue Editor
Michael Palmer - Electrician
Ronny Perkins - Construction Foreman
Deborah Ann Piper - Hair Styles
Chris Reddish - Electrician
Pat Reddish - Chief Lighting Technician
Jac Rubenstein - Assistant Sound Editor
Charles Seligman - Grip
Paul Soucek - Sound Effects Editor
Stuart Stanley - ADR Editor
Bronni Stein - Casting Assistant
Bongo Don Stroud - Set Dresser
Dominick Tavella - Foley Mixer
Brian Vancho - Foley Artist
John Vecchio - Assistant Chief Lighting Technician
David Wahnon - Assistant Sound Editor
Stephanie Waldren - Greensman
Deborah Wallach - ADR Editor
Kevin J. Ward - Boom Operator
Diane Weidenkopf - Production Assistant
Cindy Williams - Assistant Makeup
Kelley Wood - Production Coordinator

New Generation Award (win) Leonardo DiCaprio 1992 L.A. Film Critics Association
Best Supporting Actor (nom) Leonardo DiCaprio 1993 Academy
Best Supporting Actor (nom) Leonardo DiCaprio 1993 Golden Globe
Best Supporting Actor (win) Leonardo DiCaprio 1993 National Board of Review
Best Supporting Actor (Runner-up) (win) Leonardo DiCaprio 1993 National Society of Film Critics
Cast: Johnny Depp - Gilbert Grape
Juliette Lewis - Becky
Mary Steenburgen - Betty Carver
Leonardo DiCaprio - Arnie Grape
Darlene Cates - Momma
Laura Harrington - Amy Grape
Mary Kate Schellhardt - Ellen Grape
Kevin Tighe - Mr. Carver
John C. Reilly - Tucker Van Dyke
Crispin Glover - Bobby McBurney
Penelope Branning - Becky's Grandma
Libby Villari - Waitress
Susan Loughran - Mrs. Lamson
Brady Coleman - Sheriff Farrel
Tim Green - Mr. Lamson
Mona Lee Fultz - Bakery Worker
Cameron Finley - Doug Carver
Gail Levin
George Haynes - Dave
Joe Stevens - Burger Barn manager
5455 2/4 Gonosz  Wicked  96  United States  Thriller  English  Hungarian  Director: Michael Steinberg  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Frankestein Entertainment

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Ellie (Stiles) egy unalmas kisvárosban éli unalmas életét unalmas szüleivel. Apuci és anyuci azonban megtalálják a sótlan hétköznapok igazi fűszerét: mindketten szeretőt tartanak. Míg a papa a svéd bébicsősszel kavar, a mama időnként átugrik a szomszédba, és nemcsak cukorért. Minden rendben is menne, ám egy nap a mamát vérbe fagyva találják a konyha hideg padlóján. A bővérű asszonyság megölésére többeknek is lehetett oka. A hamvas leányzó hamar helyre rázza magát, és igyekszik beállni anyuka helyére. A fakanál is kezd jól állni a kezében, de ő többet akar. A hitvesi ágyba kívánkozik Papa mellé.

With suspense in the De Palma tradition, this thriller from Michael Steinberg (Bodies, Rest & Motion) hinges on the killer of cheating Karen Christianson (Chelsea Field), survived by her husband Ben (William R. Moses), troubled teen daughter Ellie (Julia Stiles), and little sister Inger (Vanessa Zima). At the gated tract-house community where they live, homicide detective Boland (Michael Parks) keeps his eye on a variety of suspects — prissy Mrs. Potter (Linda Hart), womanizing Lawson Smith (Patrick Muldoon of Starship Troopers); and au pair Lena (Swedish actress Louise Myrback in her film debut). Shown at the 1998 Sundance Film Festival.
Michael Steinberg - Director
Frank Beddor - Producer
Eric Weiss - Screenwriter
Bernd Heinl - Cinematographer
Eric Martinez - Composer (Music Score)
Diane DeLouise Wessel - Musical Direction/Supervision
Daniel Gross - Editor
Dominic Watkins - Production Designer
Greg Steinberg - Associate Producer
Sara Jane Slotnick - Costume Designer
Johanna Ray - Casting
Percy Adlon - Unit Production Manager
Jamie Beardsley - Unit Production Manager / Line Producer
Cast: Julia Stiles - Ellie Christianson
William R. Moses - Ben Christianson
Patrick Muldoon - Lawson Smith
Vanessa Zima - Inger Christianson
Michael Parks - Detective Boland
Chelsea Field - Karen Christianson
Louise Myrback - Lena, the au Pair
Linda Hart - Mrs. Potter
2563 2/4 Gyilkos Optika  Wrong Is Right  117  United States  Comedy  Hungarian    Director: Richard Brooks  DVD Zone 2  DVD AC3  720*576 

Columbia Pictures

ÉRTÉKELÉS(1-től 10-ig):

Patrick Hale egy televízió sztárriportere. Most éppen egy kis arab országba tart, melynek királya valamilyen fegyverüzletre készül. Mellé szegődik Sally Blake, egy hírmagazin bájos újságírónője, akit azonban nemsokára egy pokolgéppel meggyilkolnak. Hale megtudja, hogy kolléganője CIA-ügynök volt és azt próbálta megakadályozni, hogy Awad király átadja miniatűr atombombáit egy hírhedt nemzetközi terroristának. Hale egyre mélyebbre sodródik a politikai örvénybe...

Based on Charles McCarry's 1979 novel The Better Angels, Wrong is Right is set in a near future in which violence has become something of a national sport and television news has fallen to tabloid depths (a significantly bigger stretch in 1982, when the film was released.) Star Sean Connery plays Patrick Hale, a globe-trotting reporter with access to a staggering array of world leaders. As the film opens, he has ventured to the Arab country of Hegreb to interview his old acquaintance, King Ibn Awad (Ron Moody). Awad has learned that the President of the United States (George Grizzard) may have issued orders for his removal; as a result, Awad) is apparently making arrangements to deliver two mini-nuclear devices — each about the size of a small suitcase — to a terrorist, with the intention of detonating them in Israel and the United States, unless the President resigns. In the intricate plot that unfolds, nothing is quite the way it seems, and Hale finds himself caught between political leaders, revolutionaries, CIA agents and other figures, trying to get to the bottom of it all 
Richard Brooks - Director / Producer / Screenwriter
Andrew Fogelson - Producer
Charles McCarry - Book Author
Fred Koenekamp - Cinematographer
Artie Kane - Composer (Music Score)
George Grenville - Editor / Associate Producer
Edward C. Carfagno - Production Designer
Arthur Jeph Parker - Set Designer
Richard W. Pitman - Set Designer
Ray Summers - Costume Designer
Gene S. Cantamessa - Sound/Sound Designer
Alan Hopkins - First Assistant Director
Cast: Sean Connery - Patrick Hale
George Grizzard - President Lockwood
Robert Conrad - Gen. Wombat
Katharine Ross - Sally Blake
G.D. Spradlin - Philandros
John Saxon - Homer Hubbard
Henry Silva - Rafeeq
Leslie Nielsen - Mallory
Robert Webber - Harvey
Rosalind Cash - Mrs. Ford
Hardy Kruger - Helmut Unger
Dean Stockwell - Hacker
Ron Moody - King Awad
Cherie Michan - Erika
Donald Bishop - Congressman
Myron Natwick - Admiral
Joe Whipp - John Brown
George Skaff - Qadee
Dayna O'Brien - President's Secretary
Alexander Zale - Faheem
Ken Gale
Barry Cahill - Husband
Art J. Evans
David Frankham - British Reporter
Angelo Bertolini - Cardinal
Robert Alan Browne - Motorist
Ivy Bethune - Housewife
Tom McFadden - Billy Bob Harper
Tony March - Abu
Jennifer Jason Leigh - Young Girl
Keith McConnell - Smythe
Teri Garr
Mickey Jones - Gunman
Kiva Lawrence - Receptionist
Paul Lambert - Defense Secretary

Total - 166 Movies